
字典搜尋結果 共有 22 筆

0197 'uwlam {oo-lawm'}或 (縮寫型) 'ulam {oo-lawm'} 源自 0481 (嘗試之意); TWOT - 45c; 陽性名詞 AV - porch(es) 34; 34 1) 門廊 1a) 所羅門的聖殿 1b) 所羅門的宮殿 1c) 以西結異象的聖殿

0197 'uwlam {oo-lawm'} or (shortened) 'ulam {oo-lawm'} from 0481 (in the sense of tying); TWOT - 45c; n m AV - porch(es) 34; 34 1) porch 1a) in Solomon's temple 1b) in Solomon's palace 1c) in temple of Ezekiel's vision
0212 'owphan {o-fawn'} 或 (縮寫) 'ophan {o-fawn'} 字根已不使用, 譯為"旋轉"; TWOT - 146a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - wheel(s) 35, fitly 1; 36 1) 輪子 1a) 戰車的輪子 1b) 以西結的異象中的四輪 1c) 所羅門聖殿,盆座的銅輪

0212 'owphan {o-fawn'} or (shortened) 'ophan {o-fawn'} from an unused root meaning to revolve; TWOT - 146a; n m AV - wheel(s) 35, fitly 1; 36 1) wheel 1a) chariot wheel 1b) wheel in Ezekiel's vision 1c) wheels of the ten bases beneath the lavers in Solomon's temple
02335 Chowzay {kho-zah'-ee} 源自 02374;; 陽性名詞 AV - non translated variant 1; 1 1) 先知 1a) 預言者 1b) 異象

02335 Chowzay {kho-zah'-ee} from 02374;; n m AV - non translated variant 1; 1 1) seer 1a) seer 1b) vision
02370 chaza' (亞蘭文) {khaz-aw'} 或 chazah (亞蘭文) {khaz-aw'} 相當於 02372; TWOT - 2725; 動詞 欽定本 - see 17, saw + 01934 6, beheld + 01934 5, had 1, wont 1, beheld 1; 31 1) 看, 瞧 1a) (P'al) 1a1) 看 1a2) 看見, 瞧著, 見證 1a3) 瞧見 (在夢或異象中) 1a4) 依慣例的, 適宜的 (被動態)

02370 chaza' (Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} or chazah (Aramaic) {khaz-aw'} corresponding to 02372; TWOT - 2725; v AV - see 17, saw + 01934 6, beheld + 01934 5, had 1, wont 1, beheld 1; 31 1) to see, behold 1a) (P'al) 1a1) to see 1a2) to see, behold, witness 1a3) to behold (in a dream or vision) 1a4) customary, seemly (passive)
02376 chezev (亞蘭文) {khay'-zev} 源自 02370; TWOT - 2725a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - vision 11, look 1; 12 1) 異象, 外貌 1a) 異象 1b) 外貌

02376 chezev (Aramaic) {khay'-zev} from 02370; TWOT - 2725a; n m AV - vision 11, look 1; 12 1) vision, appearance 1a) vision 1b) appearance
02377 chazown {khaw-zone'} 源自 02372; TWOT - 633a; 陽性名詞 AV - vision 35; 35 1) 異象 1a) 異象 (在狂恍的狀態中) 1b) 異夢 (夜晚時) 1c) 啟示, 神諭, 先知預言 (神聖的傳遞) 1d) 默示 (作為先知書的標題)

02377 chazown {khaw-zone'} from 02372; TWOT - 633a; n m AV - vision 35; 35 1) vision 1a) vision (in ecstatic state) 1b) vision (in night) 1c) vision, oracle, prophecy (divine communication) 1d) vision (as title of book of prophecy)
02378 chazowth {khaw-zooth'} 源自 02372; TWOT - 633c; 陰性名詞 AV - vision 1; 1 1) 異象

02378 chazowth {khaw-zooth'} from 02372; TWOT - 633c; n f AV - vision 1; 1 1) visions
02383 Chezyown {khez-yone'} 源自 02372;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Hezion 1; 1 希旬 = "異象" 1) 敘利亞(亞蘭[0758])王, 他伯利們的父親, 便哈達的祖父; 可能和所羅門王時代 的利遜(#王上 11:23|)是同一人 (#王上 15:18|)

02383 Chezyown {khez-yone'} from 02372;; n pr m AV - Hezion 1; 1 Hezion = "vision" 1) king of Syria, father of Tabrimon and grandfather of Ben-hadad; probably identical with 'Rezon' the contemporary of Solomon
02384 chizzayown {khiz-zaw-yone'} 源自 02372; TWOT - 633e; 陽性名詞 AV - vision 9; 9 1) 異象 1a) 異象 (狂恍狀態) 1a1) 山谷的異象 (可能為比喻耶路撒冷或欣嫩子谷) 1b) 異象 (夜間的) 1c) 異象, 神諭, 先知預言 (神的曉諭)

