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字典搜尋結果 共有 107 筆

0194 'uwlay {oo-lah'ee} 或 (縮寫) 'ulay {oo-lah'ee} 源自 0176; TWOT - 46; 副詞 欽定本 - if (so be), may (be), peradventure, unless; 11 1) 也許, 恐怕 2) 說不定 3) 除非 4) 使

0194 'uwlay {oo-lah'ee} or (shortened) 'ulay {oo-lah'ee} from 0176; TWOT - 46; adv AV - if (so be), may (be), peradventure, unless; 11 1) perhaps, peradventure 2) if peradventure 3) unless 4) suppose
0256 'Ach'ab {akh-awb'} 曾經寫作 (沿用) 'Echab (#耶 29:22|) {ekh-awb'} 源自 0251 與 01; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Ahab 93; 93 亞哈 = "父親的兄弟" 1) 以色列王, 暗利之子, 耶洗別的丈夫 2) 當耶利米先知時, 被巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒燒死的先知 (#耶 29:21-22|)

0256 'Ach'ab {akh-awb'} once (by contraction) 'Echab (Jer. 29:22) {ekh-awb'} from 0251 and 01; n pr m AV - Ahab 93; 93 Ahab = "father's brother" 1) king of Israel, son of Omri, husband of Jezebel 2) false prophet executed by Nebuchadrezzar, time of Jeremiah
0410 'el {ale} 0352 的縮寫型; TWOT - 93a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - God 213, god 16, power 4, mighty 5, goodly 1, great 1, idols 1, Immanuel + 06005 2, might 1, strong 1; 245 1) 神, 媲美神祇的人, 大有能力的人 1a) 大有能力的人, 有頭有臉的人, 大英雄 1b) 眾天使 1c) 神祇, 神, (魔鬼, 想像出來的東西) 1d) 神, 獨一真神, 耶和華 2) 巨大的東西 3) 能力, 力量

0410 'el {ale} shortened from 0352; TWOT - 93a; n m AV - God 213, god 16, power 4, mighty 5, goodly 1, great 1, idols 1, Immanuel + 06005 2, might 1, strong 1; 245 1) god, god-like one, mighty one 1a) mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes 1b) angels 1c) god, false god, (demons, imaginations) 1d) God, the one true God, Jehovah 2) mighty things in nature 3) strength, power
0433 'elowahh {el-o'-ah 少用 (縮寫型) 'eloahh {el-o'-ah} 可能為擴展型 (加強語), 源自 0410; TWOT - 93b; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - God 52, god 5; 57 1) 神祇 2)

0433 'elowahh {el-o'-ah rarely (shortened) 'eloahh {el-o'-ah} probably prolonged (emphat.) from 0410; TWOT - 93b; n m AV - God 52, god 5; 57 1) God 2) false god
0434 'eluwl {el-ool'} 用於 0457; TWOT - 99a; 形容詞 欽定本 - thing of nought 1; 1 1) 沒價值的, 沒價值的東西, 沒用的 2) 神, 偶像

0434 'eluwl {el-ool'} for 0457; TWOT - 99a; adj AV - thing of nought 1; 1 1) worthless, something worthless, ineffective 2) worthless gods, idols
0457 'eliyl {el-eel'} 顯然地源自 0408; TWOT - 99a; 陽性形容詞 欽定本 - idol 17, image 1, no value 1, things of nought 1; 20 1) 虛無的, 沒有好處的, 沒價值的 1a) 醫師, 牧羊人, 占卜 1b) 關於神的

0457 'eliyl {el-eel'} apparently from 0408; TWOT - 99a; adj m AV - idol 17, image 1, no value 1, things of nought 1; 20 1) of nought, good for nothing, worthless 1a) of physicians, a shepherd, a divination 1b) of false gods
01130 Ben-Hadad {ben-had-ad'} 源自 01121 和 01908;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Benhadad 25; 25 便哈達= "是哈達的兒子-神" 1) 敘利亞的國王, 跟猶大的亞撒同時期 2) 哈薛的兒子, 也是敘利亞的國王

01130 Ben-Hadad {ben-had-ad'} from 01121 and 01908;; n pr m AV - Benhadad 25; 25 Ben-hadad = "son of [the false god] Hadad" 1) the king of Syria, contemporary with Asa of Judah 2) the son of Hazael, also king of Syria
01571 gam {gam} 一不使用字根的省略型; TWOT - 361a; 副詞 AV - also 5, as 3, even 2, again 1, and 1, misc 22; 34 1) 也, 甚至, 確實, 並且, 肯定 1a) 也, 並且 (強調語氣) 1b) 也不, 不是... 也不是... (與否定詞合用) 1c) 甚至 (加強語氣) 1d) 確實, 肯定 (帶入高潮) 1e) 也 (相關的或應得的) 1f) 但是, 然而, 雖然 (表相反的) 1g) 甚至, 肯定, 雖然... 肯定 (加'何時'用於設語句) 2) (TWOT) 再一次, 相同的

01571 gam {gam} by contraction from an unused root; TWOT - 361a; adv AV - also 5, as 3, even 2, again 1, and 1, misc 22; 34 1) also, even, indeed, moreover, yea 1a) also, moreover (giving emphasis) 1b) neither, neither...nor (with negative) 1c) even (for stress) 1d) indeed, yea (introducing climax) 1e) also (of correspondence or retribution) 1f) but, yet, though (adversative) 1g) even, yea, yea though (with 'when' in hypothetical case) 2) (TWOT) again, alike
02005 hen {hane} 基本的 質詞/語助詞; TWOT - 510 欽定本 - lo, behold, if, or if, though; 7 感嘆詞 1) 看哪, 瞧, 雖然 設的分詞 2) 若

02005 hen {hane} a primitive particle; TWOT - 510 AV - lo, behold, if, or if, though; 7 interj 1) behold, lo, though hypothetical part 2) if
02010 hanachah {han-aw-khaw'} 源自 05117; TWOT - 1323d; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - release 1; 1 1) 休息日, 日, 休息, 放

02010 hanachah {han-aw-khaw'} from 05117; TWOT - 1323d; n f AV - release 1; 1 1) a day of rest, holiday, a giving of rest, holiday making
02054 vazar {vaw-zawr'} 定源自於已不使用之字根,意為承擔罪; TWOT - 521 欽定本 - strange 1; 1 陽性名詞 1) 罪疚, 罪疚感, 陌生的 形容詞 2) 犯罪的, 有罪的

02054 vazar {vaw-zawr'} presumed to be from an unused root meaning to bear guilt; TWOT - 521 AV - strange 1; 1 n m 1) guilty, burdened with guilt, strange adj 2) criminal, guilty
02492 chalam {khaw-lam'} 字根型; TWOT - 662,663; 動詞 AV - to dream 29; 29 1) 作夢 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 作夢 (一般的) 1a2) 作夢 (先知的) 1a3) 作夢 (先知的) 1b) (Hiphil) 作夢 2) 是健康的, 強壯的 2a) (Qal) 是健康的 2b) (Hiphil) 恢復健康

02492 chalam {khaw-lam'} a primitive root; TWOT - 662,663; v AV - to dream 29; 29 1) to dream 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to dream (ordinary) 1a2) to dream (prophetic) 1a3) to dream (of false prophets) 1b) (Hiphil) to dream 2) to be healthy, be strong 2a) (Qal) to be healthy 2b) (Hiphil) to restore to health
02608 Chananyah {khan-an-yaw'} 和 Chananyahuw {khan-an-yaw'-hoo} 源自 02603 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Hananiah 29; 29 哈拿尼雅 = "神已眷顧" 1) 但以理的一位虔誠的朋友, 被尼布甲尼撒王改名為沙得拉. 因尼布甲尼撒王 為他們準備的酒食飯菜違反神對猶太人所立的飲食規定時, 為免遭染不潔, 他是和但以理一同拒用王的飲食的三人之一. 也是因拒絕對尼布甲尼撒王的 雕像下拜而被丟入烈焰火爐的三人之一. 這三人卻在火爐中被神的天使護佑. 參見 '沙得拉' (07714 或 07715) 2) 希幔的十四個兒子之一, 他是在聖殿供職的第十六班的負責人. ( #代上 25| ) 3) 烏西雅王手下的一個將軍 ( #代下 26:11| ) 4) 約雅敬時代的人, 西底家的父親 ( #耶 36:12| ) 5) 基遍的便雅憫人押朔的兒子, 猶大王西底家時的一個先知 ( #耶 28:15| ) 6) 伊利雅的祖父, 便雅憫門的守門官, 以其叛投於迦勒底人的罪名逮捕了耶利米 (#耶 37:13| ) 7) 便雅憫族的一個首領 8) 所羅巴伯的兒子, 在路加提到耶穌的家譜時也稱他作 '約亞拿' ( #代上 3:19|; #路 3:27| ) 9) 比拜的子孫之一, 他隨以斯拉一起用巴比倫歸回 ( #拉 10:28| ) 10) 尼希米時代的一位祭司, 負責製作祭祀用的油膏與香料. 他參與了重建耶路 撒冷城牆的工作 ( #尼 3:8| ) 11) 約雅金時的祭司, 作耶利米族(或作:班)首領 ( #尼 12:12| ) 12) 尼希米時代負責耶路撒冷王宮管理的官員, 他和尼希米的兄弟哈拿尼被指派 管及負責城門的守衛.( #尼 7:2| ) 13) 兩個被擄後的以色列人

