中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
共 261 节经文
  1. Psm19:9 The fear of the Lord is clean, and has no end; the decisions of the Lord are true and full of righteousness.

  2. Psm25:5 Be my guide and teacher in the true way; for you are the God of my salvation; I am waiting for your word all the day.

  3. Psm26:3 For your mercy is before my eyes; and I have gone in the way of your good faith.

  4. Psm39:5 You have made my days no longer than a hand's measure; and my years are nothing in your eyes; truly, every man is but a breath. (Selah.)

  5. Psm39:6 Truly, every man goes on his way like an image; he is troubled for no purpose: he makes a great store of wealth, and has no knowledge of who will get it.

  6. Psm39:11 By the weight of your wrath against man's sin, the glory of his form is wasted away; truly every man is but a breath. (Selah.)

  7. Psm43:3 O send out your light and your true word; let them be my guide: let them take me to your holy hill, and to your tents.

  8. Psm45:4 And go nobly on in your power, because you are good and true and without pride; and your right hand will be teaching you things of fear.

  9. Psm58:1 <To the chief music-maker; put to Al-tashheth. Michtam. Of David.> Is there righteousness in your mouths, O you gods? are you upright judges, O you sons of men?

  10. Psm60:4 Give a safe place to those who have fear of you, where they may go in flight from before the bow. (Selah.)

  11. Psm62:9 Truly men of low birth are nothing, and men of high position are not what they seem; if they are put in the scales together they are less than a breath.

  12. Psm86:11 Make your way clear to me, O Lord; I will go on my way in your faith: let my heart be glad in the fear of your name.

  13. Psm116:16 O Lord, truly I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of her who is your servant; by you have my cords been broken.

  14. Psm119:43 Take not your true word quite out of my mouth; for I have put my hope in your decisions.

  15. Psm119:142 Your righteousness is an unchanging righteousness, and your law is certain.

  16. Psm119:151 You are near, O Lord; and all your teachings are true.

  17. Psm119:160 Your word is true from the first; and your upright decision is unchanging for ever.

  18. Psm131:2 See, I have made my soul calm and quiet, like a child on its mother's breast; my soul is like a child on its mother's breast.

  19. Pro2:7 He has salvation stored up for the upright, he is a breastplate to those in whom there is no evil;

  20. Pro3:21 My son, keep good sense, and do not let wise purpose go from your eyes.

  21. Pro8:7 For good faith goes out of my mouth, and false lips are disgusting to me.

  22. Pro8:14 Wise design and good sense are mine; reason and strength are mine.

  23. Pro12:17 The breathing out of true words gives knowledge of righteousness; but a false witness gives out deceit.

  24. Pro12:19 True lips are certain for ever, but a false tongue is only for a minute.

  25. Pro14:25 A true witness is the saviour of lives; but he who says false things is a cause of deceit.

  26. Pro18:1 He who keeps himself separate for his private purpose goes against all good sense.

  27. Pro21:28 A false witness will be cut off, ...

  28. Pro22:21 To make you see how certain are true words, so that you may give a true answer to those who put questions to you?

  29. Pro23:23 Get for yourself that which is true, and do not let it go for money; get wisdom and teaching and good sense.

  30. Pro30:1 The words of Agur, the son of Jakeh, from Massa. The man says: I am full of weariness, O God, I am full of weariness; O God, I have come to an end:

  31. Pro31:1 The words of Lemuel, king of Massa: the teaching which he had from his mother.

  32. Ecc4:16 There was no end of all the people, of all those whose head he was, but they who come later will have no delight in him. This again is to no purpose and desire for wind.

  33. Isa42:3 He will not let a crushed stem be quite broken, and he will not let a feebly burning light be put out: he will go on sending out the true word to the peoples.

  34. Isa43:9 Let all the nations come together, and let the peoples be present: who among them is able to make this clear, and give us word of earlier things? let their witnesses come forward, so that they may be seen to be true, and that they may give ear, and say, It is true.

  35. Isa43:10 You are my witnesses, says the Lord, and my servant whom I have taken for myself: so that you may see and have faith in me, and that it may be clear to you that I am he; before me there was no God formed, and there will not be after me.

