
字典搜尋結果 共有 37 筆

06951 qahal {kaw-hawl'} 源自 06950; TWOT - 1991a; 陽性名詞 AV - congregation 86, assembly 17, company 17, multitude 3; 123 1) 集會, 群體, 會眾, 宗教�|議 1a) 集會 1a1) 為謀惡事, 為戰爭或侵略, 為宗教目的 1b) 群體 (被擄歸回者) 1c) 會眾 1c1) 為有組織的團體

06951 qahal {kaw-hawl'} from 06950; TWOT - 1991a; n m AV - congregation 86, assembly 17, company 17, multitude 3; 123 1) assembly, company, congregation, convocation 1a) assembly 1a1) for evil counsel, war or invasion, religious purposes 1b) company (of returning exiles) 1c) congregation 1c1) as organised body
141 hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'} 源自 與...同 140; TDNT - 1:184,27; 形容詞 AV - that is a heretic 1; 1 1) 有能力做選擇的 2) 分裂教�|者, 搞派系的, 追隨錯謬教義者 3) 異端邪說的 (#多 3:10|)

141 hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'} from the same as 140; TDNT - 1:184,27; adj AV - that is a heretic 1; 1 1) fitted or able to take or choose a thing 2) schismatic, factious, a follower of a false doctrine 3) heretic
656 aposunagogos {ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos} 源自 575 and 4864; TDNT - 7:848,1107; 形容詞 AV - be put out of the synagogue + 1096 2, put out of the synagogue + 4160 1; 3 1) 被以色列人聖會堂所除名, 被逐出教�|的 (#約 9:22, 12:42, 16:2|)

656 aposunagogos {ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos} from 575 and 4864; TDNT - 7:848,1107; adj AV - be put out of the synagogue + 1096 2, put out of the synagogue + 4160 1; 3 1) excluded from sacred assemblies of Israelites, excommunicated
751 Archippos {ar'-khip-pos} 源自746和2462;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Archippus 2; 2 亞基布= "馬的主人" 1) 歌羅西教�|一個基督徒老師

751 Archippos {ar'-khip-pos} from 746 and 2462;; n pr m AV - Archippus 2; 2 Archippus = "master of the horse" 1) a certain Christian teacher in Colosse
1247 diakoneo {dee-ak-on-eh'-o} 源於 1249; TDNT - 2:81,152; 動詞 AV - minister unto 15, serve 10, minister 7, misc 5; 37 1)) 作僕人, 隨從, 佣人, 服事, 侍奉 1a) 服侍他人, 替人處理事務 1a1) 被服侍, 受人伺候 1b) 隨侍在桌邊, 服侍客人食物和飲料的人 1b1) 指為人準備食物的婦人 1c) 服事, 亦即 供應食物及生活所需 1c1) 救濟人的所需(如, 收集救濟品), 提供照顧, 分配維持生活的所需品 1c2) 照顧貧窮生病的人, 擔任執事的工作 1c3) 在基督的教�|中作執行 1d) 管理 1d1) 照料和他人的利益有關的事情 1d2) 為人管理事情, 替人供應其所需的任何東西

1247 diakoneo {dee-ak-on-eh'-o} from 1249; TDNT - 2:81,152; v AV - minister unto 15, serve 10, minister 7, misc 5; 37 1)) to be a servant, attendant, domestic, to serve, wait upon 1a) to minister to one, render ministering offices to 1a1) to be served, ministered unto 1b) to wait at a table and offer food and drink to the guests, 1b1) of women preparing food 1c) to minister i.e. supply food and necessities of life 1c1) to relieve one's necessities (e.g. by collecting alms), to provide take care of, distribute, the things necessary to sustain life 1c2) to take care of the poor and the sick, who administer the office of a deacon 1c3) in Christian churches to serve as deacons 1d) to minister 1d1) to attend to anything, that may serve another's interests 1d2) to minister a thing to one, to serve one or by supplying any thing
1248 diakonia {dee-ak-on-ee'-ah} 源於 1249; TDNT - 2:87,152; 陰性名詞 AV - ministry 16, ministration 6, ministering 3, misc 9; 34 1) 服事, 代理, 尤其指那些執行他人命令的人 2) 指因著神的命令而在人中宣告及傳揚宗教的人 2a) 摩西的職事 2b) 使徒的職事與其權柄 2c) 先知, 傳道, 長老等的職事 3) 指擔任服務照顧他人(如支持基督教等的愛心活動)的人, 尤指那些以收集和分配慈善捐助的人 4) 教�|中執事的職分 5) 為人準備食物的服事