02608 Chananyah {khan-an-yaw'} or Chananyahuw {khan-an-yaw'-hoo} from 02603 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Hananiah 29; 29 Hananiah = "God has favoured" 1) the godly friend of Daniel whom Nebuchadnezzar renamed Shadrach; one of the three friends who with Daniel refused to make themselves unclean by eating food from the king's table which went against the dietary laws which God had given the Jews; also one of the three who were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to bow down to a graven image of Nebuchadnezzar and who were saved by the angel of the Lord. See also, 'Shadrach' (07714 or 07715) 2) one of the 14 sons of Heman and chief of the 16th course 3) a general in the army of King Uzziah 4) father of Zedekiah in the time of Jehoiakim 5) son of Azur, a Benjamite of Gibeon and a false prophet in the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah 6) grandfather of Irijah, the captain of the ward at the gate of Benjamin who arrested Jeremiah on the charge of deserting to the Chaldeans 7) a head of a Benjamite house 8) son of Zerubbabel from whom Christ derived His descent also called 'Joanna' by Luke 9) one of the sons of Bebai who returned with Ezra from Babylon 10) a priest, one of the makers of the sacred ointments and incense, who built a portion of the wall of Jerusalem in the days of Nehemiah 11) head of the priestly course of Jeremiah in the days of Joiakim 12) ruler of the palace at Jerusalem under Nehemiah and also, along with Hanani, the Tirshatha's brother, entrusted with the arrangements of guarding the gates of Jerusalem 13) Two post exilic Israelites
03538 k@dab (亞蘭文) {ked-ab'} 源於相當於 03576 的字根; TWOT - 2783; 形容詞 欽定本 - lying 1; 1 1) 虛的, 說謊的

03538 k@dab (Aramaic) {ked-ab'} from a root corresponding to 03576; TWOT - 2783; adj AV - lying 1; 1 1) false, lying
03577 kazab {kaw-zawb'} 源自 03576; TWOT - 970a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - lie 23, lying 2, leasing 2, deceitful 1, false 1, liar 1, lies + 01697 1; 31 1) 謊言, 不實, 虛, 騙人之物

03577 kazab {kaw-zawb'} from 03576; TWOT - 970a; n m AV - lie 23, lying 2, leasing 2, deceitful 1, false 1, liar 1, lies + 01697 1; 31 1) a lie, untruth, falsehood, deceptive thing
03584 kachash {kaw-khash'} 字根型; TWOT - 975; 動詞 欽定本 - lie 5, submit 3, deny 3, fail 3, denied 2, belied 1, deceive 1, dissembled 1, deal falsely 1, liars 1, submitted 1; 22 1) 欺騙, 說謊, 失敗, 漸漸貧乏, 令人失望的, 不誠實的, 不充分的 , 被發現是說謊者, 掩飾, 否認, 裝, 錯誤地處理 1a) (Qal) 漸漸貧乏 1b) (Niphal) 畏縮, 裝順服 1c) (Piel) 1c1) 欺騙, 錯誤地否認 1c2) 行事虛偽 1c3) 畏縮 1c4) 使失望, 失敗 1d) (Hithpael) 畏縮, 裝順服

03584 kachash {kaw-khash'} a primitive root; TWOT - 975; v AV - lie 5, submit 3, deny 3, fail 3, denied 2, belied 1, deceive 1, dissembled 1, deal falsely 1, liars 1, submitted 1; 22 1) to deceive, lie, fail, grow lean, be disappointing, be untrue, be insufficient, be found liars, belie, deny, dissemble, deal falsely 1a) (Qal) to become lean 1b) (Niphal) to cringe, feign obedience 1c) (Piel) 1c1) to deceive, deny falsely 1c2) to act deceptively 1c3) to cringe 1c4) to disappoint, fail 1d) (Hithpael) to cringe, feign obedience
03668 K@na`anah {ken-ah-an-aw'} 源自 03667;; 陰性專有名詞 AV - Chenaanah 5; 5 基拿拿 = "經商者" 1) 亞哈王的先知西底家的父親 2) 比勒罕的兒子, 耶疊的孫子, 便雅憫支派的建立者便雅憫的曾孫 (#代上 7:10|)

03668 K@na`anah {ken-ah-an-aw'} from 03667;; n pr f AV - Chenaanah 5; 5 Chenaanah = "trader" 1) father of Zedekiah the false prophet of Ahab 2) son of Bilhan, grandson of Jediael, and great grandson of Benjamin and the founder of a house of Benjamin
03704 keceth {keh'-seth} 源自 03680; TWOT - 1009a; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - pillow 2; 2 1) 細繩, 帶子, 隱蔽著的護身符, 護符 1a) 為以色列賈先知所使用, 以遂其交鬼算命的詭計

03704 keceth {keh'-seth} from 03680; TWOT - 1009a; n f AV - pillow 2; 2 1) band, fillet, covered amulets, false phylacteries 1a) used by false prophetesses in Israel to support their demonic fortune-telling schemes
04105 M@heytab'el {meh-hay-tab-ale'} 源自 03190 (添加的) 和 0410;; AV - Mehetabel 2, Mehetabeel 1; 3 米希他別 = "神的最愛" 陽性專有名詞 1) 示瑪雅的祖先, 示瑪雅就是受雇多比雅和參巴拉來 反對尼希米的先知 陰性專有名詞 2) 瑪特列的女兒,也是以東王哈達的妻子 (#代上 1:50|)

04105 M@heytab'el {meh-hay-tab-ale'} from 03190 (augmented) and 0410;; AV - Mehetabel 2, Mehetabeel 1; 3 Mehetabeel or Mehetabel = "favoured of God" n pr m 1) the ancestor of Shemaiah, the false prophet who was hired against Nehemiah by Tobiah and Sanballat n pr f 2) the daughter of Matred and wife of king Hadad of Edom
04268 machaceh {makh-as-eh'} 或 machceh {makh-seh'} 源自 02620; TWOT - 700b; 陽性名詞 AV - refuge 15, shelter 2, hope 2, trust 1; 20 1) 避難所, 隱敝處 1a) 躲避風雨或暴風, 躲避危險 1b) 或是虛

04268 machaceh {makh-as-eh'} or machceh {makh-seh'} from 02620; TWOT - 700b; n m AV - refuge 15, shelter 2, hope 2, trust 1; 20 1) refuge, shelter 1a) from rain or storm, from danger 1b) of falsehood
04641 Ma`aseyah {mah-as-ay-yaw'} 或 Ma`aseyahuw {mah-as-ay-yaw'-hoo} 源自 04639 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Maaseiah 23; 23 瑪西雅 = "耶和華所作的" 1) 以斯拉時代的人, 耶書亞的後裔, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 ( #拉 10:18| ) 2) 哈琳的子孫, 於以斯拉時代作祭司, 他也曾娶了一位外邦女子為妻 ( #拉 10:21| ) 3) 巴施戶珥的後裔, 於以斯拉時代作祭司, 他也是曾娶了一個外邦女子為妻 ( #拉 10:22| ) 4) 巴哈-摩押的後裔, 以斯拉時代的人, 又是一個曾娶了外邦女子為妻的祭司 ( #拉 10:30| ) 5) 亞撒利雅的父親 ( #尼 3:23| ) 6) 當以斯拉宣讀律法書時, 站在他右邊的人之一 ( #尼 8:4| ) 7) 當以斯拉宣讀律法書時, 在旁幫助的利未人之一 ( #尼 8:7| ) 8) 在和尼希米訂的公約上簽字的人民領袖之一 ( #尼 10:25| ) 9) 便雅憫人撒路的祖先 ( #尼 11:7| ) 10) 在以斯拉獻重建的耶路撒冷城牆時, 擔任吹號的祭司之一 ( #尼 12:41| ) 11) 另一位在以斯拉獻耶路撒冷城牆時, 負責奏樂的一位祭司 ( #尼 12:42| ) 12) 西番雅的父親, 西番雅是西底家王時一位先知 (祭司?) ( #耶 21:1| ) 13) 耶利米時代的先知西底家的父親 ( #耶 29:21| ) 14) 被大衛王在迎約櫃中指定的第二批利未人之一, 負責高音八弦琴的演奏 ( #代上 15:20|, Alamoth 見 05961) 15) 亞大雅的兒子, 在猶大王約阿施時作百夫長 ( #代下 23:1| ) 16) 猶大王烏西雅時的一位高官 ( #代下 26:11| ) 17) 猶大王亞哈斯的兒子, 他在以色列王比加入侵時被細基利所殺 ( #代下 28:7| ) 18) 猶大王約西亞時管理的耶路撒冷的長官 ( #代下 34:8| ) 19) 利未人沙龍的兒子, 在猶大王約雅敬時位居高官 ( #耶 35:4| ) 20) 一位祭司, 他是巴錄和西萊雅的祖先 ( #耶32:12| #耶51:59| )

