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0642 'ephuddah {ay-food-daw'}   
源自 0646; TWOT - 142.1b?; 陰性名詞   
欽定本 - ephod 2, ornament 1; 3   
1) 以弗得   
   1a) 祭司的衣服, 披肩或斗篷, 外衣   
       1a1) 由一般祭司穿著, 用白色材料所製成   
       1a2) 由大祭司穿著 - 較貴重, 用金色, 藍色, 紫色, 朱紅色的線,    
            並亞麻線所織成, 並有類似的材料所做的肩帶及用寶石和金子   
   1b) 偶像的金屬覆蓋物, 其上的鍍金

0642 'ephuddah {ay-food-daw'} from 0646; TWOT - 142.1b?; n f AV - ephod 2, ornament 1; 3 1) ephod 1a) priestly garment, shoulder-cape or mantle, outer garment 1a1) worn by an ordinary priest and made of white stuff 1a2) worn by the high priest - more costly, woven of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and linen threads provided with shoulder-pieces and a breast piece of like material, ornamented with gems and gold 1b) a metallic covering for idols, a plating over

