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字典搜尋結果 共有 2 筆

03606 kol (亞蘭文) {kole} 相當於 03605; TWOT - 2789; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - all 51, any 8, whole 6, as 4, every 4, because + 06903 4, as + 06903 2, no 2, whosoever + 0606 2, misc 12; 95 1) 所有的, 全部, 全體 1a) 全部, 所有 1b) 每一個, 任一個, 一個也沒

03606 kol (Aramaic) {kole} corresponding to 03605; TWOT - 2789; n m AV - all 51, any 8, whole 6, as 4, every 4, because + 06903 4, as + 06903 2, no 2, whosoever + 0606 2, misc 12; 95 1) all, whole, the whole 1a) the whole of, all 1b) every, any, none
3367 medeis {may-dice'} 包括不規則變化的陰性 medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}, 和中性 meden {may-den'} 源於 3361 和 1520;; 形容詞 AV - no man 32, nothing 27, no 16, none 6, not 1, anything 2, misc 7; 91 1) 沒有任何一人, 一個也沒有, 什麼也沒有

3367 medeis {may-dice'} including the irregular feminine medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}, and the neuter meden {may-den'} from 3361 and 1520;; adj AV - no man 32, nothing 27, no 16, none 6, not 1, anything 2, misc 7; 91 1) nobody, no one, nothing