04641 Ma`aseyah {mah-as-ay-yaw'} or Ma`aseyahuw {mah-as-ay-yaw'-hoo} from 04639 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Maaseiah 23; 23 Maaseiah = "work of Jehovah" 1) a descendant of Jeshua who had taken a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 2) a priest of the sons of Harim who had taken a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 3) a priest of the sons of Pashur who had taken a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 4) a descendant of Pahath-moab who had taken a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 5) father of Azariah 6) one who stood on the right hand of Ezra when he read the law to the people 7) a Levite who assisted when Ezra read the law to the people 8) one of the heads of the people whose descendants signed the covenant with Nehemiah 9) a Benjamite ancestor of Sallu 10) a priest who took part in the musical service at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem under Ezra 11) another priest who took part in the musical service at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem under Ezra 12) father of Zephaniah the prophet in the reign of Zedekiah 13) father of Zedekiah the false prophet in the time of Jeremiah 14) a Levite of the 2nd rank who David appointed to sound with psalteries on Alamoth 15) son of Adaiah and one of the captains of hundreds in the reign of king Joash of Judah 16) an officer of high rank in the reign of king Uzziah 17) son of king Ahaz of Judah who was killed by Zichri in the invasion of Judah by king Pekah of Israel 18) governor of Jerusalem in the reign of Josiah 19) son of Shallum and a Levite of high rand in the reign of king Jehoiakim of Judah 20) ancestor of Baruch and Seraiah and a priest
04860 mashsha'own {mash-shaw-ohn'} 源自 05377; TWOT - 1425a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - deceit 1; 1 1) 詐術, 裝, 欺騙

04860 mashsha'own {mash-shaw-ohn'} from 05377; TWOT - 1425a; n m AV - deceit 1; 1 1) guile, dissimulation, deceit
05004 ni'uph {nee-oof'} 源自 05003; TWOT - 1273a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - adulteries 2; 2 1) 姦淫 1a) 對偶像神的崇拜 (比喻用法)

05004 ni'uph {nee-oof'} from 05003; TWOT - 1273a; n m AV - adulteries 2; 2 1) adultery 1a) idolatrous worship (fig.)
05012 naba' {naw-baw'} 字根型; TWOT - 1277; 動詞 AV - prophesy 111, prophesying 2, prophet 2; 115 1) 預言 1a) (Niphal) 1a1) 預言 1a1a) 在神的靈影響下 1a1b) 來自於先知 1b) (Hithpael) 1b1) 預言 1b1a) 在神的靈影響下 1b1b) 來自於先知

05012 naba' {naw-baw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1277; v AV - prophesy 111, prophesying 2, prophet 2; 115 1) to prophesy 1a) (Niphal) 1a1) to prophesy 1a1a) under influence of divine spirit 1a1b) of false prophets 1b) (Hithpael) 1b1) to prophesy 1b1a) under influence of divine spirit 1b1b) of false prophets
05016 n@buw'ah {neb-oo-aw'} 源自 05012; TWOT - 1277b; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - prophecy 3; 3 1) 預言 1a) 預言 1a1) 特定的、真的 1a2) 的 1b) 寫下的預言

05016 n@buw'ah {neb-oo-aw'} from 05012; TWOT - 1277b; n f AV - prophecy 3; 3 1) prophecy 1a) prophecy 1a1) specific and genuine 1a2) false 1b) prophetic writing
05030 nabiy' {naw-bee'} 源自 05012; TWOT - 1277a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - prophet 312, prophecy 1, them that prophesy 1, prophet + 0376 1, variant 1; 316 1) 發言人, 說話者, 先知 1a) 先知 1b) 先知 1c) 異教徒之先知

05030 nabiy' {naw-bee'} from 05012; TWOT - 1277a; n m AV - prophet 312, prophecy 1, them that prophesy 1, prophet + 0376 1, variant 1; 316 1) spokesman, speaker, prophet 1a) prophet 1b) false prophet 1c) heathen prophet
05031 n@biy'ah {neb-ee-yaw'} 源自 05030; TWOT - 1277c; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - prophetess 6; 6 1) 女預言家 1a) 古代以詩歌當作禮物的形式(米利暗) 1b) 在那些話語之後所實現的事情(Huldah) 1c) 女先知(Noadiah) 1d) 預言家以賽亞的妻子

05031 n@biy'ah {neb-ee-yaw'} from 05030; TWOT - 1277c; n f AV - prophetess 6; 6 1) prophetess 1a) ancient type endowed with gift of song (Miriam) 1b) later type consulted for a word (Huldah) 1c) false prophetess (Noadiah) 1d) wife of Isaiah the prophet
05161 Nechelamiy {nekh-el-aw-mee'} 顯然來自一個已不使用的名字的姓 (顯然是 02492 的被動分詞);; 形容詞 欽定本 - Nehelamite 3; 3 尼希蘭人 = "夢幻中人" 1) 專指被擄去巴比倫的人中的一位先知示瑪雅; 這個名字是由他的故鄉或祖先而來

05161 Nechelamiy {nekh-el-aw-mee'} apparently a patronymic from an unused name (apparently pass. participle of 02492);; adj AV - Nehelamite 3; 3 Nehelamite = "he of the dream" 1) the designation of a false prophet Shemaiah taken into captivity to Babylon; name is formed from his native place or his progenitor
05809 `Azzuwr {az-zoor'} 或 `Azzur {az-zoor'} 源自 05826;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Azur 2, Azzur 1; 3 押述 或 押朔 = "他幫助" 1) 基遍的便雅憫人, 先知哈拿尼雅的父親 ( # 耶 28:1| ) 2) 雅撒尼亞的父親, 他是被以西結受感而說預言攻擊的人之 ( #結 11:1| )

05809 `Azzuwr {az-zoor'} or `Azzur {az-zoor'} from 05826;; n pr m AV - Azur 2, Azzur 1; 3 Azur or Azzur = "he that assists" 1) a Benjamite of Gibeon, father of the false prophet Hananiah 2) father of Jaazaniah, one of the princes against whom Ezekiel was commanded to prophecy
06048 `Anammelek {an-am-meh'-lek} 外來字;; 專有名詞 神祇名 AV - Anammelech 1; 1 亞拿米勒 = "王的樣子" 1) 一位亞述人崇拜的神, 在亞述君主統治時代被引入以色列; 被像摩洛神(見 [4432]) 那樣的膜拜著; 原是和亞得米勒(見 [0152])一起被西法瓦音人崇拜的 (#王下 17:31|)

06048 `Anammelek {an-am-meh'-lek} of foreign origin;; n pr deity AV - Anammelech 1; 1 Anammelech = "image of the king" 1) an Assyrian false god introduced to Israel during the monarchy; worshipped with rites resembling those of Molech; companion god of 'Adrammelech'
06075 `aphal {aw-fal'} 字根型; TWOT - 1662,1663; 動詞 欽定本 - lifted up 1, presumed 1; 2 1) 抬高, 自滿, 被抬高 1a) (Pual) 自高自大 1b) (Hiphil) 厚顏無恥的, 驕傲自滿的 2) 擅自設, 輕率的 2a) (Hiphil) 輕率疏忽, 顯出輕率的行為

06075 `aphal {aw-fal'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1662,1663; v AV - lifted up 1, presumed 1; 2 1) to lift up, swell, be lifted up 1a) (Pual) to swell 1b) (Hiphil) to be bold, be swelled 2) to presume, be heedless 2a) (Hiphil) to be heedless, show heedlessness
06121 `aqob {aw-kobe'} 源自 06117; TWOT - 1676c; 形容詞 欽定本 - crooked 1, deceitful 1, polluted 1; 3 1) 虛的, 狡猾的, 陰險的 1a) 虛的, 狡猾的, 陰險的, 不能信賴的 1b) 狡猾的 2) 誇大的, 險峻的

06121 `aqob {aw-kobe'} from 06117; TWOT - 1676c; adj AV - crooked 1, deceitful 1, polluted 1; 3 1) deceitful, sly, insidious 1a) deceitful, sly, insidious, slippery 1b) foot-tracked 2) steep, hilly
06238 `ashar {aw-shar'} 字根型; TWOT - 1714; 動詞 欽定本 - rich 14, enrich 3, richer 1; 17 1) 變為富足及豐富的, 使富足, 裝富有 1a) (Qal) 變為富足 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) 變成富有的 1b2) 獲得豐盛的 1c) (Hithpael) 使富有, 裝富足

06238 `ashar {aw-shar'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1714; v AV - rich 14, enrich 3, richer 1; 17 1) to be or become rich or wealthy, enrich, pretend to be rich 1a) (Qal) to be or become rich 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) to make rich 1b2) to gain riches 1c) (Hithpael) to enrich oneself, pretend to be rich
06252 `Ashtarowth {ash-taw-roth'} 或 `Ashtaroth {ash-taw-roth'} 06251的複數型; TWOT - 1718b 欽定本 - Ashtaroth 11, Astaroth 1; 12 亞斯他錄(Ashtaroth)或亞斯他錄(Astaroth) = "星辰" 陰性專有名詞 女神 1) 迦南宗教中的女神, 通常與生殖膜拜有關 專有名詞 地名 2) 在約旦河東邊巴珊的一個城市, 分給瑪拿西族 2a) 同於06255

06252 `Ashtarowth {ash-taw-roth'} or `Ashtaroth {ash-taw-roth'} pl. of 06251; TWOT - 1718b AV - Ashtaroth 11, Astaroth 1; 12 Ashtaroth or Astaroth = "star" n pr f deity 1) false goddesses in the Canaanite religion, usually related to fertility cult n pr loc 2) a city in Bashan east of the Jordan given to Manasseh 2a) same as 06255
06465 P@`owr {peh-ore'} 源自 06473; 欽定本 - Peor 5; 5 毘珥 = "裂縫" 地名專有名詞 1) 屬亞巴琳山脈區的摩押高原的一山峰與毗斯迦山靠近 神性專有名詞 2) 摩押地敬拜的神; 相當於巴力

