中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
共 15 节经文
  1. Jos7:7 And Joshua said, O Lord God, why have you taken us over Jordan only to give us up into the hands of the Amorites for our destruction? If only it had been enough for us to keep on the other side of Jordan!

  2. Jug6:22 Then Gideon was certain that he was the angel of the Lord; and Gideon said, I am in fear, O Lord God! for I have seen the angel of the Lord face to face.

  3. Jug11:35 And when he saw her he was overcome with grief, and said, Ah! my daughter! I am crushed with sorrow, and it is you who are the chief cause of my trouble; for I have made an oath to the Lord and I may not take it back.

  4. 2Ki3:10 And the king of Israel said, Here is trouble: for the Lord has got these three kings together to give them into the hands of Moab.

  5. 2Ki6:5 But one of them, while cutting a board, let the head of his axe go into the water; and he gave a cry, and said, This is a bad business, my master, for it is another's.

  6. 2Ki6:15 Now the servant of the man of God, having got up early and gone out, saw an army with horses and carriages of war all round the town. And the servant said to him, O my master, what are we to do?

  7. Jer1:6 Then said I, O Lord God! see, I have no power of words, for I am a child.

  8. Jer4:10 Then said I, Ah, Lord God! your words were not true when you said to this people and to Jerusalem, You will have peace; when the sword has come even to the soul.

  9. Jer14:13 Then I said, Ah, Lord God! see, the prophets say to them, You will not see the sword or be short of food; but I will give you certain peace in this place.

  10. Jer32:17 Ah Lord God! see, you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm, and there is nothing you are not able to do:

  11. Eze4:14 Then I said, Ah, Lord! see, my soul has never been unclean, and I have never taken as my food anything which has come to a natural death or has been broken by beasts, from the time when I was young even till now; no disgusting flesh has ever come into my mouth.

  12. Eze9:8 Now while they were doing so, and I was untouched, I went down on my face, and crying out, I said, Ah, Lord! will you give all the rest of Israel to destruction in letting loose your wrath on Jerusalem?

  13. Eze11:13 Now while I was saying these things, death came to Pelatiah, the son of Benaiah. Then falling down on my face and crying out with a loud voice, I said, Ah, Lord! will you put an end to all the rest of Israel?

  14. Eze20:49 Then I said, Ah, Lord! they say of me, Is he not a maker of stories?

  15. Joe1:15 Sorrow for the day! for the day of the Lord is near, and as destruction from the Ruler of all it will come.

中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
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