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字典搜尋結果 共有 21 筆

0954 buwsh {boosh} 字根型; TWOT - 222; 動詞 AV - ashamed 72, confounded 21, shame 9, all 2 (inf. for emphasis), confusion 1, delayed 1, dry 1, long 1, shamed 1; 109 1) 使蒙羞, 羞愧, 困窘的, 失望的 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 覺得羞愧 1a2) 成為羞愧的, 困窘的, 失望的(因於...) 1b) (Piel) 耽擱(在羞愧中) 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) 使蒙羞 1c2) 行事羞恥 1c3) 成為羞愧的 1d) (Hithpolel) 在別人面前抱愧蒙羞

0954 buwsh {boosh} a primitive root; TWOT - 222; v AV - ashamed 72, confounded 21, shame 9, all 2 (inf. for emphasis), confusion 1, delayed 1, dry 1, long 1, shamed 1; 109 1) to put to shame, be ashamed, be disconcerted, be disappointed 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to feel shame 1a2) to be ashamed, disconcerted, disappointed (by reason of) 1b) (Piel) to delay (in shame) 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to put to shame 1c2) to act shamefully 1c3) to be ashamed 1d) (Hithpolel) to be ashamed before one another
0955 buwshah {boo-shaw'} 0954 的被動分詞; TWOT - 222a; 陰性名詞 AV - shame 4; 4 1) 羞恥

0955 buwshah {boo-shaw'} participle passive of 0954; TWOT - 222a; n f AV - shame 4; 4 1) shame
01317 boshnah {bosh-naw'} 源自 0954; TWOT - 222b; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - shame 1; 1 1) 羞恥 1a) 羞恥 1b) 羞愧的事情

01317 boshnah {bosh-naw'} from 0954; TWOT - 222b; n m AV - shame 1; 1 1) shame 1a) shame 1b) shameful thing
01322 bosheth {bo'-sheth} 源自 0954; TWOT - 222b; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - shame 20, confusion 7, ashamed 1, greatly 1, shameful thing 1; 30 1) 羞恥 1a) 羞恥 1b) 羞恥之事

01322 bosheth {bo'-sheth} from 0954; TWOT - 222b; n f AV - shame 20, confusion 7, ashamed 1, greatly 1, shameful thing 1; 30 1) shame 1a) shame 1b) shameful thing
02662 Chephriy {khef-ree'} 源自 02660 的種族名稱;; 種族名稱陽性名詞 AV - Hepherites 1; 1 希弗族 = 見 希弗 "凹處" 或 "羞恥" 1) 基列的兒子希弗的後裔(#民 26:32|)

02662 Chephriy {khef-ree'} patronymically from 02660;; n patr m AV - Hepherites 1; 1 Hepherites = see Hepher "a pit" or "shame" 1) descendants of Hepher, son of Gilead
03380 Y@rubbesheth {yer-oob-beh'-sheth} 源自 07378 與 01322;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jerubbesheth 1; 1 耶路比設 = "羞恥將抗爭" 1) 耶路巴力的別名 (基甸 [3378] 的另一個名字), 以 "羞恥" 代替 異教神祇巴力的名字 (#撒下 11:21|)

03380 Y@rubbesheth {yer-oob-beh'-sheth} from 07378 and 01322;; n pr m AV - Jerubbesheth 1; 1 Jerubbesheth = "shame will contend" 1) a variant name of Jerubbaal (the other name of Gideon [3378]) substituting the word 'shame' for the name of the pagan god 'Baal'
03637 kalam {kaw-lawm'} 字根型; TWOT - 987; 動詞 欽定本 - ashamed 12, confounded 11, shame 7, blush 3, hurt 2, reproach 2, confusion 1; 38 1) 侮辱, 使羞愧, 傷害…的自尊, 因慚愧而臉紅, 感到羞恥的, 感覺羞愧, 被責備, 混亂, 被傷害自尊 1a) (Niphal) 1a1) 被傷害自尊, 感到羞恥的 1a2) 感覺羞愧, 被羞辱, 感覺丟臉 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) 使羞愧, 侮辱, 傷害…的自尊, 使羞愧 1b2) 顯示羞愧 1c) (Hophal) 1c1) 被侮辱, 被傷害自尊 1c2) 感覺羞愧, 被羞辱, 感覺丟臉

