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字典搜尋結果 共有 41 筆

0841 'Asar'elah {as-ar-ale'-aw} 與 0840 同源;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Asarelah 1; 1 亞薩利拉 = "神掌握" 1) 亞薩的眾子之一, 被大衛指派唱聖樂的工作

0841 'Asar'elah {as-ar-ale'-aw} from the same as 0840;; n pr m AV - Asarelah 1; 1 Asarelah = "God holds" 1) a son of Asaph, appointed sanctuary musician by David
01212 B@tsal'el {bets-al-ale'} 可能源自 06738 和 0410, 加上一個前置的字首;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Bezaleel 9; 9 比撒列 = "在神的庇蔭(亦即 保護)之下" 1) 烏利的兒子, 戶珥的孫子; 一位精於金工, 木工, 石雕的猶大支派的工匠, 他是 參與建造會幕的建築師之一 2) 一位以斯拉時代的以色列人, 巴哈-摩押的眾子孫之一, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:30|)

01212 B@tsal'el {bets-al-ale'} probably from 06738 and 0410 with a prepositional prefix;; n pr m AV - Bezaleel 9; 9 Bezaleel = "in the shadow (i.e. protection) of God" 1) son of Uri and grandson of Hur; a skilled Judahite artisan in all works of metal, wood, and stone and one of the architects of the tabernacle 2) an Israelite, one of the sons of Pahath-moab, in the time of Ezra who had taken a strange wife
01437 Giddaltiy {ghid-dal'-tee} 源自 01431;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Giddalti 2; 2 基大利提 = "我成就大事" 1) 希幔的眾子之一, 王的預言者

01437 Giddaltiy {ghid-dal'-tee} from 01431;; n pr m AV - Giddalti 2; 2 Giddalti = "I make great" 1) one of the sons of Heman, the king's seer
02066 Zabad {zaw-bawd'} 源自 02064;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Zabad 8; 8 撒拔 = "他贈與" 1) 猶大的後裔; 拿單的兒子, 亞太的孫子, 示珊的女兒亞來的曾孫 (#代上 2:36-37|; 於和合本譯文中, #代上 2:31|中指亞來是示珊的兒子, #代上 2:34|中指示珊沒有 兒子; 欽定本譯本中, #代上 2:31|指亞來是示珊的一個孩子) 2) 他哈的兒子 (#代上 7:21|) 3) 大衛王的大能勇士之一 (可能與 1 同, #代上 11:41|) 4) 亞捫婦人示米押的兒子; 他和約薩拔一同背叛並刺殺約阿施的人 (又稱作約撒甲, #代下 24:26|) 5) 薩土的眾子之一, 因以斯拉的要求而被迫與其外邦妻子離婚 (#拉 10:27|) 6) 一位哈順的後裔, 以斯拉時代的人, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:33|) 7) 尼波的子孫之一, 以斯拉時代的人, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:43|)

02066 Zabad {zaw-bawd'} from 02064;; n pr m AV - Zabad 8; 8 Zabad = "he endows" 1) a descendant of Judah; son of Nathan, grandson of Attai, great grandson of Ahlai Sheshan's daughter 2) son of Tahath 3) one of David's mighty warriors (could be the same as 1 above) 4) son of Shimeath, an Ammonitess; a conspirator against and, with Jehozabad, the murderer of Joash (also called 'Jozachar') 5) one of the sons of Zattu, who put away his foreign wife at the command of Ezra 6) one of the descendants of Hashum, who, in the time of Ezra, had a foreign wife 7) one of the sons of Nebo, who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
02117 zaza' {zaw-zaw'} 可能源自 02123 的字根;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Zaza 1; 1 撒薩 = "明亮" 或 "完全" 1) 約拿單的眾子之一, 耶拉篾的後裔

