字典搜尋結果 共有 18 筆

0378 'Iysh-Bosheth {eesh-bo'-sheth} 源自 0376 和 1322;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Ishbosheth 11; 11 伊施波設 = "可恥之人" 1) 掃羅仍存活的兒子(未在對非利士人戰役中被殺), 當大衛在猶大作王時, 他作以色列王 七年; 在其被手下叛殺後, 大衛統一了以色列王國

0378 'Iysh-Bosheth {eesh-bo'-sheth} from 0376 and 1322;; n pr m AV - Ishbosheth 11; 11 Ishbosheth = "man of shame" 1) surviving son of Saul, king of Israel for 7 years while David was king over Judah; succeeded by David who united the kingdom
0471 'Elyaqiym' {el-yaw-keem'} 源自 0410 和 06965; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eliakim 12; 12 以利亞敬 (金) = 「上帝抬舉」 或 「上帝建立」 1) 希勒家的兒子, 希西家的家宰 (# 王下 18:26; 19:1-2|) 2) 約西亞的兒子, 法老立他作王 (# 王下 23:34|) 3) 協助尼希米的祭司 (# 尼 12:41|)

0471 'Elyaqiym' {el-yaw-keem'} from 0410 and 06965;; n pr m AV - Eliakim 12; 12 Eliakim = "God raises" or "God sets up" 1) the son of Hilkiah, master of Hezekiah's household 2) Josiah's son, enthroned by Pharaoh 3) a priest who assisted Nehemiah
01185 Ba`alic {bah-al-ece'} 可能源自 05965 而加上了介系詞的字頭 ;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Baalis 1; 1 巴利斯 = "'帶來喜悅的旗號'之主" 1) 亞捫王, 於耶路撒冷被尼布甲尼撒王毀滅的時代作王

01185 Ba`alic {bah-al-ece'} probably from a derivative of 05965 with prepositional prefix;; n pr m AV - Baalis 1; 1 Baalis = "lord of the banner: in causing the joy" 1) king of the Ammonites at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
01867 Dar`yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} 源於波斯文;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Darius 10; 10 大利烏 = "主" 1) 大利烏瑪代族人, 亞哈隨魯的兒子, 迦勒底國的王,他於伯沙撒王死後繼承 了巴比倫王國;可能與 "Astyages"相同,為瑪代族最後的國王 (主前 538年 ) 2) 大利烏, Hystaspes 之子, 波亞(Perso-Arian)王朝的始祖 (主前 521年) 3) 大利烏 II 或大利烏 III 3a) 大利烏二世, Nothus (Ochus) 是尼希米時代的波斯王(主前 424/3 - 405/4). 最可能是大利烏二世是因為他是在尼希米時代作王, 也曾被尼希米提及 3b) 大利烏三世, Codomannus 是波斯帝國末期亞歷山大大帝時的王, 也是與他敵對的人(主前336 - 330)

01867 Dar`yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} of Persian origin;; n pr m AV - Darius 10; 10 Darius = "lord" 1) Darius the Mede, the son of Ahasuerus, king of the Chaldeans, who succeeded to the Babylonian kingdom on the death of Belshazzar; probably the same as "Astyages" the last king of the Medes (538 BC) 2) Darius, the son of Hystaspes, the founder of the Perso-Arian dynasty (521 BC) 3) Darius II or Darius III 3a) Darius II, Nothus (Ochus) was king of Persia during the time of Nehemiah (424/3 - 405/4 BC). Darius II is the most probable because he is mentioned by Nehemiah and ruled during the time of Nehemiah 3b) Darius III, Codomannus was king of Persia during its last years at the time of Alexander the Great and was his opponent (336 - 330 BC)
01868 Dar@yavesh (亞蘭文) {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} 相當於 01867;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Darius 15; 15 大利烏 = "主" 1) 瑪代人大利烏, 亞哈 隨魯的兒子, 迦勒底國的王, 他在巴比倫王伯沙撒去世後繼承了 巴比倫王國; 可能與瑪代的最後一個王阿士他奇伯(Astyages)是同 一人 ( 相同於 1867 (1) ) ( #但 5:31|) 2) 大利烏, Hystaspes 的兒子, 波-亞(Perso-Arian) 王朝的建立者 (西元前521) (與 1867 (2) 同) 3) 大利烏二世 或 大利烏三世 3a) 大利烏二世, Nothus (Ochus) 是尼希米時代的波斯王(主前 424/3 - 405/4). 最可能是大利烏二世是因為他是在尼希米時代作王, 也曾被尼希米提及 3b) 大利烏三世, Codomannus 是波斯帝國末期亞歷山大大帝時的王, 也是與他敵對的人(主前 336 - 330)

