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字典搜尋結果 共有 27 筆

0101 'aggan {ag-gawn'} 可能源自 05059; TWOT - 20a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - basons 1, cups 1, goblet 1; 3 1) 碗, 盆 1a) 儀式用到的盆 (#出 24:6|) 1b) 身體的弧線 (明喻) (# 歌 7:2|) 1c) 以利亞敬的家族 (隱喻) (# 賽 22:24|)

0101 'aggan {ag-gawn'} probably from 05059; TWOT - 20a; n m AV - basons 1, cups 1, goblet 1; 3 1) bowl, basins 1a) basins used in ritual 1b) human body (metaph), curves of the body (simile) 1c) of family of Eliakim (metaph)
0448 'Eliy'athah {el-ee-aw-thaw'} 或 (contraction) 'Eliyathah {el-ee-yaw-thaw'} 源自 0410 和 0225;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Eliathah 2; 2 以利亞他 = ”神已來了” 1) 在大衛朝班中的一位希幔家族的樂師

0448 'Eliy'athah {el-ee-aw-thaw'} or (contraction) 'Eliyathah {el-ee-yaw-thaw'} from 0410 and 0225;; n pr m AV - Eliathah 2; 2 Eliathah = "God has come" 1) a Hemanite musician in David's court
0450 'Elyada` {el-yaw-daw'} 源自 0410 和 03045;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Eliada 3, Eliadah 1; 4 以利雅大 或 以利亞大 = "神知道" 1) 大衛王的一個兒子 (#撒下 5:16;代上 3:8|) 2) 一位便雅憫支派戰士的領袖 (#代下 17:17|) 3) 一位亞蘭人, 他是所羅門王的敵人利遜的父親 (#王上 11:23|)

0450 'Elyada` {el-yaw-daw'} from 0410 and 03045;; n pr m AV - Eliada 3, Eliadah 1; 4 Eliadah or Eliada = "God knows" 1) a son of David 2) a Benjamite warrior chief 3) an Aramean, the father of an enemy of Solomon
0452 'Eliyah {ay-lee-yaw'} 或 擴展型 'Eliyahuw {ay-lee-yaw'-hoo} 源自 0410 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Elijah 69, Eliah 2; 71 以利雅 或 以利亞 = "我神是耶和華" 或 "雅巍,Yah(u),是上帝" 1) 亞哈王統治期間的大先知 2) 便亞憫人耶羅罕的兒子(#代上 8:27|) 3) 流亡期間,亞攔與其外邦妻子的兒子(#拉 10:26|) 4) 流亡期間,有外邦妻子的記司的兒子(#拉 10:21|)

0452 'Eliyah {ay-lee-yaw'} or prolonged 'Eliyahuw {ay-lee-yaw'-hoo} from 0410 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Elijah 69, Eliah 2; 71 Elijah or Eliah = "my God is Jehovah" or "Yah(u) is God" 1) the great prophet of the reign of Ahab 2) Benjamite son of Jeroham 3) a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile 4) a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile
0471 'Elyaqiym' {el-yaw-keem'} 源自 0410 和 06965; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eliakim 12; 12 以利亞敬 (金) = 「上帝抬舉」 或 「上帝建立」 1) 希勒家的兒子, 希西家的家宰 (# 王下 18:26; 19:1-2|) 2) 約西亞的兒子, 法老立他作王 (# 王下 23:34|) 3) 協助尼希米的祭司 (# 尼 12:41|)

0471 'Elyaqiym' {el-yaw-keem'} from 0410 and 06965;; n pr m AV - Eliakim 12; 12 Eliakim = "God raises" or "God sets up" 1) the son of Hilkiah, master of Hezekiah's household 2) Josiah's son, enthroned by Pharaoh 3) a priest who assisted Nehemiah
0475 'Elyashiyb {el-yaw-sheeb'} 源自 0410 和 07725;; 專有名詞陽性 欽定本 - Eliashib 17; 17 以利亞實 = "上帝修復,重建 " 1)大衛王的一個祭司 2)大衛王的子孫 3) 尼希米時代的大祭司 4) 聖殿唱歌者,娶外邦女子 5) 薩土的一支 6)巴尼的一支

0475 'Elyashiyb {el-yaw-sheeb'} from 0410 and 07725;; n pr m AV - Eliashib 17; 17 Eliashib = "God restores" 1) a priest in David's reign 2) a descendant of David 3) a high priest in Nehemiah's time 4) a temple singer with foreign wife 5) one of the line of Zattu 6) one of the line of Bani
0477 'Eliysha` {el-ee-shaw'} 0474 的省略型 ;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Elisha 58; 58 以利沙 = "神是拯救" 1) 繼以利亞之後的大先知