  36. Isa44:6 The Lord, the King of Israel, even the Lord of armies who has taken up his cause, says, I am the first and the last, and there is no God but me.

  37. Isa44:8 Have no fear, be strong in heart; have I not made it clear to you in the past, and let you see it? and you are my witnesses. Is there any God but me, or a Rock of whom I have no knowledge?

  38. Isa45:14 The Lord says, The workmen of Egypt, and the traders of Ethiopia, and the tall Sabaeans, will come over the sea to you, and they will be yours; they will go after you; in chains they will come over: and they will go down on their faces before you, and will make prayer to you, saying, Truly, God is among you; and there is no other God.

  39. Isa65:17 For see, I am making a new heaven and a new earth: and the past things will be gone completely out of mind.

  40. Jer2:21 But when you were planted by me, you were a noble vine, in every way a true seed: how then have you been changed into the branching plant of a strange vine?

  41. Jer3:20 Truly, as a wife is false to her husband, so have you been false to me, O Israel, says the Lord.

  42. Jer3:23 Truly, the hills, and the noise of an army on the mountains, are a false hope: truly, in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.

  43. Jer4:10 Then said I, Ah, Lord God! your words were not true when you said to this people and to Jerusalem, You will have peace; when the sword has come even to the soul.

  44. Jer9:5 Everyone will make sport of his neighbour with deceit, not saying what is true: their tongues have been trained to say false words; they are twisted, hating to come back.

  45. Jer10:10 But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and an eternal king: when he is angry, the earth is shaking with fear, and the nations give way before his wrath.

  46. Jer10:19 Sorrow is mine for I am wounded! my wound may not be made well; and I said, Cruel is my disease, I may not be free from it.

  47. Jer22:4 For if you truly do this, then there will come in through the doors of this house kings seated on the seat of David, going in carriages and on horseback, he and his servants and his people

  48. Jer28:9 The prophet whose words are of peace, when his words come true, will be seen to be a prophet whom the Lord has sent.

  49. Jer31:19 Truly, after I had been turned, I had regret for my ways; and after I had got knowledge, I made signs of sorrow: I was put to shame, truly, I was covered with shame, because I had to undergo the shame of my early years.

  50. Jer42:5 Then they said to Jeremiah, May the Lord be a true witness against us in good faith, if we do not do everything which the Lord your God sends you to say to us.

  51. Lam2:16 All your haters are opening their mouths wide against you; making hisses and whistling through their teeth, they say, We have made a meal of her: certainly this is the day we have been looking for; it has come, we have seen it.

  52. Lam3:3 Truly against me his hand has been turned again and again all the day.

  53. Eze36:5 For this cause the Lord has said: Truly, in the heat of my bitter feeling I have said things against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who have taken my land as a heritage for themselves with the joy of all their heart, and with bitter envy of soul have made attacks on it:

  54. Dan7:16 I came near to one of those who were waiting there, questioning him about what all this was. And he said to me that he would make clear to me the sense of these things.

  55. Dan7:19 Then it was my desire to have certain knowledge about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, a cause of great fear, whose teeth were of iron and his nails of brass; who took his food, crushing some of it to bits and stamping on the rest with his feet;

  56. Dan8:12 ... against the regular burned offering; and ... crushed down to the earth, and it did its pleasure and things went well for it.

  57. Dan8:26 And the vision of evenings and mornings which has been talked of is true: and keep the vision secret; for it has to do with the far-off future.

  58. Dan9:13 As it was recorded in the law of Moses, all this evil has come on us: but we have made no prayer for grace from the Lord our God that we might be turned from our evil doings and come to true wisdom.

  59. Dan10:1 In the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia, a secret was unfolded to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, even a hard work: and he had knowledge of it, and the vision was clear to him.

  60. Dan11:1 And as for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede I was on his side to make his position safe and make him strong.

