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字典搜尋結果 共有 17 筆

0541 'aman {aw-man'} 源自03225的動名詞 ; TWOT - 872; 動詞 欽定本 - turn to the right 1; 1 1) (Hiphil) 取右手邊的, 右轉, 選擇右邊, 往右邊去, 用右手邊的

0541 'aman {aw-man'} denominative from 03225; TWOT - 872; v AV - turn to the right 1; 1 1) (Hiphil) to take the right hand, to turn right, choose to the right, go to the right, use the right hand
01144 Binyamiyn {bin-yaw-mene'} 源自 01121 與 03225; TWOT - 254a; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Benjamin 161; 161 便雅憫 = "右手之子" 1) 雅各與拉結的小兒子, 約瑟的親兄弟 2) 比勒罕之子, 便雅憫的曾孫(#代上 7:10|) 3)便雅憫支派中, 哈琳的兒子, 在以斯拉時代娶了外邦女子為妻(#拉10:30|) 4) 雅各之子便雅憫後裔的支派

01144 Binyamiyn {bin-yaw-mene'} from 01121 and 03225; TWOT - 254a; n pr m AV - Benjamin 161; 161 Benjamin = "son of the right hand" 1) Jacob's and Rachel's youngest son, Joseph's full brother 2) son of Bilhan, great-grandson of Benjamin 3) a Benjamite, one of the sons of Harim, in the time of Ezra who had taken a strange wife 4) the tribe descended from Benjamin, the son of Jacob
03225 yamiyn {yaw-meen'} 源自 03231; TWOT - 872a; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - hand 105, right 24, side 5, south 3, lefthanded + 0334 2; 139 1) 右方, 右手, 右側 1a) 右手 1b) 右邊 (指方向) 1c) 南方 (面對東邊時,右手的方向)

03225 yamiyn {yaw-meen'} from 03231; TWOT - 872a; n f AV - hand 105, right 24, side 5, south 3, lefthanded + 0334 2; 139 1) right, right hand, right side 1a) right hand 1b) right (of direction) 1c) south (the direction of the right hand when facing East)
03226 Yamiyn {yaw-meen'} 與...同 03225;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本- Jamin 6; 6 雅憫 = "右手" 1)西緬第二個兒子;雅憫族的創立者 2)一個猶大人,耶拉篾族蘭的第二個兒子 3) 一個利未人,幫助以斯拉翻譯律法

03226 Yamiyn {yaw-meen'} the same as 03225;; n pr m AV - Jamin 6; 6 Jamin = "right hand" 1) the 2nd son of Simeon; founder of the family of Jaminites 2) a Judaite, the 2nd son of Ram the Jerahmeelite 3) a Levite who helped Ezra interpret the Law
03227 y@miyniy {yem-ee-nee'} 代替 03225; TWOT - 872b; 形容詞 欽定本 - variant 2; 2 1) 右方, 右邊, 右手

03227 y@miyniy {yem-ee-nee'} for 03225; TWOT - 872b; adj AV - variant 2; 2 1) right, on the right, right hand
03228 Y@miyniy {yem-ee-nee'} 源自 03226 的種族名稱;; 形容詞 AV - Jaminites 1; 1 雅憫族 = 見 雅憫 "右手" 1) 雅憫的後裔(#民 26:12|)

03228 Y@miyniy {yem-ee-nee'} patronymically from 03226;; adj AV - Jaminites 1; 1 Jaminites = see Jamin "the right hand" 1) the descendants of Jamin
03231 yaman {yaw-man'} 字根型; TWOT - 872c; 動詞 欽定本 - right hand 3, right 1; 4 1) (Hiphil)選擇向右, 走向右, 使用右手, 導引向右

03231 yaman {yaw-man'} a primitive root; TWOT - 872c; v AV - right hand 3, right 1; 4 1) (Hiphil) to choose the right, go to the right, use the right hand, be right handed
03232 Yimnah {yim-naw'} 源自 03231;; 欽定本 - Jimnah 2, Imnah 2, Jimnites 1; 5 陽性專有名詞 音拿 = "右手" 1)亞設第一個兒子 2) 一個利未人, 音拿的後裔, 協助希西家的統治 3) 音拿的後裔們,亞設的兒子

03232 Yimnah {yim-naw'} from 03231;; AV - Jimnah 2, Imnah 2, Jimnites 1; 5 n pr m Imna or Imnah or Jimnah = "right hand" 1) the 1st born son of Asher 2) a Levite, descendant of Imnah, who assisted in the reforms of Hezekiah n patr 3) descendants of Imnah, son of Asher
03233 y@maniy {yem-aw-nee'} 源自 03231; TWOT - 872d; 形容詞 欽定本 - right 32, right hand 1; 33 1) 右方, 右手

03233 y@maniy {yem-aw-nee'} from 03231; TWOT - 872d; adj AV - right 32, right hand 1; 33 1) right, right hand
04326 Miyamin {me-yaw-meem'} 04509 的另一型;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Mijamin 4; 4 米雅民 = "右手所做的" 1) 大衛王所指派的第六班祭司的負責人 (#代上 24:9|) 2) 一位在與尼希米所訂的公約上簽名的祭司 (#尼 10:7|) 3) 一位隨所羅巴伯一同回歸的祭司 (#尼 12:5|) 4) 一位以斯拉時代的祭司, 他曾娶了一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:25|)