0477 'Eliysha` {el-ee-shaw'} contracted for 0474;; n pr m AV - Elisha 58; 58 Elisha = "God is salvation" 1) the great prophet who succeeded Elijah
0499 'El`azar {el-aw-zawr'} 源自0410 和 05826;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eleazar 72; 72 以利亞撒= "上帝已幫助" 1) 亞倫的兒子, 為大祭師 2) 亞比拿達的兒子, 看守約櫃的人 3) 以斯拉時代的一位祭師,重建並獻身於修復耶路撒冷的城牆 4) 大衛的偉大的勇士之一 5) 一個利未人(#代上 23:21-22|) 6) 巴錄的子孫之一(#拉 10:25|)

0499 'El`azar {el-aw-zawr'} from 0410 and 05826;; n pr m AV - Eleazar 72; 72 Eleazar = "God has helped" 1) the high priest son of Aaron 2) Abinadab's son who cared for the ark 3) the priest who rebuilt and dedicated the restored walls of Jerusalem in time of Ezra 4) one of David's mighty warriors 5) a Levite 6) one of the line of Parosh
0500 'El`ale' {el-aw-lay'} 或 (更適當地說是) 'El`aleh {el-aw-lay'} 源自 0410 和 05927;; 專有名詞 地名 欽定本 - Elealeh 5; 5 以利亞利 = "上帝升起" 1) 靠近希實本的一個流便族村莊(在廢墟裡)

0500 'El`ale' {el-aw-lay'} or (more properly) 'El`aleh {el-aw-lay'} from 0410 and 05927;; n pr loc AV - Elealeh 5; 5 Elealeh = "God is ascending" 1) a Reubenite village near Heshbon (in ruins)
0501 'El`asah {el-aw-saw'} 源自 0410 和 06213;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eleasah 4, Elasah 2; 6 以亞薩 或 以利亞薩 = "神已成就" (和 0499 不同) 1) 猶大的後裔, 希利斯的兒子 ( #代上 2:39| ) 2) 巴施戶珥的子孫, 在以斯拉時代作祭司, 其妻為一個外邦女子 ( #拉 10:18-25| ) 3) 沙番的兒子, 西底家王的臣僕 ( #耶 29:3| ) 4) 便雅閔的後裔, 拉法的兒子, 亞悉的父親 (#代上 8:37| )

0501 'El`asah {el-aw-saw'} from 0410 and 06213;; n pr m AV - Eleasah 4, Elasah 2; 6 Elasah or Eleasah = "God has made" 1) a descendant of Judah, son of Helez 2) a priest of Pashur's line with a foreign wife during Ezra's time 3) Shaphan's son, Zedekiah's servant 4) a descendant of Benjamin, son of Rapha, father of Azel
01734 Dowdow {do-do'} 源自 01730;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Dodo 5; 5 朵多 = "他的摯愛" 1) 一位以薩迦族的人(#士 10:1|) 2) 一位伯利恆人, 大衛王的卅個大能勇士之的伊勒哈難的父親 (#撒下 23:24;代上 11:26|) 3) 亞合人以利亞撒的父親, 以利亞撒是大衛卅個大能勇士為首的三人之一 (#代上 11:12|, 譯作 '犰多')

01734 Dowdow {do-do'} from 01730;; n pr m AV - Dodo 5; 5 Dodo = "his beloved" 1) a man of the tribe of Issachar 2) a man of Bethlehem, father of Elhanan who was one of David's 30 captains 3) an Ahohite, father of Eleazar, the second of the 3 mighty men who were over the 30
02518 Chilqiyah {khil-kee-yaw'} 或 Chilqiyahuw {khil-kee-yaw'-hoo} 源自 02506 和 03050; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Hilkiah 34; 34 希勒家 = 「耶和華是我的分」 1) 以利亞敬的父親, 希西家的官員 (# 王下 18:18|) 2) 約西亞年間的大祭司 (# 王下 22:3-4|) 3) 米拉利族的利未人, 暗西的兒子 (# 代上 6:46|) 4) 另一個米拉族的利未人, 何薩的次子 (# 代上 26:10-11|) 5) 以斯拉讀律法書的時候, 站在以斯拉右邊 可能是利未人祭司 (# 尼 8:1-4|) 6) 亞拿突城的祭司, 先知耶利米的父親 (# 耶 1:1|) 7) 基瑪利的父親, 是西底家派往巴比倫的使者 (# 耶 29:3|)

