中文和合本聖經 Basic English Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 9     預設格式
  1. 1Sm21:3 Now therefore what is under thine hand? give me five loaves of bread in mine hand, or what there is present.

  2. Mat14:17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.

  3. Mat14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.

  4. Mat16:9 Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?

  5. Mark6:38 He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? go and see. And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.

  6. Mark6:41 And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.

  7. Mark8:19 When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.

  8. Luke9:13 But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.

  9. Luke9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them, and brake, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

中文和合本聖經 Basic English Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
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