中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 12     預設格式
  1. Psm44:5 Through you will we overcome our haters; by your name will they be crushed under our feet who are violent against us.

  2. Psm60:12 Through God we will do great things, for through him our haters will be crushed under our feet.

  3. Psm108:13 With God we will do great things; for by him will our haters be crushed underfoot.

  4. Pro27:7 The full man has no use for honey, but to the man in need of food every bitter thing is sweet.

  5. Isa14:19 But you, like a birth before its time, are stretched out with no resting-place in the earth; clothed with the bodies of the dead who have been put to the sword, who go down to the lowest parts of the underworld; a dead body, crushed under foot.

  6. Isa14:25 To let the Assyrian be broken in my land, and crushed under foot on my mountains: there will his yoke be taken away from them, and his rule over them come to an end.

  7. Isa63:6 And in my passion the peoples were crushed under my feet, and broken in my wrath, and I put down their strength to the earth.

  8. Isa63:18 Why have evil men gone over your holy place, so that it has been crushed under the feet of our haters?

  9. Jer12:10 The keepers of sheep have been the destruction of my vine-garden, crushing my heritage under their feet; they have made my fair heritage an unplanted waste;

  10. Eze16:6 And when I went past you and saw you stretched out in your blood, I said to you, Though you are stretched out in your blood, have life;

  11. Eze16:22 And in all your disgusting and false behaviour you had no memory of your early days, when you were uncovered and without clothing, stretched out in your blood.

  12. Zec10:5 Together they will be like men of war, crushing down their haters into the earth of the streets in the fight; they will make war because the Lord is with them: and the horsemen will be shamed.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
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