
中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 14
  1. Job8:21 The time will come when your mouth will be full of laughing, and cries of joy will come from your lips.

  2. Job12:4 It seems that I am to be as one who is a cause of laughing to his neighbour, one who makes his prayer to God and is answered! the upright man who has done no wrong is to be made sport of!

  3. Psm126:2 Then our mouths were full of laughing, and our tongues gave a glad cry; they said among the nations, The Lord has done great things for them.

  4. Pro10:23 It is sport to the foolish man to do evil, but the man of good sense takes delight in wisdom.

  5. Pro14:13 Even while laughing the heart may be sad; and after joy comes sorrow.

  6. Ecc2:2 Of laughing I said, It is foolish; and of joy--What use is it?

  7. Ecc7:3 Sorrow is better than joy; when the face is sad the mind gets better.

  8. Ecc7:6 Like the cracking of thorns under a pot, so is the laugh of a foolish man; and this again is to no purpose.

  9. Ecc10:19 A feast is for laughing, and wine makes glad the heart; but by the one and the other money is wasted.

  10. Jer20:7 O Lord, you have been false to me, and I was tricked; you are stronger than I, and have overcome me: I have become a thing to be laughed at all the day, everyone makes sport of me.

  11. Jer48:26 Make him full of wine, for his heart has been lifted up against the Lord: and Moab will be rolling in the food he was not able to keep down, and everyone will be making sport of him.

  12. Jer48:27 For did you not make sport of Israel? was he taken among thieves? for whenever you were talking about him, you were shaking your head over him.

  13. Jer48:39 How is it broken down! how is Moab's back turned in shame! so Moab will be a cause of sport and of fear to everyone round about him.

  14. Lam3:14 I have become the sport of all the peoples; I am their song all the day.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容