02117 zaza' {zaw-zaw'} probably from the root of 02123;; n pr m AV - Zaza 1; 1 Zaza = "brightness" or "fulness" 1) one of the sons of Jonathan, descendant of Jerahmeel
02148 Z@karyah {zek-ar-yaw'} 或 Z@karyahuw {zek-ar-yaw'-hoo} 源自 02142 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Zechariah ; 43 撒迦利亞 = "耶和華記念" 1) 小先知的第11位; 一位祭司, 比利家的兒子, 是易多的孫子, 和哈該同期, 在所羅巴伯時期負責重建聖殿 (#拉 5:1-2|)(#拉 6:14|) 2) 以色列王, 耶羅波安二世的兒子 (#王下 14:29|)(#王下 15:8-12|) 3) 米施利米雅之子(#代上 26:2|),示利米雅的兒子(#代上 26:14|), 一哥轄族, 是會幕北門的看守者 (#代上 9:21|) 4) 耶利眾子之一 5) 於大衛時期,在聖殿樂團第二隊的利未人(#代上 15:16-18|) 6) 在約沙法掌權之時期的猶大王的王子之一 (#王下 15:8|) 7) 大祭司耶何耶大的兒子, 猶大約阿施王掌權時期在聖殿的院內被石頭打死 (#代下 24:20-23|) 8) 在約阿施執政時的哥轄利未人 9) 和以斯拉歸回的巴錄之子孫的領袖(#尼 7:8-25|) 10) 比拜的兒子 (#拉 8:11|) 11) 以斯拉所召集到亞哈瓦河邊的會眾首領之一; (#拉 8:15-16|) 當以斯拉宣讀律法時,站在以斯拉的左手邊(#尼 8:1-4|) 12) 以攔孩子之一(以攔是在被擄後娶外邦女子) (#拉 10:26|) 13) 亞他雅(烏太)的祖先 14) 示羅人, 法勒斯的子孫, 亞他雅的祖父 (#尼 11:4|) 15) 一位祭司, 巴施戶耳的兒子 16) 在約雅金(是耶書亞的兒子)時候, 祭司易多族的代表 (#尼 12:10,12|) 可能和上述 1) 相同 17) 祭司之一,約拿單之子, 在以斯拉和尼希米獻城牆時吹號 (#尼 12:35|) 18) 在被提革拉-毗尼色擄去的被擄時期,流便支派的一族長 (#代上 5:7|) 19) 陪同約櫃從俄別以東回來的祭司之一 (#代上 15:24|) 20) 伊示雅(或作"耶西亞")的子孫, 延續烏薛的哥轄族人 (#代上 24:24-25|) 21) 何西阿第四個兒子, 屬米拉利的兒子 22) 瑪拿西人, 易多的父親 (#代上 27:21|) 23) 雅哈悉的父親. 雅哈悉曾受感說預言 (#代下 20:14-17|) 24) 約沙法眾子之一 (#代下 21:2|) 25) 烏西雅王執政時先知之一, 以王的顧問身份出現, 但其他事不可知 (#代下 26:5|) 26) 亞比雅或亞比的父親(亞比是希西家的母親) (#代下 29:1|)(#王下 18:1-2|) 27) 在希西家執政時亞薩家人之一 (#代下 29:13|) 28) 約西亞執政時管理聖殿者之一 (#代下 35:8|) 29) 耶比利家的兒子,也是當先知以賽亞記下"瑪黑珥-沙拉勒-哈斯-罷斯"所指稱的 "誠實見證人"(#賽 8:1|)

02148 Z@karyah {zek-ar-yaw'} or Z@karyahuw {zek-ar-yaw'-hoo} from 02142 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Zechariah ; 43 Zechariah = "Jehovah remembers" 1) 11th in order of the minor prophets; a priest, son of Berechiah and grandson of Iddo, who, along with Haggai, directed the rebuilding of the temple in the days of Zerubbabel 2) king of Israel, son of Jeroboam II 3) son of Meshelemiah of Shelemiah, a Korhite, and keeper of the north gate of the tabernacle of the congregation 4) one of the sons of Jehiel 5) a Levite of the second order in the temple band in the time of David 6) one of the princes of Judah in the reign of Jehoshaphat 7) son of the high priest Jehoiada, in the reign of Joash king of Judah, who was stoned in the court of the temple 8) a Kohathite Levite in the reign of Josiah 9) the leader of the sons of Pharosh who returned with Ezra 10) son of Bebai 11) one of the chiefs of the people whom Ezra summoned in council at the river Ahava; stood at Ezra's left hand when Ezra expounded the law to the people 12) one of the family of Elam who had married a foreign wife after the captivity 13) ancestor of Athaiah or Uthai 14) a Shilonite, descendant of Perez, grandfather of Athaiah 15) a priest, son of Pashur 16) the representative of the priestly family of Iddo in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua; possibly the same as 1 above 17) one of the priests, son of Jonathan, who blew with the trumpets at the dedication of the city wall by Ezra and Nehemiah 18) a chief of the Reubenites at the time of the captivity by Tiglath-pileser 19) one of the priests who accompanied the ark from the house of Obed-edom 20) son of Isshiah of Jesiah, a Kohathite Levite descended from Uzziel 21) 4th son of Hosah, of the children of Merari 22) a Manassite, father of Iddo 23) father of Jahaziel. He prophesied in the spirit 24) one of the sons of Jehoshaphat 25) a prophet in the reign of Uzziah, who appears to have acted as the king's counsellor, but of whom nothing is known 26) father of Abijah or Abi, Hezekiah's mother 27) one of the family of Asaph in the reign of Hezekiah 28) one of the rulers of the temple in the reign of Josiah 29) son of Jeberechiah who was taken by the prophet Isaiah as one of the 'faithful witnesses to record' when he wrote concerning Maher-shalal-hash-baz
02361 Chuwram {khoo-rawm'} 可能源自 02353;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Huram 12, variant 1; 13 戶蘭 = "出身高貴" 1) 比拉的眾子之一, 便雅憫的孫子 (#代上 8:5|) 2) 大衛王和所羅門王的盟拜推羅王; 又稱為 '希蘭' 3) 所羅門王建殿工程中的一位首席工匠; 又稱 '希蘭' (#代下 4:11,16|)