01868 Dar@yavesh (Aramaic) {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'} corresponding to 01867;; n pr m AV - Darius 15; 15 Darius = "lord" 1) Darius the Mede, the son of Ahasuerus, king of the Chaldeans, who succeeded to the Babylonian kingdom on the death of Belshazzar; probably the same as "Astyages" the last king of the Medes (538 BC) (same as 1867 (1)) 2) Darius, the son of Hystaspes, the founder of the Perso-Arian dynasty (521 BC) (same as 1867 (2)) 3) Darius II or Darius III 3a) Darius II, Nothus (Ochus) was king of Persia during the time of Nehemiah (424/3 - 405/4 BC). Darius II is the most probable because he is mentioned by Nehemiah and ruled during the time of Nehemiah 3b) Darius III, Codomannus was king of Persia during its last years at the time of Alexander the Great and was his opponent (336 - 330 BC)
03076 Y@howchanan {yeh-ho-khaw-nawn'} 源自 03068 和 02603;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jehohanan 6, Johanan 3; 9 約哈難 = "耶和華已施恩典", 參見 [3110] 1) 在與所羅巴伯一起回歸的約雅金任大祭司時的一位祭司 (#尼 12:13|) 2) 以斯拉時代的一位大祭司 (#拉 10:6|) 3) 曾參與尼希米敬獻耶路撒冷城牆的典禮的利未人祭司 (#尼 12:42|) 4) 多比雅的兒子 (#尼 6:18|) 5) 在大衛王時任聖幕守門的一位可拉族的利未人 (#代上 26:3|) 6) 約沙法作王時的一猶大的千夫長 (#代下 17:15|) 7) 一位以法蓮人 8) 以斯拉時代一位曾娶外邦女子為妻的以色列人 (#拉 10:28|) 9) 在耶路撒冷陷落後的一位猶大的軍隊領袖(#王下 25:23|) 10) 約西亞王的長子 (#代上 3:15|) 11) 大衛王的直系子孫, 被擄之後時代的人 12) 亞撒利雅的父親, 這亞撒利雅於所羅門王時曾任職祭司(#代上 6:10|) 13) 便雅憫人, 大衛的勇士之一 (#代上 12:4|) 14) 迦得人, 大衛的勇士之一 (#代上 12:12|) 15) 被擄後歸回的猶太人之一 (#拉 8:12|)

03076 Y@howchanan {yeh-ho-khaw-nawn'} from 03068 and 02603;; n pr m AV - Jehohanan 6, Johanan 3; 9 Jehohanan = "Jehovah has graced" 5) a Korhite Levite and one of the doorkeepers to the tabernacle in the time of David 6) a captain of Judah under king Jehoshaphat 1) a priest during the high priesthood of Joiakim who returned with Zerubbabel 2) a high priest in the time of Ezra 3) a Levite priest who took part in the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah 4) son of Tobiah 7) an Ephraimite 8) an Israelite with a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 9) a Jewish captain after the fall of Jerusalem 10) the eldest son of king Josiah 11) a post-exilic prince of the line of David 12) father of Azariah, priest in Solomon's time 13) a Benjamite, one of David's mighty warriors 14) a Gadite, one of David's mighty warriors 15) a returning exile
03088 Y@howram {yeh-ho-rawm'} 源自 03068 和 07311;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jehoram 23, Joram 6; 29 約蘭(Jehoram 或 Joram) = "耶和華是被稱頌的" 1) 猶大王約沙法的兒子, 他作猶大國的王八年; 其妻是邪惡的亞他利雅, 有可能他就是受此妻之蠱惑而使猶大國轉向去崇拜巴力 2) 北國以色列亞哈王的兒子, 在以色列作王十二年; 他被耶戶所謀殺 而棄屍於拿伯的田間, 因其父曾謀殺了拿伯, 這完全應驗了先知以利 亞所受的啟示 (#王下 9:24-26;王上 19:17|) 3) 約沙法時的一位祭司 (#代下 17:8|)

03088 Y@howram {yeh-ho-rawm'} from 03068 and 07311;; n pr m AV - Jehoram 23, Joram 6; 29 Jehoram or Joram = "Jehovah is exalted" 1) son of king Jehoshaphat of Judah and himself king of Judah for 8 years; his wife was the wicked Athaliah who was probably the instigator for his returning the nation of Judah to the worship of Baal 2) son of king Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel and king of Israel himself for 12 years; he was murdered by Jehu on the plot of land for which his father had murdered Naboth thus fulfilling the prophecy of Elijah to the very letter 3) a priest in the reign of Jehoshaphat
03122 Yawnadab {yo-naw-dawb'} 3082 之一型;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Jonadab 7; 7 約拿達 或 耶合拿達 = "耶和華是樂意給的" 1) 利甲的兒子, 在耶戶和亞哈作王時, 是利甲族人的領袖 ( #耶 36:6| ) 2) 大衛王的一個姪子 ( #撒下 13:3| )

