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02870 tab@'el {taw-beh-ale'} 源自 02895 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Tabeel 1, Tabeal 1; 2 他比勒 = "上帝是美好" 1) 一個人, 他兒子要不是在比加的軍隊裡就是在利汛的軍隊裡, 比加和利汛 提議使他當以色列王(# 賽 7:6|) 他別= "上帝是美好" 2) 亞達薛西王在位時, 波斯政府在撒瑪利亞的一個官員(# 拉 4:7|)

02870 tab@'el {taw-beh-ale'} from 02895 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Tabeel 1, Tabeal 1; 2 Tabeal = "God is good" 1) a man whose son was either in the army of Pekah or the army of Rezin and whom Pekah and Rezin proposed to make king of Israel Tabeel = "God is good" 2) an officer of the Persian government in Samaria in the reign of Artaxerxes
653 apostomatizo {ap-os-tom-at-id'-zo} 源自 575 and a (presumed) derivative of 4750;; 動詞 AV - provoke to speak 1; 1 1) 背誦 1a) 對著學生背誦, 使他牢記 2) 經常提問以攻擊某人, 盤問, 以把答應誘騙出來 (#路11:53|)

653 apostomatizo {ap-os-tom-at-id'-zo} from 575 and a (presumed) derivative of 4750;; v AV - provoke to speak 1; 1 1) to recite from memory 1a) to repeat to a pupil (anything) for him to commit to memory 2) to ply with questions, to catechise, and so to entice to answers
1228 diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os} 源自 1225; TDNT - 2:72,150; 形容詞 AV - devil 35, false accuser 2, slanderer 1; 38 1) 傾向於中傷人的, 好誹謗的, 錯誤的譴責 1a) 中傷者, 錯誤的控訴者, 誹謗者, 2) 隱喻. 應用於反對上帝的人, 指參與惡魔的行動或說支持惡魔 撒但,魔鬼之首, 是邪惡之創造者, 專門迫害好人, 使人類與神疏遠並引誘他們犯罪, 撒但更憑著佔據他們的身體使他們受疾病折磨.

1228 diabolos {dee-ab'-ol-os} from 1225; TDNT - 2:72,150; adj AV - devil 35, false accuser 2, slanderer 1; 38 1) prone to slander, slanderous, accusing falsely 1a) a calumniator, false accuser, slanderer, 2) metaph. applied to a man who, by opposing the cause of God, may be said to act the part of the devil or to side with him Satan the prince of the demons, the author of evil, persecuting good men, estranging mankind from God and enticing them to sin, afflicting them with diseases by means of demons who take possession of their bodies at his bidding.
1242 diatheke {dee-ath-ay'-kay} from 1303; TDNT - 2:106,157; 陰性名詞 AV - covenant 20, testament 13; 33 1)任何種類的處理安排, 那是人在他死後用來使他最後處理世上的財產合法化 , 約或是遺囑 2) 一個契約 , 一個公約 , 一個約 2a) 神與挪亞立的約等等的.

1242 diatheke {dee-ath-ay'-kay} from 1303; TDNT - 2:106,157; n f AV - covenant 20, testament 13; 33 1) a disposition, arrangement, of any sort, which one wishes to be valid, the last disposition which one makes of his earthly possessions after his death, a testament or will 2) a compact, a covenant, a testament 2a) God's covenant with Noah, etc.
1849 exousia {ex-oo-see'-ah} from 1832 (取其...之意 ability); TDNT - 2:562,238; 陰性名詞 AV - power 69, authority 29, right 2, liberty 1, jurisdiction 1, strength 1; 103 1) 選擇的能力, 有隨己意而行的自由 1a) 許可或允許 2) 肉體和心靈力量 2a) 一個人被賦予可擁有或運用的能力或體力 3) 有權威的能力(影響)和有權利的能力(特權) 4) 有管理和治理的能力 (他有權力使他的意志和命令 必須被其他人所順服和遵守) 4a) 普遍地 4a1) 超過人類的權威 4b) 特別地 4b1) 有作出明斷公正決定的能力 4b2) 有管理內政的權威 4c) 可換比喻地 4c1) 一件受權威或規條約束的事 4c1a) 司法權 4c2) 一個擁有權威的人 4c2a) 一個統治者, 一個人類的長官 4c2b) 在比人類高等的被造物中為領導而且較強大的靈界統治者 4d) 丈夫權威超過妻子的象徵 4d1) 禮儀所要求女人遮蓋自己的面罩 4e) 國王權威的象徵, 一個皇冠 For 同義詞 see entry 5820