1248 diakonia {dee-ak-on-ee'-ah} from 1249; TDNT - 2:87,152; n f AV - ministry 16, ministration 6, ministering 3, misc 9; 34 1) service, ministering, esp. of those who execute the commands of others 2) of those who by the command of God proclaim and promote religion among men 2a) of the office of Moses 2b) of the office of the apostles and its administration 2c) of the office of prophets, evangelists, elders etc. 3) the ministration of those who render to others the offices of Christian affection esp. those who help meet need by either collecting or distributing of charities 4) the office of the deacon in the church 5) the service of those who prepare and present food
1249 diakonos {dee-ak'-on-os} 可能源自一已不使用的 diako (跑腿辦事的意思, 參見 1377); TDNT - 2:88,152; 陽/陰性名詞 AV - minister 20, servant 8, deacon 3; 31 1) 執行他人的命令的人, 尤其指其主人的命令; 僕役, 隨從, 代理人, 使節 1a) 國王的僕人 1b) 執事, 因教�|所附予的職分, 負責照顧貧窮人及分配所收得為救助他們的金錢 1c) 服務人員, 侍奉食物及飲料的人 其同義詞, 見 5834

1249 diakonos {dee-ak'-on-os} probably from an obsolete diako (to run on errands, cf 1377); TDNT - 2:88,152; n m/f AV - minister 20, servant 8, deacon 3; 31 1) one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant, minister 1a) the servant of a king 1b) a deacon, one who, by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use 1c) a waiter, one who serves food and drink For Synonyms see entry 5834
1577 ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah} 源於 1537 的複合字和 2564 的衍生字; TDNT - 3:501,394; 陰性名詞 AV - church 115, assembly 3; 118 1) 民眾由家中出來在公共場所的地方聚集, 聚會 1a) 指人為了商議事性而聚集在公共的會議場所 1b) 指以色列民眾 1c) 非有等定目的的, 偶發性的群眾聚集, 喧囂的 1d) 在基督教的意義上 1d1) 基督徒聚集在宗教性的場合來敬拜神 1d2) 指渴望基督耶穌永生救恩的基督徒人, 在教�|合一的原則的規定下, 遵守各自 的宗教儀典, 進行各自的宗教集會, 和管理各自的事情. 1d3) 指由分佈在各地, 各城, 各村卻連合成一體的人 1d4) 指散在世上各地的主內的肢體 1d5) 指已去世且被接入天家的因信稱義的眾基督徒

1577 ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah} from a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; TDNT - 3:501,394; n f AV - church 115, assembly 3; 118 1) a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly 1a) an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating 1b) the assembly of the Israelites 1c) any gathering or throng of men assembled by chance, tumultuously 1d) in a Christian sense 1d1) an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting 1d2) a company of Christian, or of those who, hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own affairs, according to regulations prescribed for the body for order's sake 1d3) those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a company and are united into one body 1d4) the whole body of Christians scattered throughout the earth 1d5) the assembly of faithful Christians already dead and received into heaven
1936 epithesis {ep-ith'-es-is} 源於 2007; TDNT - 8:159,1176; 陰性名詞 AV - laying on 3, putting on 1; 4 1) 安放, 強加於 基督教的按手之禮是承襲猶太人而來, 用於在為人代禱和給人神聖的祝福時, 尤其是身體的健康或聖靈的同在(在為人行洗禮或為教�|的牧師等行按牧禮時)