  61. Dan11:3 And a strong king will come to power, ruling with great authority and doing whatever is his pleasure.

  62. Amo5:13 So the wise will say nothing in that time; for it is an evil time.

  63. Mal2:6 True teaching was in his mouth, and no evil was seen on his lips: he was walking with me in peace and righteousness, turning numbers of people away from evil-doing.

  64. Mat14:33 And those who were in the boat gave him worship, saying, Truly you are the Son of God.

  65. Mat17:4 And Peter made answer and said to Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if you will let me, I will make here three tents, one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

  66. Mat26:73 And after a little time those who were near came and said to Peter, Truly you are one of them; because your talk is witness against you.

  67. Mat27:54 Now the captain and those who were with him watching Jesus, when they saw the earth-shock and the things which were done, were in great fear and said, Truly this was a son of God.

  68. Mak9:5 And Peter said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tents; one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

  69. Mak11:32 But if we say, From men--they were in fear of the people, because all took John to be truly a prophet.

  70. Mak14:3 And while he was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, seated at table, there came a woman with a bottle of perfumed oil of great price; and when the bottle was broken she put the perfume on his head.

  71. Mak14:70 But again he said it was not so. And after a little time, again those who were near said to Peter, Truly you are one of them; for you are a Galilaean.

  72. Mak15:39 And when the captain, who was near, saw how he gave up his spirit, he said, Truly this man was a son of God.

  73. Luk9:33 And when they were about to go away from him, Peter said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah: having no knowledge of what he was saying.

  74. Luk16:11 If, then, you have not been true in your use of the wealth of this life, who will give into your care the true wealth?

  75. Luk23:47 And when the captain saw what was done, he gave praise to God, saying, Without doubt this was an upright man.

  76. Jhn1:9 The true light, which gives light to every man, was then coming into the world.

  77. Jhn1:14 And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace.

  78. Jhn1:17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and the true way of life are ours through Jesus Christ.

  79. Jhn1:47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and said of him, See, here is a true son of Israel in whom there is nothing false.

  80. Jhn3:21 But he whose life is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his acts have been done by the help of God.

  81. Jhn3:33 He who so takes his witness has made clear his faith that God is true.

  82. Jhn4:18 You have had five husbands, and the man you have now is not your husband: that was truly said.

  83. Jhn4:23 But the time is coming, and is even now here, when the true worshippers will give worship to the Father in the true way of the spirit, for these are the worshippers desired by the Father.

  84. Jhn4:37 In this the saying is a true one, One does the planting, and another gets in the grain.

  85. Jhn4:42 And they said to the woman, Now we have faith, but not because of your story: we ourselves have given ear to his words, and we are certain that he is truly the Saviour of the world.

  86. Jhn5:31 If I gave witness about myself, my witness would not be true.

  87. Jhn5:32 There is another who gives witness about me and I am certain that the witness he gives about me is true.

  88. Jhn5:33 You sent to John and he gave true witness.

  89. Jhn6:14 And when the people saw the sign which he had done, they said, Truly, this is the prophet who is to come into the world.

  90. Jhn6:32 Jesus then said to them, Truly I say to you, What Moses gave you was not the bread from heaven; it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.

  91. Jhn6:55 My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.

  92. Jhn7:18 The man whose words come from himself is looking for glory for himself, but he who is looking for the glory of him who sent him--that man is true and there is no evil in him.

  93. Jhn7:26 And here he is talking openly and they say nothing to him! Is it possible that the rulers have knowledge that this is truly the Christ?

  94. Jhn7:28 Then, when he was teaching in the Temple, Jesus said with a loud voice, You have knowledge of me and you have knowledge of where I come from; and I have not come of myself; but there is One who has sent me; he is true, but you have no knowledge of him.

  95. Jhn7:40 When these words came to their ears, some of the people said, This is certainly the prophet.

  96. Jhn8:12 Then again Jesus said to them, I am the light of the world; he who comes with me will not be walking in the dark but will have the light of life.