02361 Chuwram {khoo-rawm'} probably from 02353;; n pr m AV - Huram 12, variant 1; 13 Huram = "noble born" 1) son of Bela and grandson of Benjamin 2) king of Tyre allied with David and Solomon; alternate spelling for 'Hiram' 3) a chief architect of Solomon's temple; alternate spelling for 'Hiram'
02453 Chakmowniy {khak-mo-nee'} 源自 02449; AV - Hachmoni 1, Hachmonite 1; 2 哈摩尼 或哈革摩尼 = "智慧" 陽性專有名詞 1) 一位大衛的大能勇士的父親 (#代上 11:11|) 2) 大衛眾子的師傅 (#代上 27:32|) 表國家或民族之陽性名詞 3) 一個在大衛手下服役的家族

02453 Chakmowniy {khak-mo-nee'} from 02449; AV - Hachmoni 1, Hachmonite 1; 2 Hachmoni or Hachmonite = "wise" n pr m 1) father of one of David's mighty warriors 2) father of the tutor of David's sons n patr m 3) the family of one of David's servants
02607 Chananiy {khan-aw-nee'} 源自 02603;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Hanani 11; 11 哈拿尼 = "優雅的" 1) 希幔的眾子之一, 大衛王的一位樂班的首領, 負責第十八班的服事 (#代上 25:4,25|) 2) 一位曾斥責猶大王亞撒的先知, 因此而被下到牢裡 (#代下 16:7|) 2a) 可能是另一曾作見證抵擋巴沙的先知耶戶的父親 (#王上 16:1,7|) 3) 以斯拉時代的祭司之一, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:20|) 4) 尼希米的兄弟, 被尼希米指派負責管理耶路撒冷的人之一 (#尼 7:2|) 5) 一位尼希米帶領的祭司, 他是負責樂班的人之一 (#尼 12:36|)

02607 Chananiy {khan-aw-nee'} from 02603;; n pr m AV - Hanani 11; 11 Hanani = "gracious" 1) one of the sons of Heman, a chief musician of David, and head of the 18th course of the service 2) a seer who rebuked Asa, king of Judah, and was imprisoned 2a) maybe, father of Jehu the seer who testified against Baasha 3) one of the priests who in the time of Ezra took a foreign wife 4) brother of Nehemiah whom Nehemiah appointed governor of Jerusalem 5) another priest who was the chief musician under Nehemiah
02774 Charnepher {khar-neh'fer} 不明的衍生字;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Harnepher 1; 1 哈尼弗 = "喘息" 1) 亞設支派的瑣法的眾子之一

02774 Charnepher {khar-neh'fer} of uncertain derivation;; n pr m AV - Harnepher 1; 1 Harnepher = "panting" 1) a son of Zophah of the tribe of Asher
03047 Yada` {yaw-daw'} 源自 03045;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jada 2; 2 雅大 = "他知道" 1) 一猶大人, 阿南的兒子也是沙買的兄弟, 在族譜裡 屬耶拉蔑的妻亞他拉所生的眾子

03047 Yada` {yaw-daw'} from 03045;; n pr m AV - Jada 2; 2 Jada = "He knows" 1) a Judahite, son of Onam and brother of Shammai, in the genealogy of the sons of Jerahmeel by his wife Atarah
03152 Yizliy'ah {yiz-lee-aw'} 字根可能已不使用 (意為 昂首站立);; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jezliah 1; 1 伊斯利亞 = "神所保守的人" 1) 便雅憫人以利巴力的眾子之一