1936 epithesis {ep-ith'-es-is} from 2007; TDNT - 8:159,1176; n f AV - laying on 3, putting on 1; 4 1) a laying on, imposition The imposition of hands was a sacred rite transmitted by the Jews to the Christians, and employed in praying for another, or in conferring upon him divine blessings, especially bodily health, or the Holy Spirit (at the administration of baptism and the inauguration to their office of the teachers and ministers of the church).
1983 episkopeo {ep-ee-skop-eh'-o} 源於 1909 和 4648; TDNT - 2:599,244; 動詞 AV - look diligently 1, take the oversight 1; 2 1) 看作是..., 詳查, 監督, 照顧, 小心 1a) 指對教�|的看護仰賴在長者身上 1b) 小心謹慎, 留心注意

1983 episkopeo {ep-ee-skop-eh'-o} from 1909 and 4648; TDNT - 2:599,244; v AV - look diligently 1, take the oversight 1; 2 1) to look upon, inspect, oversee, look after, care for 1a) of the care of the church which rested upon the elders 1b) to look carefully, beware
2233 hegeomai {hayg-eh'-om-ahee} 71 的(被認作是)加強型的關身語態;TDNT - 2:907,303; 動詞 AV - count 10, think 4, esteem 3, have rule over 3, be governor 2, misc 6; 28 1) 帶領 1a) 走在前面 1b) 作為領導者 1b1) 管理, 下命令的人 1b2) 擁有權柄的 1b3) 貴族, 有帝王的權柄的, 政府首長, 總督, 首領, 有領導作用的, 議會中能起控制作用的, 教�|中的監督或領袖 1b4) 用以指任何型式的領導人, 首領, 發號司令者 1b5) 在發言上的代表人, 首領, 發言人 2) 以為認為, 視作為, 算作是, 認作是 其同義詞, 見 5837

2233 hegeomai {hayg-eh'-om-ahee} middle voice of a (presumed) strengthened form of 71;TDNT - 2:907,303; v AV - count 10, think 4, esteem 3, have rule over 3, be governor 2, misc 6; 28 1) to lead 1a) to go before 1b) to be a leader 1b1) to rule, command 1b2) to have authority over 1b3) a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief, leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or leaders of the churches 1b4) used of any kind of leader, chief, commander 1b5) the leader in speech, chief, spokesman 2) to consider, deem, account, think For Synonyms see entry 5837
2419 Hierousalem {hee-er-oo-sal-ame'} 源自希伯來文03389; TDNT - 7:292,1028; 專有地名 AV - Jerusalem 83; 83 耶路撒冷 = "賜你加倍的平安" 1) 指該城或其中的居民 2) "現今的耶路撒冷", 指當下的宗教體制,亦即摩西律法的體制,於此"耶路撒冷"是指 外在的場所 3) "上面的耶路撒冷", 存在於天上,地上的耶路撒冷即據此而建造 3a) 隱喻. "基督建造的神之城", 如今取了教�|的面貌,不過基督再來後,就會成為 完美的彌賽亞國度 4) "天上的耶路撒冷", 是神,基督,天使,新舊約的眾聖徒,以及基督再來時依然在世的 基督徒在天上的居所 5) "新耶路撒冷", 世界更新後,從天而降的榮耀,可見的城市;是蒙福之人未來的居所

