
字典搜尋結果 共有 21 筆

028 'Abiyda` {ab-ee-daw'} 源自 01 和 03045;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Abida 2; 2 亞比大,有"我父知道" 1)米甸第四個兒子,亞伯拉罕和基土拉 (原配撒拉去世後所娶的妻子)之系所出的孫子

028 'Abiyda` {ab-ee-daw'} from 01 and 03045;; n pr m AV - Abida 2; 2 Abida or Abidah = "my father knows" 1) fourth son of Midian and grandson of Abraham by his wife Keturah (after Sarah died)
01468 guwz {gooz} 字根型 [與 01494 比較]; TWOT - 327; 動詞 AV - cut off 1, brought 1; 2 1) 越過去, 去世 1a) (Qal) (生命)去世 2) (TWOT) 帶來, 去除

01468 guwz {gooz} a primitive root [compare 01494]; TWOT - 327; v AV - cut off 1, brought 1; 2 1) to pass over, pass away 1a) (Qal) to pass away (of life) 2) (TWOT) to bring, cut off
01727 duwb {doob} 字根型; TWOT - 409; 動詞 AV - cause sorrow 1; 1 1) 憔悴, 去世 1a) (Hiphil) 使憔悴

01727 duwb {doob} a primitive root; TWOT - 409; v AV - cause sorrow 1; 1 1) to pine away, pass away 1a) (Hiphil) to cause to pine away
01868 Dar@yavesh (亞蘭文) {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} 相當於 01867;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Darius 15; 15 大利烏 = "主" 1) 瑪代人大利烏, 亞哈 隨魯的兒子, 迦勒底國的王, 他在巴比倫王伯沙撒去世後繼承了 巴比倫王國; 可能與瑪代的最後一個王阿士他奇伯(Astyages)是同 一人 ( 相同於 1867 (1) ) ( #但 5:31|) 2) 大利烏, Hystaspes 的兒子, 波-亞(Perso-Arian) 王朝的建立者 (西元前521) (與 1867 (2) 同) 3) 大利烏二世 或 大利烏三世 3a) 大利烏二世, Nothus (Ochus) 是尼希米時代的波斯王(主前 424/3 - 405/4). 最可能是大利烏二世是因為他是在尼希米時代作王, 也曾被尼希米提及 3b) 大利烏三世, Codomannus 是波斯帝國末期亞歷山大大帝時的王, 也是與他敵對的人(主前 336 - 330)

01868 Dar@yavesh (Aramaic) {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} corresponding to 01867;; n pr m AV - Darius 15; 15 Darius = "lord" 1) Darius the Mede, the son of Ahasuerus, king of the Chaldeans, who succeeded to the Babylonian kingdom on the death of Belshazzar; probably the same as "Astyages" the last king of the Medes (538 BC) (same as 1867 (1)) 2) Darius, the son of Hystaspes, the founder of the Perso-Arian dynasty (521 BC) (same as 1867 (2)) 3) Darius II or Darius III 3a) Darius II, Nothus (Ochus) was king of Persia during the time of Nehemiah (424/3 - 405/4 BC). Darius II is the most probable because he is mentioned by Nehemiah and ruled during the time of Nehemiah 3b) Darius III, Codomannus was king of Persia during its last years at the time of Alexander the Great and was his opponent (336 - 330 BC)
02652 Chophniy {khof-nee'} 源自 02651;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Hophni 5; 5 何弗尼 = "拳擊師" 1) 以利的兩個兒子之一. 以利的二子在示羅任祭司的職分, 卻以殘暴 和縱慾而著稱; 因著他們的罪行而引致對以利家的咒詛及神的審判, 在他們將約櫃抬至戰場與非利士人對陣時, 約櫃被敵人奪去, 此二 子命喪戰場, 而以利也在聽到此惡耗後去世了.