03152 Yizliy'ah {yiz-lee-aw'} perhaps from an unused root (meaning to draw up);; n pr m AV - Jezliah 1; 1 Jezliah = "whom God will preserve" 1) a Benjamite of the sons of Elpaal
03171 Y@chiy'el {yekh-ee-ale'} 或 (#代下 29:14|) Y@chav'el {yekh-av-ale'} 源自 02421 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Jehiel 14; 14 耶歇 = "上帝活著" 1) 利未人, 大衛時期的一位樂師長(# 代上 15:18|) 2) 革順族利未人, 在大衛時期掌管財寶(# 代上 23:8;29:8|) 3) 哈摩尼的兒子, 大衛的臣子及大衛眾子的師傅(# 代上 27:32|) 4) 猶大國王約沙法的兒子, 被其兄弟約蘭所殺(# 代下 21:2|) 5) 希幔人, 參與希西家王的重建(# 代下 29:14|) 6) 利未人, 在西希家時代當督理(# 代下 31:13|) 7) 在約西亞改革期間, 神殿的一位管理者(# 代下 35:8|) 8) 約押的子孫, 以斯拉時期俄巴底亞的父親(# 拉 8:9|) 9) 以攔的子孫, 以斯拉時期示迦尼的父親(# 拉 10:2|) 10) 以攔的子孫, 在以斯拉時期休其異族妻子(# 拉 10:26|) 11) 哈琳的子孫中的一位祭司, 也在以斯拉時期休其異族妻子(# 拉 10:21|)

03171 Y@chiy'el {yekh-ee-ale'} or (2 Ch. 29:14) Y@chav'el {yekh-av-ale'} from 02421 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Jehiel 14; 14 Jehiel = "God lives" 1) a Levite and one of the chief musicians in the time of David 2) a Gershonite Levite who had charge of the treasures in the time of David 3) son of Hachmoni and an officer of David and tutor of David's sons 4) a son of king Jehoshaphat of Judah put to death by his brother Jehoram 5) Hemanite who took part in the restoration of king Hezekiah 6) a Levite and overseer in the time of Hezekiah 7) a ruler of the temple during the reforms of Josiah 8) father of Obadiah of the sons of Joab in the time of Ezra 9) father of Shechaniah of the sons of Elam in the time of Ezra 10) a son of Elam who put away his foreign wife in the time of Ezra 11) a priest of the sons of Harim who also had to put away his foreign wife in the time of Ezra
03206 yeled {yeh'-led} 源自 03205; TWOT - 867b; 陽性名詞 AV - child 72, young man 7, young ones 3, sons 3, boy 2, fruit 1, variant 1; 89 1) 孩子, 兒子, 男孩, 子孫, 少年人 1a) 孩子, 兒子, 男孩 1b) 孩子,眾子 1c) 後裔 1d) 少年人 1e) 悖逆的以色列人 (比喻用法)

03206 yeled {yeh'-led} from 03205; TWOT - 867b; n m AV - child 72, young man 7, young ones 3, sons 3, boy 2, fruit 1, variant 1; 89 1) child, son, boy, offspring, youth 1a) child, son, boy 1b) child, children 1c) descendants 1d) youth 1e) apostate Israelites (fig.)
04317 Miyka'el {me-kaw-ale'} 源自 04310 字首與 03588 和 0410 衍生出的字;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Michael 13; 13 米迦勒 = "有誰像神" 1) 一位天使長或天使的領袖, 他被形容為在以色列的眾子起紛爭時 出現守護他們的那一位 (#但 10:21;12:1| ) 2) 亞設支派的人, 西帖的父親, 屬以色列十二支派之一 (#民 13:13| ) 3) 迦得人之一族, 居位在巴珊地區 (#代上 5:13|) 4) 另一迦得人, 亞比孩的後裔 (#代上 5:14|) 5) 一位革順的利未人, 亞薩的先祖 (#代上 6:40|) 6) 以薩迦家族的伊斯拉希的四個兒子之一 (伊斯拉希和其四子都是族長) ( #代上 7:3|) 7) 一位便雅憫人, 是比利亞的兒子 (#代上 8:16|) 8) 瑪拿西的軍長之一, 他在洗革拉時加入大衛王的陣營 (#代上 12:20|) 9) 暗利的父親或先祖, 暗利在大衛王時管理以薩迦人 (#代 27:18|) 10) 約沙法的眾子之一, 他被其長兄約蘭所謀殺 (#代下 21:2|) 11) 西巴第雅的父親或先祖, 示法提雅的子孫 (#拉 8:8|)