03637 kalam {kaw-lawm'} a primitive root; TWOT - 987; v AV - ashamed 12, confounded 11, shame 7, blush 3, hurt 2, reproach 2, confusion 1; 38 1) to insult, shame, humiliate, blush, be ashamed, be put to shame, be reproached, be put to confusion, be humiliated 1a) (Niphal) 1a1) to be humiliated, be ashamed 1a2) to be put to shame, be dishonoured, be confounded 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) to put to shame, insult, humiliate, cause shame to 1b2) to exhibit shame 1c) (Hophal) 1c1) to be insulted, be humiliated 1c2) to be put to shame, be dishonoured, be confounded
03640 k@limmuwth {kel-im-mooth'} 源自 03639; TWOT - 987b; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - shame 1; 1 1) 羞恥, 恥辱, 不名譽

03640 k@limmuwth {kel-im-mooth'} from 03639; TWOT - 987b; n f AV - shame 1; 1 1) shame, disgrace, ignominy
06172 `ervah {er-vaw'} 源自 06168; TWOT - 1692b; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - nakedness 50, nakedness + 01320 1, shame 1, unclean 1, uncleanness 1; 54 1) 赤身, 裸體, 羞恥, 下體 1a) 下體 (表示東窗事發) 1b) 虛實, 無禮, 不當的舉止 1c) 暴露出來, 無防備的 (比喻用法)

06172 `ervah {er-vaw'} from 06168; TWOT - 1692b; n f AV - nakedness 50, nakedness + 01320 1, shame 1, unclean 1, uncleanness 1; 54 1) nakedness, nudity, shame, pudenda 1a) pudenda (implying shameful exposure) 1b) nakedness of a thing, indecency, improper behaviour 1c) exposed, undefended (fig.)
127 aidos {ahee-doce'} 可能源於 1 (作否定的 質詞/語助詞) 和 1492 (取其眼向下看, 鄙視的意思); TDNT - 1:169,26; 陰性名詞 AV - shamefacedness 1, reverence 1; 2 1) 對於羞恥或榮譽, 或質樸, 端莊, 羞愧, 對人的尊敬, 敬重, 或尊重等的意識

127 aidos {ahee-doce'} perhaps from 1 (as a negative particle) and 1492 (through the idea of downcast eyes); TDNT - 1:169,26; n f AV - shamefacedness 1, reverence 1; 2 1) a sense of shame or honour, modesty, bashfulness, reverence, regard for others, respect
152 aischune {ahee-skhoo'-nay} 源自 153; TDNT - 1:189,29; 陰性名詞 AV - shame 5, dishonesty 1; 6 1) 指一個人對任何事都感到羞愧的精神狀態, 羞恥心 2) 屈辱, 不名譽, 恥辱 3) 可恥的事情

152 aischune {ahee-skhoo'-nay} from 153; TDNT - 1:189,29; n f AV - shame 5, dishonesty 1; 6 1) the confusion of one who is ashamed of anything, sense of shame 2) ignominy, disgrace, dishonour 3) a thing to be ashamed of
153 aischuno {ahee-skhoo'-no} TDNT - 1:189,29; 動詞 AV - be ashamed 5; 5 1) 有羞恥感, 羞愧 (#路 16:3; 彼前4:16|) 2) 體驗羞恥, 蒙羞 (#腓 1:20; 林後10:8; 約壹2:28|)

153 aischuno {ahee-skhoo'-no} from aischos (disfigurement, i.e. disgrace); TDNT - 1:189,29; v AV - be ashamed 5; 5 1) to disfigure 2) to dishonour 3) to suffuse with shame, make ashamed, be ashamed
335 anaideia {an-ah'-ee-die-ah'} 源自 1 (當成 否定詞 質詞/語助詞 [cf 427]) 和 127 的組合;; 陰性名詞 AV - importunity 1; 1 1) 不知羞恥, 厚臉皮

335 anaideia {an-ah'-ee-die-ah'} from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle [cf 427]) and 127;; n f AV - importunity 1; 1 1) shamelessness, impudence
422 anepaischuntos {an-ep-ah'-ee-skhoon-tos} from 1 (as a negative 質詞/語助詞) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1909 and 153;; 形容詞 AV - that needeth not to be ashamed 1; 1 1) 不至於羞恥

