闽竒ゅ 玡
07272 regel {reh'-gel}
方 07270; TWOT - 2113a; 潮┦迭
窜﹚セ - feet 216, footstool + 01916 6, after 4, times 4, follow 4,
piss + 04325 2, toes 2, journey 1, legs 1, misc 7; 247
1) 竲
1a) 竲
1b) 竲 (览て)
1c) 蓟┰ケ膀隔案钩笆┪竲
1d) 粂ノ猭(籔ざ么迭硈ノ)
1e) Ω (, ˙)
07272 regel {reh'-gel}
from 07270; TWOT - 2113a; n f
AV - feet 216, footstool + 01916 6, after 4, times 4, follow 4,
piss + 04325 2, toes 2, journey 1, legs 1, misc 7; 247
1) foot
1a) foot, leg
1b) of God (anthropomorphic)
1c) of seraphim, cherubim, idols, animals, table
1d) according to the pace of (with prep)
1e) three times (feet, paces)