04326 Miyamin {me-yaw-meem'} a form for 04509;; n pr m AV - Mijamin 4; 4 Mijamin = "from the right hand" 1) chief of the 6th course of priests established by David 2) a priest who signed the covenant with Nehemiah 3) a priest who went up with Zerubbabel 4) a priest who took a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
04509 Minyamiyn {min-yaw-meen'} 源自 04480 和 03225;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Miniamin 3; 3 米拿民 = "由右手來的" 1) 希西家時的一位利未人 (#代下 31:15|) 2) 參與尼希米敬獻耶路撒冷重建的城牆的一位祭司 (#尼 12:41|)

04509 Minyamiyn {min-yaw-meen'} from 04480 and 03225;; n pr m AV - Miniamin 3; 3 Miniamin = "from the right hand" 1) a Levite in the time of Hezekiah 2) a priest who was present at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah
958 Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'} 源自希伯來文 01144;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Benjamin 4; 4 便雅憫 = "右手的兒子" 或, "好運的兒子" 1) 雅各的第十二個兒子 2) 便雅憫支派

958 Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'} of Hebrew origin 01144;; n pr m AV - Benjamin 4; 4 Benjamin = "son of the right hand" or, "son of good fortune" 1) Jacob's twelfth son 2) the tribe of Benjamin
1187 dexiolabos {dex-ee-ol-ab'-os} 源自 1188 與 2983;;陽性名詞 AV - spearmen 1; 1 1) 用右手投擲, 投石者 ,射手, 擲標槍者

1187 dexiolabos {dex-ee-ol-ab'-os} from 1188 and 2983;; n m AV - spearmen 1; 1 1) throwing with the right hand, a slinger, an archer, javelinmen
1188 dexios {dex-ee-os'} 源於 1209; TDNT - 2:37,143; 形容詞 AV - right hand 39, right 12, right side 2; 53 1) 右邊, 右手 2)) 隱喻. 2a) 表榮耀或權柄的位置

1188 dexios {dex-ee-os'} from 1209; TDNT - 2:37,143; adj AV - right hand 39, right 12, right side 2; 53 1) the right, the right hand 2)) metaph. 2a) a place of honour or authority
2842 koinonia {koy-nohn-ee'-ah} 源於 2844; TDNT - 3:797,447; 陰性名詞 AV - fellowship 12, communion 4, communication 1, distribution 1, contribution 1, to communicate 1; 20 1) 團契, 交際, 交往, 共同生活, 分享溝通, 彼此分享, 交通 1a) 在任何事上的分享, 參與 1b) 彼此溝通, 促進情誼, 親密交通 1b1) 以右手作為共同團契的表示和承諾(指在完成使徒的職分上) (?) 1c) 共同貢獻的禮物, 收聚, 貢獻, 對彼此交通的具體的表現

2842 koinonia {koy-nohn-ee'-ah} from 2844; TDNT - 3:797,447; n f AV - fellowship 12, communion 4, communication 1, distribution 1, contribution 1, to communicate 1; 20 1) fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation, intercourse 1a) the share which one has in anything, participation 1b) intercourse, fellowship, intimacy 1b1) the right hand as a sign and pledge of fellowship (in fulfilling the apostolic office) 1c) a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, as exhibiting an embodiment and proof of fellowship
3875 parakletos {par-ak'-lay-tos} 字根型; TDNT - 5:800,782;陽性名詞 AV - comforter 4, advocate 1; 5 1) 被召喚的, 被叫到身邊來的, 尤其指 是要來幫忙的 1a) 在法官前替他人的案子辯護或懇求的, 辯護者, 辯護律師, 法律上的助手, 調停者, 說情者 1b) 為他人的事而懇求於人的, 代求者 1b1) 指基督被高升到神的右手邊, 為我們的罪而懇求天父的原諒 1c) 在最廣泛的意義上, 幫助者, 援助者, 助手, 助理 1c1) 指基督升到天父那裡後, 聖靈被指派取代他的位置和使徒們同在, 引導他們在福音真理 上有更深的明白, 和給他們堅強的屬靈能力以承受因神的國而要加諸在他們身上的試煉 和控訴

3875 parakletos {par-ak'-lay-tos} a root word; TDNT - 5:800,782; n m AV - comforter 4, advocate 1; 5 1) summoned, called to one's side, esp. called to one's aid 1a) one who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate 1b) one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor 1b1) of Christ in his exaltation at God's right hand, pleading with God the Father for the pardon of our sins 1c) in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, aider, assistant 1c1) of the Holy Spirit destined to take the place of Christ with the apostles (after his ascension to the Father), to lead them to a deeper knowledge of the gospel truth, and give them divine strength needed to enable them to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the divine kingdom
5480 charagma {khar'-ag-mah} 與 5482 同源 ; TDNT - 9:416,1308; 中性名詞 AV - mark 8, 抑音符n 1; 9 1) 印章, 蓋印記號 1a) 印在額前或是在右手的記號, 作為敵基督跟隨者的記號 1b) 烙印在馬身的記號 2) 雕刻之物, 雕塑, 雕刻品 2a) 崇拜偶像之神像

5480 charagma {khar'-ag-mah} from the same as 5482; TDNT - 9:416,1308; n n AV - mark 8, graven 1; 9 1) a stamp, an imprinted mark 1a) of the mark stamped on the forehead or the right hand as the badge of the followers of the Antichrist 1b) the mark branded upon horses 2) thing carved, sculpture, graven work 2a) of idolatrous images
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