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08512 Tel 'Abiyb {tale aw-beeb'}   
源自 08510 與 024; 專有名詞 地名   
欽定本 - Telabib 1; 1   
提勒亞畢 = 「防洪堤」   
1) 巴比倫的城市, 先知以西結的家鄉, 座落於迦巴魯河畔,   
   該河可能是伯拉河 (今幼發拉底河) 的支流

08512 Tel 'Abiyb {tale aw-beeb'} from 08510 and 024;; n pr loc AV - Telabib 1; 1 Tel-abib = "mound of the flood" 1) a city in Babylon, the home of the prophet Ezekiel, located on the river Chebar which was probably a branch of the Euphrates

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