02518 Chilqiyah {khil-kee-yaw'} or Chilqiyahuw {khil-kee-yaw'-hoo} from 02506 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Hilkiah 34; 34 Hilkiah = "my portion is Jehovah" 1) father of Eliakim, an officer of Hezekiah 2) high priest in the reign of Josiah 3) a Merarite Levite, son of Amzi 4) another Merarite Levite, 2nd son of Hosah 5) one of those who stood on the right of Ezra when he read the law and probably a Levite and a priest 6) a priest of Anathoth, father of the prophet Jeremiah 7) father of Gemariah who was one of Zedekiah's envoys to Babylon
03111 Yowyada` {yo-yaw-daw'} 03077之一型;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Joiada 4, Jehoiada 1; 5 耶何耶大 = "耶和華知道" 1) 巴西亞的兒子,協助耶路撒冷古門的修復 2) 尼希米時期大祭司以利亞實的兒子

03111 Yowyada` {yo-yaw-daw'} a form of 03077;; n pr m AV - Joiada 4, Jehoiada 1; 5 Joiada or Jehoiada = "Jehovah knows" 1) son of Paseah, who assisted to repair the old gate of Jerusalem 2) son of the high priest Eliashib in the time of Nehemiah
03747 K@riyth {ker-eeth'} 源自 03772;; 專有名詞 AV - Cherith 2; 2 基立 = "切割" 1) 一條位在約旦河東的小溪流, 以利亞曾在旱災時藏身於此 (#王上 17:3,5|)

03747 K@riyth {ker-eeth'} from 03772;; n pr AV - Cherith 2; 2 Cherith = "cutting" 1) the brook where Elijah was hidden during a drought; east of Jordan
05813 `Uzziy {ooz-zee'} 源自 05810; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Uzzi 11; 11 烏西 = "強壯" 1) 利未人 1a) 以利亞撒的子孫 (#代上 6:5,6,51; 拉 7:4|) 1b) 亞薩的子孫 (#尼 11:22|) 1c) 祭司名 (#尼 12:19,42|) 2) 以薩迦的後裔 (#代上 7:2,3|) 3) 便雅憫人的名字 (#代上 7:2,3|)

05813 `Uzziy {ooz-zee'} from 05810;; n pr m AV - Uzzi 11; 11 Uzzi = "strong" 1) a Levite, son of Bukki and father of Zerahiah in the line of the high priest although apparently never high priest himself 2) son of Tola and grandson of Issachar 3) a Benjamite, son of Bela and head of a family of Benjamin 4) son of Michri and father of Elah and an ancestor of a family of returned exiles settling in Jerusalem. Maybe same as 3 5) a Levite, son of Bani, and an overseer of the Levites in Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 6) a priest, chief of the father's house of Jedaiah, in the time of Joiakim the high priest 7) one of the priests who helped Ezra in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. Maybe same as 6
06372 Piyn@chac {pee-nekh-aws'} 顯然源自06310 並為05175的變化;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Phinehas 25; 25 非尼哈 = "銅管樂器的口" 1) 以利亞撒的兒子,亞倫的孫子; 他對主的熱心阻止了一場在以色列的瘟疫, 他並且得到上帝應許他家永久的祭師身分 2) 一位祭師, 為祭師以利的兒子 3) 以斯拉的一位助手之父親

06372 Piyn@chac {pee-nekh-aws'} apparently from 06310 and a variation of 05175;; n pr m AV - Phinehas 25; 25 Phinehas = "mouth of brass" 1) son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron; his zealousness for the Lord averted a plague on Israel and gained him the promise of the Lord of an everlasting priesthood in his family 2) a priest and the son of the priest Eli 3) the father of a helper of Ezra
06886 Tsar@phath {tsaq-ref-ath'} 源自 06884;; 專有名詞 地名 欽定本 - Zarephath 3; 3 撒勒法 = "精鍊" 1) 西頓南方沿海的一個城市, 以利亞在旱災末期時的住處; 現代名'Sura-fend'

06886 Tsar@phath {tsaq-ref-ath'} from 06884;; n pr loc AV - Zarephath 3; 3 Zarephath = "refinery" 1) a city on the coast south of Sidon and the residence of Elijah during the last part of the drought; modern 'Sura-fend'
07028 Qiyshown {kee-shone'} 源自 06983;; 專有名詞 地名 AV - Kishon 6; 6 基順 = "大風吹" 1) 巴勒斯坦中部的一條河; 士師時代耶賓的將軍西西拉於此為以色列所敗 (#士 4:7,13|); 以利亞時追擊巴力的先知, 而擊殺於此河邊之地 (#王上 18:40|)