1849 exousia {ex-oo-see'-ah} from 1832 (in the sense of ability); TDNT - 2:562,238; n f AV - power 69, authority 29, right 2, liberty 1, jurisdiction 1, strength 1; 103 1) power of choice, liberty of doing as one pleases 1a) leave or permission 2) physical and mental power 2a) the ability or strength with which one is endued, which he either possesses or exercises 3) the power of authority (influence) and of right (privilege) 4) the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed) 4a) universally 4a1) authority over mankind 4b) specifically 4b1) the power of judicial decisions 4b2) of authority to manage domestic affairs 4c) metonymically 4c1) a thing subject to authority or rule 4c1a) jurisdiction 4c2) one who possesses authority 4c2a) a ruler, a human magistrate 4c2b) the leading and more powerful among created beings superior to man, spiritual potentates 4d) a sign of the husband's authority over his wife 4d1) the veil with which propriety required a women to cover herself 4e) the sign of regal authority, a crown For Synonyms see entry 5820
2264 Herodes {hay-ro'-dace} heros("英雄")與1491的複合型; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Herod, Antipas 27, Herod, the Great 11, Herod Agrippa 6; 44 希律 = "英勇的" 1)希律大帝 (希律一世) 紀元前四十年,被羅馬議會冊封為猶大王.他生性兇殘多疑,甚至殺害自己的妻兒, 並且因為喜好模仿羅馬風俗,課稅沉重,因此即使他大力重修聖殿,亦不得猶太人 民心.在他執政最後一段時期,耶穌與施洗約翰誕生,也是他下令屠殺伯利恆城兩 歲以下的男嬰. 2)希律安提帕斯 希律大帝之子.乃父過世後,被羅馬冊封為加利利與Peraea的分封王.Herod surnamed "Antipas", was the son of Herod the Great and Malthace, a Samaritan woman. After the death of his father he was appointed by the Romans tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea. His first wife was the daughter of Aretas, king of Arabia; but he subsequently repudiated her and took to himself Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip; and in consequence Aretas, his father-in-law, made war against him and conquered him. He cast John the Baptist into prison because John had rebuked him for this unlawful connection; and afterwards, at the instigation of Herodias, he ordered him to be beheaded. Induced by her, too, he went to Rome to obtain from the emperor the title of king. But in consequence of the accusations brought against him by Herod Agrippa I, Caligula banished him (A.D. 39) to Lugdunum in Gaul, where he seems to have died. He was light minded, sensual and vicious. 3) Herod Agrippa I was the son of Aristobulus and Berenice, and grandson of Herod the Great. After various changes in fortune, he gained the favour of Caligula and Claudius to such a degree that he gra雙數型ly obtained the government of all of Palestine, with the title of king. He died at Caesarea, A.D. 44, at the age of 54, in the seventh [or the 4th, reckoning from the extension of his dominions by Claudius] year of his reign, just after having ordered James the apostle, son of Zebedee, to be slain, and Peter to be cast into prison: Acts 12:21 4) (Herod) Agrippa II, son of Herod Agrippa I. When his father died he was a youth of seventeen. In A.D. 48 he received from Claudius Caesar the government of Chalcis, with the right of appointing the Jewish high priests, together with the care and oversight of the temple at Jerusalem. Four years later Claudius took from him Chalcis and gave him instead a larger domain, of Batanaea, Trachonitis, and Gaulanitis, with the title of king. To those reigns Nero, in A.D. 53, added Tiberias and Taricheae and Peraean Julias, with fourteen neighbouring villages. He is mentioned in Acts 25 and 26. In the Jewish war, although he strove in vain to restrain the fury of the seditious and bellicose populace, he did not desert to the Roman side. After the fall of Jerusalem, he was vested with praetorian rank and kept the kingdom entire until his death, which took place in the third year of the emperor Trajan, [the 73rd year of his life, and the 52nd of his reign] He was the last representative of the Herodian dynasty.

