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字典搜尋結果 共有 21 筆

0553 'amats {aw-mats'} 字根型; TWOT - 117; 動詞 欽定本 - strengthen 12, courage 9, strong 5, courageous 2, harden 2, speed 2, stronger 2, confirm 1, established 1, fortify 1, increaseth 1, steadfastly minded 1, obstinate 1, prevailed 1; 41 1) 堅強, 警戒, 勇敢, 無懼, 堅固, 大膽, 結實, 穩重 1a) (Qal)為堅強,勇敢,無懼 1a1) (人) 強壯 1a2) 無懼 1b) (Piel) 1b1) 使堅固,加強 1b2) 為自己穩固堅定 1b3) 使不動搖,使頑固, 使安心 1c) (Hithpael) 1c1) 自我強壯 (#代下 13:7|) 1c2) 自我確定目標, 下定決心 (#路 1:18|) 1c3) 自我警戒 (#王上 12:18; 代下 10:18|) 1d) (Hiphil) 呈現能力,強壯 (#詩 27:14|)

0553 'amats {aw-mats'} a primitive root; TWOT - 117; v AV - strengthen 12, courage 9, strong 5, courageous 2, harden 2, speed 2, stronger 2, confirm 1, established 1, fortify 1, increaseth 1, steadfastly minded 1, obstinate 1, prevailed 1; 41 1) to be strong, alert, courageous, brave, stout, bold, solid, hard 1a) (Qal) to be strong, brave, bold 1b) (Piel) to strengthen, secure (for oneself), harden (heart), make firm, make obstinate, assure 1c) (Hithpael) to be determined, to make oneself alert, strengthen oneself, confirm oneself, persist in, prove superior to 1d) (Hiphil) to exhibit strength, be strong, feel strong
0635 'Ecter {es-tare'} 波斯語衍生字;; 陰性專有名詞 欽定本 - Esther 55; 55 以斯帖 = "星星" 1) 波斯的王后, 以斯帖記的女主角- 亞比孩的女兒, 末底改的堂妹經收養成為自己的女兒, 便雅憫人, 後來成為亞哈隨魯王的王后以取代被廢之王后"瓦實提"

0635 'Ecter {es-tare'} of Persian derivation;; n pr f AV - Esther 55; 55 Esther = "star" 1) the queen of Persia, heroine of the book of Esther - daughter of Abihail, cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai, of the tribe of Benjamin, made queen by king Ahasuerus to replace divorced queen, Vashti.
03091 Y@howshuwa` {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} 或 Y@howshu`a {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} 源自 03068 和 03467; 欽定本 - Joshua 218; 218 約書亞 或 何西阿= "耶和華是拯救" 陽性專有名詞 1) 以法蓮支派嫩的兒子, 為以色列子民的領袖和摩西的繼承人; 帶領奪取迦南地之人 2) 伯示麥的一個居民, 伯示麥是在非力士人歸還該地之後, 約櫃停下的地方 3) 約薩答之子, (以色列人從波斯)歸回後的大祭司 4) 約西亞王統治之耶路撒冷邑宰,他將耶路撒冷的一個城門命名為自己的名字

03091 Y@howshuwa` {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} or Y@howshu`a {yeh-ho-shoo'-ah} from 03068 and 03467; AV - Joshua 218; 218 Joshua or Jehoshua = "Jehovah is salvation" n pr m 1) son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim and successor to Moses as the leader of the children of Israel; led the conquest of Canaan 2) a resident of Beth-shemesh on whose land the Ark of the Covenant came to a stop after the Philistines returned it 3) son of Jehozadak and high priest after the restoration 4) governor of Jerusalem under king Josiah who gave his name to a gate of the city of Jerusalem
04755 Mara' {maw-raw'} 表 04751 之意;; 陰性專有名詞 欽定本 - Mara 1; 1 瑪拉 = "苦味" 1)拿俄米為自己所命的名字源自於她的不幸

04755 Mara' {maw-raw'} for 04751;; n pr f AV - Mara 1; 1 Mara = "bitterness" 1) a name that Naomi called herself due to her calamities
05480 cuwk {sook} 字根型; TWOT - 1474; 動詞 欽定本 - anoint...8, at all 1; 9 1) 塗油於...., 灌油在.... 1a) (Qal) 塗油於....... 1a1) 為自己抹油 1a2) 塗油於....(另一人) 1a3) 被灌油在..... 1b) (Hiphil) 塗油於....

