
字典搜尋結果 共有 29 筆

06 'abad {aw-bad'} 字根型; TWOT - 2; 動詞 AV - perish 98, destroy 62, lose 10, fail 2, surely 2, utterly 2, broken 1, destruction 1, escape 1, flee 1, spendeth 1, take 1, undone 1, void 1; 184 1) 消滅, 消失, 離開正道, 被破壞 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 消滅, 死亡, 被滅絕 1a2) 消滅, 消失 (比喻用法) 1a3) 失喪, 偏離 1b) (Piel) 1b1) 破壞, 殺死, 使消滅, 放棄(如失喪), 消滅 1b2) 摧毀, 除去, 使消失, (比喻用法) 1b3) 致使離開正道, 失喪 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) 消滅, 處死 1c1a) 來自神的審判 1c2) 受詞是君王的名(比喻用法)(#申 7:24|)

06 'abad {aw-bad'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2; v AV - perish 98, destroy 62, lose 10, fail 2, surely 2, utterly 2, broken 1, destruction 1, escape 1, flee 1, spendeth 1, take 1, undone 1, void 1; 184 1) perish, vanish, go astray, be destroyed 1a) (Qal) 1a1) perish, die, be exterminated 1a2) perish, vanish (fig.) 1a3) be lost, strayed 1b) (Piel) 1b1) to destroy, kill, cause to perish, to give up (as lost), exterminate 1b2) to blot out, do away with, cause to vanish, (fig.) 1b3) cause to stray, lose 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to destroy, put to death 1c1a) of divine judgment 1c2) object name of kings (fig.)
0117 'addiyr {ad-deer'} 源自 0142; TWOT - 28b; 形容詞 AV - nobles 7, excellent 4, mighty 5, principal 3, famous 2, gallant 1, glorious 1, goodly 1, lordly 1, noble one 1, worthies 1; 27 1) 偉大的, 威嚴的 1a) 用於海洋 1b) 用於樹木 1c) 用於君王、國家、神祉 2) 偉大者, 威嚴者 2a)用於貴族、首領、僕人

0117 'addiyr {ad-deer'} from 0142; TWOT - 28b; adj AV - nobles 7, excellent 4, mighty 5, principal 3, famous 2, gallant 1, glorious 1, goodly 1, lordly 1, noble one 1, worthies 1; 27 1) great, majestic 1a) of waters of sea 1b) of a tree 1c) of kings, nations, gods 2) great one, majestic one 2a) of nobles, chieftains, servants
0152 'Adrammelek {ad-ram-meh'-lek} 源自 0142 和 04428; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Adrammelech 3; 3 亞得米勒 = 「王的榮耀」 或「亞達珥是君王」 或「亞達珥是策士, 決定勝負的人」 1) 西法瓦音的偶像或神, (# 王下 17:31|) 由亞述第五個王 (?) 撒縵以色引進以色列 2) 西拿基立的兒子, 後來殺了西拿基立 (# 王下 19:36-37|)

0152 'Adrammelek {ad-ram-meh'-lek} from 0142 and 04428;; n pr m AV - Adrammelech 3; 3 Adrammelech = "honour of the king" or "Adar is prince" or "Adar is Counsellor, Decider" 1) an idol or god of the Sepharvites, introduced to Israel by Shalmaneser the fifth 2) the son and murderer of Sennacherib
0558 'Amatsyah {am-ats-yaw'} 或 'Amatsyahuw {am-ats-yaw'-hoo} 源自 0553 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Amaziah 40; 40 亞瑪謝 = "耶和華是全能" 1) 猶大君王, 約阿施之子, 亞撒利雅之父 (#王下 14:1|) 2) 伯特利的一祭司, 耶羅波安二世時 (#摩 7:10|) 3) 約沙之父, 西緬族 (#代上 4:34|) 4) 一利未會幕歌者於大衛王統治時 (#代上 6:45|)