2264 Herodes {hay-ro'-dace} compound of heros (a "hero") and 1491;; n pr m AV - Herod, Antipas 27, Herod, the Great 11, Herod Agrippa 6; 44 Herod = "heroic" 1) the name of a royal family that flourished among the Jews in the times of Christ and the Apostles. Herod the Great was the son of Antipater of Idumaea. Appointed king of Judaea B.C. 40 by the Roman Senate at the suggestion of Antony and with the consent of Octavian, he at length overcame the great opposition which the country made to him and took possession of the kingdom B.C. 37; and after the battle of Actium, he was confirmed by Octavian, whose favour he ever enjoyed. He was brave and skilled in war, learned and sagacious; but also extremely suspicious and cruel. Hence he destroyed the entire royal family of Hasmonaeans, put to death many of the Jews that opposed his government, and proceeded to kill even his dearly beloved wife Mariamne of the Hasmonaean line and his two sons she had borne him. By these acts of bloodshed, and especially by his love and imitation of Roman customs and institutions and by the burdensome taxes imposed upon his subjects, he so alienated the Jews that he was unable to regain their favour by his splendid restoration of the temple and other acts of munificence. He died in the 70th year of his age, the 37th year of his reign, the 4th before the Dionysian era. In his closing years John the Baptist and Christ were born; Matthew narrates that he commanded all the male children under two years old in Bethlehem to be slain. 2) Herod surnamed "Antipas", was the son of Herod the Great and Malthace, a Samaritan woman. After the death of his father he was appointed by the Romans tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea. His first wife was the daughter of Aretas, king of Arabia; but he subsequently repudiated her and took to himself Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip; and in consequence Aretas, his father-in-law, made war against him and conquered him. He cast John the Baptist into prison because John had rebuked him for this unlawful connection; and afterwards, at the instigation of Herodias, he ordered him to be beheaded. Induced by her, too, he went to Rome to obtain from the emperor the title of king. But in consequence of the accusations brought against him by Herod Agrippa I, Caligula banished him (A.D. 39) to Lugdunum in Gaul, where he seems to have died. He was light minded, sensual and vicious. 3) Herod Agrippa I was the son of Aristobulus and Berenice, and grandson of Herod the Great. After various changes in fortune, he gained the favour of Caligula and Claudius to such a degree that he gradually obtained the government of all of Palestine, with the title of king. He died at Caesarea, A.D. 44, at the age of 54, in the seventh [or the 4th, reckoning from the extension of his dominions by Claudius] year of his reign, just after having ordered James the apostle, son of Zebedee, to be slain, and Peter to be cast into prison: Acts 12:21 4) (Herod) Agrippa II, son of Herod Agrippa I. When his father died he was a youth of seventeen. In A.D. 48 he received from Claudius Caesar the government of Chalcis, with the right of appointing the Jewish high priests, together with the care and oversight of the temple at Jerusalem. Four years later Claudius took from him Chalcis and gave him instead a larger domain, of Batanaea, Trachonitis, and Gaulanitis, with the title of king. To those reigns Nero, in A.D. 53, added Tiberias and Taricheae and Peraean Julias, with fourteen neighbouring villages. He is mentioned in Acts 25 and 26. In the Jewish war, although he strove in vain to restrain the fury of the seditious and bellicose populace, he did not desert to the Roman side. After the fall of Jerusalem, he was vested with praetorian rank and kept the kingdom entire until his death, which took place in the third year of the emperor Trajan, [the 73rd year of his life, and the 52nd of his reign] He was the last representative of the Herodian dynasty.
2976 Lazaros {lad'-zar-os} 陽性專有名詞 AV - Lazarus 11, Lazarus (the poor man) 4; 15 拉撒路 = "神所幫助的人" (希伯來人名Eleazar的一種寫法) 1) 住在伯大尼,耶穌喜愛的一個人,也使他從死裡復活 2) 耶穌在#路 16:20-25|提到的一個窮人