06465 P@`owr {peh-ore'} from 06473; AV - Peor 5; 5 Peor = "cleft" n pr loc 1) a mountain peak in Moab belonging to the Abarim range and near Pisgah n pr deity 2) a false god worshipped in Moab; corresponds to Baal
06667 Tsidqiyah {tsid-kee-yaw'} 或 Tsidqiyahuw {tsid-kee-yaw'-hoo} 源自 06664 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Zedekiah 62, Zidkijah 1; 63 西底家 = "耶和華是公義的" 1) 猶大的最後一個王, 原名瑪探雅; 他是約西亞和哈慕他的兒子, 當尼布 甲尼撒王將其姪子猶大王約雅斤擄走後, 另立他作猶大王, 並將其改名 為西底家 2) 北國以色列亞哈王時的一個先知 ( #王上 22| #代下 18| ) 3) 瑪西雅的兒子, 巴比倫的一個先知 ( ? ) 4) 哈拿尼雅的兒子, 耶利米時代猶大的王公貴族之一 ( #耶 36:12| ) 5) 在和尼希米的公約上簽名的祭司之一 ( #尼 10:1| ) 6) 猶大王約雅敬的一個兒子 ( #代上 3:16| )

06667 Tsidqiyah {tsid-kee-yaw'} or Tsidqiyahuw {tsid-kee-yaw'-hoo} from 06664 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Zedekiah 62, Zidkijah 1; 63 Zedekiah = "Jehovah is righteous" 1) the last king of Judah renamed from 'Mattaniah' by Nebuchadnezzar; son of Josiah by wife Hamutal; placed on the throne by Nebuchadnezzar when he carried his nephew Jehoiakim in captivity 2) false prophet at the court of king Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel 3) son of Maaseiah, a false prophet in Babylon 4) son of Hananiah, one of the princes of Judah in the time of Jeremiah 5) a priest who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah 6) son of king Jehoiakim of Judah
06964 Qowlayah {ko-law-yaw'} 源自 06963 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Kolaiah 2; 2 哥賴雅 = "耶和華的聲音" 1) 先知亞哈的父親 ( #耶 29:21| ) 2) 一位便雅憫人, 他的子孫由被擄之地歸回後住在耶路撒冷 ( #尼 11:7| ) 3) 以斯拉時的一位利未人

06964 Qowlayah {ko-law-yaw'} from 06963 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Kolaiah 2; 2 Kolaiah = "voice of Jehovah" 1) father of the false prophet Ahab 2) a Benjamite whose descendants settled in Jerusalem after the return from captivity 3) a Levite in the time of Ezra
07080 qacam {kaw-sam'} 字根型; TWOT - 2044; 動詞 欽定本 - divine 7, diviners 7, use 3, divination 1, prudent 1, soothsayer 1; 20 1) (Qal) 施行占卜, 宗教性的 1a) 屬國定的占卜者, 巴蘭 1b) 屬以色列的先知們 1c) 禁止的

07080 qacam {kaw-sam'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2044; v AV - divine 7, diviners 7, use 3, divination 1, prudent 1, soothsayer 1; 20 1) (Qal) to practice divination, divine 1a) of diviners of the nations, Balaam 1b) of false prophets of Israel 1c) prohibited
07081 qecem {keh'-sem} 源自 07080; TWOT - 2044a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - divination 9, witchcraft 1, divine sentence 1; 11 1) 預言, 巫術 1a) 國家的, 巴蘭 1b) 先知 1c) 在好的意義方面 (王的口有雋語)

07081 qecem {keh'-sem} from 07080; TWOT - 2044a; n m AV - divination 9, witchcraft 1, divine sentence 1; 11 1) divination, witchcraft 1a) of the nations, Balaam 1b) of false prophets 1c) in a good sense (king's lips as oracles)
07812 shachah {shaw-khaw'} 字根型; TWOT - 2360; 動詞 欽定本 - worship 99, bow 31, bow down 18, obeisance 9, reverence 5, fall down 3, themselves 2, stoop 1, crouch 1, misc 3; 172 1) 下拜 1a) (Qal) 下拜, 俯伏 1b) (Hiphil) 消沉 (比喻用法) (#箴 12:25|) 1c) (Hithpael) 1c1) 下拜, 俯伏 1c1a) 在國王或首長面前 1c1b) 在神面前敬拜 1c1c) 在神面前 1c1d) 在天使面前

07812 shachah {shaw-khaw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2360; v AV - worship 99, bow 31, bow down 18, obeisance 9, reverence 5, fall down 3, themselves 2, stoop 1, crouch 1, misc 3; 172 1) to bow down 1a) (Qal) to bow down 1b) (Hiphil) to depress (fig) 1c) (Hithpael) 1c1) to bow down, prostrate oneself 1c1a) before superior in homage 1c1b) before God in worship 1c1c) before false gods 1c1d) before angel
08098 Sh@ma`yah {shem-aw-yaw'} 或 Sh@ma`yahuw {shem-aw-yaw'-hoo} 源自 08085 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Shemaiah 41; 41 示瑪雅 = "被耶和華聽見" 1) 猶大王羅波安時的一位宣講神的話的人 (#王上 12:22;代下 11:2|) 2) 一位尼希蘭人, 耶利米時代的一位先知 (#耶 29:31|) 3) 第萊雅的父親, 耶利米時代的一位猶大國的王公貴人 (#耶 36:12|) 4) 一位基列耶琳人, 烏利亞的父親, 烏利亞是耶利米時代屬神的一位先知 (#耶 26:20|) 5) 猶大人, 示迦尼的兒子, 哈突的父親, 所羅巴伯的後裔 (#代上 3:22|) 6) 一位西緬支派的人, 申利的父親 (#代上 4:37|) 7) 一位利甲人, 約珥的兒子, 歌革的父親 (#代上 5:4|) 8) 利未人米拉利的子孫, 哈述的兒子, 耶利米時代的人 (#代上 9:14;尼 11:15|) 9) 一位利未人, 迦拉的兒子, 俄巴底的父親 (#代上 9:16|) 10) 一位利未人, 大衛王時代他是以利撒反子孫家族的族長, 他參與了運送約櫃 的任務 (#代上 15:8|) 11) 大衛王時一位作書記的利未人, 拿坦業的兒子(#代上 24:6|) 12) 利未人俄別以東的長子, 大衛王時代的人 (#代上 26:4|) 13) 一位利未人, 猶大王希西家時的歌者, 耶杜頓的子孫 (#代下29:14|) 14) 一位利未人, 他是替以斯拉帶話給易多的信使之一 (#拉 8:16|) 15) 猶大王約沙法時的一位利未人 (#代下 17:8|) 16) 猶大王西希家的一位利未人, 他是負責將樂意獻給神的禮物分發給各地利未 人的人之一 (#代下 31:15|) 17) 猶大王約西亞時的一位利未人 (#代下 35:9|) 18) 和以斯拉一同由被擄之地歸回的族長之一 (#拉 8:13|) 19) 哈琳的子孫, 以斯拉時�膝q, 他曾娶一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:21|) 20) 以斯拉時代的一位以色列人, 哈琳的子孫, 他曾娶一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:31|) 21) 第來雅的兒子, 米希大別的孫子, 受賄於多比雅和參巴拉去誤導尼希米 (#尼 6:10|) 22) 在與尼希米訂的公約上簽名的祭司之一, 他也參與了敬獻重建的耶路撒冷城 牆的典禮 (#尼 10: 8|) 23) 與所羅巴伯由被擄之地一起歸回的祭司之一 (#尼 12:6|) 24) 尼希米時代參與敬獻重建的耶路撒冷城牆的民的首領之一 (#尼 12:34|) 25) 撒迦利亞的祖父, 撒迦利亞是尼希米時代的人, 他參與了敬獻重建的耶路撒 冷城牆的典禮 (#尼 12:35|) 26) 尼希米時代的人, 是另一位和 25) 一起參與敬獻耶路撒冷城牆的祭司 (#尼 12:36,41| ?)

08098 Sh@ma`yah {shem-aw-yaw'} or Sh@ma`yahuw {shem-aw-yaw'-hoo} from 08085 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Shemaiah 41; 41 Shemaiah = "heard by Jehovah" 1) a prophet of the Lord in the reign of king Rehoboam of Judah 2) the Nehelamite, a false prophet in the time of the prophet Jeremiah 3) father of Delaiah, one of the princes of Judah in the time of the prophet Jeremiah 4) an inhabitant of Kirjathjearim and father of Urijah, a prophet of the Lord in the time of the prophet Jeremiah 5) a Judaite, son of Shechaniah, father of Hattush, and descendant of Zerubbabel 6) a Simeonite, father of Shimri 7) a Reubenite, son of Joel and father of Gog 8) a Merarite Levite, son of Hasshub in the time of Nehemiah 9) a Levite, son of Galal and father of Obadiah 10) a Levite and head of the family of the sons of Elizaphan who were commissioned to bring the ark to Jerusalem in the time of David 11) a Levite and scribe, son of Nethaneel in the time of David 12) a Levite, 1st son of Obed-Edom in the time of David 13) a Levite, descendant of Jeduthun the singer in the time of king Hezekiah of Judah 14) a Levite, one of the messengers of Ezra to Iddo 15) a Levite in the time of king Jehoshaphat of Judah 16) a Levite, one of several in charge of distributing the free will offerings brought to God to their Levite brethren in the time of king Hezekiah of Judah 17) a Levite in the time of king Josiah of Judah 18) head of a family of exiles who returned with Ezra 19) a priest, of the sons of Harim who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 20) an Israelite of the sons of Harim who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 21) son of Delaiah, grandson of Mehetabeel, and a false prophet hired by Tobiah and Sanballat to give false guidance to Nehemiah 22) a priest who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah and participated in the dedication of the wall 23) a priest who returned from exile with Zerubbabel 24) a leader of the people at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 25) grandfather of the priest Zechariah who participated in the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah 26) another of the priests who along with 25 took part in the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah
08267 sheqer {sheh'-ker} 源自 08266; TWOT - 2461a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - lie 28, lying 21, false 20, falsehood 13, falsely 13, vain 5, wrongfully 4, deceitful 2, deceit 1, liar 1, misc 5; 113 1) 謊言, 欺騙, 失望, 虛 1a) 騙人的事物(欺騙人、使人失望或出賣人的事物) 1b) 欺詐, 欺騙(的行為), 錯誤 1b1) 欺騙地, 錯誤地(作為副詞) 1c) 虛(見證中有害的部分) 1c1) 做見證, 誓言, 錯誤地發誓 1d) 虛(謬誤的或自欺的先知的) 1e) lie, 虛(一般而言) 1e1) 謬誤的語言 1f) 徒勞

