中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 61     預設格式
  1. Gen49:1 And Jacob sent for his sons, and said, Come together, all of you, so that I may give you news of your fate in future times.

  2. Num23:10 Who is able to take the measure of the dust of Jacob or the number of the thousands of Israel? May my death be the death of the upright and my last end like his!

  3. Num23:11 Then Balak said to Balaam, What have you done to me? I sent for you so that my haters might be cursed, and see, you have given them a blessing.

  4. Num24:14 So now I will go back to my people: but first let me make clear to you what this people will do to your people in days to come.

  5. Num24:20 Then, turning his eyes to Amalek, he went on with his story and said, Amalek was the first of the nations, but his part will be destruction for ever.

  6. Deu4:30 When you are in trouble and all these things have come on you, if, in the future, you are turned again to the Lord your God, and give ear to his voice:

  7. Deu8:16 Who gave you manna for your food in the waste land, a food which your fathers had never seen; so that your pride might be broken and your hearts tested for your good in the end;

  8. Deu11:12 A land cared for by the Lord your God: the eyes of the Lord your God are on it at all times from one end of the year to the other.

  9. Deu31:29 For I am certain that after my death you will give yourselves up to sin, wandering from the way which I have given you; and evil will overtake you in the end, because you will do evil in the eyes of the Lord, moving him to wrath by the work of your hands.

  10. Deu32:20 And he said, My face will be veiled from them, I will see what their end will be: for they are an uncontrolled generation, children in whom is no faith.

  11. Deu32:29 If only they were wise, if only this was clear to them, and they would give thought to their future!

  12. Job8:7 And though your start was small, your end will be very great.

  13. Job42:12 And the Lord's blessing was greater on the end of Job's life than on its start: and so he came to have fourteen thousand sheep and goats, and six thousand camels, and two thousand oxen, and a thousand she-asses.

  14. Psm37:37 Give attention to the good man, and take note of the upright; because the end of that man is peace.

  15. Psm37:38 But as for the sinners, they will be cut off together; the end of the wrongdoers is destruction.

  16. Psm73:17 Till I went into God's holy place, and saw the end of the evil-doers.

  17. Psm109:13 Let his seed be cut off; in the coming generation let their name go out of memory.

  18. Psm139:9 If I take the wings of the morning, and go to the farthest parts of the sea;

  19. Pro5:4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, and sharp as a two-edged sword;

  20. Pro5:11 And you will be full of grief at the end of your life, when your flesh and your body are wasted;

  21. Pro14:12 There is a way which seems straight before a man, but its end is the ways of death.

  22. Pro14:13 Even while laughing the heart may be sad; and after joy comes sorrow.

  23. Pro16:25 There is a way which seems straight before a man, but its end is the ways of death.

  24. Pro19:20 Let your ear be open to suggestion and take teaching, so that at the end you may be wise.

  25. Pro20:21 A heritage may be got quickly at first, but the end of it will not be a blessing.

  26. Pro23:18 For without doubt there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

  27. Pro23:31 Keep your eyes from looking on the wine when it is red, when its colour is bright in the cup, when it goes smoothly down:

  28. Pro24:14 So let your desire be for wisdom: if you have it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

  29. Pro24:20 For there will be no future for the evil man; the light of sinners will be put out.

  30. Pro25:8 Do not be quick to go to law about what you have seen, for what will you do in the end, when your neighbour has put you to shame?

  31. Pro29:21 If a servant is gently cared for from his early years, he will become a cause of sorrow in the end.

  32. Ecc7:8 The end of a thing is better than its start, and a gentle spirit is better than pride.

  33. Ecc10:13 The first words of his mouth are foolish, and the end of his talk is evil crime.

  34. Isa2:2 And it will come about in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord will be placed on the top of the mountains, and be lifted up over the hills; and all nations will come to it.

  35. Isa41:22 Let the future be made clear to us: give us news of the past things, so that we may give thought to them; or of the things to come, so that we may see if they are true.