07028 Qiyshown {kee-shone'} from 06983;; n pr loc AV - Kishon 6; 6 Kishon = "winding" 1) a river in central Palestine; scene of the defeat of Sisera by the Israelites in the time of the judges and the destruction of the prophets of Baal by Elijah
07331 R@zown {rez-one'} 源自 07336;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Rezon 1; 1 利遜 = "王子" 1) 敘利亞人以利亞大的兒子, 在大衛王和所羅門王的時代, 他率領著一群盜匪於 大馬色建立了一個蕞芮小國 (#王上 11:23|)

07331 R@zown {rez-one'} from 07336;; n pr m AV - Rezon 1; 1 Rezon = "prince" 1) son of Eliadah, a Syrian, who lead a band of freebooters and established a petty kingdom at Damascus in the time of David and Solomon
07967 Shalluwm {shal-loom'} 或 (shorter) Shallum {shal-loom'} 與 07966 同;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Shallum 27; 27 沙龍 = "報應" 1) 雅比的兒子, 他背叛並擊殺了北國以色列王耶羅波安二世而篡了王位, 結束了了耶戶王朝, 成為北國以色列的第十五個王, 統治僅一個月的時間, 他就被米拿現殺了 ( #王下 15| ) 2) 猶大王約西亞的第四個兒子, 他繼承了約西亞的王位; 在位三個月就 被擄去埃及, 他被關在埃及直到去世 ( #代上 3:15| ) 2a) 又名'約哈斯' ( #王下 23:30| #代下 36:1| ) 3) 女先知戶勒大的丈夫, 以色列約西亞時的人, 可能和 4) 是同一人 ( #代下 34:22| ) 4) 先知耶利米的叔叔. 可能與 3) 是同一人 ( #耶 32:7| ) 5) 一位西緬人, 掃羅的兒子, 西緬的孫子 ( #代上 4:25| ) 6) 一位猶大耶拉篾家族的人, 西斯買的兒子, 耶加米雅的父親 ( #代上 2:40|) 7) 以法蓮人耶希西家的父親 ( #代下 28:12| ) 8) 拿弗他利的兒子之一 ( #代上 7:13| ) 9) 一位可拉的利未人, 他的家族負責看守聖殿的東門, 而以他為首 ( #代上 9:17| ) 9a) 可能和 13) 是同一人 10) 哈羅黑的兒子, 他在尼希米時代管理耶路撒冷城的一部分地區; 他參與了重建耶路撒冷城牆的工作 ( #尼 3:12| ) 11) 以利亞撒家族的一位祭司, 撒督的兒子, 希勒家的父親, 先知以斯拉 就是屬於這一家脈的 ( #代上 6:12| #拉 7:1| ) 12) 一位可拉的利未人, 可利的兒子, 瑪西雅(瑪他提雅?)的父親, 負責事奉的工作. 可能和 9) 是同一人 ( #代上 9:19| ) 13) 以斯拉時代一位負責守門的利未人, 他娶了一位外邦女子為妻 ( #拉 10:24| ) 14) 利未人巴尼的子孫, 以斯拉時代的人, 他也娶了一位外邦女子為妻 ( #拉 10:42| )

07967 Shalluwm {shal-loom'} or (shorter) Shallum {shal-loom'} the same as 07966;; n pr m AV - Shallum 27; 27 Shallum = "retribution" 1) son of Jabesh, conspirator and slayer of king Zachariah of the northern kingdom of Israel ending the dynasty of Jehu; assumed the throne and became the 15th king of the northern kingdom; reigned for one month and was killed by Menahem 2) the 3rd son of king Josiah of Judah and subsequent king of Judah; reigned for 3 months before he was taken captive to Egypt where he was placed in chains and later died 2a) also 'Jehoahaz' 3) husband of Huldah the prophetess in the reign of king Josiah of Judah. Maybe the same as 4 4) uncle of Jeremiah the prophet. Maybe the same as 3 5) a Simeonite, son of Shaul and grandson of Simeon 6) a Judaite, son of Sisamai and father of Jekamiah in the family of Jerahmeel 7) an Ephraimite, father of Jehizkiah 8) a son of Naphtali 9) a Korahite Levite, chief of a family of gatekeepers for the east gate of the temple 9a) maybe same as 13 10) son of Halohesh and ruler of a district of Jerusalem; also repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 11) a priest, of the family of Eleazar, son of Zadok and father of Hilkiah in the family line of Ezra 12) a Korahite Levite, son of Kore, father of Maaseiah, and in charge of the work of the service. Maybe same as 9 13) a Levite gatekeeper who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 14) a Levite and descendant of Bani who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
08227 shaphan {shaw-fawn'} 源自 08226; TWOT - 2446a; 欽定本 - Shaphan 30, coney 4; 34 陽性名詞 1) 石獾, 兔子, 蹄兔 陽性專有名詞 2) 猶大王約西亞的秘書或書記 3) 與猶大王約西亞同時代的亞希甘之父親(#耶 26:24|) (#代下 34:20|) 3a) 未必 與 2 同 4) 以利亞薩的父親耶利米時代(#耶 29:3|) 4a) 或許與 3 同 5) 書記且是基瑪利雅的父親(#耶 36:10|) 5a) 或許與 2 同 6) 在以西結時代雅撒尼亞的父親(#結 8:11|) 6a) 或許與 2 同

