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中文和合本聖經 King James Version Basic English Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 有聲聖經

民數記 第三十五章

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
total: 34 利未記 申命記

  1. [big5] 耶和華在摩押平原─約但河邊、耶利哥對面曉諭摩西說:
    [bbe] And the Lord said to Moses in the lowlands of Moab by Jordan at Jericho,

  2. [big5] 你吩咐以色列人,要從所得為業的地中把些城給利未人居住,也要把這城四圍的郊野給利未人。
    [bbe] Give orders to the children of Israel to give to the Levites, from the heritage which is theirs, towns for themselves, with land on the outskirts of the towns.

  3. [big5] 這城邑要歸他們居住,城邑的郊野可以牧養他們的牛羊和各樣的牲畜,又可以安置他們的財物。
    [bbe] These towns are to be their living-places, with land round them for their cattle and their food and all their beasts,

  4. [big5] 你們給利未人的郊野,要從城根起,四圍往外量一千肘。
    [bbe] Stretching from the wall of the towns a distance of a thousand cubits all round.

  5. [big5] 另外東量二千肘,南量二千肘,西量二千肘,北量二千肘,為邊界,城在當中;這要歸他們作城邑的郊野。
    [bbe] The measure of this space of land is to be two thousand cubits outside the town on the east, and two thousand cubits on the south and on the west and on the north, the town being in the middle. This space will be the outskirts of their towns.

  6. [big5] 你們給利未人的城邑,其中當有六座逃城,使誤殺人的可以逃到那裡。此外還要給他們四十二座城。
    [bbe] And the towns which you give the Levites are to be the six safe places to which the taker of life may go in flight; and in addition you are to give them forty-two towns.

  7. [big5] 你們要給利未人的城,共有四十八座,連城帶郊野都要給他們。
    [bbe] Forty-eight towns are to be given to the Levites, all with land round them.

  8. [big5] 以色列人所得的地業從中要把些城邑給利未人;人多的就多給,人少的就少給;各支派要按所承受為業之地把城邑給利未人。
    [bbe] And these towns are to be given out of the heritage of the children of Israel, taking the greater number from those who have much, and a smaller number from those who have little: everyone, in the measure of his heritage, is to give of his property to the Levites.

  9. [big5] 耶和華曉諭摩西說:
    [bbe] And the Lord said to Moses,

  10. [big5] 你吩咐以色列人說:你們過約但河,進了迦南地,
    [bbe] Say to the children of Israel, when you have gone over Jordan into the land of Canaan;

  11. [big5] 就要分出幾座城,為你們作逃城,使誤殺人的可以逃到那裡。
    [bbe] Then let certain towns be marked out as safe places to which anyone who takes the life of another in error may go in flight.

  12. [big5] 這些城可以作逃避報仇人的城,使誤殺人的不至於死,等他站在會眾面前聽審判。
    [bbe] In these towns you may be safe from him who has the right of punishment; so that death may not overtake the taker of life till he has been judged by the meeting of the people.

  13. [big5] 你們所分出來的城,要作六座逃城。
    [bbe] Six of the towns which you give will be such safe places;

  14. [big5] 在約但河東要分出三座城,在迦南地也要分出三座城,都作逃城。
    [bbe] Three on the other side of Jordan and three in the land of Canaan, to be safe places for flight.

  15. [big5] 這六座城要給以色列人和他們中間的外人,並寄居的,作為逃城,使誤殺人的都可以逃到那裡。
    [bbe] For the children of Israel and for the man from another country who is living among them, these six towns are to be safe places, where anyone causing the death of another through error may go in flight.

  16. [big5] 倘若人用鐵器打人,以致打死,他就是故殺人的;故殺人的必被治死。
    [bbe] But if a man gives another man a blow with an iron instrument, causing his death, he is a taker of life and is certainly to be put to death.

  17. [big5] 若用可以打死人的石頭打死了人,他就是故殺人的;故殺人的必被治死。
    [bbe] Or if he gives him a blow with a stone in his hand, causing his death, he is a taker of life and is certainly to be put to death.

  18. [big5] 若用可以打死人的木器打死了人,他就是故殺人的;故殺人的必被治死。
    [bbe] Or if he gave him blows with a wood instrument in his hands, causing his death, he is a taker of life and is certainly to be put to death.