02384 chizzayown {khiz-zaw-yone'} from 02372; TWOT - 633e; n m AV - vision 9; 9 1) vision 1a) vision (in the ecstatic state) 1a1) valley of vision (perhaps fig. of Jerusalem or Hinnom) 1b) vision (in the night) 1c) vision, oracle, prophecy (in divine communication)
04236 machazeh {makh-az-eh'} 源自 02372; TWOT - 633f; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - vision 4; 4 1) 異象 (在一種使人入迷的狀態)

04236 machazeh {makh-az-eh'} from 02372; TWOT - 633f; n m AV - vision 4; 4 1) vision (in the ecstatic state)
04758 mar'eh {mar-eh'} 源自 07200; TWOT - 2095i; 陽性名詞 AV - appearance 35, sight 18, countenance 11, vision 11, favoured 7, look upon 4, fair + 02896 2, misc 15; 103 1) 景象, 外表, 所見事物 1a)景象, 現象, 景觀, 外表, 異象, 視力 1b) 眼前看到的 1c) (超自然的) 異象 1d) 視覺, 視力 (看東西的能力)

04758 mar'eh {mar-eh'} from 07200; TWOT - 2095i; n m AV - appearance 35, sight 18, countenance 11, vision 11, favoured 7, look upon 4, fair + 02896 2, misc 15; 103 1) sight, appearance, vision 1a) sight, phenomenon, spectacle, appearance, vision 1b) what is seen 1c) a vision (supernatural) 1d) sight, vision (power of seeing)
04759 mar'ah {mar-aw'} 源自 04758; TWOT - 2095g,2095h; 陰性名詞 AV - vision 11, lookingglasses 1; 12 1) 異象 1a) 一種啟示的形式 2) 鏡子

04759 mar'ah {mar-aw'} from 04758; TWOT - 2095g,2095h; n f AV - vision 11, lookingglasses 1; 12 1) vision 1a) mode of revelation 2) mirror
06602 P@thuw'el {peth-oo-ale'} 源自 06601 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Pethuel 1; 1 毗土珥 = "神的異象" 1) 先知約珥的父親(#珥 1:1|)

06602 P@thuw'el {peth-oo-ale'} from 06601 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Pethuel 1; 1 Pethuel = "vision of God" 1) father of the prophet Joel
07162 qeren (亞蘭文) {keh'-ren} 相當於 07161; TWOT - 2980; 陰性名詞 AV - horn 10, cornet 4; 14 1) 號角, 獸角 1a) 當作樂器使用 1b) 表徵 (在異象中) 1c) 獸類的角

07162 qeren (Aramaic) {keh'-ren} corresponding to 07161; TWOT - 2980; n f AV - horn 10, cornet 4; 14 1) horn 1a) as musical instrument 1b) symbolic (in visions) 1c) of an animal
07200 ra'ah {raw-aw'} 字根型; TWOT - 2095; 動詞 AV - see 879, look 104, behold 83, shew 68, appear 66, consider 22, seer 12, spy 6, respect 5, perceive 5, provide 4, regard 4, enjoy 4, lo 3, foreseeth 2, heed 2, misc 74; 1313 1) 看見, 看, 察看, 覺察, 注意 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 看見 1a2) 看見, 覺察 1a3) 看見, 見異象 1a4) 看, 看見, 注重, 照顧, 關注, 學習, 觀察, 注視, 效法, 注意, 發現 1a5) 看見, 觀察, 考慮, 看, 對某事產生注意力, 識別, 辨別 1a6) 看, 凝視 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) 出現, 顯現 1b2) 被看見 1b3) 成為可看見的 1c) (Pual) 被看見 1d) (Hiphil) 1d1) 使看見, 顯示 1d2) 使其專注的看, 看那, 使凝視於 1e) (Hophal) 1e1) 被使看見, 被顯示 1e2) 被展示於 1f) (Hithpael) 彼此互看, 面對

07200 ra'ah {raw-aw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2095; v AV - see 879, look 104, behold 83, shew 68, appear 66, consider 22, seer 12, spy 6, respect 5, perceive 5, provide 4, regard 4, enjoy 4, lo 3, foreseeth 2, heed 2, misc 74; 1313 1) to see, look at, inspect, perceive, consider 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to see 1a2) to see, perceive 1a3) to see, have vision 1a4) to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out 1a5) to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish 1a6) to look at, gaze at 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to appear, present oneself 1b2) to be seen 1b3) to be visible 1c) (Pual) to be seen 1d) (Hiphil) 1d1) to cause to see, show 1d2) to cause to look intently at, behold, cause to gaze at 1e) (Hophal) 1e1) to be caused to see, be shown 1e2) to be exhibited to 1f) (Hithpael) to look at each other, face
07203 ro'eh {ro-eh'} 07200的主動分詞 ; TWOT - 2095b,2095c; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - vision 1; 1 1) 觀看者, 先知 2) (預言性的) 異象(#賽 28:7|)