2976 Lazaros {lad'-zar-os} probably of Hebrew origin 0499;; n pr m AV - Lazarus 11, Lazarus (the poor man) 4; 15 Lazarus = "whom God helps" (a form of the Hebrew name Eleazar) 1) an inhabitant of Bethany, beloved by Christ and raised from the dead by him 2) a very poor and wretched person to whom Jesus referred to in Luke 16:20-25
3962 pater {pat-ayr'} 顯然為字根; TDNT - 5:945,805; 陽性名詞 AV - Father 268, father 150; 419 1) 生育者或男性先祖 1a) 較近的先祖: 肉身的父親, 身生的父親, 或雙親 1b) 較遠的先祖: 宗族或支派的創始者, 一個民族的始祖, 祖宗: 亞伯拉罕 被稱為是雅各和大衛的先祖 1b1) 父亦即先祖, 祖宗, 一個國家的創始者 1c) 年紀較長的人, 長者 2) 隱喻 2a) 任何事物的開山始祖及傳達者 2a1) 一個家族, 或是由和自己有同樣理念的人士所組成的團體之創始人 2a2) 將自己的理念灌輸給他人, 激勵且管理他們的想法的人 2b) 一個處於父親的地位且以親職照顧他人的人 2c) 尊敬的稱呼 2c1) 老師, 當其弟子回顧得自他的知識和訓練時, 所用的稱呼 2c2) 猶太教議會/公會中的成員, 以其智慧及專才,使他人得益 3) 上帝被稱為天父 3a) 因為祂是星宿, 天上之的太陽和月亮的創造者, 支持者, 和管理者 3b) 因為祂是凡有理性, 有智慧者的創造者, 保存者, 守護者, 保護者, 無論是天使或人類 3b1) 凡有靈的生命的和所有人類的父 3c) 祂是每位基督徒的父親, 藉著基督得與上帝有特別親近, 且親密的關係, 並且不再害怕自已是罪人, 會受到神的嚴厲的審判, 反倒尊敬祂, 是已 與自己和好的親愛父親. 3d) 祂是耶穌基督的父, 祂是以愛和父聯合, 且有親密的關係, 明白天父的旨意者, 被指派去解釋和執行神拯救世人的計畫, 也和世人分享自己的神性. 3d1) 藉由耶穌基督他自己 3d2) 藉由使徒

3962 pater {pat-ayr'} apparently a root word; TDNT - 5:945,805; n m AV - Father 268, father 150; 419 1) generator or male ancestor 1a) either the nearest ancestor: father of the corporeal nature, natural fathers, both parents 1b) a more remote ancestor, the founder of a family or tribe, progenitor of a people, forefather: so Abraham is called, Jacob and David 1b1) fathers i.e. ancestors, forefathers, founders of a nation 1c) one advanced in years, a senior 2) metaph. 2a) the originator and transmitter of anything 2a1) the authors of a family or society of persons animated by the same spirit as himself 2a2) one who has infused his own spirit into others, who actuates and governs their minds 2b) one who stands in a father's place and looks after another in a paternal way 2c) a title of honour 2c1) teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge and training they have received 2c2) the members of the Sanhedrin, whose prerogative it was by virtue of the wisdom and experience in which they excelled, to take charge of the interests of others 3) God is called the Father 3a) of the stars, the heavenly luminaries, because he is their creator, upholder, ruler 3b) of all rational and intelligent beings, whether angels or men, because he is their creator, preserver, guardian and protector 3b1) of spiritual beings and of all men 3c) of Christians, as those who through Christ have been exalted to a specially close and intimate relationship with God, and who no longer dread him as a stern judge of sinners, but revere him as their reconciled and loving Father 3d) the Father of Jesus Christ, as one whom God has united to himself in the closest bond of love and intimacy, made acquainted with his purposes, appointed to explain and carry out among men the plan of salvation, and made to share also in his own divine nature 3d1) by Jesus Christ himself 3d2) by the apostles
5199 hugies {hoog-ee-ace'} 源自 the base of 837; TDNT - 8:308,1202; 形容詞 AV - whole 13, sound 1; 14 1) 健全的 1a) 人在身體上的健全 2) 使人完全, 亦即使他恢復到康健 3) 隱喻. 教導非遠離真理