08267 sheqer {sheh'-ker} from 08266; TWOT - 2461a; n m AV - lie 28, lying 21, false 20, falsehood 13, falsely 13, vain 5, wrongfully 4, deceitful 2, deceit 1, liar 1, misc 5; 113 1) lie, deception, disappointment, falsehood 1a) deception (what deceives or disappoints or betrays one) 1b) deceit, fraud, wrong 1b1) fraudulently, wrongfully (as adverb) 1c) falsehood (injurious in testimony) 1c1) testify falsehood, false oath, swear falsely 1d) falsity (of false or self-deceived prophets) 1e) lie, falsehood (in general) 1e1) false tongue 1f) in vain
08811 未完成 未完成式表達了動作、過程或狀態是未完成的, 它有 很多意思: 1a) 用來敘述過去的單一 (與重複相對) 動作; 跟完 成式不一樣之處, 在於未完成式更有生氣、更生 動。完成式表達了「事實」, 未完成式暗示著「 過程」即將完成, 因此增色不少, 也加上動作。 他伸出手準備開門 事情半途中止 我漸漸聽到 1b) 「誰找你?」這樣的說法, 指的不只是現在, 也 設尋找的動作已經持續一段時間了。 你為何哭泣? 為什麼不肯吃? 你為何憂傷? 與其說這些句子講的是一個時刻, 不如說講的是 持續的狀態。 2) 進行、未完成是與尚未完成的這一類動作可能在 於屢次重複。 2a) 現在式: 今天有人這麼「說」 睿智的兒子會「取悅」父親 2b) 過去式: 「他如此說」 - 定期地, 年年如此 「往往起了」一陣霧 「我們以前常吃」的魚 「降下」嗎哪 - 定期地 他「說」 - 不斷地 3) 未完成式用來表達未來, 指的不但是即將完成的 動作, 也是還沒開始的動作 3a) 從現在式真正的觀點來看, 這可能是未來式; 如: 好了, 「你走著瞧」 「我們要燒掉」你的房子 3b) 從任何其他設的觀點來看, 這可能是未來 式; 如: 他把「即將就任王位」的兒子帶走了 她留下來看還有什麼是「應該做的」 4) 3b 的用法可以視為常用的未完成式及物動詞,其 中 3b 表達了行為和思想之間的各種關係, 遇到 這些關係, 英語喜歡用條件語氣。提到關係的 設觀點, 這種動作完全是「未來式」, 簡單的未 來式已足以表達; 例如 你「可以吃」任何樹上的果子 「我們能不能知道」 他「會」說 5a) 未完成式跟在質詞/語助詞後面, 表達的是「變 遷」、「目的」、「結果」等等, 還有「為了」 ,「免得」; 例如 說你是我妹妹,「這樣對你比較好」 讓我們睿智治國,「免得國民增多」 5b) 然而, 當「目的」的感覺很強烈, 或當它需要 特別強調時, 那麼當然就要使用語氣了; 例如 高舉我,「我好回報他們」 他要引誘亞哈王「上去」 我們要怎麼做,「海浪才會平靜下來」 我們也會用語氣來表達未來動作的等級, 這動 作我們是用「祈願語態」表達的 「讓我死了好了」 「願」主「堅立」祂的話 「願」這孩子「活下去」

08811 Imperfect The imperfect expresses an action, process or condition which is incomplete, and it has a wide range of meaning: 1a) It is used to describe a single (as opposed to a repeated) action in the past; it differs from the perfect in being more vivid and pictorial. The perfect expresses the "fact", the imperfect adds colour and movement by suggesting the "process" preliminary to its completion. he put forth his hand to the door it came to a halt I began to hear 1b) A phrase such as "What seekest thou?", refers not only to the present, but assumes that the search has continued for some time. Why do you weep? Why refuse to eat? Why are you distressed? These relate not so much as to one occasion, as to a continued condition. 2) The kind of progression or imperfection and unfinished condition of the action may consist in its frequent repetition. 2a) In the present: it is "said" today a wise son "maketh glad" his father 2b) In the past: "and so he did" - regularly, year by year a mist "used to go up" the fish which "we used to eat" the manna "came down" - regularly he "spoke" - repeatedly 3) The imperfect is used to express the "future", referring not only to an action which is about to be accomplished but one which has not yet begun: 3a) This may be a future from the point of view of the real present; as: Now "shalt thou see what I will do" "We will burn" thy house 3b) It may be a future from any other point of view assumed; as: he took his son that "was to reign" she stayed to see what "should be done" 4) The usage of 3b may be taken as the transitive to a common use of the imperfect in which it serves for an expression of those shades of relation among acts and thoughts for which English prefers the conditional moods. Such actions are strictly "future" in reference to the assumed point of relation, and the simple imperfect sufficiently expresses them; e.g. of every tree thou "mayest eat" "could we know" he "would" say 5a) The imperfect follows particles expressing "transition", "purpose", "result" and so forth as, "in order that", "lest"; e.g. say thou art my sister, "that it may be well with thee" let us deal wisely with the nation, "lest it multiplies" 5b) When however there is a strong feeling of "purpose", or when it is meant to be strongly marked, then of course the moods are employed; e.g. raise me up "that I may requite them" who will entice Ahab "that he may go up" what shall we do "that the sea may be calm" The moods are also employed to express that class of future actions which we express in the "optative" "may I die" "may" the LORD "establish" his word "may" the child "live"
212 alazoneia {al-ad-zon-i'-a} 源於 213; TDNT - 1:226,36; 陰性名詞 AV - boasting 1, pride 1; 2 1) 空洞, 誇大吹噓的言詞 2) 傲慢無實質內容的信念, 憑藉於靠其自己的力量和資源, 無恥蔑視和違反神聖的律法和人的基本權利 3) 一種不信神且空乏的定或推測, 奠基於相信屬世的東西可以長長久久

212 alazoneia {al-ad-zon-i'-a} from 213; TDNT - 1:226,36; n f AV - boasting 1, pride 1; 2 1) empty, braggart talk 2) an insolent and empty assurance, which trusts in its own power and resources and shamefully despises and violates divine laws and human rights 3) an impious and empty presumption which trusts in the stability of earthy things
225 aletheia {al-ay'-thi-a} 源自227; TDNT - 1:232,37; 陰性名詞 AV - truth 107, truly + 1909 1, true 1, verity 1; 110 1) 真理 (客觀的) 1a) 任何事情的真相 1a1) 真實地, 真實, 按照真理 1a2) 屬於真理的, 事實, 真相, 確實地 1b) 有關神與人類責任的真理 1c) 基督教所教導的真理,有別於外邦人與猶太人的空穴來風, 或是基督徒當中的教師或謬論. 2) 真實 (主觀的) 2a) 指一個人的純正心態,沒有冒,虛偽,欺瞞.

225 aletheia {al-ay'-thi-a} from 227; TDNT - 1:232,37; n f AV - truth 107, truly + 1909 1, true 1, verity 1; 110 1) objectively 1a) what is true in any matter under consideration 1a1) truly, in truth, according to truth 1a2) of a truth, in reality, in fact, certainly 1b) what is true in things appertaining to God and the duties of man, moral and religious truth 1b1) in the greatest latitude 1b2) the true notions of God which are open to human reason without his supernatural intervention 1c) the truth as taught in the Christian religion, respecting God and the execution of his purposes through Christ, and respecting the duties of man, opposing alike to the superstitions of the Gentiles and the inventions of the Jews, and the corrupt opinions and precepts of false teachers even among Christians 2) subjectively 2a) truth as a personal excellence 2a1) that candour of mind which is free from affection, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit
228 alethinos {al-ay-thee-nos'} 源自227; TDNT - 1:249,37; 形容詞 欽定本 - 真實的 27; 27 1) 不僅相近於其名,且其真實的本質與名字相當.   在每一方面都相等於名字所表示的觀念.是真實的,實際的. 1a) 與虛的,虛偽的,想的,模擬的,或裝的意思相反. 1b) 與真實或現實,及甚同類字對比. 1c) 與不完全,有缺陷,脆弱的,易變的意思相反. 2) 真實,誠實,正確,真誠,真心.