03122 Yawnadab {yo-naw-dawb'} a form of 03082;; n pr m AV - Jonadab 7; 7 Jonadab or Jehonadab = "Jehovah is willing" 1) a son of Rechab, chief of the Rechabites, in the time of Jehu and Ahab 2) a nephew of David
03141 Yowram {yo-rawm'} 03088 之一型 03088;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Joram 20; 20 約蘭 = "耶和華是被稱頌的" 1) 猶大王約沙法的兒子, 他作猶大國的王八年; 其妻是邪惡的亞他利雅, 有可能他就是受此妻之蠱惑而使猶大國轉向去崇拜巴力 2) 北國以色列亞哈王的兒子, 在以色列作王十二年; 他被耶戶所謀殺 而棄屍於拿伯的田間, 因其父曾謀殺了拿伯, 這完全應驗了先知以利 亞所受的啟示 (#王下 9:24-26;王上 19:17|) 3) 約沙法時的一位祭司 (#代下 17:8|) 4) 哈馬王陀以的兒子 (#撒下 8:10|)

03141 Yowram {yo-rawm'} a form of 03088;; n pr m AV - Joram 20; 20 Joram = "Jehovah is exalted" 1) son of king Jehoshaphat of Judah and himself king of Judah for 8 years; his wife was the wicked Athaliah who was probably the instigator for his returning the nation of Judah to the worship of Baal 2) son of king Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel and king of Israel himself for 12 years; he was murdered by Jehu on the plot of land for which his father had murdered Naboth thus fulfilling the prophecy of Elijah to the very letter 3) a Levite in the time of David and an ancestor of Shelomith 4) son of Toi, king of Hamath
04320 Miykayah {me-kaw-yaw'} 源自 04310 和 (字首源於) 03588 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Michaiah 3, Micah 1; 4 彌迦 或 米該雅 = "有誰像神" (或像神的人?) (參見[4318] ) 1) 第六位小先知; 摩利沙人, 他在猶大王約坦, 亞哈斯, 和希西家作王時作先知, 和先知何西阿, 阿摩斯, 和以賽亞是同時代的人 2) 亞革波的父親, 約西亞王時位居高位的人之一( #王下 22:12| ) 3) 尼希米時代參與奉獻重建的耶路撒冷城牆儀式的祭司之一 ( #尼 12| )

04320 Miykayah {me-kaw-yaw'} from 04310 and (the prefix derivative from) 03588 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Michaiah 3, Micah 1; 4 Micah or Michaiah = "who is like God" 1) the 6th in order of the minor prophets; a native of Moresheth, he prophesied during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah, and was contemporary with the prophets Hosea, Amos, and Isaiah 2) father of Achbor, a man of high station in the reign of Josiah 3) one of the priests at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem
04977 Mattan {mat-tawn'} 與 04976 同;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Mattan 3; 3 瑪坦 = "禮物" 1) 亞他利雅在猶大作王時在耶路撒冷的拜巴力的祭司之一( #王下11:18| #代下 23:17| ) 2) 耶利米時代的人, 示法提雅的父親 ( #耶 38:1| )

04977 Mattan {mat-tawn'} the same as 04976;; n pr m AV - Mattan 3; 3 Mattan = "a gift" 1) a priest of Baal in Jerusalem in the time of Athaliah 2) father of Shephatiah in the time of Jeremiah
05070 Nadab {naw-dawb'} 源自 05068;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Nadab 20; 20 拿答 = "豐富的、慷慨的" 1) 亞倫和以利沙白所生的長子; 因在曠野時企圖以非獻祭用的香爐 引火點香獻祭而在聖幕前被擊殺 (#出 6:23;利 10:1;民 3:4|) 2) 北國以色列國王耶羅波安一世的兒子, 曾在以色列作王兩年, 後 為巴沙所殺 (#王上 14:20;15:27|) 3) 猶大支派耶拉蔑家族的人, 沙買的兒子 (#代上 2:28|) 4) 便雅憫人基遍的兒子之一 (#代上 8:30|)

