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0622 'acaph {aw-saf'}   
字根型; TWOT - 140; 動詞   
AV - together 51, gather 86, assemble 15, rereward 5, misc 51; 200   
1) 招聚, 接到, 除去, 招聚來   
   1a) (Qal)   
       1a1) 招聚, 集   
       1a2) 招聚 (個人進入團體與他人在一起)   
       1a3) 集中後方   
       1a4) 收集並帶走, 除去, 收回   
1b) (Niphal)   
       1b1) 聚集, 被招聚   
       1b2) ( Qal 1a2的被動)   
            1b2a) 被招聚到自己的列祖那裡   
            1b2b) 被帶領進入 (一個團體)   
       1b3) (Qal 1a4的被動)   
            1b3a) 被帶走, 被除去, 消滅   
   1c) (Piel)   
       1c1) 採收 (作物)   
       1c2) 帶入, 接進   
       1c3) 後衛, 後盾 (實名詞)   
   1d) (Pual) 被招聚   
   1e) (Hithpael) 招聚自己(單數或複數)(#申 31:5|)   

0622 'acaph {aw-saf'} a primitive root; TWOT - 140; v AV - together 51, gather 86, assemble 15, rereward 5, misc 51; 200 1) to gather, receive, remove, gather in 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to gather, collect 1a2) to gather (an individual into company of others) 1a3) to bring up the rear 1a4) to gather and take away, remove, withdraw 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to assemble, be gathered 1b2) (pass of Qal 1a2) 1b2a) to be gathered to one's fathers 1b2b) to be brought in or into (association with others) 1b3) (pass of Qal 1a4) 1b3a) to be taken away, removed, perish 1c) (Piel) 1c1) to gather (harvest) 1c2) to take in, receive into 1c3) rearguard, rearward (subst) 1d) (Pual) to be gathered 1e) (Hithpael) to gather oneself or themselves

牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 地址:彰化縣芳苑鄉仁愛村斗苑路芳苑段245號
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email:fychurch@fhl.net 電話:04-8984316
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751