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08439 Towla` {to-law'}   
與 08438 同 ;; 陽性專有名詞   
AV - Tola 6; 6   
陀拉 = "蟲"   
1) 以薩迦的長子, 陀拉族的始祖   
2) 以薩迦族人, 普瓦的兒子, 是繼亞比米勒以後的以色列士師{#士 10:1 |}

08439 Towla` {to-law'} the same as 08438;; n pr m AV - Tola 6; 6 Tola = "worm" 1) the 1st born of Issachar and progenitor of the family of Tolaites 2) a man of Issachar, son of Puah and judge of Israel after Abimelech

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