0558 'Amatsyah {am-ats-yaw'} or 'Amatsyahuw {am-ats-yaw'-hoo} from 0553 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Amaziah 40; 40 Amaziah = "Jehovah is mighty" 1) a king of Judah, son Joash, father of Azariah 2) a priest of Bethel under Jeroboam II 3) father of Joshah, of the tribe of Simeon 4) a Levite tabernacle singer in David's day
02396 Chizqiyah {khiz-kee-yaw'} 或 Chizqiyahuw {khiz-kee-yaw'-hoo} 亦作 Y@chizqiyah {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} 或 Y@chizqiyahuw {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'-hoo} 源自 02388 與 03050; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Hezekiah 85, Hizkiah 1, Hizkijah 1; 87 希西家(Hezekiah 或 Hizkiah 或 Hizkijah) = "耶和華是我的力量" 1) 猶大國的第十二任王, 亞哈斯與亞比之子; 是服事耶和華並廢除 偶像崇拜的好君王 2) 先知西番雅的高曾祖父 (#番 1:1|) 3) 尼利雅之子, 大衛後裔 (#代上 3:23|) 4) 尼希米時期一個被擄歸回家族之首 (#拉 2:16|)

02396 Chizqiyah {khiz-kee-yaw'} or Chizqiyahuw {khiz-kee-yaw'-hoo} also Y@chizqiyah {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'} or Y@chizqiyahuw {yekh-iz-kee-yaw'-hoo} from 02388 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Hezekiah 85, Hizkiah 1, Hizkijah 1; 87 Hezekiah or Hizkiah or Hizkijah = "Jehovah is my strength" 1) 12th king of Judah, son of Ahaz and Abijah; a good king in that he served Jehovah and did away with idolatrous practices 2) great-great-grandfather of Zephaniah the prophet 3) son of Neariah, a descendant of David 4) head of a family of returning exiles in the time of Nehemiah
03079 Y@howyaqiym {yeh-ho-yaw-keem'} 源自 03068 的縮寫 和 06965, cf. 3113;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Jehoiakim 37; 37 約雅敬 = "耶和華興起" 1) 約西亞的兒子, 他是猶大國的倒數第三個王;他受制 於尼布甲尼撒王的控制而形式一傀儡君王. 在位十一 年, 橫死於外國入侵的戰事中或是尼布甲尼撒王之手.

03079 Y@howyaqiym {yeh-ho-yaw-keem'} from 03068 abbreviated and 06965, cf. 3113;; n pr m AV - Jehoiakim 37; 37 Jehoiakim = "Jehovah raises up" 1) son of Josiah and the third from the last king of Judah; subject vassel of Nebuchadnezzar who reigned for 11 years before he died a violent death either in combat or by the hands of his own subjects
03112 Yowyakiyn {yo-yaw-keen'} ...之一型 03078;; n pr m 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jehoiachin 1; 1 約雅斤:“耶和華建造” 1)猶大王,約雅敬之後代,猶大滅亡前倒數第二位君王,猶大最後一任君王遭巴比倫人俘虜。約雅斤在位三個月又 十天,降服於尼布甲尼撒後,被帶往巴比倫,坐監三十六年後才被釋放。

03112 Yowyakiyn {yo-yaw-keen'} a form of 03078;; n pr m AV - Jehoiachin 1; 1 Jehoiachin = "Jehovah establishes" 1) king of Judah, son of Jehoiakim, and the next to last king of Judah before the Babylonian captivity; kingship lasted for 3 months and 10 days before he surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar who took him to Babylon and imprisoned him for 36 years when he was finally released
03548 kohen {ko-hane'} 03547 的主動分詞; TWOT - 959a; 陽性名詞 AV - priest 744, own 2, chief ruler 2, officer 1, princes 1; 750 1) 祭司, 首要官員或首要統治者 1a) 祭司君王(麥基洗得, 彌賽亞) 1b) 外邦人的祭司 1c) 耶和華的祭司 1d) 利未族的祭司 1e) 撒督家系的祭司 1f) 亞倫家系的祭司 1g) 大祭司

03548 kohen {ko-hane'} active participle of 03547; TWOT - 959a; n m AV - priest 744, own 2, chief ruler 2, officer 1, princes 1; 750 1) priest, principal officer or chief ruler 1a) priest-king (Melchizedek, Messiah) 1b) pagan priests 1c) priests of Jehovah 1d) Levitical priests 1e) Zadokite priests 1f) Aaronic priests 1g) the high priest
04314 Mey Zahab {may zaw-hawb'} 源自 04325 和 02091, 黃金海域;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Mezahab 2; 2 米薩合 = "黃金海域" 1) 瑪特列的父親, 米希他別的祖父, 米希他別是哈達的妻子, 哈達是以東最後一位君王(#創 36:39|)(#代上 1:50|)