2419 Hierousalem {hee-er-oo-sal-ame'} of Hebrew origin 03389; TDNT - 7:292,1028; n pr loc AV - Jerusalem 83; 83 Jerusalem = "set ye double peace" 1) denotes either the city itself or the inhabitants 2) "the Jerusalem that now is", with its present religious institutions, i.e. the Mosaic system, so designated from its primary external location 3) "Jerusalem that is above", that is existing in heaven, according to the pattern of which the earthly Jerusalem was supposed to be built 3a) metaph. "the City of God founded by Christ", now wearing the form of the church, but after Christ's return to put on the form of the perfected Messianic kingdom 4) "the heavenly Jerusalem", that is the heavenly abode of God, Christ, the angels, saints of the Old and New Testament periods and those Christians that are alive at Christ's return 5) "the New Jerusalem", a splendid visible city to be let down from heaven after the renovation of the world, the future abode of the blessed
2455 Ioudas {ee-oo-das'} 源自希伯來文03063; 陽性名詞 AV - Judas (Iscariot) 22, Juda (Son of Jacob) 7, Judah (Son of Jacob) 1, Judas (Son of Jacob) 2, Judas (Brother of James) 3, Jude (Brother of James) 1, Judas Barsabas 3, Juda (Ancestors of Jesus 2, misc 4; 45 猶大 = "他要受讚美" 1) 雅各的第四個兒子 2) 基督的一名祖先 3) 一名加利利人,在一次人口調查的時候,在加利利發起暴動 (#徒 5:37|) 4) 大馬色的某個猶太人 (#徒 9:11|) 5) 在耶路撒冷教�|的一位來自巴撒巴的先知 (#徒 15:22,27,32|) 6) 使徒,又名利拜烏或達太 (#約 14:22|),有人認為是他寫了猶大書 7) 耶穌的兄弟 (#太 13:55|) 8) 加略人猶大--出賣耶穌的使徒

2455 Ioudas {ee-oo-das'} of Hebrew origin 03063;; n m AV - Judas (Iscariot) 22, Juda (Son of Jacob) 7, Judah (Son of Jacob) 1, Judas (Son of Jacob) 2, Judas (Brother of James) 3, Jude (Brother of James) 1, Judas Barsabas 3, Juda (Ancestors of Jesus 2, misc 4; 45 Judah or Judas = "he shall be praised" 1) the fourth son of Jacob 2) an unknown ancestor of Christ 3) a man surnamed the Galilean, who at the time of the census of Quirinus, excited the revolt in Galilee, Acts 5:37 4) a certain Jew of Damascus, Acts 9:11 5) a prophet surnamed Barsabas, of the church at Jerusalem, Acts 15:22,27,32 6) the apostle, Jn 14:22, who was surnamed Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus, and according to opinion wrote the Epistle of Jude. 7) the half-brother of Jesus, Mt. 13:55 8) Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus
2500 Ioses {ee-o-sace'} 陽性專有名詞 AV - Joses (brother of James) 3, Joses (Brother of Jesus) 2, Joses (Barnabas) 1; 6 約西 = "被尊崇" 1) 基督的先祖 (#路 3:29|) 2) 耶穌的兄弟 (#可 6:3|) 3) 耶穌的姨媽也叫馬利亞,有個兒子叫約西 (#太27:56; 可 15:40,47|) 4) 早期教�|成員之一, 但是以巴拿巴為人所知 (#徒 4:36, 和合本此處譯作"約瑟"|)

2500 Ioses {ee-o-sace'} perhaps for 2501;; n pr m AV - Joses (brother of James) 3, Joses (Brother of Jesus) 2, Joses (Barnabas) 1; 6 Joses = "exalted" 1) one of the ancestors of Christ, Lk 3:29 2) Joses, the brother of Jesus, Mk 6:3 3) Joses, the son of Mary, the sister of the mother of Jesus, Mt. 27:56 4) Joses, a Levite, Acts 4:36
2815 Klemes {klay'-mace} 源自拉丁文; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Clement 1; 1 革利免 = "溫和,仁慈" 1) 保羅的同工,應該是腓立比教�|一員(#腓 4:3|).根據傳統說法, 他就是初世紀末的羅馬主較革利免