05480 cuwk {sook} a primitive root; TWOT - 1474; v AV - anoint...8, at all 1; 9 1) to anoint, pour in anointing 1a) (Qal) to anoint 1a1) to anoint oneself 1a2) to anoint (another) 1a3) to be poured 1b) (Hiphil) to anoint
337 anaireo {an-ahee-reh'-o} 源於 303 和 138 的主動態;; 動詞 AV - kill 10, slay 8, put to death 2, take up 1, do 1, take away 1; 23 1) 由地上拿起來, 提起來 1a) 撿起來成為自己的 1b) 擁有(無掩蔽的嬰兒) 2) 取走, 廢除 2a) 除去或廢止風俗習慣或法律例令 2b) 除去擋在路上的, 把一個人殺了

337 anaireo {an-ahee-reh'-o} from 303 and (the active of) 138;; v AV - kill 10, slay 8, put to death 2, take up 1, do 1, take away 1; 23 1) to take up, to lift up (from the ground) 1a) to take up for myself as mine 1b) to own (an exposed infant) 2) to take away, abolish 2a) to do away with or abrogate customs or ordinances 2b) to put out of the way, kill slay a man
626 apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee} 關身語態 語態 from a compound of 575 and 3056;; 動詞 AV - answer 3, answer for (one's) self 3, make defence 1, excuse 1, excuse (one's) self 1, speak for (one's) self 1; 10 1) 為自己辯護, 為自己作辯白 2) 辯護某人或某事 3) 去原原本本的解決 3a) 小心籌算或認真考慮

626 apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee} middle voice from a compound of 575 and 3056;; v AV - answer 3, answer for (one's) self 3, make defence 1, excuse 1, excuse (one's) self 1, speak for (one's) self 1; 10 1) to defend one's self, make one's defence 2) to defend a person or a thing 3) to give a full account of 3a) to calculate or consider well
633 aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to} 源自 575 and 3538;; 動詞 AV - wash 1; 1 1) 洗淨 1) 洗淨潔身, 為自己洗刷 (#太 27:24|)

633 aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to} from 575 and 3538;; v AV - wash 1; 1 1) to wash off 1) to wash off one's self, to wash off for one's self
726 harpazo {har-pad'-zo} from a derivative of 138; TDNT - 1:472,80; 動詞 AV - catch up 4, take by force 3, catch away 2, pluck 2, catch 1, pull 1; 13 1) 抓, 用武力帶走 2) 抓住, 急切為自己宣稱 3) 奪取或奪走

726 harpazo {har-pad'-zo} from a derivative of 138; TDNT - 1:472,80; v AV - catch up 4, take by force 3, catch away 2, pluck 2, catch 1, pull 1; 13 1) to seize, carry off by force 2) to seize on, claim for one's self eagerly 3) to snatch out or away
1466 egkrateia {eng-krat'-i-ah} 源於 1468; TDNT - 2:339,196; 陰性名詞 AV - temperance 4; 4 1) 自我控制 (指人能成為自己慾望及感情的主宰, 尤其指他的肉體方面的慾求而言)

1466 egkrateia {eng-krat'-i-ah} from 1468; TDNT - 2:339,196; n f AV - temperance 4; 4 1) self-control (the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, esp. his sensual appetites)
1941 epikaleomai {ep-ee-kal-eh'-om-ahee} 源於 1909 和 2564 的關身語態; TDNT - 3:496,*; 動詞 AV - call on 7, be (one's) surname 6, be surnamed 5, call upon 4, appeal unto 4, call 4, appeal to 1, appeal 1; 32 1) 給予名字, 命名 1a) 接受封號, 名字 2) 接受某人的名號 3) 將某(罪)名加到某人身上 3a) 斥罵或表對反對 3b) 因某事而指責某人為罪犯或恥辱 3c) 因指控而傳喚某人, 控訴某人的罪行 3d) 指責某人, 指控... 4) 祈求, 懇求 4a) 為自己乞求, 懇求 4a1) 懇求任何人的幫助 4a2) 為我見證事情 4a3) 為我斷理事情 4a4) 求助, 借助其力 5) 奉耶和華的名懇求 5a) an expression finding its explanation in the f主動that prayers addressed to God ordinarily began with an invocation of the divine name

