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08414 tohuw {to'-hoo}   
字根已不使用(意為廢棄); TWOT - 2494a;  陽性名詞   
AV - vain 4, vanity 4, confusion 3, without form 2, wilderness 2,   
     nought 2, nothing 1, empty place 1, waste 1; 20   
1) 沒有形狀, 混亂, 非真實, 虛無   
   1a) 無形質 (原始的地)   
       1a1) 空無一物, 虛空之處   
   1b) 虛空不真實的事物 (偶像的) (象徵)   
   1c) 荒地, 曠野 (人煙罕至之處)   
   1d) 混亂之處   
   1e) 空虛   
見時溝論, \\標題 8756\\

08414 tohuw {to'-hoo} from an unused root meaning to lie waste; TWOT - 2494a; n m AV - vain 4, vanity 4, confusion 3, without form 2, wilderness 2, nought 2, nothing 1, empty place 1, waste 1; 20 1) formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness 1a) formlessness (of primeval earth) 1a1) nothingness, empty space 1b) that which is empty or unreal (of idols) (fig) 1c) wasteland, wilderness (of solitary places) 1d) place of chaos 1e) vanity For a discussion of the Gap Theory, \\see topic 8756\\.



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