2815 Klemes {klay'-mace} of Latin origin;; n pr m AV - Clement 1; 1 Clement = "mild, merciful" 1) a companion of Paul and apparently a member of the church of Philippi. According to tradition, he is identical with that Clement who was bishop of Rome towards the close of the first century.
2841 koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o} 源於 2844; TDNT - 3:797,447; 動詞 AV - be partaker 5, communicate 2, distribute 1; 8 1) 參與到教�|或團契中, 與他人分享分擔, 成為夥伴 2) 成為合夥的關係, 加入成為某會會員, 成為合夥的或同伴

2841 koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o} from 2844; TDNT - 3:797,447; v AV - be partaker 5, communicate 2, distribute 1; 8 1) to come into communion or fellowship with, to become a sharer, be made a partner 2) to enter into fellowship, join one's self to an associate, make one's self a sharer or partner
2921 Krispos {kris'-pos} of Latin origin;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Crispus 2; 2 基利司布= "捲髮的" 1) 哥林多猶太教�|的管理者, 經由保羅施洗 (#徒 18:8; 林前 1:14|)

2921 Krispos {kris'-pos} of Latin origin;; n pr m AV - Crispus 2; 2 Crispus = "curled" 1) the ruler of the Jewish synagogue in Corinth, baptised by Paul
3066 Loukios {loo'-kee-os} of Latin origin;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Lucius 2; 2 路求= "光線: 明亮的: 白色的" 1) 古利奈人, 安提阿教�|的先知並教師 (#徒 13:1|), 可能與 (羅 16:21|) 所提及的是同一人

3066 Loukios {loo'-kee-os} of Latin origin;; n pr m AV - Lucius 2; 2 Lucius = "light: bright: white" 1) a man from Cyrene who was a prophet and a teacher of the church in Antioch (Acts 13:1), perhaps the same one as mentioned in Ro. 16:21
3127 Manaen {man-ah-ane'} 字源不明; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Manaen 1; 1 馬念 = "安慰者" 1) 安提阿教�|的一位教師兼先知 (#徒 13:1|)

3127 Manaen {man-ah-ane'} of uncertain origin;; n pr m AV - Manaen 1; 1 Manaen = "comforter" 1) one of the teachers and prophets in the church at Antioch
3527 Nikanor {nik-an'-ore} 可能源自 3528;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Nicanor 1; 1 尼迦挪= "征服者" 1) 耶路撒冷教�|中七個執事之一 (#徒 6:5|)

3527 Nikanor {nik-an'-ore} probably from 3528;; n pr m AV - Nicanor 1; 1 Nicanor = "conqueror" 1) one of the seven deacons in the church at Jerusalem
3532 Nikolaos {nik-ol'-ah-os} 源自 3534 和 2994;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Nicolas 1; 1 尼哥拉 = "人民的勝利" 1) 安提阿的改信仰者, 耶路撒冷教�|的七位執事之一

3532 Nikolaos {nik-ol'-ah-os} from 3534 and 2994;; n pr m AV - Nicolas 1; 1 Nicolas = "victor of the people" 1) was a proselyte of Antioch and one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem
3624 oikos {oy'-kos} 不明確的關係詞; TDNT - 5:119,674;陽性名詞 AV - house 104, household 3, home + 1519 2, at home + 1722 2, misc 3; 114 1) 房子 1a) 供居住的屋子, 家 1b) 泛指任何的建築 1b1) 指皇宮 1b2) 指神的殿, 會幕 1c) 指任何供居住的處所 1c1) 指人的肉體成了控制他的邪魔的居所 1c2) 指帳篷, 茅屋, 及動物的巢, 畜舍, 獸穴等 1c3) 指人的固定的居所, 人所定居的地方, 安家定居之所在 2) 指屋內所居住的人, 組成一個家庭的所有分子, 家庭家族 2a) 神的家, 指基督的教�|(全體基督徒), 因舊約和新約所建立的教�| 3) 某人的後裔, 家庭, 所有的牲口 其同義字, 見 5867

