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字典搜尋結果 共有 17 筆

01058 bakah {baw-kaw'} 字根型; TWOT - 243; 動詞 AV - weep 98, bewail 5, sore 3 (不定詞強調用) mourned 2, all 1 (不定詞), complain 1, lamentation 1, more 1 (不定詞) , weep over 1, tears 1; 114 1) 哭泣, 痛哭, 哀號, 流淚 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 哭泣 (哀傷, 屈辱, 或歡樂) 1a2) 大哭 (加同源的直接受格) 1a3) 為...哭泣 (擁抱並哭泣) 1a4) 痛哭 1b) (Piel) 分詞 1b1) 哀哭 1b2) 痛哭

01058 bakah {baw-kaw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 243; v AV - weep 98, bewail 5, sore 3 (inf. for emphasis) mourned 2, all 1 (inf), complain 1, lamentation 1, more 1 (inf.) , weep over 1, tears 1; 114 1) to weep, bewail, cry, shed tears 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to weep (in grief, humiliation, or joy) 1a2) to weep bitterly (with cognate acc.) 1a3) to weep upon (embrace and weep) 1a4) to bewail 1b) (Piel) participle 1b1) lamenting 1b2) bewailing
02294 Chaggiyith {khag-gheeth'} 源自 02291; 陰性專有名詞 欽定本 - Haggith 5; 5 哈及 = 「歡樂的」 1) 大衛的妻子, 亞多尼雅的母親

02294 Chaggiyith {khag-gheeth'} from 02291;; n pr f AV - Haggith 5; 5 Haggith = "festive" 1) a wife of David and mother of Adonijah
04726 maqowr {maw-kore'} 或 maqor {maw-kore'} 源自 06979; TWOT - 2004a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - fountain 11, spring 3, wellspring 2, issue 1, well 1; 18 1) 泉源, 根源 1a) 泉源 1a1) 生命本源, 歡樂, 潔淨(比喻用法) 1b) 眼目 (比喻用法) 1c) 出處 (月經的血液) 1d) 源自 (出露-小孩出生後所流的血)

04726 maqowr {maw-kore'} or maqor {maw-kore'} from 06979; TWOT - 2004a; n m AV - fountain 11, spring 3, wellspring 2, issue 1, well 1; 18 1) spring, fountain 1a) spring 1a1) of source of life, joy, purification (fig.) 1b) of the eye (fig.) 1c) source (of menstruous blood) 1d) flow (of blood after child birth)
04797 mirzach {meer-zakh'} 字根已不使用原意為大叫; TWOT - 2140a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - banquet 1; 1 1) 叫, 歡樂的叫, 暢飲 1a) 哀傷叫 1a1) 可能為 宴席中的大叫 1b) 暢飲中的大叫

04797 mirzach {meer-zakh'} from an unused root meaning to scream; TWOT - 2140a; n m AV - banquet 1; 1 1) cry, cry of joy, revelry 1a) mourning cry 1a1) perhaps, feast cry 1b) cry of revelry
05937 `alaz {aw-laz'} 字根型; TWOT - 1625; 動詞 欽定本 - rejoice 12, triumph 2, joyful 2; 16 1) (Qal) 歡樂, 喜樂, 誇勝

05937 `alaz {aw-laz'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1625; v AV - rejoice 12, triumph 2, joyful 2; 16 1) (Qal) to exult, rejoice, triumph
05965 `alac {aw-las'} 字根型; TWOT - 1632; 動詞 欽定本 - rejoice 1, peacock 1, solace 1; 3 1) 歡樂 1a) (Qal) 歡樂 1b) (Niphal) 歡騰 1b1) 喜樂鼓翼 (鴕鳥) 1c) (Hithpael) 自娛

05965 `alac {aw-las'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1632; v AV - rejoice 1, peacock 1, solace 1; 3 1) to rejoice 1a) (Qal) to rejoice 1b) (Niphal) to exult 1b1) to flap joyously (of ostrich) 1c) (Hithpael) to delight oneself
07440 rinnah {rin-naw'} 源自 07442; TWOT - 2179c; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - cry 12, singing 9, rejoicing 3, joy 3, gladness 1, proclamation 1, shouting 1, sing 1, songs 1, triumph 1; 33 1) 大聲的呼喊 1a) 懇求, 祈求 1b) 宣告, 歡樂, 讚美

07440 rinnah {rin-naw'} from 07442; TWOT - 2179c; n f AV - cry 12, singing 9, rejoicing 3, joy 3, gladness 1, proclamation 1, shouting 1, sing 1, songs 1, triumph 1; 33 1) ringing cry 1a) of entreaty, supplication 1b) in proclamation, joy, praise
07442 ranan {raw-nan'} 字根型; TWOT - 2134,2179; 動詞 欽定本 - sing 20, rejoice 11, sing aloud 4, shout 4, shout for joy 3, sing for joy 2, crieth 2, cry out 2, shout aloud 1, misc 3; 52 1) 勝過 1a) (Hithpolel) 被勝過 (#詩 78:65|) 2) 呼喊, 歡樂呼喊, 大聲呼喊 2a) (Qal) 2a1) 大聲呼喊(歡樂, 欣喜, 悲痛) 2a2) 大聲呼喊 (在召會中, 有智慧的規勸) 2b) (Piel) 大聲呼喊 (歡樂, 欣喜, 讚美) 2c) (Pual) 大聲呼喊, 唱出(被動語態) (#賽 16:10|) 2d) (Hiphil) 引起呼喊或歌唱(歡樂的緣故) 2e) (Hithpolel) 欣喜的 (分詞)