04317 Miyka'el {me-kaw-ale'} from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Michael 13; 13 Michael = "who is like God" 1) one of, the chief, or the first archangel who is described as the one who stands in time of conflict for the children of Israel 2) an Asherite, father of Sethur, one of the 12 spies of Israel 3) one of the Gadites who settled in the land of Bashan 4) another Gadite, ancestor of Abihail 5) a Gershonite Levite, ancestor of Asaph 6) one of the 5 sons of Izrahiah of the tribe of Issachar 7) a Benjamite of the sons of Beriah 8) one of the captains from Manasseh who joined David at Ziklag 9) father or ancestor of Omri, chief of the tribe of Issachar in the reign of David 10) one of the sons of Jehoshaphat who were murdered by their elder brother, Jehoram 11) father or ancestor of Zebadiah, of the sons of Shephatiah
04367 Maknadbay {mak-nad-bah'-ee} 源自 04100 和 05068, 加上插於其中的 質詞/語助詞;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Machnadebai 1; 1 瑪拿底拜 = "他便宜地買到我想要的"(?) 1) 巴尼的眾子之一, 因以斯拉的命令而和其外邦妻子離婚 (#拉 10:40|)

04367 Maknadbay {mak-nad-bah'-ee} from 04100 and 05068 with a particle interposed;; n pr m AV - Machnadebai 1; 1 Machnadebai = "he brought low my willing ones" 1) one of the sons of Bani who put away his foreign wife at Ezra's command
04444 Malkiyshuwa` {mal-kee-shoo'-ah} 源自 04428 和 07769;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Malchishua 5; 5 麥基舒亞 = "我的王很富有" 1) 以色列掃羅王的眾子之一

04444 Malkiyshuwa` {mal-kee-shoo'-ah} from 04428 and 07769;; n pr m AV - Malchishua 5; 5 Malchishua = "my king is wealth" 1) a son of king Saul of Israel
04572 Ma`aday {mah-ad-ah'-ee} 源自 05710;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Maadai 1; 1 瑪玳 = "耶和華的飾品" 1) 被放逐的巴尼的眾子之一, 因以斯拉的命令而和其外邦妻子離婚 (#拉 10:34|)

04572 Ma`aday {mah-ad-ah'-ee} from 05710;; n pr m AV - Maadai 1; 1 Maadai = "ornament of Jehovah" 1) an exile of the sons of Bani who put away a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
04597 Ma`ai {maw-ah'-ee} 可能源自 04578;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Maai 1; 1 瑪艾 = "慈悲的,富於同情心的" 1) 亞薩眾子之一。耶路撒冷城牆告成的時候,參與音樂的服事 ( #尼12:36|)

04597 Ma`ai {maw-ah'-ee} probably from 04578;; n pr m AV - Maai 1; 1 Maai = "compassionate" 1) one of the sons of Asaph who took part in the musical service at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem
04649 Muppiym {moop-peem'} 顯然源於 05130;; 複數陽性專有名詞 AV - Muppim 1; 1 母平 = "古蛇, 撒旦" 1) 一位便雅憫人, 生於雅各眾子在埃及的殖民地, 是由雅各由拉結所出的十四個子孫\\ (兒子和孫子)之一 (#創 46:21|) 1a) 亦作 '書反' [8197]

04649 Muppiym {moop-peem'} apparently from 05130;; n pr m pl AV - Muppim 1; 1 Muppim = "serpent" 1) a Benjamite and one of the 14 descendants of Rachel who belonged to the original colony of the sons of Jacob in Egypt 1a) also 'Shupham'
04732 Miqlowth {mik-lohth'} (或 可能是mik-kel-ohth') (陰性詞)04731 的複數;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Mikloth 4; 4 米基羅 = "棍棒" 1) 便雅憫耶利的眾子之一, 耶利是基遍的父親或基遍城的建立者, 耶利的妻子是瑪迦 2) 大衛軍隊第二班的首領 (#代上 27:4|)

