中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
共 64 节经文
  1. Psm7:14 That man is a worker of evil; the seed of wrongdoing has given birth to deceit.

  2. Psm7:16 His wrongdoing will come back to him, and his violent behaviour will come down on his head.

  3. Psm10:7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and false words: under his tongue are evil purposes and dark thoughts.

  4. Psm10:14 You have seen it; for your eyes are on sorrow and grief, to take it into your hand: the poor man puts his faith in you; you have been the helper of the child who has no father.

  5. Psm58:4 Their poison is like the poison of a snake; they are like the adder, whose ears are shut;

  6. Psm64:3 Who make their tongues sharp like a sword, and whose arrows are pointed, even bitter words;

  7. Psm91:3 He will take you out of the bird-net, and keep you safe from wasting disease.

  8. Psm91:6 Or of the disease which takes men in the dark, or of the destruction which makes waste when the sun is high.

  9. Psm140:3 Their tongues are sharp like the tongue of a snake; the poison of snakes is under their lips. (Selah.)

  10. Pro23:31 Keep your eyes from looking on the wine when it is red, when its colour is bright in the cup, when it goes smoothly down:

  11. Isa11:8 And the child at the breast will be playing by the hole of the snake, and the older child will put his hand on the bright eye of the poison-snake.

  12. Isa14:29 Be not glad, O Philistia, all of you, because the rod which was on you is broken: for out of the snake's root will come a poison-snake, and its fruit will be a winged poison-snake.

  13. Isa59:4 No one puts forward an upright cause, or gives a true decision: their hope is in deceit, and their words are false; they are with child with sin, and give birth to evil.

  14. Isa59:5 They give birth to snake's eggs, and make spider's threads: whoever takes their eggs for food comes to his death, and the egg which is crushed becomes a poison-snake.

  15. Jer8:17 See, I will send snakes and poison-snakes among you, against which the wonder-worker has no power; and they will give you wounds which may not be made well, says the Lord.

  16. Jer9:8 His tongue is an arrow causing death; the words of his mouth are deceit: he says words of peace to his neighbour, but in his heart he is waiting secretly for him.

  17. Hab2:15 A curse on him who gives his neighbour the wine of his wrath, making him overcome with strong drink from the cup of his passion, so that you may be a witness of their shame!

  18. Mat3:7 But when he saw a number of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, Offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come?

  19. Mat12:34 You offspring of snakes, how are you, being evil, able to say good things? because out of the heart's store come the words of the mouth.

  20. Mat21:41 They say to him, He will put those cruel men to a cruel death, and will let out the vine-garden to other workmen, who will give him the fruit when it is ready.

  21. Mat23:33 You snakes, offspring of snakes, how will you be kept from the punishment of hell?

  22. Mak16:18 They will take up snakes, and if there is poison in their drink, it will do them no evil; they will put their hands on those who are ill, and they will get well.

  23. Luk3:7 So he said to the people who went out to him for baptism: You offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come?

  24. Act28:4 And when the people saw it hanging on his hand, they said to one another, Without doubt this man has put someone to death, and though he has got safely away from the sea, God will not let him go on living.

  25. Act28:5 But shaking off the beast into the fire, he got no damage.

  26. Act28:6 But they had the idea that they would see him becoming ill, or suddenly falling down dead; but after waiting a long time, and seeing that no damage came to him, changing their opinion, they said he was a god.

  27. Rom1:29 Being full of all wrongdoing, evil, desire for the goods of others, hate, envy, putting to death, fighting, deceit, cruel ways, evil talk, and false statements about others;

  28. Rom3:13 Their throat is like an open place of death; with their tongues they have said what is not true: the poison of snakes is under their lips:

  29. Rom3:14 Whose mouth is full of curses and bitter words:

  30. 1Co5:8 Let us then keep the feast, not with old leaven, and not with the leaven of evil thoughts and acts, but with the unleavened bread of true thoughts and right feelings.

  31. 1Co15:55 O death, where is your power? O death, where are your pains?