228 alethinos {al-ay-thee-nos'} from 227; TDNT - 1:249,37; adj AV - true 27; 27 1) that which has not only the name and resemblance, but the real nature corresponding to the name, in every respect corresponding to the idea signified by the name, real, true genuine 1a) opposite to what is fictitious, counterfeit, imaginary, simulated or pretended 1b) it contrasts realities with their semblances 1c) opposite to what is imperfect defective, frail, uncertain 2) true, veracious, sincere
279 ametanoetos {am-et-an-o'-ay-tos} 源自 1 (當作一否定" 質詞/語助詞 ") 和 3340 的定衍生字; TDNT - 4:1009,636; 形容詞 AV - impenitent 1; 1 1) 確定不改變心意的, 不悔改的 , 無悔意的 {#羅 2:5|}

279 ametanoetos {am-et-an-o'-ay-tos} from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 3340; TDNT - 4:1009,636; adj AV - impenitent 1; 1 1) admitting no change of mind, unrepented, impenitent
662 apotolmao {ap-ot-ol-mah'-o} 源自 575 and 5111; TDNT - 8:181,1183; 動詞 AV - be very bold 1; 1 1) 大膽設, 成為無懼的 (#羅 10:20|)

662 apotolmao {ap-ot-ol-mah'-o} from 575 and 5111; TDNT - 8:181,1183; v AV - be very bold 1; 1 1) to assume boldness, make bold
793 asteriktos {as-tay'-rik-tos} 源自 1 (作否定質詞/語助詞)和4741的定衍生字; TDNT - 7:653,1085; 形容詞 欽定本 - unstable 2; 2 1)不穩定的, 不安全的, 不安定的, 不穩定的

793 asteriktos {as-tay'-rik-tos} from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4741; TDNT - 7:653,1085; adj AV - unstable 2; 2 1) unstable, unsteadfast
919 Bariesous {bar-ee-ay-sooce'} of Aramaic origin 01247 and 03091;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Barjesus 1; 1 巴耶穌 = "耶穌(約書亞)的兒子" 1)一個先知

919 Bariesous {bar-ee-ay-sooce'} of Aramaic origin 01247 and 03091;; n pr m AV - Barjesus 1; 1 Barjesus = "son of Jesus" 1) a certain false prophet
1103 gnesios {gnay'-see-os} 源自 與...同 1077; TDNT - 1:727,125; 形容詞 AV - own 2, sincerely 1, true 1; 4 1) 合法出生的, 非造的 2) 真誠的, 不做作的, 衷心實意的

1103 gnesios {gnay'-see-os} from the same as 1077; TDNT - 1:727,125; adj AV - own 2, sincerely 1, true 1; 4 1) legitimately born, not spurious 2) true, genuine, sincere
1320 didaskalos {did-as'-kal-os} 源於 1321; TDNT - 2:148,161;陽性名詞 AV - Master (Jesus) 40, teacher 10, master 7, doctor 1; 58 1) 教師 2) 在新約中指教導有關神的事及人的責任的人 1a) 適任於(或自認適於)教導的事的人 1b) 教導猶太宗教的人 1c) 指大有教導能力而使人願聚來聽道的人, 亦即如 施洗約翰, 耶穌等 1d) 耶穌特別用來指其自己, 是向人顯明救恩之路的那一位 1e) 指眾使徒及保羅 1f) 指信奉基督群體中, 藉著聖靈的幫勵而擔負教導工作的人 1g) 指在基督徒中的教師

1320 didaskalos {did-as'-kal-os} from 1321; TDNT - 2:148,161; n m AV - Master (Jesus) 40, teacher 10, master 7, doctor 1; 58 1) a teacher 2) in the NT one who teaches concerning the things of God, and the duties of man 1a) one who is fitted to teach, or thinks himself so 1b) the teachers of the Jewish religion 1c) of those who by their great power as teachers draw crowds around them i.e. John the Baptist, Jesus 1d) by preeminence used of Jesus by himself, as one who showed men the way of salvation 1e) of the apostles, and of Paul 1f) of those who in the religious assemblies of the Christians, undertook the work of teaching, with the special assistance of the Holy Spirit 1g) of false teachers among Christians
1380 dokeo {dok-eh'-o} 一個基本動詞的擴展型, 和 doko {dok'-o} 的意思相同(只用於特定時態時的代用字; 參見 1166 的字源); TDNT - 2:232,178; 動詞 AV - think 33, seem 13, suppose 7, seem good 3, please 2, misc 5; 63 1) 有意件, 設想, 定 2) 看似是, 被當作是, 被認為 3) 就我看來.... 3a) 我的想法, 我的判斷: 指對某個問題 3b) 似乎是對的..., 是我喜歡的..., 我認定 其同義字, 參見 5837

1380 dokeo {dok-eh'-o} a prolonged form of a primary verb, doko {dok'-o} (used only in an alternate in certain tenses; cf the base of 1166) of the same meaning; TDNT - 2:232,178; v AV - think 33, seem 13, suppose 7, seem good 3, please 2, misc 5; 63 1) to be of opinion, think, suppose 2) to seem, to be accounted, reputed 3) it seems to me 3a) I think, judge: thus in question 3b) it seems good to, pleased me, I determined For Synonyms see entry 5837
1392 doxazo {dox-ad'-zo} 源於 1391; TDNT - 2:253,178; 動詞 AV - glorify 54, honour 3, have glory 2, magnify 1, make glorious 1, full of glory 1; 62 1) 認為, 定, 認定 2) 頌讚, 頌揚, 歌頌, 讚美 3) 使...有榮耀, 歸榮耀給..., 有光榮 4) 使榮耀, 使增光彩, 披上榮光 4a) 使某事有光彩, 給與極高的評價 4b) 使有名聲, 使顯赫 4b1) 使某人或某事的尊嚴和價值被顯明出來和獲得承認

1392 doxazo {dox-ad'-zo} from 1391; TDNT - 2:253,178; v AV - glorify 54, honour 3, have glory 2, magnify 1, make glorious 1, full of glory 1; 62 1) to think, suppose, be of opinion 2) to praise, extol, magnify, celebrate 3) to honour, do honour to, hold in honour 4) to make glorious, adorn with lustre, clothe with splendour 4a) to impart glory to something, render it excellent 4b) to make renowned, render illustrious 4b1) to cause the dignity and worth of some person or thing to become manifest and acknowledged
1437 ean {e-an'} 源於 1487 和 302;; 連接詞 AV - if 200, whosoever + 3769 14, whatsoever + 3739 16, though 14, misc 31; 275 1) 若是, 萬一, 如果, 如, 要是, 即使, 只要, 雖然, 當...時, 2) 有時等於 302 an ( #太5:19| ) 3) ean + 3261 me , 除非 4) eanper 只要是 上列出現次數不包括此字用在其它的詞(有另外的Strong's number)中的情形. J.B. Smith 列的出現次數是 341 次.

1437 ean {e-an'} from 1487 and 302;; conj AV - if 200, whosoever + 3769 14, whatsoever + 3739 16, though 14, misc 31; 275 1) if, in case Preceding count adjusted to remove occurrences where 1437 is used in a phrase that has another Strong's number assigned to it. J.B. Smith lists count at 341.
1497 eidolon {i'-do-lon} 源自1491; 偶象 (亦即與拜有關); TDNT - 2:375,202; n n AV - idol 11; 11 1) 一個形象,肖像 1a) 亦即任何代表著一個物件的形狀,無論是實體或者是想像的 1b) 使用己死去的人,幽靈,鬼怪,心中的幻影,等的陰影. 2) 神的偶像 3)

1497 eidolon {i'-do-lon} from 1491; an image (i.e. for worship); TDNT - 2:375,202; n n AV - idol 11; 11 1) an image, likeness 1a) i.e. whatever represents the form of an object, either real or imaginary 1b) used of the shades of the departed, apparitions, spectres, phantoms of the mind, etc. 2) the image of an heathen god 3) a false god
1498 eien {i'-ane} optative (亦即 English 設語氣) 現在式of 1510 (including the other person);; 動詞 AV - should be 3, be 3, meant 2, might be 1, should mean 1, wert 1, not tr 1; 12 1) 是, 成為, 存在, 發生, 在場

1498 eien {i'-ane} optative (i.e. English subjunctive) present of 1510 (including the other person);; v AV - should be 3, be 3, meant 2, might be 1, should mean 1, wert 1, not tr 1; 12 1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present
1964 epiorkeo {ep-ee-or-keh'-o} 源自 1965; TDNT - 5:466,729; 動詞 AV - forswear (one's) self 1; 1 1) 發誓, 自己背誓 (#太 5:33|)

1964 epiorkeo {ep-ee-or-keh'-o} from 1965; TDNT - 5:466,729; v AV - forswear (one's) self 1; 1 1) to swear falsely, forswear one's self
2010 epitrepo {ep-ee-trep'-o} 源於 1909 和 5157 的字源;; 動詞 AV - suffer 10, permit 4, give leave 2, give liberty 1, give license 1, let 1; 19 1) 轉向..., 轉給..., 委託, 指導 2) 允許, 容許, 准許(准, 准於離開)

2010 epitrepo {ep-ee-trep'-o} from 1909 and the base of 5157;; v AV - suffer 10, permit 4, give leave 2, give liberty 1, give license 1, let 1; 19 1) to turn to, transfer, commit, instruct 2) to permit, allow, give leave
2812 kleptes {klep'-tace} 源於 2813; TDNT - 3:754,441;陽性名詞 AV - thief 16; 16 1) 盜用者, 毛賊 1a) 這個名稱被借用來指教師們, 他們並不真關心教導人的事, 反而濫用人的信心以獲取利益 其同義詞, 見 5856