04314 Mey Zahab {may zaw-hawb'} from 04325 and 02091, water of gold;; n pr m AV - Mezahab 2; 2 Mezahab = "waters of gold" 1) father of Matred and grandfather of Mehetabel, the wife of Hadad, the last named king of Edom
05020 N@buwkadnetstsar (亞蘭文) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} 相當於 05019;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Nebuchadnezzar 31; 31 尼布甲尼撒 = "願尼布保護王冠" 1) 巴比倫的偉大君王, 曾佔領耶路撒冷並帶走猶大俘虜

05020 N@buwkadnetstsar (Aramaic) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'} corresponding to 05019;; n pr m AV - Nebuchadnezzar 31; 31 Nebuchadnezzar = "may Nebo protect the crown" 1) the great king of Babylon who captured Jerusalem and carried Judah captive
05945 'elyown {el-yone'} 源自 05927; TWOT - 1624g,1624h 欽定本 - High 18, most high 9, high 9, upper 8, higher 4, highest 2, above 1, Highest 1, uppermost 1; 53 形容詞 1) 高的, 在上位的 1a) 大衛王國被高舉在眾君王國之上 陽性名詞 2) 至高處, 至高者 2a) 上帝的名字 2b) 統治者, 在眾君王或是天使國度中

05945 'elyown {el-yone'} from 05927; TWOT - 1624g,1624h AV - High 18, most high 9, high 9, upper 8, higher 4, highest 2, above 1, Highest 1, uppermost 1; 53 adj 1) high, upper 1a) of Davidic king exalted above monarchs n m 2) Highest, Most High 2a) name of God 2b) of rulers, either monarchs or angel-princes
06666 ts@daqah {tsed-aw-kaw'} 源自 06663; TWOT - 1879b; 陰性名詞 AV - righteousness 128, justice 15, right 9, righteous acts 3, moderately 1, righteously 1; 157 1) 公平, 公義 1a) 公義 (在政治方面) 1a1) 審判, 統治者, 君王 1a2) 律法 1a3) 大衛式的彌賽亞君王 1b) 公義 (神的屬性) 1c) 公義 (訴訟案件) 1d) 公義, 真理 1e) 公義 (道德上的合宜) 1f) 公義 (證明清白), 稱義, 救恩 1f1) 屬神的 1f2) 興旺 (民族的) 1g) 義行

06666 ts@daqah {tsed-aw-kaw'} from 06663; TWOT - 1879b; n f AV - righteousness 128, justice 15, right 9, righteous acts 3, moderately 1, righteously 1; 157 1) justice, righteousness 1a) righteousness (in government) 1a1) of judge, ruler, king 1a2) of law 1a3) of Davidic king Messiah 1b) righteousness (of God's attribute) 1c) righteousness (in a case or cause) 1d) righteousness, truthfulness 1e) righteousness (as ethically right) 1f) righteousness (as vindicated), justification, salvation 1f1) of God 1f2) prosperity (of people) 1g) righteous acts
07055 Q@muw'el {kem-oo-ale'} 源自 06965 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Kemuel 3; 3 基母利 = "被神舉起" 1) 密迦和拿鶴的兒子, 亞蘭的父親 {#創 22:21|} 2) 拾弗但的兒子, 以法蓮支派的首領, 被耶和華揀選來分配應許之地給各支派的十二個人之一 {#民 34:24|} 3) 利未人, 哈沙比雅的父親, 在大衛王時代的利未支派君王 {#代上 27:17|}

07055 Q@muw'el {kem-oo-ale'} from 06965 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Kemuel 3; 3 Kemuel = "raised of God" 1) son of Nahor by Milcah and father of Aram 2) son of Shiphtan, prince of the tribe of Ephraim, and one of the 12 men selected to apportion the promised land between the tribes 3) Levite, father of Hashabiah, prince of the tribe in the time of David
07344 R@chobowth {rekh-o-both'} 或 R@choboth {rekh-o-both'} 07339 的複數形;; 專有名詞 地名 AV - Rehoboth 4; 4 利河伯 = "寬闊的地方或街道" 1) 以撒在非利士領土內所挖的第三口井 {#創 26:22|} 2) 寧錄在亞述城所建立的四個城市之一, 其地理位置靠近尼尼微城 {#創 10:11|} 3) 掃羅所在的城市, 此掃羅乃以東人早期的君王之一 {#創 36:37|}