3624 oikos {oy'-kos} of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 5:119,674; n m AV - house 104, household 3, home + 1519 2, at home + 1722 2, misc 3; 114 1) a house 1a) an inhabited house, home 1b) any building whatever 1b1) of a palace 1b2) the house of God, the tabernacle 1c) any dwelling place 1c1) of the human body as the abode of demons that possess it 1c2) of tents, and huts, and later, of the nests, stalls, lairs, of animals 1c3) the place where one has fixed his residence, one's settled abode, domicile 2) the inmates of a house, all the persons forming one family, a household 2a) the family of God, of the Christian Church, of the church of the Old and New Testaments 3) stock, family, descendants of one For Synonyms see entry 5867
3937 Parmenas {par-men-as'} probably by contractio陰性名詞or Parmenides (a derivative of a compound of 3844 and 3306);; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Parmenas 1; 1 巴米拿 = "永久的,持久的,不變的" 1)耶路撒冷教�|七位執事中的一位

3937 Parmenas {par-men-as'} probably by contraction for Parmenides (a derivative of a compound of 3844 and 3306);; n pr m AV - Parmenas 1; 1 Parmenas = "abiding" 1) one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem
4165 poimaino {poy-mah'-ee-no} 源自4166; TDNT - 6:485,901; 動詞 AV - feed 6, rule 4, feed cattle 1; 11 1) 餵養, 照顧畜群, 牧羊 1a) 統治, 管理 1a1) 領袖的治理 1a2) 教�|的管理 1b) 滋養, 供應草料或食物 同義詞 見 5824

4165 poimaino {poy-mah'-ee-no} from 4166; TDNT - 6:485,901; v AV - feed 6, rule 4, feed cattle 1; 11 1) to feed, to tend a flock, keep sheep 1a) to rule, govern 1a1) of rulers 1a2) to furnish pasture for food 1a3) to nourish 1a4) to cherish one's body, to serve the body 1a5) to supply the requisites for the soul's need For Synonyms see entry 5824
4166 poimen {poy-mane'} 找不到相近的字; TDNT - 6:485,901;陽性名詞 AV - shepherd 15, Shepherd 2, pastor 1; 18 1) 牧人, 尤其指牧羊的人 1a) 常在比喻中用來指關懷他人的人, 而他人也願意把自己付交付於他而且遵守他告誡的人 2) 隱喻. 2a) 指一個群體的主持人, 管理人, 經理, 指揮者; 比如基督就是教�|的頭 2a1) 指基督徒群體的監督 2a2) 指王和貴族, 行政首長等

4166 poimen {poy-mane'} of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 6:485,901; n m AV - shepherd 15, Shepherd 2, pastor 1; 18 1) a herdsman, esp. a shepherd 1a) in the parable, he to whose care and control others have committed themselves, and whose precepts they follow 2) metaph. 2a) the presiding officer, manager, director, of any assembly: so of Christ the Head of the church 2a1) of the overseers of the Christian assemblies 2a2) of kings and princes
4168 poimnion {poym'-nee-on} 中性 of a presumed derivative of 4167; TDNT - 6:499,901; 中性名詞 AV - flock 5; 5 1) 羊群 2) 跟隨基督的信徒 3) 由長老所管理的教�|, 基督的身體

4168 poimnion {poym'-nee-on} neuter of a presumed derivative of 4167; TDNT - 6:499,901; n n AV - flock 5; 5 1) a flock (esp.) of sheep 2) a group of Christ's disciples 3) bodies of Christian (churches) presided over by elders
4245 presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os} presbus ("年長"之意); TDNT - 6:651,931; 形容詞 AV - elder 64, old man 1, eldest 1, elder woman 1; 67 1) 年長 1a) 兩個人比較 1b) 閱歷多的人,長輩,長者 1b1) 先祖 2) 階級,職位的名稱 2a) 在猶太人中 2a1) 公會裡的一員 (早年都是從年長者遴選出領袖或審判官) 2a2) 在各城市處理公共事物與執法的人 2b) 基督徒當中,主掌會議(教�|)的人,新約聖經裡長老,監督等名稱通用. 2c) 啟示錄中天庭裡的二十四名長老,坐在神的寶座四圍

