
中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 3
  1. Mat25:21 His lord said to him, Well done, good and true servant: you have been true in a small thing, I will give you control over great things: take your part in the joy of your lord.

  2. Mat25:23 His lord said to him, Well done, good and true servant: you have been true in a small thing, I will give you control over great things: take your part in the joy of your lord.

  3. Luk19:17 And he said to him, You have done well, O good servant: because you have done well in a small thing you will have authority over ten towns.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容