  36. Isa46:10 Making clear from the first what is to come, and from past times the things which have not so far come about; saying, My purpose is fixed, and I will do all my pleasure;

  37. Isa47:7 And you said, I will be a queen for ever: you did not give attention to these things, and did not keep in mind what would come after.

  38. Jer5:31 The prophets give false words and the priests give decisions by their direction; and my people are glad to have it so: and what will you do in the end?

  39. Jer12:4 How long will the land have grief, and the plants of all the land be dry? because of the sins of the people living in it, destruction has overtaken the beasts and the birds; because they said, God does not see our ways.

  40. Jer17:11 Like the partridge, getting eggs together but not producing young, is a man who gets wealth but not by right; before half his days are ended, it will go from him, and at his end he will be foolish.

  41. Jer23:20 The wrath of the Lord will not be turned back till he has done, till he has put into effect, the purposes of his heart: in days to come you will have full knowledge of this.

  42. Jer29:11 For I am conscious of my thoughts about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you hope at the end.

  43. Jer30:24 The wrath of the Lord will not be turned back till he has done, till he has put into effect, the purposes of his heart: in days to come you will have full knowledge of this.

  44. Jer31:17 And there is hope for the future, says the Lord; and your children will come back to the land which is theirs.

  45. Jer48:47 But still, I will let the fate of Moab be changed in the last days, says the Lord.

  46. Jer49:39 But it will come about that, in the last days, I will let the fate of Elam be changed, says the Lord.

  47. Jer50:12 Your mother will be put to shame; she who gave you birth will be looked down on: see, she will be the last of the nations, a waste place, a dry and unwatered land.

  48. Lam1:9 In her skirts were her unclean ways; she gave no thought to her end; and her fall has been a wonder; she has no comforter: see her sorrow, O Lord; for the attacker is lifted up.

  49. Eze23:25 And my bitter feeling will be working against you, and they will take you in hand with passion; they will take away your nose and your ears, and the rest of you will be put to the sword: they will take your sons and daughters, and the rest of you will be burned up in the fire.

  50. Eze38:8 After a long time you will get your orders: in the last years you will come into the land which has been given back from the sword, which has been got together out of a great number of peoples, on the mountains of Israel which have ever been a waste: but it has been taken out from the peoples and they will be living, all of them, without fear of danger.

  51. Eze38:16 And you will come up against my people Israel, like a cloud covering the land; and it will come about, in the last days, that I will make you come against my land, so that the nations may have knowledge of me when I make myself holy in you, O Gog, before their eyes.

  52. Dan8:19 And he said, See, I will make clear to you what is to come in the later time of the wrath: for it has to do with the fixed time of the end.

  53. Dan8:23 And in the later years of their kingdom, when their evil doings have become complete, there will come up a king full of pride and expert in dark sayings.

  54. Dan10:14 Now I have come to give you knowledge of the fate of your people in the later days; for there is still a vision for the days.

  55. Dan11:5 And the king of the south will be strong, but one of his captains will be stronger than he and will be ruler; and his rule will be a great rule.

  56. Dan12:9 And he said, Go on your way, Daniel: for the words are secret and shut up till the time of the end;

  57. Hos3:5 And after that, the children of Israel will come back and go in search of the Lord their God and David their king; and they will come in fear to the Lord and to his mercies in the days to come.

  58. Amo4:2 The Lord God has taken an oath by his holy name, that the days are coming when they will take you away with hooks, and the rest of you with fish-hooks.

  59. Amo8:10 Your feasts will be turned into sorrow and all your melody into songs of grief; everyone will be clothed with haircloth, and the hair of every head will be cut; I will make the weeping like that for an only son, and the end of it like a bitter day.

  60. Amo9:1 I saw the Lord stationed by the side of the altar, giving blows to the tops of the pillars so that the doorsteps were shaking: and he said, I will let all of them be broken with earth-shocks; I will put the last of them to the sword: if any one of them goes in flight he will not get away, not one of them will be safe.

  61. Mic4:1 But in the last days it will come about that the mountain of the Lord's house will be placed on the top of the mountains, and be lifted up over the hills; and peoples will be flowing to it.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
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