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07291 radaph {raw-daf'}
字根型; TWOT - 2124; 動詞
欽定本 - pursue 74, persecute 20, follow 18, chase 13, persecutors 7,
pursuer 6, follow after 1, flight 1, misc 3; 143
1) 追隨, 追逐, 追趕, 逼迫, 追
1a) (Qal)
1a1) 追趕, 迫使逃亡, 驅逐, 尾隨, 跟蹤
1a2) 逼迫, 騷擾 (比喻用法)
1a3) 追逐, 意欲得到 (比喻用法)
1a4) 追逐 (誘餌) (比喻用法)
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) 遭追趕
1b2) 被追趕的 (分詞) (#傳 3:15|)
1c) (Piel) 密切追蹤, 迫切希望得到, 追趕
1d) (Pual) 遭追趕, 遭到驅逐 (#賽 17:13|)
1e) (Hiphil) 追趕, 驅逐 (#士 20:43|)
07291 radaph {raw-daf'}
a primitive root; TWOT - 2124; v
AV - pursue 74, persecute 20, follow 18, chase 13, persecutors 7,
pursuer 6, follow after 1, flight 1, misc 3; 143
1) to be behind, follow after, pursue, persecute, run after
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to pursue, put to flight, chase, dog, attend closely upon
1a2) to persecute, harass (fig)
1a3) to follow after, aim to secure (fig)
1a4) to run after (a bribe) (fig)
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be pursued
1b2) one pursued (participle)
1c) (Piel) to pursue ardently, aim eagerly to secure, pursue
1d) (Pual) to be pursued, be chased away
1e) (Hiphil) to pursue, chase
親近神 |
- 儉樸 -
※福音詩歌主日 時間:每年雙月第四週舉行,除4月為復活節主日,12月為聖誕主日。 |