  97. Jhn8:13 So the Pharisees said to him, The witness you give is about yourself: your witness is not true.

  98. Jhn8:15 You are judging from what you see; I am judging no man.

  99. Jhn8:16 Even if I am judging, my decision is right, because I am not by myself--with me is the Father who sent me.

  100. Jhn8:25 Then they said to him, Who are you? Jesus said, What I said to you from the first.

  101. Jhn8:30 When he said this a number came to have faith in him.

  102. Jhn8:31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who had faith in him, If you keep my word, then you are truly my disciples;

  103. Jhn8:35 Now the servant does not go on living in the house for ever, but the son does.

  104. Jhn8:39 In answer they said to him, Our father is Abraham. Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham's children you would do what Abraham did.

  105. Jhn8:43 Why are my words not clear to you? It is because your ears are shut to my teaching.

  106. Jhn8:44 You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false.

  107. Jhn8:45 But because I say what is true, you have no belief in me.

  108. Jhn9:29 We are certain that God gave his word to Moses: but as for this man, we have no knowledge where he comes from.

  109. Jhn10:40 And he went again to the other side of the Jordan, to the place where John first gave baptism; and he was there for a time.

  110. Jhn12:2 So they made him a meal there, and he was waited on by Martha, and Lazarus was among those who were seated with him at table.

  111. Jhn14:5 Thomas said, Lord, we have no knowledge of where you are going; how may we have knowledge of the way?

  112. Jhn14:16 And I will make prayer to the Father and he will give you another Helper to be with you for ever,

  113. Jhn14:31 But he comes so that the world may see that I have love for the Father, and that I am doing as I am ordered by the Father. Get up, and let us go.

  114. Jhn15:25 This comes about so that the writing in their law may be made true, Their hate for me was without cause.

  115. Jhn16:6 But your hearts are full of sorrow because I have said these things.

  116. Jhn16:12 I have still much to say to you, but you are not strong enough for it now.

  117. Jhn17:2 Even as you gave him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all those whom you have given to him.

  118. Jhn17:16 They are not of the world any more than I am of the world.

  119. Jhn17:18 Even as you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.

  120. Jhn18:36 Jesus said in answer, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom was of this world, my disciples would have made a good fight to keep me out of the hands of the Jews: but my kingdom is not here.

  121. Jhn18:37 Then Pilate said to him, Are you then a king? Jesus made answer, You say that I am a king. For this purpose was I given birth, and for this purpose I came into the world, that I might give witness to what is true. Every lover of what is true gives ear to my voice.

  122. Jhn19:34 But one of the men made a wound in his side with a spear, and straight away there came out blood and water.

  123. Jhn21:23 So this saying went about among the brothers that this disciple would not undergo death: Jesus, however, did not say that he would not undergo death, but, If it is my desire for him to be here till I come back, what is that to you?

  124. Act10:34 Then Peter said, Truly, I see clearly that God is no respecter of persons:

  125. Act12:9 And he went out after him; and he was not certain if what was done by the angel was a fact, for it seemed to him that he was seeing a vision.

  126. Act12:11 And when Peter came to his senses he said, Now, truly, I am certain that the Lord has sent his angel and taken me out of the hands of Herod, against all the hopes of the Jews.

  127. Act12:15 And they said to her, You are off your head. But still she said, with decision, that it was so. And they said, It is his angel.

  128. Act13:8 But Elymas, the wonder-worker (for that is the sense of his name), put himself against them, with the purpose of turning the ruler from the faith.

  129. Act16:15 And when she and her family had had baptism, she made a request to us, saying, If it seems to you that I am true to the Lord, come into my house and be my guests. And she made us come.

  130. Act26:26 For the king has knowledge of these things, to whom I am talking freely; being certain that all this is common knowledge to him; for it has not been done in secret.

  131. Rom1:5 Through whom grace has been given to us, sending us out to make disciples to the faith among all nations, for his name:

  132. Rom1:18 For there is a revelation of the wrath of God from heaven against all the wrongdoing and evil thoughts of men who keep down what is true by wrongdoing;

  133. Rom1:25 Because by them the true word of God was changed into that which is false, and they gave worship and honour to the thing which is made, and not to him who made it, to whom be blessing for ever. So be it.

