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07437 Ramath Lechiy {raw'-math lekh'-ee}   
源自 07413 和 03895;; 專有名詞 地名   
AV - Ramathlehi 1; 1   
拉末利希 = "顎骨之高"   
1) 在猶大北部靠近非利人邊界的以坦[5862]磐石旁的一個地點; 參孫在   
   以一塊驢腮骨擊殺了一千非利士人後, 將該地命名為拉末利希   

07437 Ramath Lechiy {raw'-math lekh'-ee} from 07413 and 03895;; n pr loc AV - Ramathlehi 1; 1 Ramath-lehi = "height of a jawbone" 1) a place by the rock Elam in northern Judah near the border of the Philistines; named by Samson after his slaughter of the 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass



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網址:http://enling.fhl.net   E-mail: enlien@seed.net.tw
劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576