02652 Chophniy {khof-nee'} from 02651;; n pr m AV - Hophni 5; 5 Hophni = "pugilist" 1) one of the two sons of Eli who were priests at Shiloh and were noted for their brutality and lust; their sinfulness provoked a curse against their father's house and were judged by the Lord when they took the ark into battle; the ark was lost and both brothers were killed and Eli died when he heard the news
02992 yabam {yaw-bam'} 字根型, 其意不明; TWOT - 836; 動詞 AV - perform the duty of an husband's brother 2, marry 1; 3 1) (Piel) 實行寡婦與亡夫的兄弟成親的婚姻, 是其亡夫的兄弟對嫂子 所應盡的義務 1a) 這種義務發生在當丈夫去世而無子嗣時 -- 丈夫之兄弟必須和 其嫂子結婚並生子, 所生的一個兒子要繼在去世的丈夫之名下

02992 yabam {yaw-bam'} a primitive root of doubtful meaning; TWOT - 836; v AV - perform the duty of an husband's brother 2, marry 1; 3 1) (Piel) to perform levirate marriage, perform the duty of a brother-in-law 1a) the duty due to a brother who died childless - to marry his widow and have a son for his name
03478 Yisra'el {yis-raw-ale'} 源自 08280 與 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Israel 2489, Israelites 16; 2505 以色列 = "上帝勝過" 1) 雅各的第二個名字,是上帝於雅各在毘努伊勒與天使摔跤後給他的 2) 雅各後裔的名字及雅各後裔的國家之名 2a) 為該國的名稱,直到所羅門去世後國家分裂 2b) 在耶羅波安管理下由十個支派所組成的北國之名稱; 南國是猶大 2c) 被擄歸回後,復國名稱

03478 Yisra'el {yis-raw-ale'} from 08280 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Israel 2489, Israelites 16; 2505 Israel = "God prevails" 1) the second name for Jacob given to him by God after his wrestling with the angel at Peniel 2) the name of the descendants and the nation of the descendants of Jacob 2a) the name of the nation until the death of Solomon and the split 2b) the name used and given to the northern kingdom consisting of the 10 tribes under Jeroboam; the southern kingdom was known as Judah 2c) the name of the nation after the return from exile
03479 Yisra'el (亞蘭文) {yis-raw-ale'} 相當於 03478;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Israel 8; 8 以色列 = "上帝勝過" 1) 雅各的第二個名字,是上帝於雅各在毘努伊勒與天使摔跤後給他的 2) 雅各後裔的名字及雅各後裔的國家之名 2a) 為該國的名稱,直到所羅門去世後國家分裂 2b) 在耶羅波安管理下由十個支派所組成的北國之名稱; 南國是猶大 2c) 被擄歸回後,復國名稱

03479 Yisra'el (Aramaic) {yis-raw-ale'} corresponding to 03478;; n pr m AV - Israel 8; 8 Israel = "God prevails" 1) the second name for Jacob given to him by God after his wrestling with the angel at Peniel 2) the name of the descendants and the nation of the descendants of Jacob 2a) the name of the nation until the death of Solomon and the split 2b) the name used and given to the northern kingdom consisting of the 10 tribes under Jeroboam; the southern kingdom was known as Judah 2c) the name of the nation after the return from exile
04149 Mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} 或 (複數)Moc@rowth {mo-ser-othe'} 源自 04147;; 陰性專有名詞 地名 AV - Moseroth 2, Mosera 1; 3 摩西拉(#申 10:6|) 或 摩西錄(#民 33:30-31|) = "枷鎖" 1) 靠近何烈山(?)的一個地方, 亞倫在那裡去世 (#申 10:6|)

04149 Mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} or (pl.) Moc@rowth {mo-ser-othe'} from 04147;; n pr f loc AV - Moseroth 2, Mosera 1; 3 Mosera or Moseroth = "bonds" 1) a place near Mount Hor where Aaron died
04324 Miykal {me-kawl'} 顯然與 04323 同 04323;; 陰性專有名詞 AV - Michal 18; 18 米甲 = "有誰能像神" 1) 掃羅王的次女, 約拿單的姐妹, 大衛的妻子, 生有五個孩子(譯註: 此可能有誤, #撒下 6:23|提到的是她至死沒有生養兒女,#撒下 21:8| 提到的是其姊姊生了五個兒子); 掃羅答應將她許配給大衛所要求 的聘禮是一百個非利士人的陽皮; 當其仍是大衛的妻子時, 其父掃 羅王將她又嫁給另一人, 帕提; 在掃羅去世以後, 大衛將她奪了 回去.