1941 epikaleomai {ep-ee-kal-eh'-om-ahee} middle voice from 1909 and 2564; TDNT - 3:496,*; v AV - call on 7, be (one's) surname 6, be surnamed 5, call upon 4, appeal unto 4, call 4, appeal to 1, appeal 1; 32 1) to put a name upon, to surname 1a) to permit one's self to be surnamed 2) to be named after someone 3) to call something to one 3a) to cry out upon or against one 3b) to charge something to one as a crime or reproach 3c) to summon one on any charge, prosecute one for a crime 3d) to blame one for, accuse one of 4) to invoke 4a) to call upon for one's self, in one's behalf 4a1) any one as a helper 4a2) as my witness 4a3) as my judge 4a4) to appeal unto 5) to call upon by pronouncing the name of Jehovah 5a) an expression finding its explanation in the fact that prayers addressed to God ordinarily began with an invocation of the divine name
1951 epilegomai {ep-ee-leg'-om-ahee} 關身語態 語態 from 1909 and 3004;; 動詞 AV - be called 1, choose 1; 2 1) 多言 2) 已姓氏稱呼 3) 為...挑選 4) 為自己挑選 (#徒 15:40|)

1951 epilegomai {ep-ee-leg'-om-ahee} middle voice from 1909 and 3004;; v AV - be called 1, choose 1; 2 1) to say besides 2) to surname 3) to choose for 4) to choose for one's self
2638 katalambano {kat-al-am-ban'-o} 源於 2596 和 2983; TDNT - 4:9,495; 動詞 AV - take 3, apprehend 3, comprehend 2, come upon 1, attain 1, find 1, overtake 1, obtain 1; 15 1) 抓住, 控制, 掌控 1a) 隨己意掌控, 獲得, 達到, 奪為己有, 使成為自己的, 盜用 1b) 奪取, 佔有 1b1) 指魔鬼控制人, 在末日毀滅臨到惡者, 指惡魔侵襲使人受苦痛 1b2) 在好的方面來說, 指基督以其聖潔的能力臨到人, 激勵並管理人的心志意念 1c) 發現, 感知, 掌握住 1d) 用心領悟 1d1) 明白, 察覺, 學到, 了解領悟

2638 katalambano {kat-al-am-ban'-o} from 2596 and 2983; TDNT - 4:9,495; v AV - take 3, apprehend 3, comprehend 2, come upon 1, attain 1, find 1, overtake 1, obtain 1; 15 1) to lay hold of 1a) to lay hold of so as to make one's own, to obtain, attain to, to make one's own, to take into one's self, appropriate 1b) to seize upon, take possession of 1b1) of evils overtaking one, of the last day overtaking the wicked with destruction, of a demon about to torment one 1b2) in a good sense, of Christ by his holy power and influence laying hold of the human mind and will, in order to prompt and govern it 1c) to detect, catch 1d) to lay hold of with the mind 1d1) to understand, perceive, learn, comprehend
2816 kleronomeo {klay-ron-om-eh'-o} 源於 2818; TDNT - 3:767,442; 動詞 AV - inherit 15, be heir 2, obtain by inheritance 1; 18 1) 接受命定的, 因命運身分而得繼承 1a) 尤其指在繼承, 承繼產業, 繼承權等方面 1b) 繼承者, 繼承 2) 承受應得的分, 承受所分給的部分, 接受成為自己所擁有的 3) 成為參與分擔者, 獲得

