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中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
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  1. Deu9:4 And after the Lord has sent them in flight from before you, say not in your heart, Because of my righteousness the Lord has given me this land; when it is because of their evil-doing that the Lord is driving these nations out before you.

  2. Deu9:5 Not for your righteousness or because your hearts are upright are you going in to take their land; but because of the evil-doing of these nations the Lord your God is driving them out from before you, and to give effect to his oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

  3. Deu25:2 And if the wrongdoer is to undergo punishment by whipping, the judge will give orders for him to go down on his face and be whipped before him, the number of the blows being in relation to his crime.

  4. Pro11:5 The righteousness of the good man will make his way straight, but the sin of the evil-doer will be the cause of his fall.

  5. Pro13:6 Righteousness keeps safe him whose way is without error, but evil-doers are overturned by sin.

  6. Isa9:18 For evil was burning like a fire; the blackberries and thorns were burned up; the thick woods took fire, rolling up in dark clouds of smoke.

  7. Eze5:6 And she has gone against my orders by doing evil more than the nations, and against my rules more than the countries round her: for they have given up my orders, and as for my rules, they have not gone in the way of them.

  8. Eze18:20 The soul which does sin will be put to death: the son will not be made responsible for the evil-doing of the father, or the father for the evil-doing of the son; the righteousness of the upright will be on himself, and the evil-doing of the evil-doer on himself.

  9. Eze18:27 Again, when the evil-doer, turning away from the evil he has done, does what is ordered and right, he will have life for his soul.

  10. Eze33:12 And you, son of man, say to the children of your people, The righteousness of the upright man will not make him safe in the day when he does wrong; and the evil-doing of the evil man will not be the cause of his fall in the day when he is turned from his evil-doing; and the upright man will not have life because of his righteousness in the day when he does evil.

  11. Eze33:19 And when the evil man, turning away from his evil-doing, does what is ordered and right, he will get life by it.

  12. Zec5:8 And he said, This is Sin; and pushing her down into the ephah, he put the weight of lead on the mouth of it.

  13. Mal1:4 Though Edom says, We are crushed down but we will come back, building up the waste places; this is what the Lord of armies has said: They may put up buildings, but I will have them pulled down; and they will be named The land of evil-doing, and The people against whom the Lord keeps his wrath for ever.

  14. Mal3:15 And now to us the men of pride seem happy; yes, the evil-doers are doing well; they put God to the test and are safe.

  15. Mal4:1 For see, the day is coming, it is burning like an oven; all the men of pride and all who do evil will be dry stems of grass: and in the day which is coming they will be burned up, says the Lord of armies, till they have not a root or a branch.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
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