  19. [big5] 報血仇的必親自殺那故殺人的,一遇見就殺他。
    [bbe] He whose right it is to give punishment for blood, may himself put to death the taker of life when he comes face to face with him.

  20. [big5] 人若因怨恨把人推倒,或是埋伏往人身上扔物,以致於死,
    [bbe] If in his hate he put a sword through him, or waiting secretly for him sent a spear or stone at him, causing his death;

  21. [big5] 或是因仇恨用手打人,以致於死,那打人的必被治死。他是故殺人的;報血仇的一遇見就殺他。
    [bbe] Or in hate gave him blows with his hand, causing death; he who gave the death-blow is to be put to death; he is a taker of life: he whose right it is to give punishment for blood may put to death the taker of life when he comes face to face with him.

  22. [big5] 倘若人沒有仇恨,忽然將人推倒,或是沒有埋伏把物扔在人身上,
    [bbe] But if a man has given a wound to another suddenly and not in hate, or without design has sent something against him,

  23. [big5] 或是沒有看見的時候用可以打死人的石頭扔在人身上,以致於死,本來與他無仇,也無意害他。
    [bbe] Or has given him a blow with a stone, without seeing him, so causing his death, though he had nothing against him and no desire to do him evil:

  24. [big5] 會眾就要照典章,在打死人的和報血仇的中間審判。
    [bbe] Then let the meeting of the people be judge between the man responsible for the death and him who has the right of punishment for blood, acting by these rules:

  25. [big5] 會眾要救這誤殺人的脫離報血仇人的手,也要使他歸入逃城。他要住在其中,直等到受聖膏的大祭司死了。
    [bbe] And let the people keep the man responsible for the death safe from the hands of him who has the right of punishment for blood, and send him back to his safe town where he had gone in flight: there let him be till the death of the high priest who was marked with the holy oil.

  26. [big5] 但誤殺人的,無論什麼時候,若出了逃城的境外,
    [bbe] But if ever he goes outside the walls of the safe town where he had gone in flight,

  27. [big5] 報血仇的在逃城境外遇見他,將他殺了,報血仇的就沒有流血之罪。
    [bbe] And the giver of punishment, meeting him outside the walls of the town, puts him to death, he will not be responsible for his blood:

  28. [big5] 因為誤殺人的該住在逃城裡,等到大祭司死了。大祭司死了以後,誤殺人的才可以回到他所得為業之地。
    [bbe] Because he had been ordered to keep inside the safe town till the death of the high priest: but after the death of the high priest the taker of life may come back to the place of his heritage.

  29. [big5] 這在你們一切的住處,要作你們世世代代的律例典章。
    [bbe] These rules are to be your guide in judging through all your generations wherever you may be living.

  30. [big5] 無論誰故殺人,要憑幾個見證人的口把那故殺人的殺了,只是不可憑一個見證的口叫人死。
    [bbe] Anyone causing the death of another is himself to be put to death on the word of witnesses: but the word of one witness is not enough.

  31. [big5] 故殺人、犯死罪的,你們不可收贖價代替他的命;他必被治死。
    [bbe] Further, no price may be given for the life of one who has taken life and whose right reward is death: he is certainly to be put to death.

  32. [big5] 那逃到逃城的人,你們不可為他收贖價,使他在大祭司未死以先再來住在本地。
    [bbe] And no price may be offered for one who has gone in flight to a safe town, for the purpose of letting him come back to his place before the death of the high priest.

  33. [big5] 這樣,你們就不污穢所住之地,因為血是污穢地的;若有在地上流人血的,非流那殺人者的血,那地就不得潔淨(潔淨原文作贖)。
    [bbe] So do not make the land where you are living unholy: for blood makes the land unholy: and there is no way of making the land free from the blood which has come on it, but only by the death of him who was the cause of it.

  34. [big5] 你們不可玷污所住之地,就是我住在其中之地,因為我─耶和華住在以色列人中間。
    [bbe] Do not make unclean the land where you are living and in which is my House: for I the Lord am present among the children of Israel.

利未記 民數記 第三十四章 民數記 第三十六章 申命記
中文和合本聖經 King James Version Basic English Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經
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