07344 R@chobowth {rekh-o-both'} or R@choboth {rekh-o-both'} pl. of 07339;; n pr loc AV - Rehoboth 4; 4 Rehoboth = "wide places or streets" 1) the 3rd of a series of wells dug by Isaac in the territory of the Philistines 2) one of the 4 cities built by Asshur or by Nimrod in Asshur located close to Nineveh 3) a city of Saul or Shaul, one of the early kings of the Edomites
08010 Sh@lomoh {shel-o-mo'} 源自 07965; TWOT - 2401i; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Solomon 293; 293 所羅門 = "平安" 1) 從拔示巴而生的大衛之子, 且是以色列的第三位君王; 箴言及雅歌的作者

08010 Sh@lomoh {shel-o-mo'} from 07965; TWOT - 2401i; n pr m AV - Solomon 293; 293 Solomon = "peace" 1) son of David by Bathsheba and 3rd king of Israel; author of Proverbs and Song of Songs
08487 Teyman {tay-mawn'} 或 Teman {tay-mawn'} 與 08486 相同; AV - Teman 11; 11 提幔 = "南方" 陽性專有名詞 1) 以利法之子, 以掃之孫, 以東的君王之一 2) 從1 而來的後族; 以其人民的才智而聞名 地名專有名詞 3) 1 的後裔所佔據的地區, 位於以土買東方

08487 Teyman {tay-mawn'} or Teman {tay-mawn'} the same as 08486; AV - Teman 11; 11 Teman = "south" n pr m 1) son of Eliphaz, grandson of Esau, and one of the dukes of Edom 2) the tribe descended from 1 noted for the wisdom of its people n pr loc 3) the region occupied by the descendants of 1, located east of Idumea
08489 Teymaniy {tay-maw-nee'} 源自 08487 的種族名稱;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Temanite 7, Temani 1; 8 提幔人 = 見 提幔(Teman [8487]) "向南的" 1) 一位提幔地的居民, 其地在以土買東方 2) 一位提幔的後裔, 以掃之孫, 以東的君王之一 (#創 36:34; 代上 1:45|)

08489 Teymaniy {tay-maw-nee'} patronymically from 08487;; n pr m AV - Temanite 7, Temani 1; 8 Temanite or Temani = see Teman "southward" 1) an inhabitant of Teman located east of Idumea 2) a descendant of Teman, the grandson of Esau and a duke of Edom
747 archegos {ar-khay-gos'} 源於 746 和 71; TDNT - 1:487,81; 形容詞 AV - prince 2, captain 1, author 1; 4 1) 主帥, 君王 1a) 指基督 2) 打頭陣而為後人建立模範的, 事情的元老, 先鋒 3) 創造者

747 archegos {ar-khay-gos'} from 746 and 71; TDNT - 1:487,81; adj AV - prince 2, captain 1, author 1; 4 1) the chief leader, prince 1a) of Christ 2) one that takes the lead in any thing and thus affords an example, a predecessor in a matter, pioneer 3) the author
935 basileus {bas-il-yooce'} 可能源自 939 (由於政權建立的概念); TDNT - 1:576,97;陽性名詞 AV - king 82, King (of Jews) 21, King (God or Christ) 11, King (of Israel) 4; 118 1) 人民的領導者, 王子, 指揮官r, 地方的貴族, 君王

935 basileus {bas-il-yooce'} probably from 939 (through the notion of a foundation of power); TDNT - 1:576,97; n m AV - king 82, King (of Jews) 21, King (God or Christ) 11, King (of Israel) 4; 118 1) leader of the people, prince, commander, lord of the land, king
988 blasphemia {blas-fay-me'-ah} 源自 989; TDNT - 1:621,107; 陰性名詞 AV - blasphemy 16, railing 2, evil spe近似g 1; 19 1) 誹謗, 貶低, 傷害一個人好名聲的謠言 2) 以不虔誠且責難的說話態度去傷害毀謗神聖的君王(上帝)