04324 Miykal {me-kawl'} apparently the same as 04323;; n pr f AV - Michal 18; 18 Michal = "who is like God" 1) daughter of king Saul, sister of Jonathan, wife of king David, and mother of five; given to David as wife for the bride price of 100 Philistine foreskins; while still married to David, her father gave her in marriage to another, Phaltiel; at the death of Saul, David forced her to return
05037 Nabal {naw-bawl'} 與 05036 同;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Nabal 18, Nabhal 4; 22 拿八(Nabhal 或 Nabal) = "笨蛋, 愚頑" 1) 一位迦密人, 他對大衛請求幫助的口信置若惘聞不屑一顧, 在知道他 可能遭惹殺身之禍後, 驚嚇過度而去世; 大衛是因其妻亞比該的懇求 而未對他下毒手, 亞比該在其死後成為大衛的妻子 (#撒上 25|)

05037 Nabal {naw-bawl'} the same as 05036;; n pr m AV - Nabal 18, Nabhal 4; 22 Nabhal or Nabal = "fool" 1) a man of Carmel who spurned David's messengers, then died of shock when he realised it might cause his death; his case was pleaded by his wife Abigail who became David's wife after his death
05709 `ada' (亞蘭文) {ad-aw'} 或 `adah (亞蘭文) {ad-aw'} 相當於 05710; TWOT - 2898; 動詞 AV - take away 3, passed 1, departed 1, altereth 1, took 1, pass away 1, removeth 1; 9 1) 離去, 去世 1a) (P'al) 1a1) 死去, 去世 1a2) 離去 1b) (Aphel) 拿開, 移除, 罷黜免職

05709 `ada' (Aramaic) {ad-aw'} or `adah (Aramaic) {ad-aw'} corresponding to 05710; TWOT - 2898; v AV - take away 3, passed 1, departed 1, altereth 1, took 1, pass away 1, removeth 1; 9 1) to pass on, pass away 1a) (P'al) 1a1) to pass on, pass over 1a2) to pass away 1b) (Aphel) to take away, remove, depose
06274 `Othniy'el {oth-nee-ale'} 源自與06273和0410同字源 ;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Othniel 7; 7 俄陀聶 = "上帝的獅子" 1) 基納斯之子, 迦勒之弟, 迦勒之女也就是他的姪女押撒之夫; 約書亞 去世後, 以色列的第一任士師, 解救以色列人脫離古珊利薩田的壓制