422 anepaischuntos {an-ep-ah'-ee-skhoon-tos} from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1909 and 153;; adj AV - that needeth not to be ashamed 1; 1 1) having no cause to be ashamed
1651 elegcho {el-eng'-kho} 找不到和其相近的字; TDNT - 2:473,221; 動詞 AV - reprove 6, rebuke 5, convince 4, tell (one's) fault 1, convict 1; 17 1) 判定有罪, 斥責, 駁斥 1a) 通常指著某人所做的可羞恥的事 1b) 伴隨著說服使回到光明中, 使曝光, 揭發 2) 以...方式指出錯誤, 糾正 2a) 用語言 2a1) 嚴厲地叱責, 斥責, 訓誡, 告誡, 責備 2a2) 使其辯白, 陳述其因由, 指明其錯誤, 要求提出解釋 2b) 用行動 2b1) 懲罰, 懲戒

1651 elegcho {el-eng'-kho} of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 2:473,221; v AV - reprove 6, rebuke 5, convince 4, tell (one's) fault 1, convict 1; 17 1) to convict, refute, confute 1a) generally with a suggestion of shame of the person convicted 1b) by conviction to bring to the light, to expose 2) to find fault with, correct 2a) by word 2a1) to reprehend severely, chide, admonish, reprove 2a2) to call to account, show one his fault, demand an explanation 2b) by deed 2b1) to chasten, to punish
1788 entrepo {en-trep'-o} 源於 1722 和 5157 的字源;; 動詞 AV - reverence 4, regard 2, be ashamed 2, shame 1; 9 1) 使人蒙羞 2) 覺得羞恥 3) 尊敬某人 4) to turn about (?)

1788 entrepo {en-trep'-o} from 1722 and the base of 5157;; v AV - reverence 4, regard 2, be ashamed 2, shame 1; 9 1) to shame one 2) to be ashamed 3) to reverence a person 4) to turn about
1870 epaischunomai {ep-ahee-skhoo'-nom-ahee} 源於 1909 和 153; TDNT - 1:189,*; 動詞 AV - be ashamed 11; 11 1) 感到羞恥的, 可恥的

1870 epaischunomai {ep-ahee-skhoo'-nom-ahee} from 1909 and 153; TDNT - 1:189,*; v AV - be ashamed 11; 11 1) to be ashamed
2573 kalos {kal-oce'} 源於 2570;; 副詞 AV - well 30, good 2, full well 1, very well 1, misc. 3; 37 1) 美麗地, 精緻地, 特級的, 很好的 1a) 公義的, 無可指責或可羞恥的, 美好的, 真誠的 1b) 傑出的, 高貴的, 值得稱讚的, 令人欽佩的 1c) 體面的, 有身分地位 1c1) 生活在安適, 令人愉快的地方 1d) 說人的好話, 好行為 1e) 身體健康 (指由病中恢復健康)

2573 kalos {kal-oce'} from 2570;; adv AV - well 30, good 2, full well 1, very well 1, misc. 3; 37 1) beautifully, finely, excellently, well 1a) rightly, so that there shall be no room for blame, well, truly 1b) excellently, nobly, commendably 1c) honourably, in honour 1c1) in a good place, comfortable 1d) to speak well of one, to do good 1e) to be well (of those recovering health)
2726 katepheia {kat-ay'-fi-ah} 源自 a compound of 2596 and perhaps a derivative of the base of 5316 (meaning downcast in look);; 陰性名詞 AV - heaviness 1; 1 1) 因悲傷而顯出低垂的目光 2) 羞恥, 沮喪, 愁苦 (#雅 4:9|)

2726 katepheia {kat-ay'-fi-ah} from a compound of 2596 and perhaps a derivative of the base of 5316 (meaning downcast in look);; n f AV - heaviness 1; 1 1) a downcast look expressive of sorrow 2) shame, dejection, gloom
3571 nux {noox} 字根型; TDNT - 4:1123,661; 陰性名詞 AV - night 63, midnight + 3319 2; 65 1) 夜 2) 隱喻. 停止做工的時候 2a) 死亡以後 2b) 做可羞恥的罪事時 2c) 做不道德和見不得人的事的時候 2d) 疲勞睏倦和酒醉而無法保持清醒時

3571 nux {noox} a primary word; TDNT - 4:1123,661; n f AV - night 63, midnight + 3319 2; 65 1) night 2) metaph. the time when work ceases 2a) the time of death 2b) the time for deeds of sin and shame 2c) the time of moral stupidity and darkness 2d) the time when the weary and also the drunken give themselves up to slumber
3681 oneidos {on'-i-dos} probably 近似 to the base of 3686; TDNT - 5:238,693; 中性名詞 AV - reproach 1; 1 1) 責備 2) 羞恥

3681 oneidos {on'-i-dos} probably akin to the base of 3686; TDNT - 5:238,693; n n AV - reproach 1; 1 1) reproach 2) shame