  134. Rom2:2 And we are conscious that God is a true judge against those who do such things.

  135. Rom2:8 But to those who, from a love of competition, are not guided by what is true, will come the heat of his wrath,

  136. Rom2:20 A teacher of the foolish, having in the law the form of knowledge and of what is true;

  137. Rom2:28 The true Jew is not one who is only so publicly, and circumcision is not that which may be seen in the flesh:

  138. Rom2:29 But he is a Jew who is a secret one, whose circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter; whose praise is not from men, but from God.

  139. Rom3:4 In no way: but let God be true, though every man is seen to be untrue; as it is said in the Writings, That your words may be seen to be true, and you may be seen to be right when you are judged.

  140. Rom3:7 But if, because I am untrue, God being seen to be true gets more glory, why am I to be judged as a sinner?

  141. Rom7:13 Was then that which is good, death to me? In no way. But the purpose was that sin might be seen to be sin by working death to me through that which is good; so that through the orders of the law sin might seem much more evil.

  142. Rom7:24 How unhappy am I! who will make me free from the body of this death?

  143. Rom9:1 I say what is true in Christ, and not what is false, my mind giving witness with me in the Holy Spirit,

  144. Rom10:2 For I give witness of them that they have a strong desire for God, but not with knowledge.

  145. Rom15:8 Now I say that Christ has been made a servant of the circumcision to give effect to the undertakings given by God to the fathers,

  146. Rom16:26 But is now made clear; and by the writings of the prophets, by the order of the eternal God, the knowledge of it has been given to all the nations, so that they may come under the rule of the faith;

  147. 1Co4:8 For even now you are full, even now you have wealth, you have been made kings without us: truly, I would be glad if you were kings, so that we might be kings with you.

  148. 1Co5:8 Let us then keep the feast, not with old leaven, and not with the leaven of evil thoughts and acts, but with the unleavened bread of true thoughts and right feelings.

  149. 1Co13:6 It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true;

  150. 1Co14:25 The secrets of his heart are made clear; and he will go down on his face and give worship to God, saying that God is truly among you.

  151. 1Co15:15 Yes, and we are seen to be false witnesses of God; because we gave witness of God that by his power Christ came again from the dead: which is not true if there is no coming back from the dead.

  152. 1Co16:13 Be on the watch, unmoved in the faith, and be strong like men.

  153. 2Co4:2 And we have given up the secret things of shame, not walking in false ways, and not making use of the word of God with deceit; but by the revelation of what is true, as before God, we have the approval of every man's sense of right and wrong.

  154. 2Co6:7 In the true word, in the power of God; with the arms of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,

  155. 2Co7:14 For I was not put to shame in anything in which I may have made clear to him my pride in you; but as we said nothing to you but what was true, so the good things which I said to Titus about you were seen by him to be true.

  156. 2Co9:6 But in the Writings it says, He who puts in only a small number of seeds, will get in the same; and he who puts them in from a full hand, will have produce in full measure from them.

  157. 2Co13:8 Because we are able to do nothing against what is true, but only for it.

  158. Gal1:23 Only it came to their ears that he who at one time was cruel to us is now preaching the faith which before had been attacked by him;

  159. Gal2:5 To whom we gave way not even for an hour; so that the true words of the good news might still be with you.

  160. Gal2:14 But when I saw that they were not living uprightly in agreement with the true words of the good news, I said to Cephas before them all, If you, being a Jew, are living like the Gentiles, and not like the Jews, how will you make the Gentiles do the same as the Jews?

  161. Gal3:4 Did you undergo such a number of things to no purpose? if it is in fact to no purpose.

  162. Gal3:23 But before faith came, we were kept in prison under the law, waiting for the revelation of the faith which was to come.

