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08675 Kethiv看法   
  在希伯來聖經裡, 文士並未修改任何他們覺得是先前抄錯了的經文. 而是   
將認為應為原經文的內容註記在邊上. 該抄寫下來的差異叫做kethiv; 在邊   
上的註記叫qere.欽訂本直接採用qere而不用kethiv, 我們用08675來標明   
  例如, 在#創 24:33|  "被放置" 被編碼為07760 08675 03455. 譯者用qere 是SN   
07760, 但用kethiv ;則是SN03455. 二字都是同樣的意義, "被放置".

08675 Kethiv Readings In the Hebrew Bible, the scribes did not alter any text they felt had been copied incorrectly. Rather they noted in the margin what they thought the written text should be. The written variation is called a kethiv and the marginal note is called the qere. Where the translators of the Authorised Version followed the qere reading rather than the kethiv, we indicate the kethiv reading by the number 08675. For example, in Gen. 24:33 "was set" is coded as 07760 08675 03455. The translators used the qere reading that has Strong's number 07760 but the kethiv reading is Strong's number 03455. Both words have the same meaning, "was set".



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