2816 kleronomeo {klay-ron-om-eh'-o} from 2818; TDNT - 3:767,442; v AV - inherit 15, be heir 2, obtain by inheritance 1; 18 1) to receive a lot, receive by lot 1a) esp. to receive a part of an inheritance, receive as an inheritance, obtain by right of inheritance 1b) to be an heir, to inherit 2) to receive the portion assigned to one, receive an allotted portion, receive as one's own or as a possession 3) to become partaker of, to obtain
2932 ktaomai {ktah'-om-ahee} 一字根型的動詞;; 動詞 AV - possess 3, purchase 2, provide 1, obtain 1; 7 1) 獲得, 得到, 或獲取某物而成為自己的, 擁有 1a) 娶一個妻子, 討到一個老婆

2932 ktaomai {ktah'-om-ahee} a primary verb;; v AV - possess 3, purchase 2, provide 1, obtain 1; 7 1) to acquire, get, or procure a thing for one's self, to possess 1a) to marry a wife
3315 mesiteuo {mes-it-yoo'-o} 源於 3316; TDNT - 4:598,585; 動詞 AV - confirm 1; 1 1) 在法律訴頌或契約協定之各方間擔任仲裁斡旋者 1a) 介入在兩方之間而達成協議 1b) 居中斡旋 2) 擔任擔保人或保證人 2a) 為自己起誓擔保, 為人作保

3315 mesiteuo {mes-it-yoo'-o} from 3316; TDNT - 4:598,585; v AV - confirm 1; 1 1) to act as a mediator between litigating or covenanting parties 1a) to accomplish something by interposing between two parties 1b) to mediate 2) act as a sponsor or surety 2a) to pledge one's self, give surety
3858 paradechomai {par-ad-ekh'-om-ahee} 源於 3844 和 1209;; 動詞 AV - receive 5; 5 1) 接受, 領取, 收歸己有 2) 承認, 認可, 亦即 不排斥, 接受, 領受 2a) 指兒子: 承認某人為自己的兒子 (#來 12:6|)

3858 paradechomai {par-ad-ekh'-om-ahee} from 3844 and 1209;; v AV - receive 5; 5 1) to receive, take up, take upon one's self 2) to admit i.e. not to reject, to accept, receive 2a) of a son: to acknowledge as one's own
4255 proaireomai {pro-ahee-reh'-om-ahee} 源自 4253 and 138;; 動詞 AV - purpose 1; 1 1) 提出, 取出, 從自家儲存的拿出 2) 為己產生..., 在他人跟前為自己選擇..., 看中 3) 打定主意, 意圖 (#林後 9:7|)

4255 proaireomai {pro-ahee-reh'-om-ahee} from 4253 and 138;; v AV - purpose 1; 1 1) to bring forward, bring forth from one's stores 2) to bring forth for one's self, to choose for one's self before another, to prefer 3) to purpose
4364 prospoieomai {pros-poy-eh'-om-ahee} 關身語態 語態 from 4314 and 4160;; 動詞 AV - make as though 2; 2 1) 為自己拿取或認領某物件 2) 與某物件成為一致, 被某物件感染 2a) 去假裝 (#路24:28;約8:6|)

4364 prospoieomai {pros-poy-eh'-om-ahee} middle voice from 4314 and 4160;; v AV - make as though 2; 2 1) to take or claim a thing to one's self 2) to conform one's self to a thing, or rather to affect to one's self 2a) to pretend
4593 semeioo {say-mi-o'-o} 源自 4592; TDNT - 7:265,1015; 動詞 AV - note 1; 1 1) 做記號, 做注釋, 用記號來區別 2) 為自己做記號或注釋 (#帖後 3:14|)

4593 semeioo {say-mi-o'-o} from 4592; TDNT - 7:265,1015; v AV - note 1; 1 1) to mark, to note, distinguish by marking 2) to mark or note for one's self
4684 spatalao {spat-al-ah'-o} 源自 spatale (luxury);; 動詞 AV - live in pleasure 1, be wanton 1; 2 1) 豪華奢侈的生活, 過著貪圖酒色的生活, (為自己的歡樂著想)

4684 spatalao {spat-al-ah'-o} from spatale (luxury);; v AV - live in pleasure 1, be wanton 1; 2 1) to live luxuriously, lead a voluptuous life, (give one's self to pleasure)
