中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
共 15 节经文
  1. Gen30:42 But when the flocks were feeble, he did not put the sticks before them; so that the feebler flocks were Laban's and the stronger were Jacob's.

  2. Job23:9 I am looking for him on the left hand, but there is no sign of him; and turning to the right, I am not able to see him.

  3. Psm61:2 From the end of the earth will I send up my cry to you, when my heart is overcome: take me to the rock which is over-high for me.

  4. Psm65:13 The grass-land is thick with flocks; the valleys are full of grain; they give glad cries and songs of joy.

  5. Psm73:6 For this reason pride is round them like a chain; they are clothed with violent behaviour as with a robe.

  6. Psm77:3 I will keep God in memory, with sounds of grief; my thoughts are troubled, and my spirit is overcome. (Selah.)

  7. Psm102:1 <A Prayer of the man who is in trouble, when he is overcome, and puts his grief before the Lord.> Give ear to my prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come to you.

  8. Psm107:5 Their souls became feeble for need of food and drink.

  9. Psm142:3 When my spirit is overcome, your eyes are on my goings; nets have been secretly placed in the way in which I go.

  10. Psm143:4 Because of this my spirit is overcome; and my heart is full of fear.

  11. Isa57:16 For I will not give punishment for ever, or be angry without end: for from me breath goes out; and I it was who made the souls.

  12. Lam2:11 My eyes are wasted with weeping, the inmost parts of my body are deeply moved, my inner parts are drained out on the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people; because of the young children and babies at the breast who are falling without strength in the open squares of the town.

  13. Lam2:12 They say to their mothers, Where is grain and wine? when they are falling like the wounded in the open squares of the town, when their life is drained out on their mother's breast.

  14. Lam2:19 Up! give cries in the night, at the starting of the night-watches; let your heart be flowing out like water before the face of the Lord, lifting up your hands to him for the life of your young children who are falling down, feeble for need of food, at the top of every street.

  15. Jon2:8 When my soul in me was overcome, I kept the memory of the Lord: and my prayer came in to you, into your holy Temple.

中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
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