2812 kleptes {klep'-tace} from 2813; TDNT - 3:754,441; n m AV - thief 16; 16 1) an embezzler, pilferer 1a) the name is transferred to false teachers, who do not care to instruct men, but abuse their confidence for their own gain For Synonyms see entry 5856
2824 klima {klee'-mah} 源自 2827;; 中性名詞 AV - region 2, 分詞1; 3 1) 斜坡, 傾度, 向下的斜坡 2) 地球從赤道至南北極想的斜度; 地帶或地區(時區) 3) 廣闊的土地, 行政區域 (#羅 15:23; 林後 11:10; 加 1:21|)

2824 klima {klee'-mah} from 2827;; n n AV - region 2, part 1; 3 1) an inclination, slope, declivity 2) the [supposed] sloping of the earth from the equator towards the poles, a zone 3) a tract of land, a region
3543 nomizo {nom-id'-zo} 源自 3551;; 動詞 AV - suppose 9, think 5, be wont 1; 15 1) �葖U或慣例所守, 以習俗或慣例所有, 跟從習俗或慣例 1a) 就是習俗, 就是已接納的慣例 2) 視為, 認為, 定 找同義詞參看 5837

3543 nomizo {nom-id'-zo} from 3551;; v AV - suppose 9, think 5, be wont 1; 15 1) to hold by custom or usage, own as a custom or usage, to follow a custom or usage 1a) it is the custom, it is the received usage 2) to deem, think, suppose For Synonyms see entry 5837
3613 oiketerion {oy-kay-tay'-ree-on} 源自 3611 的設衍生字 (等同於 3612); TDNT - 5:155,674; 中性名詞 AV - house 1, habitation 1; 2 1) 居住的地方, 住所 1a) 用於指身體是靈魂的居所

3613 oiketerion {oy-kay-tay'-ree-on} from a presumed derivative of 3611 (equivalent to 3612); TDNT - 5:155,674; n n AV - house 1, habitation 1; 2 1) a dwelling place, habitation 1a) of the body as a dwelling place for the spirit
3633 oiomai {oy'-om-ahee} or (shorter) oimai {oy'-mahee} 關身語態 語態 apparently from 3634;; 動詞 AV - suppose 2, think 1; 3 1) 設, 思索 (#約 12:25; 腓 1:17; 雅 1:7|) 同義詞 見 5837

3633 oiomai {oy'-om-ahee} or (shorter) oimai {oy'-mahee} middle voice apparently from 3634;; v AV - suppose 2, think 1; 3 1) to suppose, think For Synonyms see entry 5837
3689 ontos {on'-toce} from the oblique cases of 5607;; 副詞 AV - indeed 6, certainly 1, of a truth 1, verily 1, clean 1; 10 1) 真實地, 實在地, 事實上; 不是裝, 想像, 虛, 推斷的 2) 真實的..., 實際上的情形... 等等

3689 ontos {on'-toce} from the oblique cases of 5607;; adv AV - indeed 6, certainly 1, of a truth 1, verily 1, clean 1; 10 1) truly, in reality, in point of fact, as opp. to what is pretended, fictitious, false, conjectural 2) that which is truly etc., that which is indeed
3834 panourgia {pan-oorg-ee'-ah} 源自 3835; TDNT - 5:722,770; 陰性名詞 AV - craftiness 3, subtlety 1, cunning craftiness 1; 5 1) 狡猾, 奸詐 2) 智慧, 詭詐 3) 正向意義:在處理事物上, 謹慎聰慧, 有技能某略的

3834 panourgia {pan-oorg-ee'-ah} from 3835; TDNT - 5:722,770; n f AV - craftiness 3, subtlety 1, cunning craftiness 1; 5 1) craftiness, cunning 2) a specious or false wisdom 3) in a good sense, prudence, skill, in undertaking and carrying on affairs
3835 panourgos {pan-oor'-gos} 源自 3956 and 2041; TDNT - 5:722,770; 形容詞 AV - crafty 1; 1 1) 熟練有技巧的, 伶俐靈巧的 1a) 正面意義, 有志者事竟成的, 敏捷的, 聰慧博學的, 睿智有遠見的, 有技術的 1b) 負面意義, 詭計多端, 奸詐的, 無賴狡猾的, 不擇手段的, 虛騙人的l

3835 panourgos {pan-oor'-gos} from 3956 and 2041; TDNT - 5:722,770; adj AV - crafty 1; 1 1) skilful, clever 1a) in a good sense, fit to undertake and accomplish anything, dexterous, wise, sagacious, skilful 1b) in a bad sense, crafty, cunning, knavish, treacherous, deceitful
4364 prospoieomai {pros-poy-eh'-om-ahee} 關身語態 語態 from 4314 and 4160;; 動詞 AV - make as though 2; 2 1) 為自己拿取或認領某物件 2) 與某物件成為一致, 被某物件感染 2a) 去裝 (#路24:28;約8:6|)

4364 prospoieomai {pros-poy-eh'-om-ahee} middle voice from 4314 and 4160;; v AV - make as though 2; 2 1) to take or claim a thing to one's self 2) to conform one's self to a thing, or rather to affect to one's self 2a) to pretend
4392 prophasis {prof'-as-is} 源於 4253 和 5316 的組合;; 陰性名詞 AV - pretence 3, cloke 2, show 1, colour 1; 7 1) 隱瞞的企圖 (藉口, 虛情意) 2) 虛偽的表象; 藉口; 虛飾; 炫耀 2a) 披著炫麗的外表, 好像會有所作為似的 2b) 託辭, 偽稱地, 外表地

4392 prophasis {prof'-as-is} from a compound of 4253 and 5316;; n f AV - pretence 3, cloke 2, show 1, colour 1; 7 1) a pretext (alleged reason, pretended cause) 2) show 2a) under colour as though they would do something 2b) in pretence, ostensibly
4910 suneuocheo {soon-yoo-o-kheh'-o} 源自 4862 和 一個 2095 定複合字的衍生字和 2192 的衍生字 (意為 "處於好的狀態", 亦即 [隱含之意] 餞別宴會, 或宴會);; 動詞 AV - feast with 2; 2 1) 一同坐席 2) 享受盛宴

4910 suneuocheo {soon-yoo-o-kheh'-o} from 4862 and a derivative of a presumed compound of 2095 and a derivative of 2192 (meaning to be in good condition, i.e. [by implication] to fare well, or feast);; v AV - feast with 2; 2 1) to entertain together 2) to feast sumptuously with
4942 sunupokrinomai {soon-oo-pok-rin'-om-ahee} 源自 4862 and 5271; TDNT - 8:559,1235; 動詞 AV - dissemble with 1; 1 1) 掩飾 2) 虛偽的行為, 做 (#加 2:13|)

4942 sunupokrinomai {soon-oo-pok-rin'-om-ahee} from 4862 and 5271; TDNT - 8:559,1235; v AV - dissemble with 1; 1 1) to dissemble with 2) to act hypocritically with
4974 sphuron {sfoo-ron'} 源自 設延申字與 sphaira (球,"地球儀(球體)", cf the 陰性 sphura, 鎚骨)同 ;; 中性名詞 AV - ankle bone 1; 1 1) 踝

4974 sphuron {sfoo-ron'} from a presumed derivative probably of the same as sphaira (a ball, "sphere", cf the feminine sphura, a hammer);; n n AV - ankle bone 1; 1 1) the ankle
4981 schole {skhol-ay'} 可能是 2192 的替代型的陰性定衍生字; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - school 1; 1 1) 不用工作 2) 有空閒做任何事的地方, 學校

4981 schole {skhol-ay'} probably feminine of a presumed derivative of the alternate of 2192;; n f AV - school 1; 1 1) freedom from labour 2) a place where there is leisure for anything, a school
5260 hupoballo {hoop-ob-al'-lo} 源自 5259 and 906;; 動詞 AV - suborn 1; 1 1) 置於...之下 2) 暗示, 3) 私下吩咐, 唆使, 賄賂或引誘 (某人)進行不合法更勾當或犯罪 4) 引誘人(特別是證人)做見證 (#徒 6:11|)

5260 hupoballo {hoop-ob-al'-lo} from 5259 and 906;; v AV - suborn 1; 1 1) to throw or put under 2) to suggest to the mind 3) to instruct privately, instigate, to bribe or induce (someone) unlawfully or secretly to perform some misdeed or commit a crime 4) to induce (a person esp. a witness) to give false testimony
5271 hupokrinomai {hoop-ok-rin'-om-ahee} 關身語態 語態 from 5259 and 2919; TDNT - 8:559,1235; 動詞 AV - feign 1; 1 1) 在個人決定上聽取別人的意見 1a) 回應, 答覆 2) 在舞臺上演講 2a) 模仿人, 飾演 3) 冒充, 裝, 佯裝 (#路 20:20|)

5271 hupokrinomai {hoop-ok-rin'-om-ahee} middle voice from 5259 and 2919; TDNT - 8:559,1235; v AV - feign 1; 1 1) to take up another's statements in reference to what one has decided for one's self 1a) to reply, answer 2) to make answer (speak) on the stage 2a) to impersonate anyone, play a part 3) to simulate, feign, pretend
5569 pseudadelphos {psyoo-dad'-el-fos} 源於 5571 和 80; TDNT - 1:144,22;陽性名詞 AV - false brother 2; 2 1) 弟兄 2) 指誇稱是基督徒, 卻缺乏虔誠和對基督的認識的人