988 blasphemia {blas-fay-me'-ah} from 989; TDNT - 1:621,107; n f AV - blasphemy 16, railing 2, evil speaking 1; 19 1) slander, detraction, speech injurious, to another's good name 2) impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty
1391 doxa {dox'-ah} 源於 1380; TDNT - 2:233,178; 陰性名詞 AV - glory 145, glorious 10, honour 6, praise 4, dignity 2, worship 1; 168 1) 意見, 判斷, 觀點 2) 意見, 估算, 判斷好壞利弊 2a) 在新約中都用以指一個人正面的意見, 使人受讚美, 榮耀, 盛名 3) 燦爛, 閃亮 3a) 指月亮, 太陽, 星辰 3b) 宏偉, 優秀, 卓越, 端莊, 雅致 3c) 威嚴, 權柄 3c1) 指神的權柄 3c1) 神的如君王般的絕對權柄, 取其完全之神格的意思 3c2) 指基督 3c2a) 彌賽亞如君王的權柄 3c2b) 指基督完美無瑕的內在與人格的優點; 莊嚴 3c3) 指天使 3c3a) 顯然是指他們外表所散發的光輝 4) 極其榮耀的, 至高至尊的 4a) 指基督在完成他的工後, 被父神高升到天上的榮耀 4b) 指真基督徒被應許在救世主再來後要被提升到天上的, 共享榮耀的福氣

1391 doxa {dox'-ah} from the base of 1380; TDNT - 2:233,178; n f AV - glory 145, glorious 10, honour 6, praise 4, dignity 2, worship 1; 168 1) opinion, judgment, view 2) opinion, estimate, whether good or bad concerning someone 2a) in the NT always a good opinion concerning one, resulting in praise, honour, and glory 3) splendour, brightness 3a) of the moon, sun, stars 3b) magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, grace 3c) majesty 3c1) a thing belonging to God 3c1) the kingly majesty which belongs to him as supreme ruler, majesty in the sense of the absolute perfection of the deity 3c2) a thing belonging to Christ 3c2a) the kingly majesty of the Messiah 3c2b) the absolutely perfect inward or personal excellency of Christ; the majesty 3c3) of the angels 3c3a) as apparent in their exterior brightness 4) a most glorious condition, most exalted state 4a) of that condition with God the Father in heaven to which Christ was raised after he had achieved his work on earth 4b) the glorious condition of blessedness into which is appointed and promised that true Christians shall enter after their Saviour's return from heaven
1413 dunastes {doo-nas'-tace} 源自 1410; TDNT - 2:284,186;陽性名詞 AV - mighty 1, of great authority 1, Potentate 1; 3 1) 君王, 領袖 2) 朝臣, 高級長官, 有高等權柄的皇家使節

1413 dunastes {doo-nas'-tace} from 1410; TDNT - 2:284,186; n m AV - mighty 1, of great authority 1, Potentate 1; 3 1) a prince, a potentate 2) a courtier, high officer, royal minister of great authority
2888 kosmokrator {kos-mok-rat'-ore} 源自 2889 和 2902; TDNT - 3:913,466;陽性名詞 AV - ruler 1; 1 1) 世界之主, 這世代的君王 (#弗 6:12|) 1a) 魔王和他的惡魔

2888 kosmokrator {kos-mok-rat'-ore} from 2889 and 2902; TDNT - 3:913,466; n m AV - ruler 1; 1 1) lord of the world, prince of this age 1a) the devil and his demons
3124 Malchos {mal'-khos} of Hebrew origin 04429;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Malchus 1; 1 馬勒古 = "國度或君王" 1) 為大祭師的僕人, 當基督載客西馬尼園被捕時, 此人被西門彼得切下右耳 (#約 18:10|)

3124 Malchos {mal'-khos} of Hebrew origin 04429;; n pr m AV - Malchus 1; 1 Malchus = "king or kingdom" 1) was the name of the servant of the high priest whose right ear Peter cut off at the time of Christ's arrest in the garden
3175 megistanes {meg-is-tan'-es} 複數 from 3176;;陽性名詞 AV - great men 2, lords 1; 3 1) 要人, 高官貴族, 為首長官 1a) 人民或某城市的長官, 市長 1b) 君王的輔卓, 朝臣 (#可 6:21; 啟 6:15, 18:23|)

