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05749 `uwd {ood}   
字根型; TWOT - 1576,1576d; 動詞   
欽定本 - testify 15, protest 6, witness 6, record 3, charge 2,   
     solemnly 2, take 3, admonished 1, misc 7; 45   
1) 再發生, 重複, 四處走動, 一再地做   
   1a) (Piel) 圍繞, 迂迴走   
   1b) (Pilel) 重建, 救助   
   1c) (Hithpalel) 被重建   
2) 提供證明   
   2a) (Qal) 提供證明, 一再地陳述   
   2b) (Hiphil)   
       2b1) 作證, 提供證據   
       2b2) 使作見證, 擔任證人, 召喚   
       2b3) 堅決聲明, 嚴肅地聲明, 警戒, 正式的勸告或禁止,   
            訓誡, 告誡   
   2c) (Hophal) 堅決聲明, 警戒

05749 `uwd {ood} a primitive root; TWOT - 1576,1576d; v AV - testify 15, protest 6, witness 6, record 3, charge 2, solemnly 2, take 3, admonished 1, misc 7; 45 1) to return, repeat, go about, do again 1a) (Piel) to surround, go round and round 1b) (Pilel) to restore, relieve 1c) (Hithpalel) to be restored 2) to bear witness 2a) (Qal) to bear witness, say again and again 2b) (Hiphil) 2b1) to testify, bear witness 2b2) to cause to testify, take or call as witness, invoke 2b3) to protest, affirm solemnly, warn, exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish, charge 2c) (Hophal) to protest, give warning

牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 地址:彰化縣芳苑鄉仁愛村斗苑路芳苑段245號
地圖一 地圖二
email:fychurch@fhl.net 電話:04-8984316
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751