5569 pseudadelphos {psyoo-dad'-el-fos} from 5571 and 80; TDNT - 1:144,22; n m AV - false brother 2; 2 1) a false brother 2) one who ostentatiously professes to be a Christian, but is destitute of Christian knowledge and piety
5570 pseudapostolos {psyoo-dap-os'-tol-os} 源於 5571 和 652; TDNT - 1:445,67;陽性名詞 AV - false apostle 1; 1 1) 使徒, 指自己偽稱是作基督的使徒的人

5570 pseudapostolos {psyoo-dap-os'-tol-os} from 5571 and 652; TDNT - 1:445,67; n m AV - false apostle 1; 1 1) a false apostle, one who falsely claims to be an ambassador of Christ
5571 pseudes {psyoo-dace'} 源自 5574; TDNT - 9:594,1339; 形容詞 AV - liar 2, false 1; 3 1) 說謊的, 虛的, 錯謬的

5571 pseudes {psyoo-dace'} from 5574; TDNT - 9:594,1339; adj AV - liar 2, false 1; 3 1) lying, deceitful, false
5572 pseudodidaskalos {psyoo-dod-id-as'-kal-os} 源於 5571 和 1320; TDNT - 2:160,161;陽性名詞 AV - false teacher 1; 1 1) 教師, 師傅

5572 pseudodidaskalos {psyoo-dod-id-as'-kal-os} from 5571 and 1320; TDNT - 2:160,161; n m AV - false teacher 1; 1 1) a false teacher
5575 pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor} 源於 5571 和 3144; TDNT - 4:513,*;陽性名詞 AV - false witness 3; 3 1) 見證

5575 pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor} from 5571 and a kindred form of 3144; TDNT - 4:513,*; n m AV - false witness 3; 3 1) a false witness
5576 pseudomartureo {psyoo-dom-ar-too-reh'-o} 源自 5575; TDNT - 4:513,564; 動詞 AV - bear false witness 6; 6 1) 訴說虛見證的, 作見證, 成為見證人

5576 pseudomartureo {psyoo-dom-ar-too-reh'-o} from 5575; TDNT - 4:513,564; v AV - bear false witness 6; 6 1) to utter falsehoods in giving testimony, to testify falsely, to bear false witness
5577 pseudomarturia {psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah} 源於 5575; TDNT - 4:513,564; 陰性名詞 AV - false witness 2; 2 1) 見證, 不實的證言

5577 pseudomarturia {psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah} from 5575; TDNT - 4:513,564; n f AV - false witness 2; 2 1) false witness, false testimony
5578 pseudoprophetes {psyoo-dop-rof-ay'-tace} 源自5571 and 4396; TDNT - 6:781,952; 陽性名詞 欽定本- false prophet 11; 11 1) 模仿,受到神聖感動的先知,的動作的人,藉著神聖先知們 的名說出虛偽的話 2) 先知

5578 pseudoprophetes {psyoo-dop-rof-ay'-tace} from 5571 and 4396; TDNT - 6:781,952; n m AV - false prophet 11; 11 1) one who, acting the part of a divinely inspired prophet, utters falsehoods under the name of divine prophecies 2) a false prophet
5579 pseudos {psyoo'-dos} 源於 5574; TDNT - 9:594,1339; 中性名詞 AV - lie 7, lying 2; 9 1) 謊言 2) 刻意有意地造 3) 廣義上, 指任何虛不實的東西 3a) 不正當的, 不虔誠的, 虛謊的戒命

5579 pseudos {psyoo'-dos} from 5574; TDNT - 9:594,1339; n n AV - lie 7, lying 2; 9 1) a lie 2) conscious and intentional falsehood 3) in a broad sense, whatever is not what it seems to be 3a) of perverse, impious, deceitful precepts
5580 pseudochristos {psyoo-dokh'-ris-tos} 源於 5571 和 5547;;陽性名詞 AV - false Christ 2; 2 1) 基督(彌賽亞) 2) 稱具彌賽亞的名號和職分的人

5580 pseudochristos {psyoo-dokh'-ris-tos} from 5571 and 5547;; n m AV - false Christ 2; 2 1) a false Christ (or Messiah) 2) one who falsely lays claim to the name and office of the Messiah
5582 pseusma {psyoos'-mah} 源於 5574; TDNT - 9:594,1339; 中性名詞 AV - lie 1; 1 1) 虛, 謊言 2) 背叛, 不忠, 指人不信神陷在罪中

5582 pseusma {psyoos'-mah} from 5574; TDNT - 9:594,1339; n n AV - lie 1; 1 1) a falsehood, a lie 2) the perfidy by which a man by sinning breaks faith with God
5600 o {o} 包括單數第二和第三人稱, 如 es {ace}, e {ay}, 等. 1510 的設語氣單數第一人稱;; 動詞 AV - be 22, may be 22, should be 6, is 5, might be 2, were 1, not tr 4, misc 4; 66 1) 是, 可能是, 等

5600 o {o} including the oblique forms, as well as es {ace}, e {ay}, etc. the subjunctive of 1510;; v AV - be 22, may be 22, should be 6, is 5, might be 2, were 1, not tr 4, misc 4; 66 1) be, may be, etc.
5632 時態 - 第二簡單過去式 見 5780 語態 - 主動態 見 5784 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 449

5632 Tense - Second Aorist See 5780 Voice - Active See 5784 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 449
5638 時態 - 第二簡單過去式 見 5780 語態 - 關身形主動意 見 5788 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 66

5638 Tense - Second Aorist See 5780 Voice - Middle Deponent See 5788 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 66
5643 時態 - 第二簡單過去式 見 5780 語態 - 關身 見 5785 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 15

5643 Tense - Second Aorist See 5780 Voice - Middle See 5785 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 15
5647 時態 - 第二簡單過去式 見 5780 語態 - 被動形主動意 見 5789 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 2

5647 Tense - Second Aorist See 5780 Voice - Passive Deponent See 5789 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 2
5652 時態 - 第二簡單過去式 見 5780 語態 - 被動 見 5786 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 20

5652 Tense - Second Aorist See 5780 Voice - Passive See 5786 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 20
5655 時態 - 第二簡單過去式 見 5780 語態 - 沒有語態 見 5799 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 2

5655 Tense - Second Aorist See 5780 Voice - No Voice Stated See 5799 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 2
5661 時態 - 簡單過去式 見 5777 語態 - 主動 見 5784 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 512

5661 Tense - Aorist See 5777 Voice - Active See 5784 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 512
5667 時態 - 簡單過去式 見 5777 語態 - 關身形主動意 見 5788 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 55

5667 Tense - Aorist See 5777 Voice - Middle Deponent See 5788 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 55
5672 時態 - 簡單過去式 見 5777 語態 - 關身 見 5785 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 43

5672 Tense - Aorist See 5777 Voice - Middle See 5785 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 43
5680 時態 - 簡單過去式 見 5777 語態 - 被動型主動意 見 5789 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 15

5680 Tense - Aorist See 5777 Voice - Passive Deponent See 5789 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 15
5686 時態 - 簡單過去式 見 5777 語態 - 被動 見 5786 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 219

5686 Tense - Aorist See 5777 Voice - Passive See 5786 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 219
5703 時態 - 未來式 見 5776 語態 - 被動語態 見 5786 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 1

5703 Tense - Future See 5776 Voice - Passive See 5786 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 1
5725 時態 - 現在 見 5774 語態 - 主動 見 5784 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 352

5725 Tense - Present See 5774 Voice - Active See 5784 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 352
5735 時態 - 現在式 見 5774 語態 - 關身語態 見 5785 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 7

5735 Tense - Present See 5774 Voice - Middle See 5785 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 7
5741 時態 - 現在式 見 5774 語態 - 被動形主動意或關身形主動意 見 5790 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 40

5741 Tense - Present See 5774 Voice - Middle or Passive Deponent See 5790 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 40
5747 時態 - 現在式 見 5774 語態 - 被動語態 見 5786 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 18

5747 Tense - Present See 5774 Voice - Passive See 5786 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 18
5753 時態 - 現在式 見 5774 語態 - 無 見 5799 語氣 - 設語氣 見 5792 次數 - 68

5753 Tense - Present See 5774 Voice - No Voice Stated See 5799 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 68
5762 時態 - 現在完成式 見 5778 語態 - 主動 見 5784 語氣 - 設 見 5792 次數 - 10

5762 Tense - Perfect See 5778 Voice - Active See 5784 Mood - Subjunctive See 5792 Count - 10
5792 語氣 - 設語氣表達這項行動的可能性, 它可能會發生, 但是也可能不會發生, 端賴它所處的情況而定. 第三類的條件子句, 就是"ean" + 設語氣的句子, 或者許多以目的子句表達的命令, 就是以"hina."開始的子句, 都屬於這一類.

5792 Mood - Subjunctive The subjunctive mood is the mood of possibility and potentiality. The action described may or may not occur, depending upon circumstances. Conditional sentences of the third class ("ean" + the subjunctive) are all of this type, as well as many commands following conditional purpose clauses, such as those beginning with "hina."
同義詞 見 heilikrines 1506 見 katharos 2513 1506 - 意指免於謬論虛的自由 2513 - 意指免於肉體與世界的顛污

Synonyms See Definition for heilikrines 1506 See Definition for katharos 2513 1506 - denotes freedom from falsehoods 2513 - denotes freedom from defilements, of the flesh and the world
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