4245 presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os} comparative of presbus (elderly); TDNT - 6:651,931; adj AV - elder 64, old man 1, eldest 1, elder woman 1; 67 1) elder, of age, 1a) the elder of two people 1b) advanced in life, an elder, a senior 1b1) forefathers 2) a term of rank or office 2a) among the Jews 2a1) members of the great council or Sanhedrin (because in early times the rulers of the people, judges, etc., were selected from elderly men) 2a2) of those who in separate cities managed public affairs and administered justice 2b) among the Christians, those who presided over the assemblies (or churches) The NT uses the term bishop, elders, and presbyters interchangeably 2c) the twenty four members of the heavenly Sanhedrin or court seated on thrones around the throne of God
4402 Prochoros {prokh'-or-os} 源自 4253 and 5525;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Prochorus 1; 1 伯羅哥羅= "詩歌隊的指揮, 合唱團的團長" 1) 耶路撒冷教�|所遴選出來七個執事中的一位 (#徒 6:5|)

4402 Prochoros {prokh'-or-os} from 4253 and 5525;; n pr m AV - Prochorus 1; 1 Prochorus = "leader of the chorus" 1) one of the seven deacons chosen by the church at Jerusalem
4736 Stephanos {stef'-an-os} 與...同 4735;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Stephen 7; 7 司提反 = "帶冠冕的" 1)耶路撒冷教�|七個執事之一,第一位基督徒殉教士

4736 Stephanos {stef'-an-os} the same as 4735;; n pr m AV - Stephen 7; 7 Stephen = "crowned" 1) one of the seven deacons in Jerusalem and the first Christian martyr
4826 Sumeon {soom-eh-one'} 與 4613 同源;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Simeon 6, Simon Peter 1; 7 西面, 西緬, 西門 = "聽" 1) 雅各和利亞所生的第二個兒子 2) 亞伯拉罕的子孫之一 3) 在聖殿中將還是嬰孩的耶穌抱在懷中的人(#路 2:34|) 4) 安提阿教�|中的一位夫子(#徒 13:1|) 5) 使徒彼得的本名

4826 Sumeon {soom-eh-one'} from the same as 4613;; n pr m AV - Simeon 6, Simon Peter 1; 7 Simon = "harkening" 1) the second son of Jacob by Leah 2) one of Abraham's descendants 3) the one who took the infant Jesus in his arms in the temple 4) a teacher at the church of Antioch 5) the original name of Peter the apostle
4941 Suntuche {soon-too'-khay} 源自 4940;;陰性專有名詞 AV - Syntyche 1; 1 循都基= "信運的" 1) 腓立比教�|中的女成員 (#腓 4:2|)

4941 Suntuche {soon-too'-khay} from 4940;; n pr f AV - Syntyche 1; 1 Syntyche = "with fate" 1) a female member of the church of Philippi
4954 sussomos {soos'-so-mos} 源自 4862 and 4983; TDNT - 7:1024,1140; 形容詞 AV - of the same body 1; 1 1) 屬於同一個身體的 2) 隱喻. 意指相同的教�| (#弗 3:6|)

4954 sussomos {soos'-so-mos} from 4862 and 4983; TDNT - 7:1024,1140; adj AV - of the same body 1; 1 1) belonging to the same body 2) metaph. to the same church
4983 soma {so'-mah} 源於 4982; TDNT - 7:1024,1140; 中性名詞 AV - body 144, bodily 1, slave 1; 146 1) 指人或動物的身體 1a) 死去的身體或屍體 1b) 活著的身體 1b1) 指活著的動物 2) 指行星或其它星體(天體) 3) 用以指一(大群或少數)彼此相近的人所組成的社團, 或(原來所指的)家庭; 一個社會的, 倫理的, 或象徵性的組織 3a) 在新約中用以指教�| 4) 指那些可以造成陰影的個體, 用以區別其和所造成的陰子