  163. Gal4:16 So then am I no longer your friend, because I give you true words?

  164. Gal5:7 You were going on well; who was the cause of your not giving ear to what is true?

  165. Eph1:13 In whom you, having been given the true word, the good news of your salvation, and through your faith in him, were given the sign of the Holy Spirit of hope,

  166. Eph1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him;

  167. Eph4:13 Till we all come to the harmony of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to full growth, to the full measure of Christ:

  168. Eph4:21 If in fact you gave ear to him, and were given teaching in him, even as what is true is made clear in Jesus:

  169. Eph4:24 And put on the new man, to which God has given life, in righteousness and a true and holy way of living.

  170. Eph6:14 Take your place, then, having your body clothed with the true word, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness;

  171. Phl1:18 What then? only that in every way, falsely or truly, the preaching of Christ goes on; and in this I am glad, and will be glad.

  172. Phl3:3 For we are the circumcision, who give worship to God and have glory in Jesus Christ, and have no faith in the flesh:

  173. Phl4:3 And I make request to you, true helper in my work, to see to the needs of those women who took part with me in the good news, with Clement and the rest of my brother-workers whose names are in the book of life.

  174. Phl4:8 For the rest, my brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things have honour, whatever things are upright, whatever things are holy, whatever things are beautiful, whatever things are of value, if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, give thought to these things.

  175. Col1:5 Through the hope which is in store for you in heaven; knowledge of which was given to you before in the true word of the good news,

  176. Col1:6 Which has come to you; and which in all the world is giving fruit and increase, as it has done in you from the day when it came to your ears and you had true knowledge of the grace of God;

  177. Col2:2 So that their hearts may be comforted, and that being joined together in love, they may come to the full wealth of the certain knowledge of the secret of God, even Christ,

  178. Col3:1 If then you have a new life with Christ, give your attention to the things of heaven, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.

  179. 1Ts1:6 And you took us and the Lord as your example, after the word had come to you in much trouble, with joy in the Holy Spirit;

  180. 1Ts1:9 For they themselves give the news of how we came among you; and how you were turned from images to God, to the worship of a true and living God,

  181. 2Ts2:10 And with every deceit of wrongdoing among those whose fate is destruction; because they were quite without that love of the true faith by which they might have salvation.

  182. 2Ts2:12 So that they all may be judged, who had no faith in what is true, but took pleasure in evil.

  183. 2Ts2:13 But it is right for us to give praise to God at all times for you, brothers, loved by the Lord, because it was the purpose of God from the first that you might have salvation, being made holy by the Spirit and by faith in what is true:

  184. 1Ti1:2 To Timothy, my true child in the faith: Grace, mercy, peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

  185. 1Ti1:19 Keeping faith, and being conscious of well-doing; for some, by not doing these things, have gone wrong in relation to the faith:

  186. 1Ti2:4 Whose desire is that all men may have salvation and come to the knowledge of what is true.

  187. 1Ti2:7 And of this I became a preacher and an Apostle (what I say is true, not false,) and a teacher of the Gentiles in the true faith.

  188. 1Ti3:9 Keeping the secret of the faith in a heart free from sin.

  189. 1Ti3:13 For those who have done good work as Deacons get for themselves a good position and become free from fear in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

  190. 1Ti3:15 But if I am long in coming, this will make clear to you what behaviour is right for men in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and base of what is true.

  191. 1Ti4:1 But the Spirit says clearly that in later times some will be turned away from the faith, giving their minds to spirits of deceit, and the teachings of evil spirits,

  192. 1Ti4:3 Who keep men from being married and from taking food which God made to be taken with praise by those who have faith and true knowledge.

  193. 1Ti4:6 If you keep these things before the minds of the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, trained in the words of the faith and of the right teaching which has been your guide:

  194. 1Ti5:3 Give honour to widows who are truly widows.

  195. 1Ti5:5 Now she who is truly a widow and without family puts her hope in God, giving herself to prayer day and night.

  196. 1Ti5:8 If anyone has no care for his family and those in his house, he is false to the faith, and is worse than one who has no faith.

  197. 1Ti5:16 If any woman of the faith has relations who are widows, let her give them help, so that the care of them does not come on the church, and so it may give help to those who are truly widowed.

  198. 1Ti6:5 Bitter talk of men who, being evil in mind and dead to what is true, take the faith to be a way of making profit.

