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字典搜尋結果 共有 2 筆

977 bibrosko {bib-ro'-sko} a reduplicated and prolonged form of an obsolete primary word [perhaps causative of 1006];; 動詞 AV - eat 1; 1 1) 吃喝, 用膳 (#約 6:13|)

977 bibrosko {bib-ro'-sko} a reduplicated and prolonged form of an obsolete primary word [perhaps causative of 1006];; v AV - eat 1; 1 1) to eat
4634 skenopegia {skay-nop-ayg-ee'-ah} 源自 4636 與 4078; TDNT - 7:390,1040; 陰性名詞 AV - tabernacles 1; 1 1)住棚節 (#約 7:2|) 猶太人節期,自提斯留月(西曆十月)十五號起歷時七天,一方面紀念祖先在曠野 住帳棚的飄流歲月,一方面歡慶農作物的收成.節慶間,猶太人會用樹葉繁茂的 枝子在屋頂或院子搭棚子,並以水果花卉裝飾,在裡面吃喝慶祝.

4634 skenopegia {skay-nop-ayg-ee'-ah} from 4636 and 4078; TDNT - 7:390,1040; n f AV - tabernacles 1; 1 1) the construction of a tabernacle or tabernacles 2) the feast of tabernacles; this festival was observed by the Jews yearly for seven days, beginning with the 15th of the month Tisri (approx. our Oct.) partly to perpetuate the memory of the time when their ancestors after leaving Egypt dwelt in tents on their way through the Arabian desert, and partly as a season of festivity and joy on the completion of the harvest and the vintage (the festival of ingatherings) In celebrating the festival the Jews were accustomed to construct booths of the leafy branches of trees, -- either on the roofs or in the courts of their dwellings, or in the streets and squares, and to adorn them with flowers and fruits of all kinds -- under which, throughout the period of the festival, they feasted and gave themselves up to rejoicing.