07442 ranan {raw-nan'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2134,2179; v AV - sing 20, rejoice 11, sing aloud 4, shout 4, shout for joy 3, sing for joy 2, crieth 2, cry out 2, shout aloud 1, misc 3; 52 1) to overcome 1a) (Hithpolel) to be overcome 2) to cry out, shout for joy, give a ringing cry 2a) (Qal) 2a1) to give a ringing cry (in joy, exaltation, distress) 2a2) to cry aloud (in summons, exhortation of wisdom) 2b) (Piel) to give a ringing cry (in joy, exultation, praise 2c) (Pual) ringing cry, singing out (passive) 2d) (Hiphil) to cause to ring or sing out (for joy) 2e) (Hithpolel) rejoicing (participle)
07797 suws {soos} 或 siys {sece} 字根型; TWOT - 2246; 動詞 欽定本 - rejoice 20, glad 4, greatly 1, joy 1, mirth 1; 27 1) 歡樂, 喜悅 1a) (Qal) 歡樂, 展現喜悅

07797 suws {soos} or siys {sece} a primitive root; TWOT - 2246; v AV - rejoice 20, glad 4, greatly 1, joy 1, mirth 1; 27 1) to exult, rejoice 1a) (Qal) to exult, display joy
08057 simchah {sim-khaw'} 源自 08056; TWOT - 2268b; 陰性名詞 AV - joy 44, gladness 31, mirth 8, rejoice 3, rejoicing 2, misc 6; 94 1) 喜悅, 歡樂, 高興 1a) 歡樂, 高興, 喜樂, 快樂, 愉快 1b) 喜悅 (神的) 1c) 令人快樂的結果, 高興的事

08057 simchah {sim-khaw'} from 08056; TWOT - 2268b; n f AV - joy 44, gladness 31, mirth 8, rejoice 3, rejoicing 2, misc 6; 94 1) joy, mirth, gladness 1a) mirth, gladness, joy, gaiety, pleasure 1b) joy (of God) 1c) glad result, happy issue
20 agalliasis {ag-al-lee'-as-is} from 21; TDNT - 1:19,4; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - gladness 3, joy 1, exceeding joy 1; 5 1)狂喜, 大喜樂, 歡樂 在節期,人們用"喜樂油"膏抹身體. 保羅,在希伯來書1:9, 間接提到神子降臨世間的膏抹典禮,神權尊貴集聚神子一身,是為其被高舉的象徵.

20 agalliasis {ag-al-lee'-as-is} from 21; TDNT - 1:19,4; n f AV - gladness 3, joy 1, exceeding joy 1; 5 1) exultation, extreme joy, gladness At feasts, people were anointed with the "oil of gladness". Paul, in He. 1:9, is alluding to this inaugural ceremony of anointing, and uses it as an emblem of the divine power and majesty to which to which the Son of God has been exalted.
2165 euphraino {yoo-frah'-ee-no} 源自 2095 和 5424; TDNT - 2:772,278; 動詞 AV - rejoice 6, be merry 3, make merry 3, fare 1, make glad 1; 14 1) 振奮, 使歡樂 1a) 高興, 喜悅, 喜樂 1b) 以...而喜樂, 因(某事)而愉快

2165 euphraino {yoo-frah'-ee-no} from 2095 and 5424; TDNT - 2:772,278; v AV - rejoice 6, be merry 3, make merry 3, fare 1, make glad 1; 14 1) to gladden, make joyful 1a) to be glad, to be merry, to rejoice 1b) to rejoice in, be delighted with a thing
2432 hilarotes {hil-ar-ot'-ace} 源自 2431; TDNT - 3:297,362; 陰性名詞 AV - cheerfulness 1; 1 1) 歡樂, 心神準備就緒(#羅 12:8|)

2432 hilarotes {hil-ar-ot'-ace} from 2431; TDNT - 3:297,362; n f AV - cheerfulness 1; 1 1) cheerfulness, readiness of mind
3758 oua {oo-ah'} a primary exclamation of surprise;; 感嘆詞 AV - ah 1; 1 1) 啊! 啊! 表示驚訝歡樂的感嘆詞 (#可 15:29|)

3758 oua {oo-ah'} a primary exclamation of surprise;; interj AV - ah 1; 1 1) ah! ha! an interjection of wonder and amazement
4684 spatalao {spat-al-ah'-o} 源自 spatale (luxury);; 動詞 AV - live in pleasure 1, be wanton 1; 2 1) 豪華奢侈的生活, 過著貪圖酒色的生活, (為自己的歡樂著想)

4684 spatalao {spat-al-ah'-o} from spatale (luxury);; v AV - live in pleasure 1, be wanton 1; 2 1) to live luxuriously, lead a voluptuous life, (give one's self to pleasure)
4796 sugchairo {soong-khah'-ee-ro} from 4862 and 5463; TDNT - 9:359,1298; 動詞 AV - rejoice with 6, rejoice in 1; 7 1) 與人一起歡樂, 參與其他人的歡樂 2) 一起高興, 恭喜慶賀

4796 sugchairo {soong-khah'-ee-ro} from 4862 and 5463; TDNT - 9:359,1298; v AV - rejoice with 6, rejoice in 1; 7 1) to rejoice with, take part in another's joy 2) to rejoice together, to congratulate
同義詞 見 diadema 1238 見 stephanos 4735 1238 - 皇室用的冠冕 4735 - 像拉丁的 "光環", 它是花冠或花圈, 象徵在比賽或戰役中得著勝利, 也象 徵在婚禮中的喜悅, 或節慶中的歡樂

Synonyms See Definition for diadema 1238 See Definition for stephanos 4735 1238 - is a crown as a badge of royalty 4735 - like the Latin "corona" is the crown in the sense of a chaplet, wreath or garland -- the badge of "victory in the games of civic worth, of military valour, of nuptial joy, of festive gladness"