05070 Nadab {naw-dawb'} from 05068;; n pr m AV - Nadab 20; 20 Nadab = "generous" 1) eldest son of Aaron by Elisheba; struck dead before the sanctuary in the wilderness for kindling the censers with strange fire 2) son of king Jeroboam I of the northern kingdom of Israel and king of Israel for 2 years before being slain by Baasha 3) a Jerahmeelite, son of Shammai, of the tribe of Judah 4) a son of Gibeon of the tribe of Benjamin
05818 `Uzziyah {ooz-zee-yaw'} 或 Uzziyahuw {ooz-zee-yaw'-hoo} 源自 05797 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Uzziah 27; 27 烏西雅 = "我的力量是耶和華" 1) 猶大王 "亞瑪謝" 的兒子, 他在猶大作王52年; 又名 "亞撒利雅" 2) 哥轄族利未人, 撒母耳的祖先 (#代上 6:24|) 3) 一位在以斯拉時代, 取外邦女子為妻的祭司, 他是哈琳的子孫 (#拉 10:21|) 4) 猶大人, 亞他雅或烏太的父親 (#尼 11:4|) 5) 約拿單的父親, 是大衛王的管家之一 (#代上 27:25|)

05818 `Uzziyah {ooz-zee-yaw'} or Uzziyahuw {ooz-zee-yaw'-hoo} from 05797 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Uzziah 27; 27 Uzziah = "my strength is Jehovah" 1) son of king Amaziah of Judah and king of Judah himself for 52 years; also 'Azariah' 2) a Kohathite Levite and ancestor of Samuel 3) a priest of the sons of Harim who took a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 4) a Judaite, father of Athaiah or Uthai 5) father of Jehonathan, one of David's overseers
07586 Sha'uwl {shaw-ool'} 07592 的被動分詞; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Saul 399, Shaul 7; 406 掃羅 或 少羅 = 「所想望的」 1) 便雅憫人, 基士的兒子, 以色列的第一任國王 (# 撒上 9:1-10:25; 11:15|) 2) 早期的以東王, 接續桑拉作王 (# 創 36:31,37|) 3) 西緬的兒子 (# 創 46:10|) 4) 利未人, 烏西雅的兒子 (# 代上 6:24|)

07586 Sha'uwl {shaw-ool'} pass part of 07592;; n pr m AV - Saul 399, Shaul 7; 406 Saul or Shaul = "desired" 1) a Benjamite, son of Kish, and the 1st king of Israel 2) an early king of Edom and a successor of Samlah 3) a son of Simeon 4) a Levite, son of Uzziah
08004 Shalem {shaw-lame'} 與 08003 同 ;; 專有名詞 地名 AV - Salem 2, Shalem 1; 3 撒冷 = "平安" 1) 麥基洗德作王的地方 1a) 大部分猶太注釋者認為此與"耶路撒冷"同

08004 Shalem {shaw-lame'} the same as 08003;; n pr loc AV - Salem 2, Shalem 1; 3 Salem = "peace" 1) the place of which Melchizedek was king 1a) most Jewish commentators affirm that it is the same as Jerusalem
936 basileuo {bas-il-yoo'-o} TDNT - 1:590,97; 動詞 AV - reign 20, king 1, 21 1) 作王, 統治 2) 成為王 (得到皇室權力)

936 basileuo {bas-il-yoo'-o} from 935; TDNT - 1:590,97; v AV - reign 20, king 1, 21 1) to be king, to exercise kingly power, to reign 1a) of the governor of a province 1b) of the rule of the Messiah 1c) of the reign of Christians in the millennium 2) metaph. to exercise the highest influence, to control
4532 Salem {sal-ame'} 源於希伯來字 08004;; 專有地名 AV - Salem 2; 2 撒冷 = "平安" 1) 麥基洗德作王之地, 被認為是耶路撒冷的古名