07203 ro'eh {ro-eh'} act part of 07200; TWOT - 2095b,2095c; n m AV - vision 1; 1 1) seer, prophet 2) (prophetic) vision
07757 shuwl {shool} 字根已不使用, "垂下"的意思; TWOT - 2346a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - hem 6, skirt 4, train 1; 11 1) 衣緣 (袍子的) 1a) 大祭司的袍子 1b) 異象中神的袍子 (#賽 6:1|) 1c) 擬人化為女性的城市, 形容其不道德 (#耶 13:22,26; 鴻 3:5|) 1d) 污穢的(衣襟) (#哀 1:9|)

07757 shuwl {shool} from an unused root meaning to hang down; TWOT - 2346a; n m AV - hem 6, skirt 4, train 1; 11 1) skirt (of robe) 1a) of high priest's robe 1b) of God's train, city as woman, ignominy, defilement (fig)
3705 horama {hor'-am-ah} 源自 3708; TDNT - 5:371,706; 中性名詞 AV - vision 11, sight 1; 12 1) 被看見的, 奇觀 2) 在睡夢中或是迷幻狀態所看見的神聖應允, 異象

3705 horama {hor'-am-ah} from 3708; TDNT - 5:371,706; n n AV - vision 11, sight 1; 12 1) that which is seen, spectacle 2) a sight divinely granted in an ecstasy or in a sleep, a vision
3706 horasis {hor'-as-is} 源自 3708; TDNT - 5:370,706; 陰性名詞 AV - vision 2, in sight 1, look upon 1; 4 1) 看的動作 1a) 視力, 眼睛 2) 外貌, 可見的型式 3) 異象 3a) 在出神狀態或在夢中而有的神聖出現

3706 horasis {hor'-as-is} from 3708; TDNT - 5:370,706; n f AV - vision 2, in sight 1, look upon 1; 4 1) the act of seeing 1a) the sense of sight, the eyes 2) appearance, visible form 3) a vision 3a) an appearance divinely granted in an ecstasy or dream
3789 ophis {of'-is} 可能源自 3700 (透過清楚異象的意念); TDNT - 5:566,748;陽性名詞 AV - serpent 14; 14 1) 蛇 2) 在古人而言, 蛇是熟練與智慧的象徵 那欺騙夏娃的蛇被猶太人視為惡者.

3789 ophis {of'-is} probably from 3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision); TDNT - 5:566,748; n m AV - serpent 14; 14 1) snake, serpent 2) with the ancients, the serpent was an emblem of cunning and wisdom. The serpent who deceived Eve was regarded by the Jews as the devil.
4398 prophetis {prof-ay'-tis} 源自 4396; TDNT - 6:781,952; 陰性名詞 AV - prophetess 2; 2 1) 女先知 2) 藉著默示與異象,看見別人所眛於的未來事件的婦人 3) 宣告或解說諭旨的女性

4398 prophetis {prof-ay'-tis} from 4396; TDNT - 6:781,952; n f AV - prophetess 2; 2 1) a prophetess 2) a woman to whom future events or things hidden from others are at times revealed, either by inspiration or by dreams and visions 3) a female who declares or interprets oracles
5537 chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo} 源於 5536; TDNT - 9:480,1319; 動詞 AV - be warned of God 3, call 2, be admonished of God 1, reveal 1, speak 1, be warned from God 1; 9 1) 進行交易, 處理事務, 尤其指處理和公共有關的事情 1a) 指點某人有關處理公眾事務的意見 1b) 回復別人對於指導, 當下的詢問, 或要求等等 1b1) 指士師, 法官, 行政長官, 統治者, 君王等 2) 對乞求神諭者的回應, 給予宗教上的命令或訓誡, 由神來的指示 2a) 受到神啟的命令, 訓示, 或指示 2b) 神啟異象的代言人, 頒佈神的命令 3) 擔負起或接受相關於所作公眾事務的職銜 3a) 得到一個職位或頭銜, 被稱作

5537 chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo} from 5536; TDNT - 9:480,1319; v AV - be warned of God 3, call 2, be admonished of God 1, reveal 1, speak 1, be warned from God 1; 9 1) to transact business, esp. to manage public affairs 1a) to advise or consult with one about public affairs 1b) to make answer to those who ask for advice, present enquiries or requests, etc. 1b1) of judges, magistrates, rulers, kings 2) to give a response to those consulting an oracle, to give a divine command or admonition, to teach from heaven 2a) to be divinely commanded, admonished, instructed 2b) to be the mouthpiece of divine revelations, to promulgate the commands of God 3) to assume or take to one's self a name from one's public business 3a) to receive a name or title, be called