字典搜尋結果 共有 1 筆

4613 Simon {see'-mone} 源自希伯來文08095; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Simon (Peter) 49, Simon (Zelotes) 4, Simon (father of Judas) 4, Simon (Magus) 4, Simon (the tanner) 4, Simon (the Pharisee) 3, Simon (of Cyrene) 3, Simon (brother of Jesus) 2, Simon (the leper) 2; 75 彼得 = "石頭" 1) 使徒彼得 2) 奮銳黨的西門 3) 賣耶穌的猶大的父親 4) 一名法師 (#徒 8章|) 5) 一名硝皮匠 (#徒 10章|) 6) 一位法利賽人 (#路 7:40-44|) 7) 幫耶穌背十架的古利奈人 8) 耶穌的弟弟 (#太 13:55; 可 6:3|) 9) 長大痲瘋的西門

4613 Simon {see'-mone} of Hebrew origin 08095;; n pr m AV - Simon (Peter) 49, Simon (Zelotes) 4, Simon (father of Judas) 4, Simon (Magus) 4, Simon (the tanner) 4, Simon (the Pharisee) 3, Simon (of Cyrene) 3, Simon (brother of Jesus) 2, Simon (the leper) 2; 75 Peter = "a rock or stone" 1) Peter was one of the apostles 2) Simon called Zelotes or the Kanaites 3) Simon, father of Judas who betrayed Jesus. 4) Simon Magus, the Samaritan wizard 5) Simon the tanner, Ac. 10 6) Simon the Pharisee, Luke 7:40-44 7) Simon of Cyrene who carried the cross of Christ 8) Simon the cousin of Jesus, the son of Cleophas 9) Simon the leper, so called to distinguish him from others of the same name
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