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中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 68     printer-friendly格式
  1. Mat16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, If any man would come after me, let him give up all, and take up his cross, and come after me.

  2. Mak4:23 If any man has ears, let him give ear.

  3. Mak7:16 []

  4. Mak8:23 And he took the blind man by the hand, and went with him out of the town; and when he had put water from his mouth on his eyes, and put his hands on him, he said, Do you see anything?

  5. Mak9:22 And frequently it has sent him into the fire and into the water, for his destruction; but if you are able to do anything, have pity on us, and give us help.

  6. Mak9:35 And seating himself, he made the twelve come to him; and he said to them, If any man has the desire to be first, he will be last of all and servant of all.

  7. Mak11:25 And whenever you make a prayer, let there be forgiveness in your hearts, if you have anything against anyone; so that you may have forgiveness for your sins from your Father who is in heaven.

  8. Luk9:23 And he said to them all, If any man has a desire to come after me, let him give up all, and take up his cross every day, and come after me.

  9. Luk14:26 And turning round, he said to them, If any man comes to me, and has not hate for his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and even for his life, he may not be my disciple.

  10. Luk19:8 And Zacchaeus, waiting before him, said to the Lord, See, Lord, half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from anyone wrongly, I give him back four times as much.

  11. Act24:20 Or let these men here present say what wrongdoing was seen in me when I was before the Sanhedrin,

  12. Act24:21 But only this one thing which I said among them in a loud voice, I am this day being judged on the question of the coming back from the dead.

  13. Act25:6 And when he had been with them not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesarea; and on the day after, he took his place on the judge's seat, and sent for Paul.

  14. Rom8:9 You are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if the Spirit of God is in you. But if any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is not one of his.

  15. Rom11:17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, an olive-tree of the fields, were put in among them, and were given a part with them in the root by which the olive-tree is made fertile,

  16. Rom13:9 And this, Do not be untrue in married life, Do not put to death, Do not take what is another's, Do not have desire for what is another's, and if there is any other order, it is covered by this word, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself.

  17. 1Co1:16 And I gave baptism to the house of Stephanas; but I am not certain that any others had baptism from me.

  18. 1Co3:12 But on the base a man may put gold, silver, stones of great price, wood, dry grass, cut stems;

  19. 1Co3:14 If any man's work comes through the test, he will have a reward.

  20. 1Co3:15 If the fire puts an end to any man's work, it will be his loss: but he will get salvation himself, though as by fire.

  21. 1Co3:17 If anyone makes the house of God unclean, God will put an end to him; for the house of God is holy, and you are his house.

  22. 1Co3:18 Let no man have a false idea. If any man seems to himself to be wise among you, let him become foolish, so that he may be wise.

  23. 1Co7:12 But to the rest I say, and not the Lord; If a brother has a wife who is not a Christian, and it is her desire to go on living with him, let him not go away from her.

  24. 1Co7:36 But if, in any man's opinion, he is not doing what is right for his virgin, if she is past her best years, and there is need for it, let him do what seems right to him; it is no sin; let them be married.

  25. 1Co8:2 If anyone seems to himself to have knowledge, so far he has not the right sort of knowledge about anything;

  26. 1Co8:3 But if anyone has love for God, God has knowledge of him.

  27. 1Co10:27 If a Gentile makes a feast for you, and you are pleased to go as a guest, take whatever is put before you, without question of right or wrong.

  28. 1Co11:16 But if any man will not be ruled in this question, this is not our way of doing things, and it is not done in the churches of God.

  29. 1Co11:34 If any man is in need of food, let him take his meal in his house; so that you may not come together to your damage. And the rest I will put in order when I come.

  30. 1Co14:37 If any man seems to himself to be a prophet or to have the Spirit, let him take note of the things which I am writing to you, as being the word of the Lord.

  31. 1Co14:38 But if any man is without knowledge, let him be so.

  32. 1Co16:22 If any man has not love for the Lord, let him be cursed. Maran atha (our Lord comes).

  33. 2Co2:5 But if anyone has been a cause of sorrow, he has been so, not to me only, but in some measure to all of you (I say this that I may not be over-hard on you).

  34. 2Co2:10 But if you give forgiveness to anyone, I do the same: for if I have given forgiveness for anything, I have done it because of you, in the person of Christ;

  35. 2Co5:17 So if any man is in Christ, he is in a new world: the old things have come to an end; they have truly become new.

