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05416 Nathan {naw-thawn'}   
源自 05414;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Nathan 42; 42   
拿單 = "賜予者"   
1) 拔示巴所生大衛的一個兒子 (#撒下 5:14|)   
2) 在大衛與所羅門時期著名的一位先知 (#代上 17|)   
3) 瑣巴人, 大衛戰士之一的父親 (#撒下 23:36|)   
4) 亞撒利雅之父, 而亞撒利雅是所羅門的臣子之一 (#王上 4:5|)   
5) 亞太之子,撒拔之父, 屬猶大族 (#代上 2:36|)   
6) 猶大族約珥的兄弟 (#代上 11:38|)   
7) 和以斯拉從巴以倫歸回的眾領袖之一 (#拉 8:16|)   
8) 和以斯拉同期,娶外邦女子的人 (#拉 10:39|)   
9) 以色列族長之一, 將仰望他們所扎的人並為祂悲哀 (#亞 12:12|)

05416 Nathan {naw-thawn'} from 05414;; n pr m AV - Nathan 42; 42 Nathan = "giver" 1) a son of David by Bathsheba 2) the eminent prophet in the time of David and Solomon 3) a man of Zobah, father of one of David's mighty warriors 4) father of Azariah who was over the officers of Solomon 5) son of Attai and father of Zabad of the tribe of Judah 6) brother of Joel of the tribe of Judah 7) one of the head men who returned from Babylon with Ezra 8) a man with a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 9) head of a family of Israel who shall mourn when they look on Him whom they pierced



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