04732 Miqlowth {mik-lohth'} (or perhaps mik-kel-ohth') plural of (feminine) 04731;; n pr m AV - Mikloth 4; 4 Mikloth = "staves" 1) one of the sons of Jehiel, the father or prince of Gibeon by his wife Maachah; a Benjamite 2) leader of the 2nd division of David's army
04992 Mattattah {mat-tat-taw'} 用於 04993;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Mattathah 1; 1 瑪達他 = "耶和華的禮物" 1) 哈順的眾子之一, 以斯拉時代的人, 他被迫要與其外邦妻子 離婚 (#拉 10:33|)

04992 Mattattah {mat-tat-taw'} for 04993;; n pr m AV - Mattathah 1; 1 Mattathah = "gift of Jehovah" 1) son of Hashum who took and put away his foreign wife in the time of Ezra
05072 N@dabyah {ned-ab-yaw'} 源自 05068 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Nedabiah 1; 1 尼大比雅 = "耶和華驅策之人" 1) 猶大王約雅斤(耶歌尼雅)的眾子之一

05072 N@dabyah {ned-ab-yaw'} from 05068 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Nedabiah 1; 1 Nedabiah = "whom Jehovah impels" 1) one of the sons of king Jehoiachin (Jeconiah) of Judah
05277 Na`am {nah'-am} 源自 05276;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Naam 1; 1 拿安 = "喜樂" 1) 迦勒的眾子之一, 耶孚尼的孫子

05277 Na`am {nah'-am} from 05276;; n pr m AV - Naam 1; 1 Naam = "pleasantness" 1) one of the sons of Caleb and grandson of Jephunneh
05298 Nepheg {neh'-feg} 字根已不使用, 其意可能為 彈起;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Nepheg 4; 4 尼斐 = "幼株" 1) 以斯哈的眾子之一, 利未人哥轄的孫子, 以色列人出埃及時的人 (#出 6:21|) 2) 大衛王在耶路撒冷時所生的眾子之一

05298 Nepheg {neh'-feg} from an unused root probably meaning to spring forth;; n pr m AV - Nepheg 4; 4 Nepheg = "sprout" 1) one of sons of Izhar and grandson of Kohath of the tribe of Levi in the time of the exodus 2) one of the sons of David born to him at Jerusalem
05778 `Owphay {o-fah'-ee} 源自 05775;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Ephai 1; 1 以斐 = "幽暗的" 1) 一位尼陀法人, 他的眾子是猶大人被擄去巴比倫後所留下的軍隊的軍長 ( #耶40:8| )

05778 `Owphay {o-fah'-ee} from 05775;; n pr m AV - Ephai 1; 1 Ephai = "gloomy" 1) a Netophathite, whose sons were among the captains of the forces left in Judah after the deportation to Babylon
05798 `Uzza' {ooz-zaw'} 或 `Uzzah {ooz-zaw'} 05797 的陰性; AV - Uzza 10, Uzzah 4; 14 烏撒(Uzza 或 Uzzah) = "強壯有力" 陽性專有名詞 1) 一位因觸碰到約櫃而被耶和華擊殺的人(#撒下 6:6-8|) 2) 便雅憫人以忽的眾子之一 (#代上 8:7|) 3) 隨所羅巴伯由被擄之地歸回的人中, 一個負責在聖服役的家族的祖先 (#拉 2:49;尼 7:51|) 4) 一位米拉利家族的利未人 (#代上 6:29|) 專有名詞 地名 5) 猶大王瑪拿西和亞們墓墳所在的一個園子 (#王下 21:18,26|)

05798 `Uzza' {ooz-zaw'} or `Uzzah {ooz-zaw'} fem of 05797; AV - Uzza 10, Uzzah 4; 14 Uzza or Uzzah = "strength" n pr m 1) a man slain by Jehovah for touching the sacred ark 2) a Benjamite of the sons of Ehud 3) ancestor of a family of temple slaves who returned from exile with Zerubbabel 4) a Merarite Levite n pr loc 5) the garden where kings Manasseh and Amon of Judah were buried
05816 `Uzziy'el {ooz-zee-ale'} 源自 05797 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Uzziel 16; 16 烏薛 = "神是我的力量" 1) 哥轄的第四個兒子, 利末的孫子, 他是摩西和亞倫的叔父 (#出 6:18;利 10:4|) 2) 猶大王西希家時一位西緬的領袖, 以示的兒子之一 (#代上 4:42|) 3) 比拉的後代, 便雅憫支派的一位族長 (#代上 7:7|) 4) 希幔的眾子之一, 在大衛王時任樂師的職務 (#代上 25:4|) 5) 利末人耶杜頓的眾子之一, 猶大王西希家時的人 (#代下 29:14|) 6) 哈海雅的兒子, 可能是一位祭司和金匠, 在尼希米時代曾參與重建 城牆的工作 (#尼 3:8|)