06274 `Othniy'el {oth-nee-ale'} from the same as 06273 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Othniel 7; 7 Othniel = "lion of God" 1) son of Kenaz, younger brother of Caleb, and husband of Achsah the daughter of Caleb and his own niece; first judge of Israel, who after the death of Joshua, delivered the Israelites from the oppression of Chushanrishathaim
07967 Shalluwm {shal-loom'} 或 (shorter) Shallum {shal-loom'} 與 07966 同;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Shallum 27; 27 沙龍 = "報應" 1) 雅比的兒子, 他背叛並擊殺了北國以色列王耶羅波安二世而篡了王位, 結束了了耶戶王朝, 成為北國以色列的第十五個王, 統治僅一個月的時間, 他就被米拿現殺了 ( #王下 15| ) 2) 猶大王約西亞的第四個兒子, 他繼承了約西亞的王位; 在位三個月就 被擄去埃及, 他被關在埃及直到去世 ( #代上 3:15| ) 2a) 又名'約哈斯' ( #王下 23:30| #代下 36:1| ) 3) 女先知戶勒大的丈夫, 以色列約西亞時的人, 可能和 4) 是同一人 ( #代下 34:22| ) 4) 先知耶利米的叔叔. 可能與 3) 是同一人 ( #耶 32:7| ) 5) 一位西緬人, 掃羅的兒子, 西緬的孫子 ( #代上 4:25| ) 6) 一位猶大耶拉篾家族的人, 西斯買的兒子, 耶加米雅的父親 ( #代上 2:40|) 7) 以法蓮人耶希西家的父親 ( #代下 28:12| ) 8) 拿弗他利的兒子之一 ( #代上 7:13| ) 9) 一位可拉的利未人, 他的家族負責看守聖殿的東門, 而以他為首 ( #代上 9:17| ) 9a) 可能和 13) 是同一人 10) 哈羅黑的兒子, 他在尼希米時代管理耶路撒冷城的一部分地區; 他參與了重建耶路撒冷城牆的工作 ( #尼 3:12| ) 11) 以利亞撒家族的一位祭司, 撒督的兒子, 希勒家的父親, 先知以斯拉 就是屬於這一家脈的 ( #代上 6:12| #拉 7:1| ) 12) 一位可拉的利未人, 可利的兒子, 瑪西雅(瑪他提雅?)的父親, 負責事奉的工作. 可能和 9) 是同一人 ( #代上 9:19| ) 13) 以斯拉時代一位負責守門的利未人, 他娶了一位外邦女子為妻 ( #拉 10:24| ) 14) 利未人巴尼的子孫, 以斯拉時代的人, 他也娶了一位外邦女子為妻 ( #拉 10:42| )

07967 Shalluwm {shal-loom'} or (shorter) Shallum {shal-loom'} the same as 07966;; n pr m AV - Shallum 27; 27 Shallum = "retribution" 1) son of Jabesh, conspirator and slayer of king Zachariah of the northern kingdom of Israel ending the dynasty of Jehu; assumed the throne and became the 15th king of the northern kingdom; reigned for one month and was killed by Menahem 2) the 3rd son of king Josiah of Judah and subsequent king of Judah; reigned for 3 months before he was taken captive to Egypt where he was placed in chains and later died 2a) also 'Jehoahaz' 3) husband of Huldah the prophetess in the reign of king Josiah of Judah. Maybe the same as 4 4) uncle of Jeremiah the prophet. Maybe the same as 3 5) a Simeonite, son of Shaul and grandson of Simeon 6) a Judaite, son of Sisamai and father of Jekamiah in the family of Jerahmeel 7) an Ephraimite, father of Jehizkiah 8) a son of Naphtali 9) a Korahite Levite, chief of a family of gatekeepers for the east gate of the temple 9a) maybe same as 13 10) son of Halohesh and ruler of a district of Jerusalem; also repairer of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 11) a priest, of the family of Eleazar, son of Zadok and father of Hilkiah in the family line of Ezra 12) a Korahite Levite, son of Kore, father of Maaseiah, and in charge of the work of the service. Maybe same as 9 13) a Levite gatekeeper who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 14) a Levite and descendant of Bani who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
08402 Tibni {tib-nee'} 源自 08401;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Tibni 3; 3 提比尼 = "聰明的" 1) 北國以色列王心利死後和暗利爭奪王位者; 在經過四年的爭戰後去世而讓暗利 得了王位 (#王上 16:21,22|)

