闽竒ゅ 玡
06554 Parpar {par-par'}   
方 06565 ㄤ 玃 ぇ種;; 盡Τ迭 猠    
AV - Pharpar 1; 1   
猭噎猭 = "е硉"   
1) 皑︹挂ず兵猠瑈, 琌瞷'Awaj'猠; 方堵狥玭腟,    
   瑈玭狠皑︹打 (# 5:12|)   

06554 Parpar {par-par'} probably from 06565 in the sense of rushing;; n pr river AV - Pharpar 1; 1 Pharpar = "swift" 1) a stream in the district of Damascus identified with the modern 'Awaj'; rises on the southeast slopes of Mount Hermon and flows into the southernmost lake of Damascus

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