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06364 Piy-Beceth {pee beh'-seth}   
源自埃及語; 專有名詞 地名   
欽定本 - Pibeseth 1; 1   
比伯實 = 「嫌惡的口」   
1) 下埃及的城鎮, 座落於尼羅河支流 Pelusiac 河的西岸,   
   離摩弗約有 40 哩左右   
   1a) 同 'Bubastis', 按著同名的女神取名

06364 Piy-Beceth {pee beh'-seth} of Egyptian origin;; n pr loc AV - Pibeseth 1; 1 Pi-beseth = "mouth of loathing" 1) a town of lower Egypt located on the west bank of the Pelusiac branch of the Nile about 40 miles from Memphis 1a) same as 'Bubastis' named after the goddess of the same name



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網址:http://enling.fhl.net   E-mail: enlien@seed.net.tw
劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576