  199. 1Ti6:10 For the love of money is a root of all evil: and some whose hearts were fixed on it have been turned away from the faith, and been wounded with unnumbered sorrows.

  200. 1Ti6:12 Be fighting the good fight of the faith; take for yourself the life eternal, for which you were marked out, and of which you gave witness in the eyes of all.

  201. 1Ti6:19 Making ready for themselves a safe place for the time to come, so that the true life may be theirs.

  202. 1Ti6:20 O Timothy, take good care of that which is given to you, turning away from the wrong and foolish talk and arguments of that knowledge which is falsely so named;

  203. 1Ti6:21 Through which some, who gave their minds to it, have been turned away from the faith. Grace be with you.

  204. 2Ti2:15 Let it be your care to get the approval of God, as a workman who has no cause for shame, giving the true word in the right way.

  205. 2Ti2:18 Men whose ideas are all false, who say that the coming back from the dead has even now taken place, overturning the faith of some.

  206. 2Ti2:25 Gently guiding those who go against the teaching; if by chance God may give them a change of heart and true knowledge,

  207. 2Ti3:7 Ever learning, and never coming to the knowledge of what is true.

  208. 2Ti3:8 And as James and Jambres went against Moses, so do these go against what is true: men of evil minds, who, tested by faith, are seen to be false.

  209. 2Ti4:4 And shutting their ears to what is true, will be turned away to belief in foolish stories.

  210. Tit1:1 Paul, a servant of God, and an Apostle of Jesus Christ, in agreement with the faith of the saints of God and the full knowledge of what is true in harmony with religion,

  211. Tit1:4 To Titus, my true child in our common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour.

  212. Tit1:9 Keeping to the true word of the teaching, so that he may be able to give comfort by right teaching and overcome the arguments of the doubters.

  213. Tit1:13 This witness is true. So say sharp words to them so that they may come to the right faith,

  214. Tit1:14 Giving no attention to the fictions of the Jews and the rules of men who have no true knowledge.

  215. Heb1:3 Who, being the outshining of his glory, the true image of his substance, supporting all things by the word of his power, having given himself as an offering making clean from sins, took his seat at the right hand of God in heaven;

  216. Heb8:2 As a servant of the holy things and of the true Tent, which was put up by God, not by man.

  217. Heb9:24 For Christ did not go into a holy place which had been made by men's hands as the copy of the true one; but he went into heaven itself, and now takes his place before the face of God for us.

  218. Heb10:1 For the law, being only a poor copy of the future good things, and not the true image of those things, is never able to make the people who come to the altar every year with the same offerings completely clean.

  219. Heb10:26 For if we do evil on purpose after we have had the knowledge of what is true, there is no more offering for sins,

  220. Heb10:31 We may well go in fear of falling into the hands of the living God.

  221. Heb12:2 Having our eyes fixed on Jesus, the guide and end of our faith, who went through the pains of the cross, not caring for the shame, because of the joy which was before him, and who has now taken his place at the right hand of God's seat of power.

  222. Jas1:18 Of his purpose he gave us being, by his true word, so that we might be, in a sense, the first-fruits of all the things which he had made.

  223. Jas3:14 But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true.

  224. Jas5:19 My brothers, if one of you has gone out of the way of the true faith and another has made him see his error,

  225. 1Pe1:22 And as you have made your souls clean, being ruled by what is true, and loving one another without deceit, see that your love is warm and from the heart:

  226. 1Pe5:12 I have sent you this short letter by Silvanus, a true brother, in my opinion; comforting you and witnessing that this is the true grace of God; keep to it.

  227. 2Pe1:12 For this reason I will be ready at all times to keep your memory of these things awake, though you have the knowledge of them now and are well based in your present faith.

  228. 2Pe2:2 And a great number will go with them in their evil ways, through whom the true way will have a bad name.

  229. 2Pe2:22 They are an example of that true saying, The dog has gone back to the food it had put out, and the pig which had been washed to its rolling in the dirty earth.

  230. 1Jn1:6 If we say we are joined to him, and are walking still in the dark, our words are false and our acts are untrue:

  231. 1Jn1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are false to ourselves and there is nothing true in us.

