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06068 `Anathowth {an-aw-thoth'}   
06067 的複數型;   
欽定本 - Anathoth 15; 15   
亞拿突 = 「禱告蒙應允」   
1) 比結的兒子, 便雅憫的孫子 (# 代上 7:6,8|)   
2) 跟尼希米立約的百姓, 其中一位領袖 (# 尼 9:38-10:19|)   
專有名詞 地名   
3) 便雅憫境內的城市, 分給祭司為業;    
   距耶路撒冷約有 3 哩 (5 公里) 左右;    

06068 `Anathowth {an-aw-thoth'} pl. of 06067; AV - Anathoth 15; 15 Anathoth = "answers to prayer" n pr m 1) son of Becher and grandson of Benjamin 2) one of the heads of the people who signed the covenant with Nehemiah n pr loc 3) a city of Benjamin allotted to the priest; located approximately 3 miles (5 km) from Jerusalem; birthplace of the prophet Jeremiah