4532 Salem {sal-ame'} of Hebrew origin 08004;; n pr loc AV - Salem 2; 2 Salem = "peace" 1) the place where Melchizedek was king and thought to be the ancient name of Jerusalem
5207 huios {hwee-os'} 顯然是基本字型; TDNT - 8:334,1206; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - son(s) 85, Son of Man + 444 87 {TDNT 8:400, 1210}, Son of God + 2316 49, child(ren) 49, Son 42, his Son + 848 21, Son of David + 1138 15 {TDNT 8:478, 1210}, my beloved Son + 27 + 3350 7, thy Son + 4575 5, only begotten Son + 3339 3, his (David's) son + 846 3, firstborn son + 4316 2, misc 14; 382 1) 兒子 1a) 用來指小動物, 少用 1b) 一般用來指人類的後代 1c) 狹義地來說, 是男的後代 (由父母所生) 1d) 廣義地來說, 是子孫, 任何人的後裔, 1d1) 以色列的後裔 1d2) 亞伯拉罕的兒子 1e)) 用來指依靠另一個人的人或那人的跟隨者 1e1) 學生 2) 人子 2a) 描述人的名稱, 言外之意是軟弱、必死的 2b) 人子, 在#但 7:13|象徵性地預表第五個王國,經 由這個名稱指出其人性, 和前面四個王國 (巴比 倫人、瑪代波斯人、馬其頓人和羅馬人) 的野蠻 、殘暴成為對比, 這四個王國象徵了四種獸。 在以諾書 (西元二世紀) 上用來指基督。 2c) 為基督自己所用, 無疑地是為了通告祂的彌賽亞 身分, 也表明祂是人類的家長, 既提供了完美人 類的模範, 同時代表全人類行事。基督似乎喜歡 這個頭銜甚於其他彌賽亞的頭銜, 因為這個頭銜 很卑微, 要培養出世俗對彌賽亞作王的榮耀期待 , 是最不適合的。 3) 上帝的兒子 3a) 用來描述亞當 (#路 3:38|) 3b) 用來描述那些重生的人 (#路 20:36|)、屬天使 並屬耶穌基督的人 3c) 指上帝視為兒子的人, 上帝所愛、保護並使之受 益更甚於其他人的人 3c1) 在舊約, 用來指猶太人 3c2) 在新約, 則指基督徒 3c3) 慈愛的上帝天父用責備來塑造其品格的人 (#來 12:5-8|) 3d) 敬畏上帝為天父的人, 虔誠敬拜上帝的人, 品格 生命都像上帝的人, 受聖靈管理的人, 他們沉著 而喜樂地信靠上帝, 正如孩童信靠父母一樣 (#羅 8:14; 加 3:26|), 此後這些上帝之子除了 尊貴之外, 將穿戴永生的恩惠與榮耀。耶穌基督 用得最多, 例如享受上帝至高無上的愛, 與祂溫 柔親切的密契, 秘密參與祂的救贖班底, 一切行 動都順服上帝的旨意 同義字請見 5868

5207 huios {hwee-os'} apparently a primary word; TDNT - 8:334,1206; n m AV - son(s) 85, Son of Man + 444 87 {TDNT 8:400, 1210}, Son of God + 2316 49, child(ren) 49, Son 42, his Son + 848 21, Son of David + 1138 15 {TDNT 8:478, 1210}, my beloved Son + 27 + 3350 7, thy Son + 4575 5, only begotten Son + 3339 3, his (David's) son + 846 3, firstborn son + 4316 2, misc 14; 382 1) a son 1a) rarely used for the young of animals 1b) generally used of the offspring of men 1c) in a restricted sense, the male offspring (one born by a father and of a mother) 1d) in a wider sense, a descendant, one of the posterity of any one, 1d1) the children of Israel 1d2) sons of Abraham 1e)) used to describe one who depends on another or is his follower 1e1) a pupil 2) son of man 2a) term describing man, carrying the connotation of weakness and mortality 2b) son of man, symbolically denotes the fifth kingdom in Daniel 7:13 and by this term its humanity is indicated in contrast with the barbarity and ferocity of the four preceding kingdoms (the Babylonian, the Median and the Persian, the Macedonian, and the Roman) typified by the four beasts. In the book of Enoch (2nd Century) it is used of Christ. 2c) used by Christ himself, doubtless in order that he might intimate his Messiahship and also that he might designate himself as the head of the human family, the man, the one who both furnished the pattern of the perfect man and acted on behalf of all mankind. Christ seems to have preferred this to the other Messianic titles, because by its lowliness it was least suited to foster the expectation of an earthly Messiah in royal splendour. 3) son of God 3a) used to describe Adam (Lk. 3:38) 3b) used to describe those who are born again (Lk. 20:36) and of angels and of Jesus Christ 3c) of those whom God esteems as sons, whom he loves, protects and benefits above others 3c1) in the OT used of the Jews 3c2) in the NT of Christians 3c3) those whose character God, as a loving father, shapes by chastisements (Heb. 12:5-8) 3d) those who revere God as their father, the pious worshippers of God, those who in character and life resemble God, those who are governed by the Spirit of God, repose the same calm and joyful trust in God which children do in their parents (Rom. 8:14, Gal. 3:26 ), and hereafter in the blessedness and glory of the life eternal will openly wear this dignity of the sons of God. Term used preeminently of Jesus Christ, as enjoying the supreme love of God, united to him in affectionate intimacy, privy to his saving councils, obedient to the Father's will in all his acts For Synonyms see entry 5868
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