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07931 shakan {shaw-kan'}   
字根型 [在居住的含意方面, 明顯與 07901(轉移而來)為同語根];    
   TWOT - 2387; 動詞   
AV - dwell 92, abide 8, place 7, remain 5, inhabit 4, rest 3, set 2,   
     continue 1, dwellers 1, dwelling 1, misc 5; 129   
1) 定居, 居留, 住, 會幕, 駐紮   
   1a) (Qal)   
       1a1) 定居, 居住   
       1a2) 居住, 住, 駐紮   
   1b) (Piel)   
       1b1) 使定居, 建立   
       1b2) 使居住   
   1c) (Hiphil)   
       1c1) 躺下, 安置, 置放, 建立, 定居, 固定   
       1c2) 使住下或居留

07931 shakan {shaw-kan'} a primitive root [apparently akin (by transmission) to 07901 through the idea of lodging]; TWOT - 2387; v AV - dwell 92, abide 8, place 7, remain 5, inhabit 4, rest 3, set 2, continue 1, dwellers 1, dwelling 1, misc 5; 129 1) to settle down, abide, dwell, tabernacle, reside 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to settle down to abide 1a2) to abide, dwell, reside 1b) (Piel) 1b1) to make settle down, establish 1b2) to make or cause to dwell 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to lay, place, set, establish, settle, fix 1c2) to cause to dwell or abide

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