08227 shaphan {shaw-fawn'} from 08226; TWOT - 2446a; AV - Shaphan 30, coney 4; 34 n m 1) rock badger, coney, the hyrax n pr m 2) secretary or scribe of king Josiah of Judah 3) father of Ahikam in the time of king Josiah of Judah 3a) improbably the same as 2 4) father of Elasah in the time of the prophet Jeremiah 4a) perhaps the same as 3 5) a scribe and father of Gemariah 5a) perhaps the same as 2 6) father of Jaazaniah in the time of Ezekiel 6a) perhaps the same as 2
08664 Tishbiy {tish-bee'} 表國籍和地域, 源於一已不用的名字, 其意為 資源; AV - Tishbite 6; 6 提斯比人 = "俘虜" 專有名詞 地名 1) 以利亞的家鄉 1a) 地點不詳, 但可能是提斯比鎮 形容詞, 指提斯比的一位紳士 2) 提斯比(Tishbe 或 Tishbi 或 Tesheb)的一位居民 2a) 地點不詳, 且確實名字不詳

08664 Tishbiy {tish-bee'} patrial from an unused name meaning recourse; AV - Tishbite 6; 6 Tishbite = "captivity" n pr loc 1) the home of Elijah 1a) site unknown but maybe the town of Tishbe adj gent 2) an inhabitant of Tishbe or Tishbi or Tesheb 2a) site unknown and name uncertain
107 Azor {ad-zore'} 源於希伯來文, 參見希伯來文 05809;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Azor 2; 2 亞所 = "幫助者" 1) 以利亞敬的兒子, 名列耶穌的家譜之中 (#太 1:13,14)

107 Azor {ad-zore'} of Hebrew origin, cf 05809;; n pr m AV - Azor 2; 2 Azor = "helper" 1) A son of Eliakim, in the line of our Lord. Mat. 1:13,14.
1648 Eleazar {el-eh-ad'-zar} of Hebrew origin 0499;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eleazar 2; 2 以利亞撒 = "上帝的幫助" 1)耶穌基督祖先之一

1648 Eleazar {el-eh-ad'-zar} of Hebrew origin 0499;; n pr m AV - Eleazar 2; 2 Eleazar = "help of God" 1) one of the ancestors of Christ
1662 Eliakeim {el-ee-ak-ime'} of Hebrew origin 0471;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eliakim 3; 3 以利亞敬 = "神所設立" 1)亞比玉(或猶大)的長子 ,約瑟的兄弟,亞所的父親. 見馬太福音. 1:13 2)米利亞的兒子, 約南的父親 見路加福音 3:30,31

1662 Eliakeim {el-ee-ak-ime'} of Hebrew origin 0471;; n pr m AV - Eliakim 3; 3 Eliakim = "raising up by God" 1) the eldest son of Abiud or Judah, bother of Joseph, and father of Azor Mt. 1:13 2) son of Melea, and father of Jonan Lk 3:30,31
1666 Elissaios {el-is-sah'-yos} of Hebrew origin 0477;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eliseus 1; 1 以利沙 = "神是他的救贖" 1)一位舊約出名的先知,以利亞的門徒、同工、繼承者

1666 Elissaios {el-is-sah'-yos} of Hebrew origin 0477;; n pr m AV - Eliseus 1; 1 Eliseus or Elisha = "God his salvation" 1) a distinguished OT prophet, the disciple, companion, and successor of Elijah
2243 Helias {hay-lee'-as} 源自希伯來文0452; TDNT - 2:928,306; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Elias 30; 30 以利亞 = "我的神是耶和華"

2243 Helias {hay-lee'-as} of Hebrew origin 0452; TDNT - 2:928,306; n pr m AV - Elias 30; 30 Elijah = "my God is Jehovah" 1) a prophet born at Thisbe, the unflinching champion of the theocracy in the reigns of the idolatrous kings Ahab and Ahaziah. He was taken up to heaven without dying, whence the Jews expected he would return just before the advent of the Messiah, whom he would prepare the minds of the Israelites to receive.