08402 Tibni {tib-nee'} from 08401;; n pr m AV - Tibni 3; 3 Tibni = "intelligent" 1) contender for the throne of the northern kingdom of Israel after the death of Zimri; fought for 4 years with the rival faction whose leader was Omri; died after 4 years leaving the throne to Omri
863 aphiemi {af-ee'-ay-mee} 源於 575 和 hiemi (派遣, eimi 的加強型, 出發);TDNT - 1:509,88; 動詞 AV - leave 52, forgive 47, suffer 14, let 8, forsake 6, let alone 6, misc 13; 146 1) 遣走 1a) 責令離開或分手 1a1) 指丈夫和妻子離婚, 休妻 1b) 生出, 生產, 發出 1c) 任其行, 讓其自行處理, 允許其... 1c1) 不理睬 1c2) 放下, 現在不討論(某個主題) 1c21) 指教師, 作者和演說者 1c3) 省略, 忽略 1d) 放過, 免了債務, 原諒, 寬恕 1e) 捨棄, 不再堅持 2) 准許, 允許, 不阻繞, 將一事任由某人去決定及處理 3) 離開, 離開某人 3a) 因為要到另一個地方去 3b) 因要離群索居 3c) 因要離開某人而終止兩人之間的對話和關係 3d) 惡意離棄, 背棄 3e) 撇下某事而離開 3f) 離開某人而不讓其隨行 3g) 指將去世而撇下某人 3h) 離開以使其餘的可以仍然留存, 使其繼續下去 3i) 放棄, 離棄貧困缺乏的人們

863 aphiemi {af-ee'-ay-mee} from 575 and hiemi (to send, an intens. form of eimi, to go); TDNT - 1:509,88; v AV - leave 52, forgive 47, suffer 14, let 8, forsake 6, let alone 6, misc 13; 146 1) to send away 1a) to bid going away or depart 1a1) of a husband divorcing his wife 1b) to send forth, yield up, to expire 1c) to let go, let alone, let be 1c1) to disregard 1c2) to leave, not to discuss now, (a topic) 1c21) of teachers, writers and speakers 1c3) to omit, neglect 1d) to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit 1e) to give up, keep no longer 2) to permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person 3) to leave, go way from one 3a) in order to go to another place 3b) to depart from any one 3c) to depart from one and leave him to himself so that all mutual claims are abandoned 3d) to desert wrongfully 3e) to go away leaving something behind 3f) to leave one by not taking him as a companion 3g) to leave on dying, leave behind one 3h) to leave so that what is left may remain, leave remaining 3i) abandon, leave destitute
1577 ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah} 源於 1537 的複合字和 2564 的衍生字; TDNT - 3:501,394; 陰性名詞 AV - church 115, assembly 3; 118 1) 民眾由家中出來在公共場所的地方聚集, 聚會 1a) 指人為了商議事性而聚集在公共的會議場所 1b) 指以色列民眾 1c) 非有等定目的的, 偶發性的群眾聚集, 喧囂的 1d) 在基督教的意義上 1d1) 基督徒聚集在宗教性的場合來敬拜神 1d2) 指渴望基督耶穌永生救恩的基督徒人, 在教會合一的原則的規定下, 遵守各自 的宗教儀典, 進行各自的宗教集會, 和管理各自的事情. 1d3) 指由分佈在各地, 各城, 各村卻連合成一體的人 1d4) 指散在世上各地的主內的肢體 1d5) 指已去世且被接入天家的因信稱義的眾基督徒

1577 ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah} from a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; TDNT - 3:501,394; n f AV - church 115, assembly 3; 118 1) a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly 1a) an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating 1b) the assembly of the Israelites 1c) any gathering or throng of men assembled by chance, tumultuously 1d) in a Christian sense 1d1) an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting 1d2) a company of Christian, or of those who, hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own affairs, according to regulations prescribed for the body for order's sake 1d3) those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a company and are united into one body 1d4) the whole body of Christians scattered throughout the earth 1d5) the assembly of faithful Christians already dead and received into heaven
2641 kataleipo {kat-al-i'-po} 源於 2596 和 3007; TDNT - 4:194,523; 動詞 AV - leave 22, forsake 2, reserve 1; 25 1) 撇下其他而離去 1a) 分開, 離開 1a1) 被遺留下 1b) 命令, 爭取(一人)待下 1c) 放棄, 不再關心某人而把他的事留給他自己去處理, 遺棄, 在其危急時棄之不顧 1c1) 被遺棄, 被放棄 1d) 使被留下, 保留, 保存 1e) 就像我們說"拋下, 遺留", 用以指某人要離開某地而不能帶他人同行 1e1) 尤其指去世 (留下身後的一切而去了) 1f) 就如我們說的"不理釆", 不干擾, 忽視 1f1) 指某些人經過某地而不停留