3175 megistanes {meg-is-tan'-es} plural from 3176;; n m AV - great men 2, lords 1; 3 1) the grandees, magnates, nobles, chief men 1a) of a city or a people 1b) of the associates or courtiers of a king
4464 rhabdos {hrab'-dos} 源於 4474 的字源; TDNT - 6:966,982; 陰性名詞 AV - rod 6, staff 4, sceptre 2; 12 1) 棒子, 拐扙, 細枝, 桿子, 樹枝 2) 擊打用的棍棒 3) 桿子, 杖子 3a) 如在旅途中使用, 或用以來倚靠之用, 或牧羊人所持之桿杖 3b) 當用來指君王時 3b1) 鐵杖, 指最為嚴格冷酷的律例 (#啟 2:27,12:5,19:15|) 3b2) 王室的權杖, 作為王權或國權的象徵

4464 rhabdos {hrab'-dos} from the base of 4474; TDNT - 6:966,982; n f AV - rod 6, staff 4, sceptre 2; 12 1) a staff, a walking stick, a twig, rod, branch 2) a rod with which one is beaten 3) a staff 3a) as used on a journey, or to lean upon, or by shepherds 3b) when applied to kings 3b1) with a rod of iron, indicates the severest, most rigorous rule 3b2) a royal sceptre
4672 Solomon {sol-om-one'} 源自希伯來文 08010; TDNT - 7:459,1055;陽性專有名詞 AV - Solomon 12; 12 所羅門 = "和平的" 1) 大衛的兒子,是最有智慧、最富有的君王

4672 Solomon {sol-om-one'} of Hebrew origin 08010; TDNT - 7:459,1055; n pr m AV - Solomon 12; 12 Solomon = "peaceful" 1) the son of David and was the wisest and richest king that ever lived
5251 huperupsoo {hoop-er-oop-so'-o} 源自 5228 和 5312; TDNT - 8:606,1241; 動詞 AV - highly exalt 1; 1 1) 隱喻. 高舉到最高的地位和力量, 提升到至高君王 2) 最高度的頌揚 3) 與自尊一同被舉起, 難以估計的崇高 4) 維持某人自己的高尚

5251 huperupsoo {hoop-er-oop-so'-o} from 5228 and 5312; TDNT - 8:606,1241; v AV - highly exalt 1; 1 1) metaph. to exalt to the highest rank and power, raise to supreme majesty 2) to extol most highly 3) to be lifted up with pride, exalted beyond measure 4) to carry one's self loftily
5537 chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo} 源於 5536; TDNT - 9:480,1319; 動詞 AV - be warned of God 3, call 2, be admonished of God 1, reveal 1, speak 1, be warned from God 1; 9 1) 進行交易, 處理事務, 尤其指處理和公共有關的事情 1a) 指點某人有關處理公眾事務的意見 1b) 回復別人對於指導, 當下的詢問, 或要求等等 1b1) 指士師, 法官, 行政長官, 統治者, 君王等 2) 對乞求神諭者的回應, 給予宗教上的命令或訓誡, 由神來的指示 2a) 受到神啟的命令, 訓示, 或指示 2b) 神啟異象的代言人, 頒佈神的命令 3) 擔負起或接受相關於所作公眾事務的職銜 3a) 得到一個職位或頭銜, 被稱作

5537 chrematizo {khray-mat-id'-zo} from 5536; TDNT - 9:480,1319; v AV - be warned of God 3, call 2, be admonished of God 1, reveal 1, speak 1, be warned from God 1; 9 1) to transact business, esp. to manage public affairs 1a) to advise or consult with one about public affairs 1b) to make answer to those who ask for advice, present enquiries or requests, etc. 1b1) of judges, magistrates, rulers, kings 2) to give a response to those consulting an oracle, to give a divine command or admonition, to teach from heaven 2a) to be divinely commanded, admonished, instructed 2b) to be the mouthpiece of divine revelations, to promulgate the commands of God 3) to assume or take to one's self a name from one's public business 3a) to receive a name or title, be called