中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
共 9 节经文
  1. 1Co4:21 What is your desire? is my coming to be with punishment, or is it to be in love and a gentle spirit?

  2. 2Co10:1 Now I, Paul, myself make request to you by the quiet and gentle behaviour of Christ, I who am poor in spirit when with you, but who say what is in my mind to you without fear when I am away from you:

  3. Gal5:23 Gentle behaviour, control over desires: against such there is no law.

  4. Gal6:1 Brothers, if a man is taken in any wrongdoing, you who are of the Spirit will put such a one right in a spirit of love; keeping watch on yourself, for fear that you yourself may be tested.

  5. Eph4:2 With all gentle and quiet behaviour, taking whatever comes, putting up with one another in love;

  6. Col3:12 As saints of God, then, holy and dearly loved, let your behaviour be marked by pity and mercy, kind feeling, a low opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, and a power of undergoing all things;

  7. 1Ti6:11 But you, O man of God, keep yourself from these things, and go after righteousness, religion, faith, love, a quiet mind, gentle behaviour.

  8. 2Ti2:25 Gently guiding those who go against the teaching; if by chance God may give them a change of heart and true knowledge,

  9. Tit3:2 To say no evil of any man, not to be fighters, to give way to others, to be gentle in behaviour to all men.

中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
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