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07311 ruwm {room}   
字根型; TWOT - 2133; 動詞   
欽定本 - (lift, hold, etc...) up 63, exalt 47, high 25, offer 13, give 5,   
     heave 3, extol 3, lofty 3, take 3, tall 3, higher 2, misc 24; 194   
1) 升起, 站起來, 被升高, 高聳的, 尊貴的   
   1a) (Qal)   
       1a1) 被置於高處, 被.......放在上面   
       1a2) 被升高, 被向上舉起, 被尊貴的   
       1a3) 被升起, 增加   
   1b) (Polel)   
       1b1) 升高或殿後 (孩子), 成長的原因   
       1b2) 舉起, 升高, 上升   
       1b3) 讚揚, 讚美   
   1c) (Polal) 被舉起   
   1d) (Hiphil)   
       1d1) 舉起來, 抬高, 提起, 抓起, 豎起, 建立, 提高,   
       1d2) 搬起(及取走), 移動   
       1d3) 搬遷及安置, 貢獻, 提供, 捐助   
   1e) (Hophal) 使離去, 被廢除   
   1f) (Hithpolel) 高舉某人, 讚美某人   
2) (Qal) 卑劣的, 被蟲蛀

07311 ruwm {room} a primitive root; TWOT - 2133; v AV - (lift, hold, etc...) up 63, exalt 47, high 25, offer 13, give 5, heave 3, extol 3, lofty 3, take 3, tall 3, higher 2, misc 24; 194 1) to rise, rise up, be high, be lofty, be exalted 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to be high, be set on high 1a2) to be raised, be uplifted, be exalted 1a3) to be lifted, rise 1b) (Polel) 1b1) to raise or rear (children), cause to grow up 1b2) to lift up, raise, exalt 1b3) to exalt, extol 1c) (Polal) to be lifted up 1d) (Hiphil) 1d1) to raise, lift, lift up, take up, set up, erect, exalt, set on high 1d2) to lift up (and take away), remove 1d3) to lift off and present, contribute, offer, contribute 1e) (Hophal) to be taken off, be abolished 1f) (Hithpolel) to exalt oneself, magnify oneself 2) (Qal) to be rotten, be wormy

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