4983 soma {so'-mah} from 4982; TDNT - 7:1024,1140; n n AV - body 144, bodily 1, slave 1; 146 1) the body both of men or animals 1a) a dead body or corpse 1b) the living body 1b1) of animals 2) the bodies of planets and of stars (heavenly bodies) 3) is used of a (large or small) number of men closely united into one society, or family as it were; a social, ethical, mystical body 3a) so in the NT of the church 4) that which casts a shadow as distinguished from the shadow itself
5096 Timon {tee'-mone} 源自 5092;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Timon 1; 1 提門 = "值得尊敬的" 1) 耶路撒冷教�|的七個職事之一 #徒 6:5|

5096 Timon {tee'-mone} from 5092;; n pr m AV - Timon 1; 1 Timon = "honourable" 1) one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem
5351 phtheiro {fthi'-ro} 可能源自 phthio ("憔悴"或"虛弱"); TDNT - 9:93,1259; 動詞 AV - corrupt 4, corrupt (one's) self 1, be corrupt 1, defile 1, destroy 1; 8 1) 腐敗, 破壞 1a) 以猶太人的觀點來說, 當任何人弄髒或稍微破壞聖殿中的任何東西, 或者聖殿的守護者怠忽職守, 都視為聖殿被敗壞或破壞 1b) 離開一個基督教�|所應堅持的真理和聖潔 1c) 被破壞, 毀滅 1d) (在道德方面) 腐敗, 敗壞

5351 phtheiro {fthi'-ro} probably strengthened from phthio (to pine or waste); TDNT - 9:93,1259; v AV - corrupt 4, corrupt (one's) self 1, be corrupt 1, defile 1, destroy 1; 8 1) to corrupt, to destroy 1a) in the opinion of the Jews, the temple was corrupted or "destroyed" when anyone defiled or in the slightest degree damaged anything in it, or if its guardians neglected their duties 1b) to lead away a Christian church from that state of knowledge and holiness in which it ought to abide 1c) to be destroyed, to perish 1d) in an ethical sense, to corrupt, deprave
5402 Phoibe {foy'-bay} 源於 phoibos (亮麗, 可能近似 5457 的字源);;陰性專有名詞 AV - Phebe 2; 2 非比 = "容光煥發的" 1) 近哥林多地方堅革哩教�|的女執事

5402 Phoibe {foy'-bay} from phoibos (bright, probably akin to the base of 5457);; n pr f AV - Phebe 2; 2 Phoebe = "radiant" 1) a deaconess of the church at Cenchrea, near Corinth
5486 charisma {khar'-is-mah} 從 5483 而來; TDNT - 9:402,1298; 中性名詞 AV - gift 15, free gift 2; 17 1) 不求授者之回報的施恩 2) 因神恩所給的恩賜 3) 信心, 知識, 聖潔, 美德 等的恩賜 4) 聖恩的經濟(計算上), 相信因著基督已付上的代價而將赦罪與永生給了罪人 5) 恩典或恩賜表示超自然力量, 區分出某些基督徒及使得他們能事奉基督的教�|, 由於神恩藉聖靈運在他們心靈之接納

5486 charisma {khar'-is-mah} from 5483; TDNT - 9:402,1298; n n AV - gift 15, free gift 2; 17 1) a favour with which one receives without any merit of his own 2) the gift of divine grace 3) the gift of faith, knowledge, holiness, virtue 4) the economy of divine grace, by which the pardon of sin and eternal salvation is appointed to sinners in consideration of the merits of Christ laid hold of by faith 5) grace or gifts denoting extraordinary powers, distinguishing certain Christians and enabling them to serve the church of Christ, the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating on their souls by the Holy Spirit