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相關經文 回前一頁
08659 Tarshiysh {tar-sheesh'}   
可能與 08658 相同 (出產寶石之地, 或不幸之地); TWOT - 2547   
欽定本 - Tarshish 24, Tharshish 4; 28   
他施 = 「黃色的碧玉」   
1) 雅完的兒子 (# 創 10:4|)   
2) 便雅憫的後裔, 比勒罕的兒子 (# 代 7:10|)   
3) 波斯王亞哈隨魯王身邊的明哲人 (# 斯 1:14|)   
專有名詞, 地名   
4) 腓尼基城, 位於地中海邊緣,   
   1a) 位置不詳, 不過可能在塞普勒斯或西班牙   
5) 紅海附近的城市, 可直達紅海, 在紅海 Elanitic 灣的以旬•迦別   

08659 Tarshiysh {tar-sheesh'} probably the same as 08658 (as the region of the stone, or the reverse); TWOT - 2547 AV - Tarshish 24, Tharshish 4; 28 Tarshish or Tharshish = "yellow jasper" n pr m 1) son of Javan 2) a Benjamite, son of Bilhan 3) one of the wise men close to king Ahasuerus of Persia n pr loc 4) a city of the Phoenicians in a distant part of the Mediterranean Sea to which the prophet Jonah was trying to flee 1a) site unknown but perhaps in Cyprus or Spain 5) a city somewhere near and accessible to the Red Sea to which ships constructed at Ezion-geber on the Elanitic Gulf on the Red Sea were to sail



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