  232. 1Jn2:4 The man who says, I have knowledge of him, and does not keep his laws, is false, and there is nothing true in him:

  233. 1Jn2:8 Again, I give you a new law, which is true in him and in you; for the night is near its end and the true light is even now shining out.

  234. 1Jn2:21 I have not sent you this letter because you have no knowledge of what is true, but because you have knowledge, and because that which is false has nothing in common with that which is true.

  235. 1Jn2:27 As for you, the Spirit which he gave you is still in you, and you have no need of any teacher; but as his Spirit gives you teaching about all things, and is true and not false, so keep your hearts in him, through the teaching which he has given you.

  236. 1Jn3:1 See what great love the Father has given us in naming us the children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not see who we are, because it did not see who he was.

  237. 1Jn3:2 My loved ones, now we are children of God, and at present it is not clear what we are to be. We are certain that at his revelation we will be like him; for we will see him as he is.

  238. 1Jn3:19 In this way we may be certain that we are true, and may give our heart comfort before him,

  239. 1Jn4:6 We are of God: he who has the knowledge of God gives ear to us; he who is not of God does not give ear to us. By this we may see which is the true spirit, and which is the spirit of error.

  240. 1Jn5:7 And the Spirit is the witness, because the Spirit is true.

  241. 1Jn5:20 And we are certain that the Son of God has come, and has given us a clear vision, so that we may see him who is true, and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.

  242. 2Jn1:1 I, a ruler in the church, send word to the noble sister who is of God's selection, and to her children, for whom I have true love; and not only I, but all who have knowledge of what is true;

  243. 2Jn1:2 Because of this true knowledge which is in us, and will be with us for ever:

  244. 2Jn1:3 May grace, mercy, and peace be with us from God the Father, and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in all true love.

  245. 2Jn1:4 It gave me great joy to see some of your children walking in the true way, even as we were ordered to do by the Father.

  246. 3Jn1:3 For it gave me great joy when some of the brothers came and gave witness that you had the true faith and were walking in the true way.

  247. 3Jn1:4 I have no greater joy than to have news that my children are walking in the true way.

  248. 3Jn1:8 So it is right for us to take in such men as guests, so that we may take our part in the work of the true faith.

  249. 3Jn1:12 Demetrius has the approval of all men and of what is true: and we give the same witness, and you are certain that our witness is true.

  250. Jud1:3 My loved ones, while my thoughts were full of a letter which I was going to send you about our common salvation, it was necessary for me to send you one requesting you with all my heart to go on fighting strongly for the faith which has been given to the saints once and for ever.

  251. Jud1:20 But you, my loved ones, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, and making prayers in the Holy Spirit,

  252. Rev1:7 See, he comes with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those by whom he was wounded; and all the tribes of the earth will be sorrowing because of him. Yes, so be it.

  253. Rev3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia say: These things says he who is holy, he who is true, he who has the key of David, opening the door so that it may be shut by no one, and shutting it so that it may be open to no one.

  254. Rev3:14 And to the angel of the church in Laodicea say: These things says the true and certain witness, the head of God's new order:

  255. Rev6:10 And they gave a great cry, saying, How long will it be, O Ruler, holy and true, before you take your place as judge and give punishment for our blood to those on the earth?

  256. Rev14:12 Here is the quiet strength of the saints, who keep the orders of God, and the faith of Jesus.

  257. Rev19:2 For true and upright are his decisions; for by him has the evil woman been judged, who made the earth unclean with the sins of her body; and he has given her punishment for the blood of his servants.

  258. Rev19:9 And he said to me, Put in the book, Happy are the guests at the bride-feast of the Lamb. And he said to me, These are the true words of God.

  259. Rev19:11 And the heaven was open; and I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it was named Certain and True; and he is judging and making war in righteousness.

  260. Rev21:5 And he who is seated on the high seat said, See, I make all things new. And he said, Put it in the book; for these words are certain and true.

  261. Rev22:6 And he said to me, These words are certain and true: and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to make clear to his servants the things which are now to come about.

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