
中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 16
  1. Num23:9 From the top of the rocks I see him, looking down on him from the hills: it is a people made separate, not to be numbered among the nations.

  2. Num24:17 I see him, but not now: looking on him, but not near: a star will come out of Jacob, and a rod of authority out of Israel, sending destruction to the farthest limits of Moab and on the head of all the sons of Sheth.

  3. Job7:8 The eye of him who sees me will see me no longer: your eyes will be looking for me, but I will be gone.

  4. Job17:15 Where then is my hope? and who will see my desire?

  5. Job20:9 The eye which saw him sees him no longer; and his place has no more knowledge of him.

  6. Job24:15 And the man whose desire is for the wife of another is waiting for the evening, saying, No eye will see me; and he puts a cover on his face. And in the night the thief goes about;

  7. Job33:14 For God gives his word in one way, even in two, and man is not conscious of it:

  8. Job33:27 He makes a song, saying, I did wrong, turning from the straight way, but he did not give me the reward of my sin.

  9. Job34:29 ...

  10. Job35:5 Let your eyes be turned to the heavens, and lifted up to see the skies; they are higher than you.

  11. Job35:13 But God will not give ear to what is false, or the Ruler of all take note of it;

  12. Job35:14 How much less when you say that you do not see him; that the cause is before him, and you are waiting for him.

  13. Son4:8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon; see from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the places of the lions, from the mountains of the leopards.

  14. Jer5:26 For there are sinners among my people: they keep watch, like men watching for birds; they put a net and take men in it.

  15. Hos13:7 So I will be like a lion to them; as a cruel beast I will keep watch by the road;

  16. Hos14:9 As for Ephraim, what has he to do with false gods any longer? I have given an answer and I will keep watch over him; I am like a branching fir-tree, from me comes your fruit.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容