05816 `Uzziy'el {ooz-zee-ale'} from 05797 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Uzziel 16; 16 Uzziel = "my strength is God" 1) the 4th son of Kohath and grandson of Levi, uncle of Moses and Aaron 2) a Simeonite captain, son of Ishi, in the days of king Hezekiah of Judah 3) descendant of Bela, head of a family in the tribe of Benjamin 4) a musician of the sons of Heman in the time of David 5) a Levite of the sons of Jeduthun in the days of king Hezekiah of Judah 6) son of Harhaiah, probably a priest and a goldsmith, who took part in repairing the wall under Nehemiah
05832 `Azar'el {az-ar-ale'} 源自 05826 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Azareel 5, Azarael 1; 6 亞薩列 或 亞薩烈 = "神已相助" 1) 在洗革拉時加入大衛陣營的一位可拉族的勇士 2) 大衛王時希幔家族的一位利未人樂師 3) 在大衛人口普查時, 但支派耶羅罕的兒子, 是但支派的貴族 4) 巴尼的眾子之一, 以斯拉時代的人, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:41|) 5) 瑪賽或亞瑪帥的先人, 一位由被擄地歸回後在耶路撒冷的祭司 (#尼 11:13|) 6) 尼希米時代的一位祭司和樂師 (#尼 12:36|)

05832 `Azar'el {az-ar-ale'} from 05826 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Azareel 5, Azarael 1; 6 Azarael or Azareel = "God has helped" 1) a Korhite warrior of David who joined him at Ziklag 2) a Levite musician of the family of Heman in the time of David 3) a Danite, son of Jeroham and a prince of the tribe at the census of David 4) one of the sons of Bani who took a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 5) a priest, ancestor of Maasiai or Amashai, a priest in Jerusalem after the return from exile 6) a priest and musician in the time of Nehemiah
06220 `Ashvath {ash-vawth'} 06219 的另一型; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Ashvath 1; 1 亞施法 = "光滑的" 1) 亞設支派, 雅弗勒的眾子之一 (#代上 7:33|)

06220 `Ashvath {ash-vawth'} for 06219;; n pr m AV - Ashvath 1; 1 Ashvath = "sleek" 1) one of the sons of Japhlet of the tribe of Asher
06270 `Athlay {ath-lah'ee} 字根已不使用, 其意為 壓縮;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Athlai 1; 1 亞勒 = "被耶和華折磨的" 1) 比拜的眾子之一, 因以斯拉的要求而被迫和其外邦妻子離婚 (#拉 10:28|)

06270 `Athlay {ath-lah'ee} from an unused root meaning to compress;; n pr m AV - Athlai 1; 1 Athlai = "whom Jehovah afflicts" 1) one of the sons of Bebai and one who put away his foreign wife in the time of Ezra
06690 Tsowphach {tso-fakh'} 字根已不使用, 意為"擴展", "寬幅"; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Zophah 2; 2 瑣法 = "咒詛" 1) 亞設家族, 希連的眾子之一, 書亞, 哈尼弗, 書阿勒, 比利, 和音拉的父親 (#代上 7:35,36|)

06690 Tsowphach {tso-fakh'} from an unused root meaning to expand, breadth;; n pr m AV - Zophah 2; 2 Zophah = "a cruse" 1) an Asherite, son of Helem and father of Suah, Harnepher, Shual, Beri, and Imrah
06837 Tsiphyown {tsif-yone'} 源自 06822;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Ziphion 1; 1 洗非芸 = "警戒" 1) 迦得的眾子之一, 洗分家族的創始人 1a) 又稱 '洗分', 見 [6827] [6831]

06837 Tsiphyown {tsif-yone'} from 06822;; n pr m AV - Ziphion 1; 1 Ziphion = "lookout" 1) a son of Gad and progenitor of the family of Zephonites 1a) also 'Zephon'
07141 Qorach {ko'rakh} 源自 07139;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Korah 37; 37 可拉 = "大膽的" 1) 以斯哈的兒子, 哥轄的孫子, 利未的曾孫. 他是 在曠野時帶頭反對 摩西及亞倫的人; 遭到地震及烈火的懲罰而死 (#出 6:21;民 16|) 2) 以掃和阿何利巴瑪所生的第三個兒子及以東地的一個族長 (#創 36:5,14,18|) 3) 以利法的兒子, 以利法是以掃和亞大所生. 他也是以東的一位族長, 算是 2) 的姪子 (#創 36:16|) 4) 希伯崙的眾子之一 (#代上 2:43|)