2641 kataleipo {kat-al-i'-po} from 2596 and 3007; TDNT - 4:194,523; v AV - leave 22, forsake 2, reserve 1; 25 1) to leave behind 1a) to depart from, leave 1a1) to be left 1b) to bid (one) to remain 1c) to forsake, leave to one's self a person or thing by ceasing to care for it, to abandon, leave in the lurch 1c1) to be abandoned, forsaken 1d) to cause to be left over, to reserve, to leave remaining 1e) like our "leave behind", it is used of one who on being called away cannot take another with him 1e1) especially of the dying (to leave behind) 1f) like our "leave", leave alone, disregard 1f1) of those who sail past a place without stopping
2837 koimao {koy-mah'-o} 源於 2749;; 動詞 AV - sleep 10, fall asleep 4, be asleep 2, fall on sleep 1, be dead 1; 18 1) 使入睡, 使睡著 2) 隱喻. 2a) 使緩和, 使靜止, 使平靜, 使沈默 2b) 入睡, 睡覺, 睡著 2c) 去世

2837 koimao {koy-mah'-o} from 2749;; v AV - sleep 10, fall asleep 4, be asleep 2, fall on sleep 1, be dead 1; 18 1) to cause to sleep, put to sleep 2) metaph. 2a) to still, calm, quiet 2b) to fall asleep, to sleep 2c) to die
4198 poreuomai {por-yoo'-om-ahee} 關身語態 語態 from a derivative of 與...同 3984; TDNT - 6:566,915; 動詞 AV - go 117, depart11, walk 9, go (one's) way 8, misc 9; 154 1) 引領去﹐帶領去 1a) 追求去完成已經開始的旅程﹐繼續旅程 1b) 離世: #路 22:22| "去世" 1c) 追隨某人﹐也就是變成他的信徒 1c1) 行事為人: #彼前 4:3| 時候"已經夠了"; #路 1:6| "遵行" 主的一切誡命 2) 由一個定點移到另一個地方: #太 25:41| "離開" 我 For 同義詞 see entry 5818

4198 poreuomai {por-yoo'-om-ahee} middle voice from a derivative of the same as 3984; TDNT - 6:566,915; v AV - go 117, depart 11, walk 9, go (one's) way 8, misc 9; 154 1) to lead over, carry over, transfer 1a) to pursue the journey on which one has entered, to continue on one's journey 1b) to depart from life 1c) to follow one, that is: become his adherent 1c1) to lead or order one's life For Synonyms see entry 5818
4369 prostithemi {pros-tith'-ay-mee} 源於 4314 和 5087; TDNT - 8:167,1176; 動詞 AV - add 11, again send + 3892 2, give more 1, increase 1, proceed further 1, lay unto 1, speak to any more 1; 18 1) 放到...地方 2) 增加, 加添 2a) 亦即 加入, 加到任何的一個集團中, 跟隨或同伴的數目 2a1) 他歸到他先祖那兒去了, 亦即 表示去世

4369 prostithemi {pros-tith'-ay-mee} from 4314 and 5087; TDNT - 8:167,1176; v AV - add 11, again send + 3892 2, give more 1, increase 1, proceed further 1, lay unto 1, speak to any more 1; 18 1) to put to 2) to add 2a) i.e. to join to, gather with any company, the number of one's followers or companions 2a1) he was gathered to his fathers i.e. died