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0408 'al {al}   
否定語助詞 [近似 03808]; TWOT - 90; 否定副詞   
AV - never 2, nay 1, neither 1, no 1, none 1, nor 1, not 1, nothing 1,   
     rather than 1, whither 1, nothing worth 1; 12   
1) 不, 無, 也不, 或是, 無物 (表示願望或偏好)   
   1a) 不, 不容 (與動詞合用)   
   1b) 不要.... (與動詞合用, 動詞可省略)   
   1c) 不, 無 (與實名詞合用)   
   1d) 無物 (用作實名詞)

0408 'al {al} a negative particle [akin to 03808]; TWOT - 90; neg adv AV - never 2, nay 1, neither 1, no 1, none 1, nor 1, not 1, nothing 1, rather than 1, whither 1, nothing worth 1; 12 1) not, no, nor, neither, nothing (as wish or preference) 1a) do not, let not (with a verb) 1b) let there not be (with a verb understood) 1c) not, no (with substantive) 1d) nothing (as substantive)



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576