07141 Qorach {ko'rakh} from 07139;; n pr m AV - Korah 37; 37 Korah = "bald" 1) son of Izhar, grandson of Kohath, great grandson of Levi and leader of the rebellion of the Israelites against Moses and Aaron while in the wilderness; punished and died by an earthquake and flames of fire 2) the 3rd son of Esau by Aholibamah and one of the dukes of Edom 3) son of Eliphaz by Adah, duke of Edom, and nephew of 1 4) one of the 'sons' of Hebron
07303 Rowhagah {ro-hag-aw'} 字根已不使用, 其意可能為"哭號"; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Rohgah 1; 1 羅迦 = "吵鬧" 1) 亞設家族, 朔默的眾子之一 (#代上 7:34|)

07303 Rowhagah {ro-hag-aw'} from an unused root probably meaning to cry out;; n pr m AV - Rohgah 1; 1 Rohgah = "clamour" 1) an Asherite of the sons of Shamer
07506 Rephach {reh'-fakh} 字根已不使用, 顯然其意為"支持","支撐"; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Rephah 1; 1 利法 = "生息的恢復" 1) 約書亞的後裔, 以法蓮的眾子之一 (#代上 7:25|合和本譯作比利阿的兒子, 欽定本譯比利阿和利法都是以法蓮的兒子)

07506 Rephach {reh'-fakh} from an unused root apparently meaning to sustain;; n pr m AV - Rephah 1; 1 Rephah = "healing of the breath" 1) son of Ephraim and a ancestor of Joshua
07594 Sh@'al {sheh-awl'} 源自 07592;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Sheal 1; 1 示押 = "詢問, 要求" 1) 巴尼的眾子之一, 以斯拉時代的人, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:29|)

07594 Sh@'al {sheh-awl'} from 07592;; n pr m AV - Sheal 1; 1 Sheal = "asking" 1) one of the sons of Bani who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
08113 Shimriy {shim-ree'} 源自 08105, 取其原義;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Shimri 4; 4 申利 = "提高警覺的" 1) 西緬人示瑪雅的兒子, 耶大雅的父親 (#代上 4:37|) 2) 大衛的大能勇士耶疊的父親 (#代上 11:45|) 3) 何薩的兒子, 米拉利的利未人 (#代上 26:10|) 4) 哥轄的利未人以利撒反的眾子之一 (#代下 29:13|)

08113 Shimriy {shim-ree'} from 08105 in its original sense;; n pr m AV - Shimri 4; 4 Shimri = "vigilant" 1) a Simeonite, son of Shemaiah and father of Jedaiah 2) father of Jediael, one of David's mighty warriors 3) a Merarite Levite, son of Hosah 4) a Kohathite Levite of the sons of Elizaphan
08195 Sh@phow {shef-o'} 或 Sh@phiy {shef-ee'} 源自 08192;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Shepho 1, Shephi 1; 2 示非 = "大膽" 1) 以東人, 西珥眾子之一朔巴的兒子

08195 Sh@phow {shef-o'} or Sh@phiy {shef-ee'} from 08192;; n pr m AV - Shepho 1, Shephi 1; 2 Shepho or Shephi = "bold" 1) an Edomite, son of Shobal of the sons of Seir
08298 Sharay {shaw-rah'-ee} 可能源自 08324;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Sharai 1; 1 沙賴 = "釋放者" 1) 巴尼的眾子孫之一, 因以斯拉的要求而被迫和其外邦妻子離婚 (#拉 10:40|)

08298 Sharay {shaw-rah'-ee} probably from 08324;; n pr m AV - Sharai 1; 1 Sharai = "releaser" 1) a son of Bani who put away his foreign wife in the time of Ezra
08343 Shashay {shaw-shah'-ee} 可能源於 08336;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Shashai 1; 1 沙賽 = "尊貴" 1) 巴尼的眾子孫之一, 因以斯拉的要求而被迫和其外邦妻子離婚 (#拉 10:40|)

08343 Shashay {shaw-shah'-ee} perhaps from 08336;; n pr m AV - Shashai 1; 1 Shashai = "noble" 1) a son of Bani who put away his foreign wife in the time of Ezra
牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 地址:彰化縣芳苑鄉仁愛村斗苑路芳苑段245號
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email:fychurch@fhl.net 電話:04-8984316
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751