  36. 2Co7:14 For I was not put to shame in anything in which I may have made clear to him my pride in you; but as we said nothing to you but what was true, so the good things which I said to Titus about you were seen by him to be true.

  37. 2Co10:7 Give attention to the things which are before you. If any man seems to himself to be Christ's, let him keep in mind that we are as much Christ's as he is.

  38. 2Co11:20 You put up with a man if he makes servants of you, if he makes profit out of you, if he makes you prisoners, if he puts himself in a high place, if he gives you blows on the face.

  39. Gal1:9 As we have said before, so say I now again, If any man is a preacher to you of any good news other than that which has been given to you, let there be a curse on him.

  40. Gal6:3 For if a man has an idea that he is something when he is nothing, he is tricked by himself.

  41. Eph4:29 Let no evil talk come out of your mouth, but only what is good for giving necessary teaching, and for grace to those who give ear.

  42. Phl2:1 If then there is any comfort in Christ, any help given by love, any uniting of hearts in the Spirit, any loving mercies and pity,

  43. Phl3:4 Even though I myself might have faith in the flesh: if any other man has reason to have faith in the flesh, I have more:

  44. Phl3:15 Then let us all, who have come to full growth, be of this mind: and if in anything you are of a different mind, even this will God make clear to you:

  45. Phl4:8 For the rest, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things have honour, whatever things are upright, whatever things are holy, whatever things are beautiful, whatever things are of value, if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, give thought to these things.

  46. 2Ts3:10 For even when we were with you we gave you orders, saying, If any man does no work, let him not have food.

  47. 2Ts3:14 And if any man does not give attention to what we have said in this letter, take note of that man, and keep away from him, so that he may be shamed.

  48. 1Ti1:10 For those who go after loose women, for those with unnatural desires, for those who take men prisoners, who make false statements and false oaths, and those who do any other things against the right teaching,

  49. 1Ti3:1 This is a true saying, A man desiring the position of a Bishop has a desire for a good work.

  50. 1Ti3:5 (For if a man has not the art of ruling his house, how will he take care of the church of God?)

  51. 1Ti5:4 But if any widow has children or children's children, let these see that it is right to take care of their family and their fathers and mothers: for this is pleasing in the eyes of God.

  52. 1Ti5:8 If anyone has no care for his family and those in his house, he is false to the faith, and is worse than one who has no faith.

  53. 1Ti5:16 If any woman of the faith has relations who are widows, let her give them help, so that the care of them does not come on the church, and so it may give help to those who are truly widowed.

  54. 1Ti6:3 If any man gives different teaching, not in agreement with the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the teaching which is in agreement with true religion,

  55. Tit1:6 Men having a good record, husbands of one wife, whose children are of the faith, children of whom it may not be said that they are given to loose living or are uncontrolled.

  56. Jas1:5 But if any man among you is without wisdom, let him make his request to God, who gives freely to all without an unkind word, and it will be given to him.

  57. Jas1:23 Because if any man is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his natural face in a glass;

  58. Jas1:26 If a man seems to have religion and has no control over his tongue but lets himself be tricked by what is false, this man's religion is of no value.

  59. Jas3:2 For we all go wrong in a number of things. If a man never makes a slip in his talk, then he is a complete man and able to keep all his body in control.

  60. 1Pe3:1 Wives, be ruled by your husbands; so that even if some of them give no attention to the word, their hearts may be changed by the behaviour of their wives,

  61. 1Pe4:11 If anyone has anything to say, let it be as the words of God; if anyone has the desire to be the servant of others, let him do it in the strength which is given by God; so that in all things God may have the glory through Jesus Christ, whose are the glory and the power for ever.

  62. 2Jn1:10 If anyone comes to you not having this teaching, do not take him into your house or give him words of love:

  63. Rev11:5 And if any man would do them damage, fire comes out of their mouth and puts an end to those who are working against them: and if any man has a desire to do them damage, in this way will he be put to death.

  64. Rev13:9 If any man has ears, let him give ear.

  65. Rev13:10 If any man sends others into prison, into prison he will go: if any man puts to death with the sword, with the sword will he be put to death. Here is the quiet strength and the faith of the saints.

  66. Rev14:9 And a third angel came after them, saying with a loud voice, If any man gives worship to the beast and his image, and has his mark on his brow or on his hand,

  67. Rev14:11 And the smoke of their pain goes up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day and night, who give worship to the beast and his image, and have on them the mark of his name.

  68. Rev20:15 And if anyone's name was not in the book of life, he went down into the sea of fire.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
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