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08095 Shim`own {shim-one'}   
源自 08085;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Simeon 43, Shimeon 1; 44   
西緬 = "聽見"   
1) 雅各和妻子利亞所生的第二個兒子,  西緬支派的祖先   
2) 一位在以斯拉時代娶外邦女子為妻的以色列人, 是哈琳的子孫(#拉 10:31|)

08095 Shim`own {shim-one'} from 08085;; n pr m AV - Simeon 43, Shimeon 1; 44 Simeon or Shimeon = "heard" 1) the 2nd son of Jacob by his wife Leah and progenitor of the tribe of Simeon 2) an Israelite of the sons of Bani who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra

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