  32. 1Co15:56 The pain of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law:

  33. Eph4:31 Let all bitter, sharp and angry feeling, and noise, and evil words, be put away from you, with all unkind acts;

  34. Col3:8 But now it is right for you to put away all these things; wrath, passion, bad feeling, curses, unclean talk;

  35. 2Ti2:17 And their words will be like poisoned wounds in the flesh: such are Hymenaeus and Philetus;

  36. Tit3:3 For in the past we were foolish, hard in heart, turned from the true way, servants of evil desires and pleasures, living in bad feeling and envy, hated and hating one another.

  37. Heb12:15 Looking with care to see that no man among you in his behaviour comes short of the grace of God; for fear that some bitter root may come up to be a trouble to you, and that some of you may be made unclean by it;

  38. Jas3:8 But the tongue may not be controlled by man; it is an unresting evil, it is full of the poison of death.

  39. Jas3:14 But if you have bitter envy in your heart and the desire to get the better of others, have no pride in this, talking falsely against what is true.

  40. 1Pe2:1 So putting away all wrongdoing, and all tricks and deceits and envies and evil talk,

  41. 1Pe2:16 As those who are free, not using your free position as a cover for wrongdoing, but living as the servants of God;

  42. Rev9:10 And they have pointed tails like scorpions; and in their tails is their power to give men wounds for five months.

  43. Rev16:2 And the first went, and let what was in his vessel come down on the earth; and it became an evil poisoning wound on the men who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship to his image.

  44. 1Co8:12 And in this way, doing evil to the brothers, and causing trouble to those whose faith is feeble, you are sinning against Christ.

  45. 1Co9:22 To the feeble, I was as one who is feeble, so that they might have salvation: I have been all things to all men, so that some at least might have salvation.

  46. 1Co11:30 For this cause a number of you are feeble and ill, and a number are dead.

  47. 1Co12:22 No, those parts which seem to be feeble are the more necessary;

  48. 1Co15:43 It is planted in shame; it comes again in glory: feeble when it is planted, it comes again in power:

  49. 2Co11:21 I say this by way of shaming ourselves, as if we had been feeble. But if anyone puts himself forward (I am talking like a foolish person), I will do the same.

  50. 2Co11:29 Who is feeble and I am not feeble? who is in danger of falling, and I am not angry?

  51. 2Co11:30 If I have to take credit to myself, I will do so in the things in which I am feeble.

  52. 2Co12:5 On account of such a one I will have glory: for myself I will take no glory, but only in my feeble body.

  53. 2Co12:9 And he said to me, My grace is enough for you, for my power is made complete in what is feeble. Most gladly, then, will I take pride in my feeble body, so that the power of Christ may be on me.

  54. 2Co12:10 So I take pleasure in being feeble, in unkind words, in needs, in cruel attacks, in troubles, on account of Christ: for when I am feeble, then am I strong.

  55. 2Co13:3 Seeing that you are looking for a sign of Christ giving out his word in me; who is not feeble in relation to you, but is strong in you:

  56. 2Co13:4 For he was feeble in that he was put to death on the cross, but he is living by the power of God. And we are feeble in him, but we will be living with him through the power of God in relation to you.

  57. 2Co13:9 For we are glad when we are feeble and you are strong: and this is our prayer, even that you may be made complete.

  58. 1Ts5:14 And our desire is that you will keep control over those whose lives are not well ordered, giving comfort to the feeble-hearted, supporting those with little strength, and putting up with much from all.

  59. Heb4:15 For we have not a high priest who is not able to be touched by the feelings of our feeble flesh; but we have one who has been tested in all points as we ourselves are tested, but without sin.

  60. Heb5:2 He is able to have feeling for those who have no knowledge and for those who are wandering from the true way, because he himself is feeble;

  61. Heb7:18 So the law which went before is put on one side, because it was feeble and without profit.

  62. Heb7:28 The law makes high priests of men who are feeble; but the word of the oath, which was made after the law, gives that position to a Son, in whom all good is for ever complete.

  63. Heb11:34 Put out the power of fire, got safely away from the edge of the sword, were made strong when they had been feeble, became full of power in war, and put to flight the armies of the nations.

  64. 1Pe3:7 And you husbands, give thought to your way of life with your wives, giving honour to the woman who is the feebler vessel, but who has an equal part in the heritage of the grace of life; so that you may not be kept from prayer.

中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
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