字典搜尋結果 共有 3 筆

070 'oben {o'ben} 與 068 同出一源; TWOT - 9a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - stools 1, wheels 1; 2 1) 轉輪, 圓盤 1a) 陶匠的轉輪 1b) 分娩用的盆子, 給接生接生嬰兒時用

070 'oben {o'ben} from the same as 068; TWOT - 9a; n m AV - stools 1, wheels 1; 2 1) wheel, disc 1a) potter's wheel 1b) bearing-stool, midwife's stool
06326 Puw`ah {poo-aw'} 字根已不使用, 意為 光輝炫麗;; 陰性專有名詞 AV - Puah 1; 1 普阿 = "耀目的" 1) 摩西時代被埃及法老指派要把所有新生的以色列男嬰都殺死的兩個接生婆之一

06326 Puw`ah {poo-aw'} from an unused root meaning to glitter;; n pr f AV - Puah 1; 1 Puah = "splendid" 1) one of the 2 midwives of the Hebrews ordered by Pharaoh to kill all the male children born to Israel; time of Moses
1281 diapragmateuomai {dee-ap-rag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee} 源自 1223 and 4231; TDNT - 6:641,927; 動詞 AV - gain by trading 1; 1 1) 認真仔細的從事某項工作 2) 為金錢的目的而承接生意 (#路 19:15|)

1281 diapragmateuomai {dee-ap-rag-mat-yoo'-om-ahee} from 1223 and 4231; TDNT - 6:641,927; v AV - gain by trading 1; 1 1) thoroughly, earnestly to undertake a business 2) to undertake a business for sake of gain
隙脤戙堐黍炵苀 脤戙む坻冪恅 堐黍む坻冪恅