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中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 37
  1. Gen41:42 Then Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand, and he had him clothed with the best linen, and put a chain of gold round his neck;

  2. Exo25:4 And blue and purple and red, and the best linen, and goats' hair;

  3. Exo26:1 And you are to make a House for me, with ten curtains of the best linen, blue and purple and red, worked with designs of winged ones by a good workman.

  4. Exo26:31 And you are to make a veil of the best linen, blue and purple and red, worked with designs of winged ones by a good workman:

  5. Exo26:36 And you are to make a curtain for the doorway of the Tent, of the best linen with needlework of blue and purple and red.

  6. Exo27:9 And let there be an open space round the House, with hangings for its south side of the best linen, a hundred cubits long.

  7. Exo27:16 And across the doorway, a veil of twenty cubits of the best linen, made of needlework of blue and purple and red, with four pillars and four bases.

  8. Exo27:18 The open space is to be a hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, with sides five cubits high, curtained with the best linen, with bases of brass.

  9. Exo28:5 They are to take the gold and blue and purple and red and the best linen,

  10. Exo28:6 And make the ephod of gold and blue and purple and red and the best linen, the work of a designer.

  11. Exo28:8 And the beautifully worked band, which goes on it, is to be of the same work and the same material, of gold and blue and purple and red and twisted linen-work.

  12. Exo28:15 And make a priest's bag for giving decisions, designed like the ephod, made of gold and blue and purple and red and the best linen.

  13. Exo28:39 The coat is to be made of the best linen, worked in squares; and you are to make a head-dress of linen, and a linen band worked in needlework.

  14. Exo35:6 And blue and purple and red and the best linen and goats' hair,

  15. Exo35:23 And everyone who had blue and purple and red and the best linen and goats' hair and sheepskins coloured red and leather, gave them.

  16. Exo35:25 And all the women who were expert with their hands, made cloth, and gave the work of their hands, blue and purple and red and the best linen.

  17. Exo35:35 To them he has given knowledge of all the arts of the handworker, of the designer, and the expert workman; of the maker of needlework in blue and purple and red and the best linen, and of the maker of cloth; in all the arts of the designer and the trained workman they are expert.

  18. Exo36:8 Then all the expert workmen among them made the House with its ten curtains; of the best linen, blue and purple and red, they made them, with winged ones worked by expert designers.

  19. Exo36:35 And he made the veil of the best linen, blue and purple and red, worked with winged ones designed by expert workmen.

  20. Exo36:37 And they made a curtain for the door of the tent, of the best linen with needlework of blue and purple and red;

  21. Exo38:9 To make the open space, he put hangings on the south side, of the best linen, a hundred cubits long:

  22. Exo38:16 All the hangings were of the best linen.

  23. Exo38:18 And the curtain for the doorway of the open space was of the best linen, with designs of blue and purple and red in needlework; it was twenty cubits long and five cubits high, to go with the hangings round the sides.

  24. Exo38:23 And with him was Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; a designer and a trained workman, expert in needlework of blue and purple and red and the best linen.

  25. Exo39:2 The ephod he made of gold and blue and purple and red and the best linen;

  26. Exo39:3 Hammering the gold into thin plates and cutting it into wires to be worked into the blue and the purple and the red and the linen by the designer.

  27. Exo39:5 And the beautifully worked band which went on it was of the same design and the same material, worked in gold and blue and purple and red and twisted linen-work, as the Lord gave orders to Moses.

  28. Exo39:8 The priest's bag was designed like the ephod, of the best linen worked with gold and blue and purple and red.

  29. Exo39:27 The coats for Aaron and his sons they made of the best linen;

  30. Exo39:28 And the twisted head-dress for Aaron, and beautiful head-dresses of linen, and linen trousers,

  31. Exo39:29 And a linen band worked with a design of blue and purple and red, as the Lord had said to Moses.

  32. Est1:6 There were fair hangings of white and green and blue, fixed with cords of purple and the best linen to silver rings and pillars of polished stone: the seats were of gold and silver on a floor of red and white and yellow and black stone.

  33. Pro31:22 She makes for herself cushions of needlework; her clothing is fair linen and purple.

  34. Son5:15 His legs are as pillars of stone on a base of delicate gold; his looks are as Lebanon, beautiful as the cedar-tree.

  35. Eze16:10 And I had you clothed with needlework, and put leather shoes on your feet, folding fair linen about you and covering you with silk.

  36. Eze16:13 So you were made beautiful with gold and silver; and your clothing was of the best linen and silk and needlework; your food was the best meal and honey and oil: and you were very beautiful.

  37. Eze27:7 The best linen with needlework from Egypt was your sail, stretched out to be a flag for you; blue and purple from the sea-lands of Elishah gave you shade.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