5199 hugies {hoog-ee-ace'} from the base of 837; TDNT - 8:308,1202; adj AV - whole 13, sound 1; 14 1) sound 1a) of a man who is sound in body 2) to make one whole i.e. restore him to health 3) metaph. teaching which does not deviate from the truth
5420 phrasso {fras'-so} apparently a strengthening form of the base of 5424;; 動詞 AV - stop 3; 3 1) 以籬笆隔開, 塞住, 堵塞, 收縮 2) 使他人安靜

5420 phrasso {fras'-so} apparently a strengthening form of the base of 5424;; v AV - stop 3; 3 1) to fence in, block up, stop up, close up 2) to put to silence
5442 phulasso {foo-las'-so} 可能源自 5443 藉由分離或獨立這樣的觀念; TDNT - 9:236,1280; 動詞 AV - keep 23, observe 2, beware 2, keep (one's) self 1, save 1, be ... ware 1; 30 1) 守衛 1a) 看守, 守候 1b) 用眼睛盯住的守衛或看守, 以免他逃跑 1c) 守衛一個人(或一件事)使他得以安全 1c1) 使他免受暴力, 被掠奪, 等, 保護他 1c2) 保護一個人脫離另一個人或事 1c3) 避免被奪取, 使他得安全或者不受損害 1c4) 保護他免於失喪或滅亡 1c5) 保守自己免受某事 1d) 保護, 使他免受暴力 1d1) 保護 2) 看守自己的東西免於遺失 2a) 防守, 免於逃跑 2b) 遵守 (亦即為了安全的理由) 以免受到傷害, 就好像是遵守了摩西的律法的誡命. 見同義字 5874

5442 phulasso {foo-las'-so} probably from 5443 through the idea of isolation; TDNT - 9:236,1280; v AV - keep 23, observe 2, beware 2, keep (one's) self 1, save 1, be ... ware 1; 30 1) to guard 1a) to watch, keep watch 1b) to guard or watch, have an eye upon: lest he escape 1c) to guard a person (or thing) that he may remain safe 1c1) lest he suffer violence, be despoiled, etc. to protect 1c2) to protect one from a person or thing 1c3) to keep from being snatched away, preserve safe and unimpaired 1c4) to guard from being lost or perishing 1c5) to guard one's self from a thing 1d) to guard i.e. care for, take care not to violate 1d1) to observe 2) to observe for one's self something to escape 2a) to avoid, shun flee from 2b) to guard for one's self (i.e. for one's safety's sake) so as not to violate, i.e. to keep, observe (the precepts of the Mosaic law) For Synonyms see entry 5874
5485 charis {khar'-ece} 源自 5463; TDNT - 9:372,1298; 陰性名詞 AV - grace 130, favour 6, thanks 4, thank 4, thank + 2192 3, pleasure 2, misc 7; 156 1) 恩典 1a) 給予喜樂, 愉快, 欣喜, 甜美, 魅力, 美好之言詞上的恩典 2) 善意, 仁愛, 恩惠 2a) 指用其聖潔作用在眾人的上帝使他們回轉向基督、保守、堅固、加添他們 對基督的信仰、認識、愛慕並激起他們操練基督徒美德的慈悲善行 3) 起因於恩典之事物 3a) 受神恩所掌管的人之靈性狀況 3b) 恩典的標記或證據, 利益 3b1) 恩典的禮物 3b2) 利益, 慷慨 4) 感謝, (為利益, 服務, 恩惠), 報酬, 報答

5485 charis {khar'-ece} from 5463; TDNT - 9:372,1298; n f AV - grace 130, favour 6, thanks 4, thank 4, thank + 2192 3, pleasure 2, misc 7; 156 1) grace 1a) that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech 2) good will, loving-kindness, favour 2a) of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues 3) what is due to grace 3a) the spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace 3b) the token or proof of grace, benefit 3b1) a gift of grace 3b2) benefit, bounty 4) thanks, (for benefits, services, favours), recompense, reward
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